Thundercats (2011) s01e21 Episode Script

Birth of the Blades

Previously on Thundercats We gave up hope of being saved long ago.
Who did this to you? You say it's the sword of Plun-Darr that old rat is digging for? Its power rivals my own sword.
If Mumm-Ra finds that weapon, it may not matter if we get to the other stones first.
How could they have found us? Too late to worry about that now.
But if we move fast, we might be able to slip past them using the same trail as the cat slaves.
Are you crazy? Do you want to bring Mumm-Ra right to them? We didn't free our people just to see them slaughtered.
Do you have a better plan? If it's the sword of Plun-Darr and gauntlet he's after, Let's use them to draw his forces into the mines.
I know its tunnel system better than anyone.
It'll give the slaves time to escape.
If we're caught, Mumm-Ra will have everything he needs to rule Third Earth.
Then let's not get caught.
I know it's dangerous, but you owe it to your people, Your Majesty.
Panthro, you, Tygra, and Cheetara get to the tank.
Pumyra and I will catch up after we lose them in the mines.
Are you sure you want to risk this? I don't want your emotions to I'm sure.
The sword of Plun-Darr is here, General Slithe.
It calls to me.
We will get it back for you, Lord Mumm-Ra.
This task is too important to leave to mere animals.
I will go in and take back what is rightfully mine.
And how will you find it? My sword will light the way.
Why does it feel like coming back in here was a mistake? Well, if you came for the slaves in the first place, we wouldn't be running for our lives.
You're never gonna give me a break, are you? You've got a lot to make up for, Your Majesty.
What's it doing? It's evil, Pumyra.
I can feel it.
All the death and destruction it took to create it.
With the acquisition of each stone, I move one step closer to everlasting power.
Tell me I will soon be able to add one more to my collection, Commander.
I've picked up the war stone's energy signature, and I'm working to pinpoint its location.
I am please with the way you have handled their recovery, Leo.
Your skill as a tactician is a credit to your species.
Thank you, My Lord.
Perhaps when the universe is mine, you shall have a planet of your own to rule, supervised, of course.
You are still just a cat.
I have a lock on the coordinates.
It appears to be located among the militarized population.
They will not give it up willingly.
Then we will take it from them.
But if it is casualties you are worried about, you may send in the lizards first.
See that our invasion force is ready.
I must speak with the Ancient Spirits immediately.
At once, My Lord.
A planet of your own? - Is that what your soul is worth, Leo? - What are you talking about? The destruction of one more civilization so he can have his precious stones.
I don't like it when you talk this way, Panthera.
Mumm-Ra needs these stones to bring order to the universe.
Then why has his pursuit of order brought only chaos? This is treason.
He is our master.
Who are we to question him? If we don't, Leo, who will? The Book of Omens has finally revealed the location of the war stone, my masters.
The collection of the stones is but one of your tasks, our son.
You must first oversee the creation of the weapon, one forged from the blood of a star, a blade to channel the soul's power.
Show me this star and I will extinguish it.
It burns at the center of a galaxy called Plun-Darr.
These tunnels all look the same.
You sure you know where you're going? Perhaps you should lead us out, Your Majesty.
After all, you've done such a great job of that so far.
Let's just focus on keeping ahead of Mumm-Ra's Generals.
Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.
That sword doesn't belong to you.
Maybe not.
But this one does.
You're like a toy that never breaks.
I love it! Stay close.
Are you trying to kill us? Trust me! That'll slow them down, but we have to keep moving.
As long as we have the sword, Mumm-Ra can find us.
You are privileged to witness the next step towards the total domination of the universe.
Today, from the death of a star, the ultimate weapon shall be born.
I feel it is my duty to advise you, My Lord, that the star of Plun-Darr supports 10 planets, 3 of which contain intelligent life.
I assure you, they will not be missed by anyone of consequence.
You can't just destroy them.
Billions will die! Forgive me, My Lord.
I spoke without thinking.
A major failing of your species.
She may have a point, My Lord.
Perhaps there's a similar star in another system.
Sparing this galaxy could increase the reach of your own empire.
It must be this galaxy.
All things have a destiny, Leo.
And this star's is to perish so that I may forge the sword and bring out order to the universe.
Emotion is a weakness that has no place in mastering chaos.
Of course.
It's time to launch the satellite.
Bring in the blacksmith.
It is done.
Never forget, Leo, true power is not given, but taken.
This can't be the way.
At last! The way out is just through here.
It was so nice of you to light the way for us.
Hand it to me while you're still alive, or I'll take it from you when you're dead.
You want it? You fool! You're crazier than Kaynar.
Now I know you're trying to kill us.
Then why do i keep saving you? We can't outrun them.
Then we each need to take a sword and separate.
Panthro would tell me that's a terrible idea.
What does your gut tell you? Take it and run.
I'll meet you with the others.
Look what I found, Lion-O.
Run! Don't let him get the sword of omens, too! Quiet, my dear.
We're talking.
But she is right.
You should run.
There's not a chance I'd leave her with a monster like you.
Generations pass, and still your species is weakened by emotion.
This is power, Lion-O.
This is life! With this weapon, nothing in the universe can stop me.
What do you want, Commander? You were right, Panthera.
Mumm-Ra is not the leader I thought he was.
It's too late.
Now that he has the sword of Plun-Darr, we won't be able to stop him.
Mumm-Ra plans to put the war stone in the sword so he can direct its power.
What if we got to it first? And then what? It can't be destroyed and we have no way to harness its energy.
We could, if we had our own sword.
What do you think you're doing? Don't you know that Lord Mumm-Ra needs this metal for another ceremony? We were told to destroy it all immediately, Commander.
And Lord Mumm-Ra told me to gather every scrap and bring it to him at once.
Are you questioning his orders or mine? I won't tell him about your failure.
I suggest you get back to work.
What do you have there, Leo? Just doing some housekeeping, My Lord.
Did I not ask this of the rats? Yes, but I could not leave such an important task in their hands.
You seem to be losing your focus.
I'm worried you're letting your emotions get the best of you.
Of course not, My Lord.
I would hate to have to replace you.
- What took so long? - Don't ask.
- Did you do your part? - The blacksmith has agreed to forge us a sword.
You understand the consequences should Mumm-Ra uncover our plan? This is the once chance we have to defeat him.
Not a lot to work with.
It won't be as big as the sword of Plun-Darr.
As long as it's large enough to hold the war stone.
That piece of scrap metal is no match for the sword of Plun-Darr.
And neither are you.
Ancient spirits of evil, transform this decayed form to Mumm-Ra, the ever-living! Your ancestor thought he could beat me as well.
I'm still here.
Where is he? You're looking at him! Not so fast, Lion-O.
You can't have both the sword and the girl.
Will you be the first of your species To choose power over emotion? I didn't think so.
We will meet again.
Soon! The sword of Plun-Darr I've lost it.
And with it, maybe everything we've been fighting for.
All because of my emotions.
Your emotions are what will make you a great King.
A King I would follow anywhere.
Even after the way I've treated you, you saved me again and again.
I don't deserve your compassion.
After all you've been through, you deserve more.
Don't get mushy on me, Your Majesty.
Call me Lion-O.
Mumm-Ra has the sword of Plun-Darr.
Then we'd better make sure we find that next stone first.
The balance has shifted.
We're looking at a whole new war.

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