Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e21 Episode Script

Episode 21

Ruby's Ring Darn it.
A picnic isn't complete without kimbap.
Who takes kimbap to a picnic these days? I'm toiling away thanks to you.
You're not making these for me.
They're for Dongpal, who loves them.
You wretched thing.
What's the matter, Gilja? Is something wrong? No, Chorim.
Are you mad at us because we closed shop to go on a picnic? You and your nonsense.
Good grief.
I'm making great food for Mr.
Noh Dongpal, Ruby and Runa's potential uncle-to-be, so be good to me, Chorim.
My goodness.
How many times do I have to tell you? There's nothing going on with him and me.
You're such a ditz.
Watch it.
This is awesome.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
But it was nice.
Chorim, tonight will be a historic night for us.
What are you talking about? Open the bag.
There's a gift.
A gift? This? What is this? Oh, what in the world is this? Today is the big day.
My goodness.
What do you mean, the big day? Come on.
You know what I mean.
After the picnic, come to that cafe we went to.
I'll be waiting.
But, no.
Then I'll chase you down.
Understood, Chorim? Oh, my.
Oh, so you've heard about the awful mess Ruby caused.
The company sustained a loss of $8 million.
How did that smart girl mess up so badly? Dear me.
Wow, this car is so roomy.
Na, was this expensive? No, not really.
Turn on the radio.
I can tell you whether the speakers are good or not.
This is Traffic Update.
Although it's a weekday afternoon, there are bottlenecks throughout Seoul.
- Heavy traffic - Runa, this reminds me of when you were a TV reporter.
You were so much better than her.
There's heavy inbound and outbound traffic on Gangbyeon Expressway as well.
Hyeryeon, the data.
Jeong, give me the pictures you took in Dongdaemun.
Is everything going well? Yes.
Isn't this nice, mom? Mrs.
Yu, let's have picnics on all our days off.
I've been in Seoul for a long time, but it's my first time here.
Ditto that.
Why not? Pull on it harder.
Did you skip breakfast? Where are your muscles? I've done this quite a few times.
If you yank it, you can damage that ring.
You think I don't know that? Are you looking down on me? Dongpal, why don't you just kick back? I'll do this by myself.
I'm still in my 30s, okay? Give me a break.
You're only a few years younger than me.
Don't treat me like a feeble old man.
For your information, I was the arm wrestling champion of Johyang-dong in Chuncheon.
We can arm wrestle, and the loser does this alone.
What? Fine, let's do that.
Ready? Here you go.
You go, Insu.
Ready, go.
Rah, rah, Mr.
Rah, rah Who are you rooting for? Rah, rah, handsome Mr.
Rah, rah.
- No.
- Go, go.
- Go.
- No.
You can do it.
You can do it.
Go, go.
You're almost there.
You let him win, didn't you? Was it obvious? Why didn't you leave me? Why did you stay with a hopeless case like me, even at the expense of your job? Because you need me.
Because if I left you, it would have been too cruel.
I'll protect you.
Gyeongmin, what brings you here? I can't miss a Jeong family function.
Good to see you again, Mr.
Gyeongmin, you're so considerate.
How did you find the time to go and get all this food for us? I'll treat you to something better next time.
Your kind thoughts are all we need.
Is Ruby very busy? Don't get me started.
She's turned into a workaholic.
How did you know we were having our picnic here? Oh.
Aunt Chorim Aunt Chorim? Yeah.
Isn't Gyeongmin part of the family? I tried calling Ruby, but she didn't pick up, so I called Gyeongmin.
You know how busy he is.
No, this is great.
When would I have the chance to come otherwise? Right? I'm good, right? It would have been nice if Ruby could've come, too.
Now, now, Mrs.
Drink up.
Chug, chug.
Here you go.
Thank you.
Hey, what do you want? I'm an adult, too.
Drink away then.
Mom, could I have some water? Oh, my goodness.
We ran out, and I forgot to get it earlier.
I'll go and get some.
I'll come with you then.
Is my sister okay? I heard about the contract oversight.
It must be hard for her right now.
Please give a lot of help and support.
My wife is very lucky to have a sister who worries about her.
I do worry about her, but there's nothing I can do to help her.
Runa, I'm sorry.
About what? I always feel like I owe you.
I feel like the accident was my fault and that I'm to blame for your suffering.
What's wrong? Does your head hurt? Runa.
I don't know.
I don't know.
Gyeongmin, I don't remember anything.
I want to, and I can almost remember, but my memory, it Are you okay? Let's go.
Do you think you can walk? What are you thinking about? What about you? Me? I was just You remember what I said earlier, right? Brace yourself.
I've been as patient as I could.
I can't hold back anymore.
Why'd you avoid it? What's wrong with you? Where did Chorim and Dongpal run off to this time? What do we do? Where are we going? We shouldn't do this.
I'll get in trouble with Gilja.
What are you doing in our tent? Oh, we're so sorry.
Here, drink up while it's still cold.
Thank you.
Isn't she endearing? Pardon? Runa.
Bae Gyeongmin and Jeong Ruby.
Quite affectionate as in-laws, right? Come on.
You know what I mean.
After the picnic, come to that cafe we went to.
I'll be waiting.
Oh, my.
But he hasn't even proposed yet.
What a pervert.
So he wants to mess with me.
Where are you, Gyeongmin? Who are you with? The good food makes the drinks sweeter.
You're a cool guy.
You're a good cook.
Drink away.
Hi, Ruby.
Why did you have to invite him? Oh Don't call him again without my permission.
Let's go, Gyeongmin.
You're drunk.
Already? But the bottle's not finished.
I'm tired.
Do you want an earful from father? It looks like your wife might get scary if you rile her up.
You should call it a night.
Run along.
You don't want to worry your family.
Yes, mother.
- I'll get going - It's okay.
Don't worry about us.
I'll get going then.
What time is it? Beanpole (3) I'm sorry, Insu.
Darn it.
The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting He's not even picking up.
Is he coming or not? Jeez.
I'm sorry.
I tried to leave early, but they wouldn't let me go.
I'm popular.
What can I do? Give me a break.
Have you ever seen a popular dung beetle? I'm a nice person, so people gravitate towards me.
These days, being "nice" is the worst thing you can be.
People consider it a liability.
In any case, let's go.
Where? Where are we going? You trust me, right? Trust? What's going on here? A woman's got to trust her man.
What Let's go in.
Why not? I said today is the big day.
Yeah, but Come on, Chorim.
Just follow my lead.
But this isn't right.
Why are you so impatient? What's wrong? Come on down.
Come on, Chorim.
Hurry up.
What? That bonehead.
Make it as luxurious and classy as you can.
Of course.
Don't worry.
You know what's in store for you if this goes well, right? Yes, I do.
I'll do my best.
All set? Is the display ready? Yes.
Are the models on standby? Yes.
What about the host? She's still in makeup? She should be Sir.
- Yes? - Call Jeong Juna right away.
Yes, sir.
Good grief.
I'm so sorry.
You should've found a replacement.
I'm sorry, sir.
I didn't think it was serious.
I had no idea I'd end up in a cast.
I left my phone at home as I rushed to get to the hospital.
I'm so sorry.
Jeong Juna isn't in Seoul right now.
What? Then call someone else.
I have a staffer calling some people, but we have so little time.
You're watching JM Homeshopping.
Next up, our prime-time show.
It's not time yet? Almost.
What's today's product? Don't tell me it's that Don't act like a know-it-all.
Keep your mouth shut.
But ma'am, I'm part of the family, so I care.
What you just said was insulting.
Stop it, Geumhui.
It's upsetting.
Jesus Christ, Buddha, and Allah said to love thy enemy.
Let her be.
Auto Trap is on.
What's that? Are we selling carpets now? All women dream of the red carpet, a beautiful dress, alluring hairstyle, and a handsome date.
But is that enough? We have reserved a place for you on the red carpet in Hollywood, and at Cannes, a place even celebrities would covet.
Right now, we have something perfect - for the beautiful you - Gyeongsuk.
- Yes? - You will be the center - of attention - Isn't that Gyeongmin's wife? I think so.
With beautiful skin, you too could be a red carpet sensation.
Sales Target: 2,000 Current Sales: 1,752 Sales Target: 2,000 Current Sales: 1,824 This is amazing.
Good job.
There's still time left, but we're almost out of stock.
Please hurry and call the number below.
You shouldn't miss your chance to walk the red carpet.
What? Thank you.
Bygones are bygones, right? A true professional knows when to admit she was wrong.
You did well.
I'm sorry to have caused you concern.
No, not at all.
It must have been very stressful for you.
Why are you so quiet? It's game over.
What do you want me to say? Keep up the good work, okay? One blunder is more than enough.
I'll take that to heart.
And thank you.
If we didn't have our homeshopping network, we couldn't have overcome this crisis.
A toast to that.
Mom? Dad? Yup.
I'm Hong Haewon, JM Homeshopping host.
There's great interest these days in dieting and health.
When it comes to fitness Father.
Yes? Do you have a moment? Sure, I'm all ears.
I just emailed you a proposal.
Would you read it and give me advice? Yeah? You're really going above and beyond.
I learned a lot from my recent blunder.
Please read it over and let me know.
I'll review it thoroughly.
And could you make some time for me tomorrow? I'd like to discuss something important.
Is that so? Let's see.
Tomorrow should be fine.
I'll make a lunch reservation and call you.
You must be tired.
A bit.
I had made things hard for you, hadn't I? I told you.
I'm always on your side.
Thank you.
What's wrong? Are you tired? Sorry.
It's a bit risky today.
Let's wait on having a baby.
You know how important work is for me.
I am well aware, Ms.
Jeong Ruby.
But what's more important than work is family.
But for the time being, work is more important for me than having a baby.
There's nothing more important on earth I know.
I know.
You're tired, so go to sleep.
I'll have a nightcap with my sister.
I've put everything on the line.
I can't give up.
You can start, father.
I read your proposal.
It's a very novel idea.
Thank you, father.
So what do you want to discuss with me? Seeing that you've invited me to this fancy place, it must be something very important.
Father, give me the homeshopping section.
I've come to realize that homeshopping could be a new sales outlet for our products.
That's why I sent you that proposal.
This is the era of mass media.
One could even say it's an era of mass media warfare.
I'm sure you know, but the power of the media has no rival.
With homeshopping as the starting point, we could acquire more TV channels.
And then I believe JM Group could become Korea's foremost conglomerate.
You certainly are very driven.
I know I can do it, father.
This is very tasty.
You should try some.
When it comes to business, sheer will is not enough.
Plus, you already have something big.
To whom does JM Group belong? Gyeongmin.
And you're Gyeongmin's wife.
You shouldn't be greedy.
JM Homeshopping is Sera's.
I'm not trying to steal what's hers.
It's just that my forte seems to be in TV A single success doesn't necessarily mean you're good at everything in that field.
You can stay in the marketing division, but work as a program host, too.
Let's see how you progress and talk about this again later.
What's wrong? Are you upset about what I said? No, father.
Then please let me know later.
I trust your judgment, since you brought JM Group this far.
Let's eat.
It's been ages since I've had sashimi, and it's great.
I thought Ms.
Jeong was being transferred to JM Homeshopping.
No, but now she's been promoted to manager in the marketing department.
Yun, why were you transferred to Product Planning? I asked for the transfer.
It's something I've wanted to try.
So we won't be seeing a lot of you, Ms.
Yun? We're in the same building.
You'll see plenty of me, so don't worry.
Hi, Ruby.
How's it going? Director Bae, I want a different producer.
A different producer? Oh, right.
Na Insu.
Why? I thought I was doing you a favor by putting him in charge of your show.
He's our best guy these days.
The sales stats are good, and so is I just have a feeling we won't work together effectively.
We're just not a good match.
What? This is the 21st century.
Feelings aren't part of the equation.
I guess you're different from how you look.
I think you two would be a match made in heaven.
It's a union of the two top players.
Director Bae, I'm getting enough attention hosting the show as daughter-in-law of the chairman of JM Group.
The more attention the better.
We're a latecomer.
We have to use all our ammunition to play catch-up.
Jeong, keep your feeling out of this for the sake of the company.
Go to Director Bae.
Tell her you can't do it.
Why should I? I find this very interesting.
I told you, didn't I? I'll follow you the rest of your life.
Brace yourself.
So? Can you feel how healthful it is? Oh, no.
This just came in.
We're sorry, but we're completely sold out.
The product is hard to come by on a homeshopping network, which must be why we sold out so quickly.
I'll be back next time with an even better product.
Good job, everyone.
Good job.
Great work.
Thank you.
I'm from "First Woman" magazine.
You were amazing.
It was yet another sold-out show.
I was just lucky.
Not only are you smart and beautiful, but you're also modest.
No wonder you're a role model for 20-something women.
What's the secret behind your success as a homeshopping host? I'm not sure.
Maybe I have a knack for identifying the hidden needs consumers have.
Will you be taking photos? Yes.
Just a few shots on the stage.
I'm done for the day, so you can go home after putting the clothes back.
Okay, Ruby.
Break a leg.
This is a personal question.
You're from an average family, but married JM Group's heir and have now become a hit host.
You really turned your life around.
Could you tell me about your love story? It's rather boring.
Gyeongmin and I met in our first year of college, and then we got married.
You're being too guarded.
This next question is off the record then.
I heard you two had broken things off for a while.
Did you see anyone else during that period of separation? It was a long time, after all.
Well Oh I did date this loser for a short while.
A loser? He had no money, talent, ambition, or vision.
He believed love alone could make me happy.
What a fool.
You're right.
Only losers go on and on about love while they themselves are nitpicky about their women.
When women are demanding, they say we're calculating and criticize us.
Men like that are really pathetic.
If you're not good enough, you shouldn't be greedy.
It's like demanding that you be given designer shoes worth thousands for just a dollar.
Nice comparison.
But thanks to him, I came to realize what exactly I was looking for in a man.
And you found that in Vice President Bae? He is the perfect package of everything women want.
Unlike the loser I used to date, Gyeongmin is the perfect man.
Runa, you and Ruby are so different.
Aren't twins supposed to be more alike? It's weird, but the aroma of this coffee calms and soothes me, so I've been drinking it a lot.
I'm in the arms of the perfect man every woman wants, so why am I always so anxious? It's a gift.
It's the most valuable and precious gift in the world.
Why do you keep inviting my family and stressing me out? What happened to the Jeong Ruby who was so loving and proud of her family? What is it about me that's so different? See you next time
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