Roswell s01e21 Episode Script

The White Room

Previously on Roswell.
Who are you? - Max, Michael.
- What's going on? [Isabel.]
I'm not sure.
- What the hell? - Oh, my God.
- She's not Nasedo.
- Then who is she, Max? [Max.]
She's one of us.
Why can he shape-shift, and we can't? Because he doesn't have a human body like us, Max.
Pierce is dangerous.
You all still need me if you expect to survive him.
You're really scared of Pierce, aren't you? - Sheriff Valenti? - Can I help you? He's closer to the four of you than anyone's ever been.
Uh, Deputy Fisher.
You requested me.
They have Max! [Whimpers.]
They want to know when you'd like to start the tests.
Tomorrow morning.
Let him get some sleep.
Yes, sir, Agent Pierce.
- [Pierce's Voice.]
Good morning, Max.
- Where am I? Someplace where no one can find you.
- Why am I here? - That's what I want to try to find out.
- You made a mistake.
- I don't think so.
I know what you are, and now you're going to tell me everything.
I'm Max Evans.
I live at 6025 Murray Lane.
You can call my parents.
We can do this the easy way or the hard way.
- [Continues Panting.]
- What is the name of your home planet? - Earth.
- All right.
Hard way.
- [Max Grunts.]
- #[Mystical Vocalizing.]
I'm Max Evans.
Why are you doing this to me? Why? Why? [Gasping.]
We should've never split up.
I mean, I never should've left him alone.
What are they doing to him? I mean, what if he's already dead? No, no, Isabel.
You can't even talk like that because you know, Max is too smart to let something like that happen.
- Pierce won't kill him.
He wants to study him.
- How the hell do you know? - Oh, my God.
- You guys, they took Max.
- Who? Who did? - Pierce.
You know, the F.
Special unit.
They took him.
- Where's Nasedo? - I don't know.
- You're supposed to be on our side.
Where is he? - I told you.
I don't know.
He's never left me alone like this before.
Then it's up to us.
We have to find Max.
What makes you think that we can go up against alien hunters and win? What the hell choice do we have? Let him be a pincushion for Pierce? Let him die? No.
- We have to go to Valenti.
- What? And tell him everything? Max was willing to do it to save Liz.
Maybe now is the time to trust him.
What makes you think that Valenti is better equipped than we are? - He's the law.
He's got resources.
- So do we.
Stronger ones.
I know what I can do.
What about the two of you? - What do you mean? - [Tess.]
Your powers, Michael.
Your gifts.
You do have them, don't you? - We're not too advanced.
- [Isabel.]
We can do easy things like change simple molecular structure, but we don't use them very often.
- What about you? - Being around Nasedo has taught me quite a few things.
What about that dream thing that you can do? - What dream thing? - I can go into people's heads when they're sleeping.
- And you can all do that? - No.
Just Isabel.
- And you can communicate with them? - Subconsciously.
- I've only done it a few times.
- If you do it to Max, maybe he can tell you where he is.
I've never done it to anyone who was awake before.
I don't know if I can get in.
[Door Clanking.]
[Electronic Whirring.]
[Whirring Stops.]
You and I don't need procedure, now, do we, Max? - Where are you goin' in such a hurry? - Nowhere, Officer.
You're the deputy? You have your tricks.
I have mine.
- Who do you think I am? - That's what we've been trying to find out at the lab.
You know, there's something very strange about your X rays something that doesn't make sense.
- [Electrical Buzzing.]
- They're completely human.
Your bone structure.
Your organs.
Circulatory and pulmonary systems.
Everything human.
But here's where things get really strange.
These are your blood cells.
Completely not human.
Still want me to call your parents? I told you, Max.
I know what you are.
So now you are going to start answering my questions.
Delta, Colorado.
Agent Lewis the first head of this special unit, was found dead.
His internal organs had reached the temperature of 180° Fahrenheit.
A silver handprint was found on his chest.
What do you know about that? Nothing.
Union City, Tennessee.
Agent DelBianco, his replacement.
- Ring a bell? - No.
All right.
How about this? May 2, 1999.
Agent Daniel Sommers the man who brought me into this unit a man whose job I now have Did you kill him too? - Or was it one of the others? - What others? You know, I might not have been around in 1947, but I know all about the crash about the four aliens they captured two dead, two alive.
I've spent my entire career studying the documentation especially the three years of observation they made on the one held in captivity - [Blow Lands.]
- Right here in this room.
I thought you said there were four.
One of them escaped.
Isn't that what you call him? Where's the other one? What happens when you put them together? I don't know.
[Electric Whirring.]
- [Max Gulps.]
- [Monitor Beeping.]
[Continues Gasping.]
I remember when Michael almost died in here.
He went somewhere in his mind, and he barely made it out.
- I have to do this.
- Yeah.
Then I'm gonna stay with you.
If I'm If I'm holding on to you, maybe you won't get lost.
Let me in, Max.
Let me in.
Max? Max! [Whimpers.]
Oh, God.
Max, stop this.
Stop this and help me.
I can't.
They gave me something.
[Continues Gasping.]
Max, look at me.
Look only at me.
Look only at me.
Where are you? - Tell me where you are.
- I don't know.
- Please, Max.
How did you get here? Think harder.
- I don't know.
Think harder.
Who brought you here? - Valenti's deputy? Huh, Max? - Look again.
Deputy Fisher is Agent Pierce? - You have to go now.
- No.
- No.
I'm not leaving you.
- You have to.
Why? No.
I'm not leaving you.
I'm not leaving you.
Max! Max! Oh, God! Oh, my God! - What happened? What happened? - Oh, God, Michael.
- He's so scared.
He's so scared.
- Isabel, you gotta calm down.
You gotta tell me what you saw.
You gotta help me.
Oh, God.
That deputy that stopped us last night, he's Pierce.
He's Pierce.
- Are you sure? - He told me.
And he's drugging him.
- He's hurting him.
- Where is he? Where Where are - I don't know.
I don't know where he is.
- Think hard.
- He must've given you something.
- He did.
He did.
I think I know where I've seen it before.
Eagle Rock Military Base.
This is where they were said to have secretly taken the aliens after the crash.
This is it.
This is what Max showed me.
This is the symbol on the hospital on the base.
- It says that it's been abandoned for years.
- That's where he is.
Now we have no choice, okay? We have to go to Valenti.
What? Are you crazy? After we just found out about Deputy Fisher? - Valenti's probably in on the whole thing.
- We can't go on our own.
You can't, but we can.
- Isabel, Tess and I can protect ourselves.
- With what? Your gifts? - Why not? - Because you don't know how to use them, that's why not.
- You could get killed or worse.
- You guys aren't going there without me.
You want the truth? You're liabilities, all three of you.
We've got a better chance of saving Max without you, and that's what this is all about.
Right? - Bring him back to me.
- I will.
We'd better hurry.
You come back to me.
[Liquid Bubbling.]
[Electronic Beeping.]
[Scanner Buzzes, Latch Unlocks.]
I saw that.
Max remembered it.
- He's in there.
- How do we get in? - [Door Unlocking.]
- [Gasps.]
In here or they'll see us.
They always patrol in intervals.
[Footsteps Passing.]
How did you know that? Nasedo? When you've been hunted all your life, it gets easier to catch on.
Tell me about the crash, Max.
What about the orb? The communicator? Wake him up.
Wake him up.
Tell me.
Don't make me kill you.
- Max, tell me where it is.
More! - [Gas Hissing.]
I am going to find out one way or another.
See? This is getting us nowhere.
I want everything flushed out of his system now! I want him completely coherent for the next phase.
I'm sure they've found him by now.
- Probably on their way back.
- Yeah.
I wish I could believe that one.
I've been up all night trying to figure out what it was that happened at that carnival.
I mean, I know what I saw.
Mirrors or no mirrors, there were two Max Evanses standin'right in front of me.
And now one of them is in the hands of Agent Pierce and the special unit.
I'm just hopin' that it wasn't the one that we all care about.
Liz, tell me.
- Let me help.
- [Sniffles.]
We don't know any more than you do, Sheriff.
I'm sorry.
Well, if Pierce has reached the same conclusion that I have Max is gonna need a lot more help than any of you can give 'im.
You guys, what ifhe's right? I could never forgive myself if something actually happened to them that maybe we could have, like, prevented.
Let's give them till 4:00, all right? - If they're not back by then - Right.
He's gonna be fine.
#[Man Singing Rock.]
[No Audible Dialogue.]
[Amplified Heartbeat.]
#[Singing Fades.]
Oh, God.
He won't let me in.
I just keep seeing some blinding light.
It's not good.
- He's in some kind of trauma.
- If you could get through the damn electric fence why can't you short-circuit the security system? I told you.
'Cause they're watching.
The minute they see us, it's all over.
- So what are we supposed to do? Wait and let them kill him? - I'm gonna take this down.
- It's him.
- We don't know that.
I would've felt it if something happened to him.
[All Panting.]
There's only one way to find out.
#[Vocalizing Ends.]
I'm not waiting anymore.
I'm gonna do what Max would do for me.
Wait a minute.
Are you sure it's our responsibility to tell Valenti everything? It's our responsibility to keep them alive.
You know, Max was ready to trust him.
- That's all I need to know.
- What are you gonna say? Whatever I have to to get him to help.
Oh, my God.
Michael, look.
- #[Vocalizing Resumes.]
- [Tess.]
What is that? - Nasedo.
- That's how he kills.
- I swear to you, I've never - [Door Opens.]
- Hey.
You shouldn't be here.
What are you doing here? - [Tess.]
It's you.
- [Thunderclap.]
- Don't ever leave me alone like that again.
- I have four of you to watch.
I've been lookin' for you for a long time.
Not as long as I've been looking for you.
- Now you're about to get yourselves killed.
- We're here for Max.
This isn't the local sheriff you're dealing with.
You should've known better.
None of you are equipped to be here.
I've gotta get you out of here.
You're right, Sheriff.
I need your help.
We all do.
Your new deputy, Fisher? He isn't a deputy, Sheriff, and his name is not Fisher.
It's Pierce, from the F.
Special unit.
He's the one who has Max.
How do you know that? I can't tell you, Sheriff, but Max is in a lot of trouble.
I think that they all are.
Sheriff, please.
Will you trust me? I can tell you where he is.
- I don't like being alone with him.
- He's Nasedo.
- What choice do we have? - We could go back up there ourselves.
Four are stronger than two.
We need them.
He could be working for Pierce.
We don't know anything for sure.
The most important part of the plan is timing.
Set your watches.
This is your escape route.
Scan it.
- Scan it? - Into your brain.
You can't.
All right.
You have two minutes to memorize it.
I know this place intimately.
I've already escaped it once.
Now, if I'm going to save Max, I need help.
We need to get through the security door.
- I can do that.
I've gotten through doors before.
- That isn't some dead bolt there.
That door is made of depleted uranium, a metal composed of heavy atoms we can't manipulate.
- We can't? - You have many limitations.
- They know about them? - They know more about you than you do.
They've been studying us for 50 years.
The only way to gain entry is to get through the security scanner.
- How do we do that? - I can shape-shift into any of these agents take their form, even their fingerprints.
That's why they added the X-ray scanner.
My bone structure is far from human.
I can change my appearance, but not what's on the inside.
Your bone structure, on the other hand is 100% human.
So you're different from me? Biology lessons later.
Come on.
If I'm gonna get through that door, I need one of you with me.
And since the only female agent at the special unit is now dead [Sighs.]
It's you and me, Michael.
I can't get through the scanner.
I can't change my fingerprints.
Yes, you can.
You just don't know you can.
I'll teach you.
I just hope for Max's sake that you're a quick study.
I'm gonna need both of you too.
[Both Gasping.]
Don't even try.
Don't even try to use your abilities, Max.
The serum we injected you with? Very effective in suppressing the neurotransmitters in your cerebral cortex.
Experiments on the alien in the '40s taught us that's where most of your powers come from.
Come on, Max.
Sit down.
It's all right.
That's not your real weakness, though, is it? You know, I've been going about this the wrong way the whole time.
It's not that you're part alien; it's that you're part human.
- [Device Beeps.]
- [Handcuffs Lock.]
- [Device Whirring.]
- [Continues Panting.]
- You have feelings.
- [Device Beeps.]
- [Device Beeps.]
- Emotions.
! No.
! - Trick photography, Max.
Max, computer-rigged.
- No! - [Gasping.]
- Virtual reality, Max.
It's not real.
It's not real.
We didn't kill her.
We didn't kill her.
I just wanted to show you what can happen what will happen.
- [Breathlessly.]
You're evil.
- I'm evil? I'm risking my life to save my country, my planet, from being colonized by alien life by you.
- Tell me where the other one is.
- The other what? We found this in the crash.
We have spent 50 years Iooking for the other one, and we know you have it.
It took a little persuading, but Topolsky told us.
Tell me where it is.
Tell me.
I'm gonna give you a choice, Max.
You can either tell me where the other orb is or you can tell me which one of your friends you want me to kill first.
Huh? Huh? And you have 10 seconds.
[Device Beeps.]
- [Grunts.]
- [Pants.]
- [Pierce.]
Maybe I'll start with Liz.
- [Max, Panting.]
! Stop it.
! Stop! [Pants.]
I'll tell you where it is.
Just don't hurt Liz.
You do have feelings.
Just like us.
Whatever you are, you'd better tell me the truth for Liz's sake.
Humans are weak which doesn't bother me and wasteful.
Their brains are incredible machines they haven't even begun to learn to use.
When you were engineered, you were given the capacity to do everything the human brain is capable of.
- You mean, besides our powers? - Those are your powers, Michael.
Everything you can do is human.
You were just programmed to be several thousand years ahead of the rest of mankind, that's all.
But from what I saw earlier, you've barely tapped in to what you're capable of.
You can do it, Michael.
The only thing stopping you is yourself.
- [Pants.]
- Try again.
It's gonna be okay.
Nasedo knows what to do.
- Thank you.
- We've been in trouble before.
- We can deal with this.
- That's not what I mean.
Thank you for helping us find Max.
We haven't got him yet.
So I don't understand.
I'm gonna dream-walk him to give him the plan but what are you gonna do? - [Screaming.]
- [Isabel Yelling, Indistinct.]
It's okay.
It's okay.
Oh, my God.
What just happened? I made you think something was happening right in front of you, when it really wasn't.
That's what you did to Max, isn't it? That's why he had all those thoughts about you.
I can only keep it going for a little while.
After you get Max to clear the room, I'm gonna go into Pierce's head, distract him.
Hopefully, I can keep it going long enough so Michael and Nasedo can get Max out.
[Electrical Arcing.]
- Damn it! I can't do this! - Yes, you can.
The only one stopping you is you.
- Will you quit saying that? That is not helping me.
- You just gonna let Max die? - I am trying my best! - That is not your best, Michael.
It is not your best! Well, give me a pointer, all right? Give me a hint.
Give me something.
- It's inside you.
You're programmed.
- I didn't get the manual, okay? All this time, I have been alone.
Where have you been? Where the hell have you been? - Huh? Why'd you let this happen to us, to me? - Emotions are a weakness.
- Focus.
- [Door Opens.]
[Footsteps Approaching.]
You've got until this guy gets to the door, then I'm using his hand and you know how I'm gonna get it.
- We are running out of time here.
- Come on.
I did it.
I did it.
I think I did it! - Agent? - Who the hell are you and where did you [Screaming.]
No! - I said I did it! - I heard you.
I told you you could.
- You killed him.
Why'd you do that? - I can't take a chance like what happened in the hallway before.
- There can't be two of me.
- How can you do this? How can you kill all these people? - You don't care, do you? - Michael, if you wanna survive, if you wanna get back home you have to be willing to fight for that, understand? - You're not who I thought you'd be.
- Neither are you.
It's showtime.
You finally told me the truth about where you hid it.
Now make them work.
- I can't.
- Do it! - I'm telling you the truth now too.
- Make them work.
- Make the orbs work.
- I don't know how.
- Let's begin.
- [Door Opens.]
I can take you apart piece by piece and make sure that you stay conscious enough to feel every second of it.
I can't tell you what I don't know.
I can't tell you what I don't know.
Bring in the surgeons.
[Scanner Beeps.]
[Door Unlocks.]
- Matthison.
- Afternoon, Agent.
Fields? You're the new agent, aren't you? - Yeah.
Good to meet you.
- You picked a hell of a time to show up.
- Welcome to the unit.
- Thank you.
[Doctors Murmuring.]
- Where are you going? - Max is in there.
We gotta go get him.
It won't help Max to get yourself killed.
We have to do this the right way.
Two minutes.
- I'm gonna do it.
- Two minutes.
What if it takes me longer to get into his head than last time? We have to stick to the plan.
Everything has to be done like Nasedo said to the second.
This man will hurt you.
This man will help you.
You tell me what I need to know, and he will take the pain away.
Who's inhuman now? Open him up.
There's no time.
You have to listen to me.
Michael and Nasedo are coming to rescue you, okay? Max? Max, do you hear me? Oh, God.
Please, Max.
You have to listen to me.
- [Inhales Sharply.]
- [Panting.]
He wants me to make the orbs work.
Tell him anything.
Get him alone.
Get Pierce alone in this room.
It's the only way.
Tell him anything.
- [Yelping.]
Stop! - Stop.
I'll show you how they work.
But only you.
Clear the room.
- Did it work? - Yes.
Pierce wants Max to show him how to work the orbs.
- I don't know how they work.
- Well, you've gotta do something and do it now.
Make them work.
It takes a little time.
- I'm bringing them back.
- No.
Just wait.
You had your chance, Max.
Timing is everything.
That's Nasedo, Maxwell.
Don't worry.
- You all right? - I am now.
All right.
Let's go.
Let's go.
- Get out of here.
You know the escape route.
- What are you doin'? Come on.
- I have something to take care of.
- You are not leaving me again.
- Let's go.
- There are only seconds left.
Are you all right, sir? - You were in here a long time.
We thought we'd come check.
- Where's the prisoner? Fields! What are you doing? Pierce's orders! I gotta get the prisoner out of here! They need help inside! Go! Now! Now! - Are you all right, sir? - Sir, stand back.
! He's not Matthison.
! No! Go! Lock it down! [Buzzing, Door Unlatches.]
[Alarm Sounds.]
Come on! Come on! - [Grunts.]
- [Alarm Continues Sounding.]

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