The Haunted Hathaways (2013) s01e20 Episode Script

Haunted Visitor

How's your tree house coming? - Oh.
All done.
It's gonna be awesome.
There's nothing quite like spending time outdoors, at one with nature.
for Frankie Hathaway.
Out back in the tree, between the massage chair and snow cone machine.
Oh, my gosh, Connor Mctigue! He's captain of the football team And cute! What's he doing in our bakery? I don't know, probably eating Food! What are you doing? - Go away! Shoo.
- Taylor! It is not polite to eavesdrop.
This is a professional establishment, and we respect our customers' privacy.
And since smiley's pizza closed, we're gonna need to figure out a new place to hold our pep rallies - Move it.
- We just need somewhere that can fit every Friday for the next four months.
Gentlemen, I couldn't help overhearing you need a place to have your pep rallies.
Might I suggest the number one bakery - in new Orleans according to - Magazine? - I don't know, our pep rally's tomorrow at 3:00.
Can you be ready? Can I be ready? Can I be ready? Can I be ready? Uh, yeah.
The plant and I agree.
Great! We'll see you here tomorrow.
This is awesome.
Our bakery'll be the center of the social galaxy.
I'll be the coolest girl in school.
And I am going to make so much money! Ka-ching! But this is about your happiness.
Hey, Frankie, check it out.
I finally mastered a terrifying ghost roar.
Hold on, let me lower my expectations.
Okay, go.
Whoa! Louie, you are really improving.
And this concludes our series of classic ghost roars.
Please visit our website for other interesting monster sounds.
Nice try.
I just wanted to impress my dad with one good scare.
He's not afraid of anything.
My dad is coming to visit! My dad is coming to visit! Ahh! Well, almost anything.
If you move into a haunted house You gotta try to work things out So if you're living with a ghost or three You gotta be one big, semi-scary family Don't know how we ended up this way But I guess you could call us The haunted Hathaways The haunted Hathaways The haunted Hathaways The haunted Hathaways Granddad's coming to visit? He's dropping by for a few hours on his way to his fishing trip.
Oh, awesome! You know, he passed his amazing sense of style down to me.
And his superior ghosting skills down to me.
Bam! I'm not a three-headed beast with scary fangs, am I? No, but your sprinkles are pretty.
Well, we can't wait to meet your dad.
What? You can't meet him.
Duke Preston is a old-school, level 12 ghost who thinks humans are only good for scaring.
If he knew we were living with you guys, he'd freak out.
Ray, I have never seen you so frazzled.
You're like mom in a vest.
Wait, what? You don't understand.
This used to be his house.
He expected me to keep up the traditions of scaring people away.
Well, why don't we just stay out of the house while he's here? That'd be great, but how would we explain all of your stuff being in the house? We could say we're just moving in.
Then you guys can pretend to scare us away.
Yeah, we can hang out in Frankie's tree house until he's gone.
How am I going to plan an entire pep rally from a tree house? I have high-speed wireless, video conferencing, and a 3-d printer.
I think you'll get by.
This could work.
Thanks, you guys.
Whoa, dad'll be here in a hour.
I better change.
This happens whenever I'm nervous.
Not so fun, is it? Well played, captain.
Well played.
Don't you have one picture where your dad is smiling? This is him smiling.
It was taken the day I was born.
It's nice.
Okay, people, level 12 ghost on the way.
Let's make this rehearsal count.
I wrote up some scripts for us to follow.
Wait, I don't have any lines in this scene.
I've been fleshing out my character's backstory.
A gorgeous, talented, young woman from New York, traveling South with her two daughters on a journey of self-discovery Mom, stick to the script.
Here you go, texty.
Keep it too busy ordering pep rally decorations.
And some new shoes.
Here's the scene.
We step out of the elevator, take in our new home, then you guys throw out a few cool ghost effects.
Louie, no farting.
Starting now, right? Mm.
I have to say, this is very emotional for me, reliving that day you guys first moved in.
It was a special time.
Grandpa's here! He's early! What are we gonna do? - We're gonna have to wing it.
- Ray, relax.
Our little play here is going to be very convincing.
I've been in three Canadian infomercials.
I think I can handle this.
Granddad! - Ah! Get over here, you little goblins! Where's your father? Here I am, dad.
Well, most of me.
Little help? It's okay, son.
Keep practicing your ghosting.
You'll get it someday.
Oh, where are our presents? Louie! You don't just blurt that out.
Cool! A jar of screams! Bloodcurdling, my favorite! A lavender sweater! Keep it together, Miles, keep it together.
Dad, we actually have a present for you too.
A new family's moving in today, and we're gonna haunt them out! A family thinks they can move in here? Into my house? I think you could put these guys out of business.
This is great! It gives me a chance to haunt with my family, and that puts a smile on my face.
There it is.
Tada! Welcome to your new home.
What do you think? Um I said, what do you think? - Taylor, your line.
- Oh.
"Mom, do you hate us?" Come on, it's not so bad.
Of course, it has been very difficult for this struggling young mother of two.
With just a dollar in my pocket and a hope in my heart, I Let's just go in.
Oh, man, what was that? I sure hope our new home is not haunted.
Oh, no.
All right, boys, show yourselves! Let these girls know who this house really belongs to.
Scram, hatha Humans! This is our house, and you are not welcome here! That definitely wasn't an mp3 player.
- No.
- It's a ghost.
They're all out of size 7? I don't care, I'm writing myself into this scene.
You must leave our haunted house now! Watch your step as you go, and please use the hand railings.
Ahh! Even my ferocious maternal instincts are no match for your terrifying words.
Way to go, boys.
Now, ray, get in there and finish this.
On it, pops.
I'm ray Preston, son of Duke Preston, and you have just moved into the wrong house.
Begone! Oh, the horror! Boo! We did it! We scared them out.
Little surprised your birdcage move worked, ray, but nice job.
This is the most fun I've had in a long time.
It's a shame I have to leave.
It's a darn shame, is what it is.
All right, then, off you go.
Send pictures.
You know what? I can go fishing anytime.
I'm calling my buddies.
Grandpa's staying the whole weekend! The whole weekend? What am I going to do now? Pop yourself into that birdcage again? You're not ready to laugh about it yet? That's cool.
So despite some questionable acting choices I think we fooled Ray's dad.
Oh, I feel so alive.
It always takes me a minute to come down from a performance.
Frankie, this tree house is amazing.
Eh, it's okay.
Hot towel? Oh.
Okay, I just want to say, bravo.
You guys blew me away, and, Michelle Wow.
I made a choice and committed to it.
So your dad bought it? Is he gone? Yes and no.
Yay and what? He bought it, but he's not leaving.
Are you saying we can't come back in the house? I just need you to stay out here a little longer.
I'll handle this.
It's fine.
You've been there for us plenty of times.
We don't mind roughing it.
Boys, go spread some dust around the dining room.
It's disgusting.
I could eat off that table.
Dad, there you are.
I was wondering if I could talk to you Look at 'em, ray, you've done a good job raising two fine ghosts.
It makes me proud.
You're proud? Not to say I approve of all the changes around here.
That's what I wanted to talk about.
I entrusted you to look after the house, yet I come back and find my prized peacock has been moved from one side of the piano to the other? You know how change upsets me, ray! Anyway, what did you want to tell me? That it's just so good to have you here.
It's good to be here.
Now, I saw my picture in the hallway.
It's not crooked enough, and I want answers.
The house seems so quiet without the Hathaways.
I miss them.
Not me, I like having the place to ourselves.
Hey, remember what you and Frankie did with that vase? Stop it.
I don't wanna remember.
Aw, man, here I go.
Hey! This isn't funny! Hey! Okay, fine.
I miss Frankie.
I feel bad they're stuck in that tree house.
We should sneak them some supplies.
Food, clothes, water.
And mannequin heads Frankie'd want her mannequin heads.
Boys! What's with the boxes? These boxes? These boxes in our hands right here? These ones? These are just our boxes.
This belongs to one of you? Grandpa, hello.
You've got to keep up with the trends.
That is very cool stuff right here.
I don't believe you.
Hey, Louie, now that we are changed into our cool, comfortable clothes, want to go outside and play? Sure, Miles, that would be great and not weird at all.
Why does this look stretched out? No reason.
I thought ray was going to talk to your grandpa.
I mean, surely he doesn't expect us to spend the night out here under these Wretched conditions.
Ooh! Got all of that one.
Hey, Frankie, I thought you might need a few supplies from the house.
Wow, thanks.
I really missed you.
Yeah, I kinda missed you too.
I was talking to my mannequin head.
So was I.
Hey, everyone, how we doing out here? Ray, what is going on? Why are we still in a tree house? You realize I have a pep rally in the bakery tomorrow? There's a million things to do, and mom can't do them stuck in here.
Don't worry, tomorrow, I'm taking my dad to his favorite jazz club to tell him everything.
We'll be gone the whole afternoon, so you can have your pep rally.
That sounds like a great plan, ray.
Except for the part where I sleep in a tree! I know.
I'm sorry about that.
I wish I had a dad who was easier to talk to, but I don't.
Let's go, boys.
But, dad, can I I don't want to hear it! Excuse me.
I can't believe it, but we might pull this off.
Tay, what are you doing? Mom, I slept in a tree and didn't have time to get ready.
If anyone asks, my name is rodrigo.
You look fine.
Take these out.
Frankie, does my hair look okay? This is my big chance to hang with the football team.
I don't wanna embarrass myself.
Aah! Listen up! Is this a pep rally or a library? I want some noise! Hi, coach barker.
I'm Michelle Hathaway.
Tea cake? Tea cake? At a pep rally? Where's the pizza? Where's the chicken wings? You eyeballing me, Hathaway? No, it's just It's a bakery.
Ray! You were supposed to be out with your dad all afternoon.
We're back early.
They turned the jazz club into a pilates gym.
Duke is up in the attic, not in a good mood.
But you told him about us, right? I'm working up to it.
For the time being, he can't know that you're here, so try keeping it down.
Keep it down? This is a pep rally.
See, right there.
Too loud.
The boys and I will keep Duke in the attic till this is over.
In the meantime, shh.
Inchworms! Give me an "I!" "I!" Give me a All right.
Take it from here.
So what you do think, gramps? Can I make it as a professional musician? No.
Did you hear something? When I say "inch," you say "worm!" Inch! Louie, did you leave the TV on the pep rally channel again? No, that sounds like a party down there.
It's time for another scare! We gotta get down there.
Man, this is getting old! Welcome to my world, pops.
What are you saying? It's hard to be a good ghost when you're always worried you're gonna disappoint your dad.
Do I make you feel that way? Why didn't you ever tell me? Louie, you can always come and talk to me.
I'm your dad.
Maybe you should take your own advice, pops.
Talk to grandpa.
But not as a strawberry.
These humans think they can throw a party in our house? As if we Prestons would ever allow that.
- Crazy.
- Never happen.
To suggest otherwise would be a lie.
You boys ready to see a level 12 ghost in action? Just gotta stretch the hammies.
Shh! It's a new kind of pep rally, called a "peep" rally.
Get it? 'Cause you don't make a peep! Funny, right? This is crazy.
Everyone! Let's make some Thanks, coach.
I think I know how to pump up this jam.
We've got spirit, yes, we do.
We've got spirit, how 'bout you? Okay, time to end this little party.
Dad, wait! I can't let you scare the Hathaways.
Who are the Hathaways? Those nice people who pretended to be scared away when you first got here.
The truth is, we've been sharing this house with them, as a family.
What? Have you lost your mind? I know it seems weird, and you don't understand, but it's my house now, and this is the way the boys and I want it.
No haunting the Hathaways.
Are you telling me what to do? I guess I am.
And I'm with you, dad.
The man's a level 12 ghost.
I'm just saying, people.
I never thought I'd see the day you stood up to me.
Well, it's here sir.
I gotta say, ray, I'm really proud of you.
Took a lot of guts.
Don't approve of your situation, but it is your place now, and I'll have to respect that.
Thanks, dad.
Means a lot.
No problem.
But the peacock goes back.
Ah, oh, boy.
I always had your back, pops.
Crank up your pep rally! Ha ha! Finally.
Okay, everyone, let's get loud! What happened to rodrigo? Thanks for putting up with how long it took me to talk to my dad.
You Prestons have done a lot for us.
We were happy to return the favor.
I saw that, Frankie.

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