Battlestar Galactica (1978) s01e21 Episode Script

Baltar's Escape

We control the Galactica.
What's going on? - We can't contact the prison barge.
- What? - Landing bay is under attack.
- The so-called Alliance representatives have just captured Alpha landing bay and the Council.
If we have Adama, they may not attack us.
Adama, launch at once! Repeat, launch at once! 'Since the return of our warriors 'with prisoners from the Alliance of the planet Terra, 'the fleet has been in a state of confusion.
' If this Terra is the planet Earth we seek, our flight across the universe may have been in vain, for we will have eluded the Cylons only to be faced by an equally oppressive human enemy.
As usual of late, the Council, led by Sire Domra, is in total opposition to me.
They wish to release the prisoners and have an unarmed peace envoy return with them to Lunar Seven.
I'm afraid the Council will repeat the mistakes that led to the Cylons destroying our Colonies.
I am determined that shall not happen again, so long as I am in command.
'I have ordered the fleet to full alert 'while I shuttle to the prison barge to interrogate personally 'those Eastern Alliance enforcers.
' Prison barge, shuttle requesting landing instructions.
'Shuttle, this is prison barge approach control.
'You are cleared to land in Beta bay.
' Understood.
Cleared for Beta bay.
Commandant Leiter, I am Commander Adama.
I trust you and your men have been properly treated.
I demand the release of my crew and ship.
You have no right to detain us.
You are in no position to issue demands, Commandant.
However, if you would like to take a seat and answer a few questions, I would be willing to discuss your eventual release.
Very well.
I would particularly like to know why the Alliance tried to destroy every human being on the planet Paradeen? They are Nationalists.
We are at war with them.
Nationalists? What are Nationalists? People who want to change the natural order.
The natural order being whatever the Alliance dictates? The natural order of the universe simply is.
There can be no disputing it.
Forgive me, Commander, but for a technically advanced people, you really are quite ignorant.
I could grow to dislike this man.
What do you mean, "grow to"? Forgive me my ignorance.
Perhaps you would explain this natural order of yours? All life forms in the universe fall into two classifications.
Call them what you will - predator and prey, intelligent and ignorant, the conquerors and the subjugated.
Whatever you call them, there are the strong and there are the weak.
The Eastern Alliance is the strongest force in the universe.
We were created to rule all life as far as it extends, in whatever form, throughout the universe.
It is our destiny.
And these Nationalists disagree with your natural theory? It is not a theory, Commander.
It is a law of nature.
I see.
If you are the strongest force in the universe, how do you explain the Galactica? Your battlestar is quite impressive.
However, it is but a single warship.
We will dispatch it as the wolf pack does the bear.
I don't know what this wolf pack or bear is.
However, I think you would need at least a thousand of those destroyers you fly on Lunar Seven if you intend to engage the Galactica.
We have nearly I've answered you.
Now I demand we discuss the release of my ship and crew.
Commander Adama, your presence is requested at the Council, sir.
I will be there as soon as I conclude this interrogation.
With all due respect, the Council has ordered the interrogation terminated.
Since when does the Council give orders to the Commander? I just do as I'm told.
- Then I'm telling you to back off - Starbuck.
- Inform the Council I'll be there.
- Yes, sir.
We will continue this at a later time.
It's been most interesting.
- You can't let them do this.
- I am responsible to the Council.
That was before the holocaust.
We're under martial law.
The fleet's been under your command since we fled the Colonies.
The Council can't order you around like a cadet.
Evidently they don't seem to agree with that.
Perhaps something new has come up.
We can't discuss this in front of a prisoner.
Shall we go, or do I have to fly that shuttle myself? Problems, Commander? I'm glad to see you're in such a good mood today, Baltar.
You have mess duty again.
I saved some Borellian desert layers for you.
They're not from Borella, but they're all they raise on that stinking livestock ship.
I must speak with you.
We can help each other.
You can eat now, that's the last of them.
Mind if I join you? Thank you.
You know, of course, who I am.
No matter.
I know you and what you're planning.
I also know why you haven't tried it yet.
Oh, you could break out of your cell, but what then? Where to go? How to escape pursuit? You don't have those answers.
I do.
- If you're not interested - Sit.
We are listening.
See those prisoners behind you? They're from an alliance which, in this corner of the universe, may be as powerful as my Cylon friends.
They are going to be transferred to the Galactica.
And how do you know this? II have my sources.
When the shuttle comes for those prisoners, we will make our break take the shuttle and escape.
- And what of the vipers? - I have a plan to deal with them.
When we reach the Alliance, I'll be welcomed with open arms.
For I know the Galactica, her strengths, her weaknesses, and most important, her commander, Adama.
I'll be treated like a prince and so will those who are with me.
Is it a bargain? Your record to date does not exactly inspire confidence.
I had incompetent followers.
We do not follow, Baltar.
Oh, no.
No, no, of course not.
We're all comrades, in this together.
When the time comes to escape, we will momentarily die.
- Die? - We do many things to survive even die.
Adama, the time is long overdue for us to honour you for your brilliant leadership in eluding the Cylons.
You, more than any other individual, are responsible for our survival.
And so the Council has decided to honour you with an award that is equal to your magnificent achievement.
An honour that has not been bestowed upon a living colonist in over a millennium.
Adama, we are giving you the Star of Kobol.
Well, it's about time.
What's wrong? You don't seem too excited.
Neither does my father.
I am deeply honoured.
But I must refuse.
Adama, surely you don't understand what we're offering.
Believe me, Sire Domra, I understand perfectly.
This is not a time for honours.
Our quest is far from over.
The danger is still great.
I do not know if this Terra is the planet Earth we seek.
I do know it is ruled by humans who are as oppressive as the Cylons.
Adama, the vision you offer us is understandably the dark view of a warrior who has led us through terrible times.
It is not necessarily the realistic view.
Siress Tinia, those Eastern Alliance enforcers are as hostile as any Cylon we've ever encountered.
Perhaps because they were greeted with laser pistols.
They greeted us with drawn weapons! You are not here to address this Council.
In fact, I have no idea why you and your military cohort are here.
They are here at my request to report on the Eastern Alliance, since you seem to have ignored their written report.
We haven't ignored it, Adama.
We simply disagree with it.
It is a military evaluation, not a civilian one.
Sire Domra has also met with Leiter, and found him willing to negotiate our sending a peace envoy to Lunar Seven.
Oh, I'm certain he was.
We have called this session to honour you, not to argue with you.
Sire Domra, I do not treat you as a fool, please do not treat me as one.
You've all gathered here to retire me.
Now, what other motions have been passed during my absence, in addition to my "award"? Commander, you have been blunt, so I shall be blunt as well.
We have voted to end the emergency declared when the Cylons destroyed our Colonies.
From this centon forward, we are reverting to Council control of the fleet.
Naturally, you will retain your vote on the Council and command of the Galactica.
But? But a civilian member of this Council will assist you.
To assure Council edicts are implemented.
And who is to be this "aide"? I have that honour.
- Stuff their edicts! - I won't have that kind of talk.
If they have their way, we'll all be in shackles before this is over.
I think perhaps the Council is right.
When two of my finest warriors forget their oath to obey the civil government, we have been under martial law too long.
- I'm sorry, but what do we do? - What warriors always do - their job.
Keep moving.
Grid deck Epsilon.
Yes, sir.
The Alliance prisoners are to be moved to the holding grid for transfer.
Oh, fine.
Why didn't they tell us when we had them on Beta deck? All right.
Leiter, you and your men hold it.
Everyone else, into your cells.
What's wrong with him? All of you, into your cells, now! What's going on? Lock it up! Lock it up! Keep your lasers on them.
It might be a trick.
He's dead.
No pulse.
None of them has a pulse.
Get a medtech down here.
Breathing gear, heart stimulator, the works! Strike! Good Lord.
Captivity has slowed our reflexes.
They will improve now that we are free.
Commander, the Council is requesting a shuttle to transfer prisoners from the barge to the Galactica.
Select four warriors to act as escort.
- Yes, sir.
- Just a micron, Colonel.
I don't see the need for a warrior escort, Adama.
You don't? Those are dangerous prisoners we're transporting.
I can't allow a shuttle to carry prisoners without precaution.
I realise that.
But Council security will be quite sufficient.
That couldn't prevent an escape from the orphan ship.
Colonel, Council security will do.
Assign Lieutenants Boomer and Sheba as shuttle pilots.
Yes, sir.
Thank you, Commander.
I really don't intend to be a burden.
I would like for this situation to be as pleasant as possible.
Next step? First destroy the communications centre, then the landing bay.
The shuttle will be arriving at any moment.
- And then a little trip to the Galactica.
- You said Lunar Seven.
Yes, after we settle some debts.
We're not getting involved in any personal vendetta.
- We must return to our homeland.
- We will be challenged and the shuttle is no match for vipers.
We must disable the Galactica, or at the very least, take many hostages.
Trust me, my friend, I know what I'm doing.
When we land, you two are to stay in the cockpit.
Council orders.
Next you'll be telling me I need Council permission to use the turbo-flush.
Lieutenant, we know how you feel.
But the Council doesn't want to confront the Alliance representatives.
The last time you warriors met them, they came back in shackles.
Maybe that's why you, the Council and this entire fleet are still alive.
Shouldn't we be calling approach control? "Shouldn't we be" That's it.
Are you crazy? If you two are going to fly this bird, you'd better start now.
Come on, Boomer, stop fooling around! All right.
No more questions.
I promise.
Just straighten this thing out! If I were you, I'd strap myself in.
There's no telling just how rough the landing might be.
You wouldn't.
Prison barge approach control, shuttle requesting landing instructions.
Galactica shuttle cleared for landing in Alpha bay.
Alpha bay.
' Is that the last communication you'll have with them? Till they land, yes.
They're as pale as an Orion moon.
Serves them right.
When we get back, I'm putting that guy on report.
I just want to get back in one piece.
That must be them.
Commandant Leiter.
We're your escort to the Galactica.
- I don't think so.
- Sir? I believe we are escorting you.
They look even paler than when they got off.
Well, well.
Lieutenant Boomer.
How nice to see you.
Too bad Starbuck and Apollo aren't here.
I could settle all of my debts at once.
- Any news of the shuttle? - Not a word since they landed.
Ask the prison barge if that shuttle has launched.
The shuttle is requesting landing clearance right now.
Direct them to landing bay Alpha.
I believe the Council is meeting our guests there.
That is correct.
Commander! We can't contact the prison barge.
- What? - I've tried all bands.
There's nothing.
Tigh, security status, Alpha landing bay.
Council security only, sir.
Direct Apollo to take warriors to landing Commander, the Council does not want warriors around when they greet the Alliance representatives.
Siress Tinia, doesn't it strike you as somewhat odd that communications with the prison barge are out just as we're transferring those men to the Galactica? Is this the first time communications have gone out between ships? - No, but - You got a landing clearance request? Yes.
Then I think you are all being paranoid.
I am sorry, Commander.
No warriors in the landing bay.
Council policy.
Commander, if you'll excuse me, my duty period was over a centare ago.
- I need some air.
- Colonel if you decide to take your "air" on the landing bay, I will view it as an act of insubordination.
Do I have the Siress' permission to retire to the Officers' Club? You may go anywhere you wish, Colonel, as long as it is not the landing bay.
Colonel Tigh is a very good warrior, which I'm sure you will come to realise in time.
Adama, you are all good warriors.
But what we need now are good diplomats.
A nice, normal landing, Lieutenant.
I would hate to bounce and have a weapon set off by accident.
Mind if I join you? - No.
Have a seat, Colonel.
- Thank you.
Bring me a double of whatever they're having.
You're never in here unless you need us for a mission.
There's a first time for everything.
Now's the time for one Colonial colonel to have a little drink.
A little drink? Colonel What if the Commander needs you on the bridge? What for? We're safely in the arms of the Council now.
Siress Tinia is on the bridge.
"On" the bridge? She's taken it over.
The Council is waiting at landing bay Alpha to welcome those enforcers with open arms.
We know.
Did you know we lost contact with the prison barge after the shuttle was launched? - No.
- Siress Tinia thinks it of no concern.
Didn't the Commander order warriors to the bay? Overruled.
And I'll be court-martialled if I take any steps to interfere.
- Want to take a walk? - Yeah, now that you mention it.
- Excuse us.
- It wasn't anything I said, was it? No.
To be honest, we feel uncomfortable drinking with a senior officer.
See you.
I kind of hoped you would.
The micron the hatch opens, you and your men will eliminate all guards and take as many hostages as possible.
Don't worry.
We are very good at such operations.
I'm sure you are.
Maga, you and your nomen follow me to the lift.
We can be on the bridge in a matter of microns.
And once we control the bridge We control the Galactica.
Remember, these people have been mistreated by our warriors.
It's only natural they should feel hostile.
We must give them a warm welcome.
Wait, you're making a mistake! We're your friends! Doors! Close the doors! Bridge, Captain Apollo.
- Landing bay Alpha is under attack.
- 'Understood.
' - We're in Beta section and need help.
- 'Warriors on the way.
' Baltar, nomen and the enforcers.
- At least our enemies are in one place.
- Including the Council.
Launch Red Squadron.
Tell them to prevent any ship from launching without my permission.
Cover all hatches above, below and around landing bay Alpha, from Omicron to Zeta, and get Tigh here at once.
- Yes, sir.
- What's happened? The so-called Alliance representatives have just captured Alpha landing bay and the Council.
- Baltar and the nomen are with them.
- Without Tigh's warning, they'd be here.
- Where is Colonel Tigh? - Reporting for duty, sir.
Red Squadron launched.
Scan coming in from the shuttle.
- Transfer to console.
- Yes, sir.
Adama, you look haggard.
Baltar, put down your arms and surrender.
You can't escape.
You're wonderful.
I have a blade to your throat, and you give orders? They're attaching solenite charges to the hull.
You must do what he says Now, here are your orders, Commander.
Release the two Cylon pilots who flew me here, my fighter and the Alliance destroyer.
When my comrades and I are safely aboard our ships, the shuttle will launch, then the destroyer and finally my fighter.
If the shuttle makes any attempt to return before we are in orbit at Lunar Seven, or if we pick up a single pursuing viper on our scanners, I press this little button and blow the shuttle and everyone on board into a million pieces.
And when you reach Lunar Seven? The shuttle will be free to return.
Do you think for one centon I believe you? You don't have a choice, Adama.
If my demands are not followed to the letter within one centare, I'll kill these hostages one by one in front of you! Beginning with Lieutenant Boomer.
He'll do it anyway.
Take them now, while we still have the One centare, Adama.
- You can't put them back together? - I tried to explain.
I deactivated the Cylons who escorted Baltar when we captured him.
- So reactivate them.
- It won't be that easy.
I tried to decipher their programming.
I thought I could reprogram them from long distances using coded laser beams.
I might even be able to stop them from firing on our ships! I appreciate what you're doing but we have to reactivate those two Cylons and get them to Baltar before he kills those hostages.
Perhaps if I showed you.
Now do you understand? You're harder on them than I am.
You took them apart, you can rebuild them.
In a centare? Impossible.
I don't care how you do it, just do it.
Can we help you? Impossible.
The destroyer is being moved into the bay.
- The Cylon fighter? - Already in the bay.
We can't reach the charges once the shuttle is launched? I'm afraid not, sir.
Then we have to assault the bay before the shuttle is launched.
Siress Tinia, you don't seem What did you say? That we must assault the bay before the shuttle is launched.
Commander, I am not stupid.
Baltar will never release those hostages.
He will force them to land on Lunar Seven, or blow them apart once he is free.
The only question is when to attack and how to maximise our chance for success.
We must hit them while they're transferring to their ships.
They'll be out in the open.
Our people will be inside the shuttle.
Is everyone in position? The assault teams are ready to hit the bay on three sides.
- And the demolition experts? - They can disarm the charges in 30 microns, once they reach them.
What are the odds of getting there before Baltar can set them off? That depends on how stunned he is by the attack.
He will have to take cover or be caught in the explosion.
The odds, Colonel? Computer estimates - Charges are in place.
- And so is your destroyer.
Adama amazes me.
To think he'd let us go to save a few lives.
He won't.
What do you mean, he won't? He has no choice.
If you believe that, you're a bigger fool than I thought.
He will attack us as we move to our ships, when the shuttle is unguarded.
Precisely what I would do.
He won't risk slaughtering the hostages.
Baltar, don't you think he knows you have no intention of letting them go? Well, of course I'll let them go.
Once we're safe.
What you intend isn't the problem.
Our escape depends on whether Adama believes you will.
- What do we do if he doesn't? - Prepare to die.
He has to believe me.
He has to.
We'll never get those Centurions functioning before the deadline.
Unless Baltar gets his Cylons, he won't move to his ship.
We need more time.
I'll try to help.
Omega, get Baltar in the shuttle.
- Yes, sir.
- Apollo, get Wilker to speed things up.
I'm afraid he doesn't hide his emotions very well.
Nor should he.
After the mistakes we made on the Council, I might expect the warriors to help Baltar blow up the shuttle.
I won't hurt you.
You have my word.
The moment I'm free on Lunar Seven, you'll all be free to return.
- You believe me, don't you? - Yes, yes.
I believe you.
- Well, I don't! - Nor I.
You have to believe me! It's the truth.
I wouldn't lie to you.
We're the hostages and you're afraid? Baltar, the scanner.
- 'We need more time.
' - For what? To attack me? 'No, we had deactivated your Centurions.
' We're having problems reactivating them.
You're plotting to attack me.
No, we just need more time to meet your demands.
No, not a micron.
Baltar, take me as a hostage in exchange for one more centare.
Adama, you can't.
Do it.
If we have Adama, they might have second thoughts about attacking us.
Yes, they might.
Very well, Adama, one more centare in exchange for you.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Not so funny now, is it? Adama As soon as the Cylons are in the landing bay, they'll move to their ships.
- Then I'll contact you.
- This is suicide.
You must attack as soon as the shuttle has clearance.
We'll try to evacuate as rapidly as possible.
- He may not put you in the shuttle.
- That's why I'm going.
- Absolutely not.
- The Colonel is right.
Baltar may not put you aboard until the last micron.
He may take you with him as an offering to the Alliance.
I'm just another member of the Council, I'll go in with the others.
I can fill them in on your plans.
It's quite logical.
- It's suicide.
- That's what I've been saying.
There's no time to argue.
I'll see you soon.
So far, so good.
Centurion? By your command.
Turn on the scanner on that bench.
- Come on, you can do it.
- Never thought I'd root for a Cylon.
He'll never fly.
- Oh, frack! - But I'll keep trying.
No, don't do it.
I have a better idea.
How nice of you and this lovely lady to join us.
- I want to check on our people.
- Of course.
Anything you wish, old friend.
After you're searched.
We're running out of time.
Colonel, Dr Wilker coming on the scanner.
- 'Colonel, we're ready, I think.
' - You think? - 'You have to call off the attack.
' - Apollo 'It's the only chance we have.
Order the shuttle to launch.
' - Adama has ordered the assault.
- 'And left you in command.
'I don't have time to explain.
Just call off the attack.
' Adama, the Council has taken a vote and has decided to rescind our edict, extending emergency powers, and giving you full command.
I thought you should know.
The Cylon pilots are here.
So it begins.
Are you ready? Go.
Launch this shuttle the moment we leave.
- Launch! Launch! - Launch, Boomer! - Get me Colonel Tigh on Beta channel.
- Sir.
- Launch! - Launch! Silence! Our warriors will attack the landing bay very soon.
Evacuate as rapidly as possible as soon as we open the hatch.
- They'll blow us up.
- It's our only chance.
- I have Colonel Tigh.
- Tigh, attack now.
'Adama, no time to explain.
'Launch at once! Repeat! Launch at once!' It won't work.
'Adama, I'm in command! Launch!' Start all engines.
Prepare to launch.
Why don't they launch? Launch! It's working.
I've done it.
Centurion, launch.
By your command.
Go! Oh, no! Not you two again.
Well, it was really his idea.
We knew Baltar would feel more secure once he'd seen the launches, and he was safely tucked in with his two Cylons.
And so did the computer.
It estimated we had a nine-to-one chance of succeeding.
I'll take those odds any time.
Oh, er, with our lives? Well, it worked, didn't it? You got me there.
I still don't see why the Commander let Leiter escape.
We're tracking them right now.
When they land, we'll have the coordinates to their base on Lunar Seven.
- May I join you? - Sure, Colonel, have a seat.
- Barman, bring the Colonel a drink.
- No.
No, thank you.
Don't speak so quickly.
You may have to deal with Siress Tinia again.
Now the Council has restored command to Adama, I don't have to face that any more.
Oh, no.
He wouldn't do that to me, would he? I think he just might.
Barman 'Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, 'the last battlestar, Galactica, 'leads a ragtag fugitive fleet 'on a lonely quest 'a shining planet 'known as Earth.
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