Fullmetal Alchemist (Anime Series) (2004) s01e21 Episode Script

Episode 21

What's wrong, what's wrong? Suddenly, you're not moving so well.
It looks like an artificially created soul isn't quite perfect.
Is this what happens when you find out what you really are? No I'm I'm Alphonse Elric! I told you, there's no proof of that.
Accept it.
You'll feel better.
If that's so, what about you!? You've got memories of when you were alive.
Which means! I'm so pleased.
The fools keep coming one after another today.
You asked what about me? It's simple.
I love cutting up live people, and I like killing people so much, I just can't stand it.
I kill; therefore, I am! I am who I am! That's all the evidence I need! There is no need for you to prove your existence.
Man cannot obtain anything without first sacrificing something.
In order to obtain anything, something of equal value is required.
That is alchemy's Law of Equivalent Exchange.
At the time, we believed that to be the true way of the world.
You! An acquaintance of yours!? That's dirty! Who knew you still had friends around!? Friends? What, then!? What!? What? What? You have a wretched body, too? May you find peace with God What is that doing there!? What about this? Huh? By any chance, do you not know what that is? Answer me! What are you saying this is!? I see, you want to find out that badly.
Let's see now No, I'm not saying.
This is where they keep the animals for experimentation, huh? Come with me, or go play in hell, you choose.
Decide now! These devices are set so I can bust things up and make all gone with myself at any time! Now then, it's about time I went bye-bye.
Wait! If you want to find out about your arm, you have to come all the way inside here! He got away.
Hey I'm sorry! Where are you going? If you're here, then Fullmetal must be inside.
W-wait! Wait up, I say! What was that tremor a moment ago? Good question.
However, there are explosives set throughout this building, for destroying evidence.
With that shock just now, there's no telling when they will go off.
And I still don't know anything yet! I will keep my promise.
You came here in search of the secrets of the Philosopher's Stone, right? It's not as though I know everything, but I will lead you to the entrance.
But what do we do with your brother? We can't just leave him here.
You don't need to worry.
Finish me off, immediately.
I told you, I'm not killing anyone! You said we were people, right? In that case, tell me, how am I supposed to go on living in this body? Well, I Don't attach him! Don't attach him! Are you saying I should join with my brother, and together continue guarding this deserted house!? In this unaging, hollow body? You could give this up, right? And what, go outside? Would guys like us have the freedom to just wander around on our own outside? Hang on! My own brother has the same kind of body as you.
You see, it's in order to return him back to normal that I'm searching for the Philosopher's Stone.
If I ever find it If we were ever returned to being human, we'd just be executed again.
Do you understand? Even if we became human, we'd just get killed again.
Or are you saying that you would turn a blind eye to us, a couple of serial killers? But still! Would you treat us as humans? It sounds admirable in word, but if you were to treat us as though we were humans, when we can only go on living in this form Do you realize how cruel that would be to us!? You idiot! What are you doing!? Just shut up and watch! What are you talking about!? He's your brother! I'm glad that you regard him as a person.
That's why he can no longer go back to being Number 48.
This is the only thing he can do as a person.
That's not so! Brother, I'm going on ahead.
Stop!! My brother, once I fulfill my promise, I will come at once.
What were you thinking? What were you guys thinking? It was the only choice he could make.
If I treated you guys as people, all you could do is die.
In that case, what was I supposed to do for him? There are many problems in this world for which there is no way to answer.
I'm going to return Al back to normal.
I'm not about to allow Al to go through this.
Let's go! We're really going to let these guys out? That was the order.
They said they were going to use them in some military research.
Even though they have life sentences, it wouldn't be surprising if they were really executed.
Is that an earthquake? That is the sound of the building collapsing due to explosives.
Ah, what a pleasant sound Kimbly! Ah, that brings back memories of the extermination assault on Ishbal.
Come on out! You've been summoned! You blew both friend and foe away there, you miserable mad bomber, Kimbly Such a pleasant sound.
It reverberates in the pit of my stomach.
This is how far the former Crimson Alchemist has fallen.
Now all we need is for Envy to gather the ingredients.
How long have we been waiting for this, I wonder Lust! What's this? It's him it's him! Him? You don't mean Greed? It looks like we'll have to hurry, before there are any unwanted intrusions.
There aren't any more weird traps, right? There haven't been any intruders who have gotten in this far.
You mean, because they were all dealt with by you guys? So, who was it that placed you in that form? What, you were lying about the traps!? This isn't a trap.
Damn it! What? It's the one who created these Chimera.
There are still people here? If you can call him a person The Chimera? This thing created the Chimera? Not all of them.
It's been a long time, Edward.
Tucker The Sewing Life Alchemist Why!? Why are you here!? We are here because we are supposed to have been executed.
It shouldn't seem strange that there would be those who are living as Chimera here, too.
That's not what I'm talking about! Nina! Nina That girl is dead because of you! Why are you still alive!? For Nina.
I know well how you must feel now.
Um, can't I ask you to stop going after Brother now? It is the will of Ishbala.
He is an accursed alchemist, and what's worse, he now seeks the Philosopher's Stone.
Why is alchemy so bad? I mean, your own right arm has a transmuting circle, although it's one I've never seen before.
It is a brand I received when I took on the calling to destroy all State Alchemists.
And as for the Philosopher's Stone, he isn't looking for it to use it in battle.
It's in order to return my body to me.
You don't know the terror of the Philosopher's Stone! Yes we do! There's a legend that says that those who come near the Philosopher's Stone will be destroyed, right? But if we were afraid of that, we'd never get our hands on anything.
Come to mention it, I heard that Ishbal also perished because it came too close to the Philosopher's Stone.
No!! Ishbal did not perish.
It was destroyed! Brother! Brother! Open up! Brother! Brother, is it true? You've tried alchemy? I failed.
It cannot be done in this way.
However, there is still the Philosopher's Stone.
Brother, alchemy is a heretical practice that alters the Creation that God has given us! But our God, Ishbala will not bring her back to life for us.
Brother! The military they mean business! Brother, it's too dangerous here! Brother! I have finally begun to see What the Philosopher's Stone is Why Ishbala has forbidden it to us Brother, stop this already! The enemy is trying to destroy us with this power of the Devil! Yes, it's true.
Ishbal will be destroyed.
That is something that has been preordained.
I believed that if I could obtain the Philosopher's Stone, that she would come back to life, and Ishbal would be saved.
However, it is for that purpose that Ishbal must be destroyed.
Brother Brother! Brother! Scar I know that the Philosopher's Stone could be made from people's bodies.
We came to verify that.
If that's true, then we My, my There sure are a lot of intruders today.
Who are you? You! Why are you making that face? Did my brother succeed? What do you mean? Can I eat them? The armored one would be bad for your stomach.
I'll do my best! Homunculus Homunculus? They couldn't be! So the military falsified your execution, and had you create Chimeras here? Not just Chimeras I'm doing research on a number of things that cannot be made public knowledge Spirit bonding, and other tricks you can't do with ordinary alchemy.
You may have become a Chimera, but you still have your complete memory from when you were human.
Who has that kind of skill? Doctor Marcoh? Basque Grand? Someone else? Answer me! Who the hell runs this place!? Please don't look upon them.
They're quite bashful.
Nina? They still cannot keep their shape when exposed to the open air.
There's no way you could be able to perform human transmutation You've created a Chimera to look like Nina? But each time I failed, and in the end, I wound up in this form.
However, I'm just one step away Just one step away One step away? The unfinished Philosopher's Stone material that Doctor Marcoh had You must already know that it alone has considerable power.
If this large amount of unfinished material could be completely refined, you would have a Philosopher's Stone.
Too slow! However, no one has yet been successful.
It is impossible for any ordinary alchemist.
I'm I'm no ordinary alchemist.
Fullmetal Alchemist! Episode 22: "Created People" Homunculus: a pseudo-human, created through alchemy.
But they only exist in legends.

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