Roswell s01e22 Episode Script


Previously on Roswell.
The way I'm drawn to her It's not just attraction.
It's something else.
- Oh, my God.
- It's not just what I want.
It's what's meant to be.
It's all in here, Max.
It's our destiny.
I need your help.
Your new deputy, Fisher? He isn't a deputy, and his name is not Fisher.
It's Pierce from the F.
Special unit.
He's the one who has Max.
None of you are equipped to be here.
Where's the other one? What happens when you put them together? You were given the capacity to do everything the human brain is capable of.
It made you think something was happening right in front of you when it really wasn't.
I'm going to go into Pierce's head distract him so that Michael and Nasedo can get Max out of there.
- It's showtime.
- He's a shape-shifter.
He can take any form.
Be cool, Maxwell.
Don't worry.
- Get out of here.
You know the escape route.
- What are you doing? Come on! - I have something to take care of.
- He's not Matthison.
! - Come on! Come on! - [Klaxon Blaring.]
That won't keep Pierce for long.
We got to get Max out ofhere.
I know somewhere safe.
There's an old silver mine in Galinas off Horseshoe Road.
If we make it there, it'll buy us some time.
We should split up.
Make it harder for them to follow.
- Come on! Come on! - [Liz Cries Out.]
Max, you all right? - Where's Nasedo? - Just get in theJeep.
Come on! Let's go! - I don't know about this.
- I trust him.
- [Valenti.]
Come on.
! - Clothes.
- [Starts Engine.]
- [Tires Squealing.]
- Max, what did they do to you? - It's over.
Listen, Liz.
If we ever get out of this - [Machine Gun Firing.]
- [Screams.]
Oh, my God! [Liz.]
Let's go.
Let's go.
Come here.
- Go.
- Come on.
Come on, Max.
Come on.
[Liz Whimpers.]
[Water Splashing.]
[Vehicle Approaching.]
[Vehicle Passing.]
We gotta hide.
Come on.
In here.
Come on, Max.
Come on.
In here.
Come on.
I think we'll be safe in here for a while.
They don't know how far down the river we got.
[Heart Beating.]
- How could you leave Nasedo there? - He might not have made it.
- All right? We heard gunshots.
- Michael, listen to me.
We have to turn around.
We have to go to the pod chamber.
- What are you talking about? - Nasedo told me if anything ever happened to him - to go to the pod chamber.
- What are we supposed to do, just go there and wait? - How will anyone know where we are? - Max will know.
He'll find us.
Well, what about Liz and Valenti? What happens to them? Now, look.
We said we'd meet at Galinas.
If we don't go now, we may never see them again.
Alex is right.
We don't do anything without everyone.
Well, without Nasedo we have nothing.
Michael, I'm telling you.
Turn around.
Our lives depend on it.
! Everything depends on it.
! No! We're not leavin' anyone behind anymore.
All right? We're goin' to the mine.
So everything that Nasedo told me was true? You and Tess were meant to be together.
I mean, it's your destiny, right? I wish I could go back, Liz, back to when things were normal.
Me too.
I just wish that I could've stopped you from saving my life that day in the Crashdown.
- Don't say that.
- Max the day that you saved my life your life just ended.
No, that's the day my life began.
Liz, when I was in that room [Shudders.]
And they did what they did to me you're what kept me alive.
The thought of you the way your eyes look into mine.
- [Sobs, Laughs.]
- Your smile the touch of your skin your lips.
Knowing you has made me human.
Whether I die tomorrow or 50 years from now, my destiny is the same.
It's you.
I wanna be with you, Liz.
I love you.
I love you.
- Where's Max and Liz? - They're not back yet.
We took the long way.
They should've gotten here before us.
It'll be light in an hour.
If they're still out there - I'm going back and retrace the route.
- I'll go.
You may need me.
The rest of you wait here.
Don't make a move without us.
Michael! - Michael.
- I'll be back with them soon.
Don't worry.
[Vehicle Approaching.]
Let's go.
Why are you helpin' us? There's a right side here and a wrong side and I don't think Pierce is on the right side.
Besides, I'd like to think that if my son were in trouble somewhere and I wasn't around to help that somebody'd be there for him.
There they are.
Stop the car! - Get in! Let's go! - What did you do? - I don't know.
- What do you mean? I don't know.
Just go! Come on, go! Go or get out! [Tires Squealing.]
[Exhales Loudly.]
We'll be safe here for a while.
There is no safe anymore.
Go ahead.
I'll be right in.
Tell me whatjust happened back there, Max.
All this time I thought it was just you.
It's Michael too, isn't it? Isabel? My God.
Man! You swore to me that we could trust you.
I need to trust you right now.
It's our lives, Sheriff.
There's no time for doubts.
Well, it's my life too.
But I need to know everything.
We don't know where we're from.
We don't know why we're here.
- God.
- Liz, Alex and Maria are the only ones who know.
And now you.
We don't want to hurt anybody, Sheriff.
We just want to stay alive.
I keep thinking about my father.
He was right.
But he would have turned us in.
What are you going to do? I don't know how I did it.
I don't even know what I was trying to do.
It just happened.
It's just your own energy and how you focus it.
That's what Nasedo was trying to teach you.
- So you did this in front of Valenti? - I couldn't let them get caught.
- This changes everything.
- Yeah, don't you think I know that? So what is Valenti going to do? What are we all going to do? We're going to think this through and we're not gonna panic.
So, you think we should trust Valenti? - We have no choice.
- Yes, we do.
We can go to the chamber and be safe, just the four of us.
Nasedo will rescue us, and Pierce doesn't want the rest of you.
Well, Nasedo isn't here.
And Pierce will do anything to anybody if he thinks he can get to us.
Well, we sure as hell can't stay here the rest of our lives.
What do you mean? Leave Roswell for good? Maybe Tess is right.
- If the four of us leave, the rest of you could - No.
I'm staying with you.
So am I.
Yeah, we all are.
So where do we go? We're not going anywhere.
- We're taking our lives back.
- What? When Pierce told me the things they had done to the other alien I'll die before I let that happen to any of you.
- Then we have to run.
- If we run, he'll just keep hunting us and there's no coming back.
Are you willing to never see home again? Any of you? - Then we have to fight.
- Fight the most elite unit in the F.
Who now knows who we are and everything about us.
Pierce does know who we are but we also know who he is, and we're stronger than he thinks.
We may be even stronger than we think.
[Man On Radio.]
Hasn't checked in? [Man #2 On Radio.]
The last time we saw him, he left here with the Parker girl.
That's the six kids all together and the sheriff.
Don't worry, deputy.
I've already contacted headquarters in Albuquerque.
They're handling the search from there.
[Man #2.]
What about the sheriff! S boy? Somebody ought to look in on him.
I already talked to him.
I got somebody with him right now.
[Man #2.]
I'm sure the sheriff will appreciate that when we find him.
- Pierce.
- Oh, I'm sure he will too.
I want to know what the hell is going on.
- My orders are to protect - Protect me from any harm.
I know.
You told me.
Look, if my dad's in any trouble, I have to know about it.
- There he is.
- What if this doesn't work? What if we can never go home again? It has to work.
How much time? - It's time.
- [Liz.]
What are you going to do? I'm going to make them see Pierce.
Agent Bello, I'll take it from here.
- Yes, sir.
- [Pierce.]
Agent Samuels.
Stay here.
Go to Hondo.
There's an abandoned gas station three miles east of town.
Go there and wait for me.
- Yes, sir, Agent Pierce.
- I'll wait in Hondo for your instructions, sir.
I understand.
Who the hell are you talking to? Hey! [Liz.]
You told them both at the same time to go to Hondo? Pierce told them to go to Hondo.
Can you just do that with everyone? Make them see things that aren't even there? Sometimes it's easier to do that than to make someone see something that's right in front of her eyes.
- What the hell happened here? - I was kind of hoping you could tell me.
What are you doing? He's an F.
! - He's not what you think he is.
- I should have known it! Where the hell's my father? - He's safe.
That's all I can tell you right now.
- Well, that's not good enough.
It'll have to be.
Turn around.
- What? No.
- I said turn around! Look, if anything happens to my father because of you I swear to God, I will kill you myself.
I can't explain anything right now.
This wasn't supposed to happen.
Your father's okay.
Just stay put.
He doesn't want you involved.
Don't let him out of there, and we'll all be okay.
If you're here to kill me, Sheriff, it won't do any good.
There'll be a new man in charge of the unit in 24 hours.
If I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead already.
Then why are you here? 'Cause I'm scared for myself, for my son, for all of us.
You didn't seem scared last night when you put a bullet six inches from my heart.
There were things I didn't know last night, things that change everything.
I don't think anything's changed.
I think they sent you here.
Damn it.
This is bigger than you can imagine.
I heard them.
I know their plan.
Right now, they're disabling your agents, one by one.
- [Chuckles.]
- You don't believe me.
Get 'em on the radio.
Go on.
Agent Bello.
Agent Bello, come in.
Samuels, do you read me? This is Pierce.
I want those aliens.
First, we deal.
My name stays clean.
I get a government pension for me and my father for the rest of our lives and nobody bothers us nobody.
And my son, he stays protected.
I'll get the three of you new identities.
But you you will show me where they are.
Soon as we see them all, shoot to kill, Sheriff.
What about the civilians? There's always a price to pay for freedom.
- Pierce.
! - [Struggling.]
I can't believe I trusted you.
[Projector Clicking.]
[Clicking Continues.]
I always thought you were out to get us.
And I'm glad I was wrong.
I'll take care of Pierce as soon as Max gets what he needs.
What are you going to do? This guy I know at the attorney general's office I already put in the call.
You think the government's gonna do something about Pierce? He's part of it.
He's not the good part of it.
See, we don't tolerate secret government action in this country.
At least, not once the press gets ahold of it.
I hope you're right.
It's time for this to be over.
Good evening, Agent Pierce.
- You know who I am.
- [Projector Clicking.]
I know who you are.
And now you're going to tell me everything.
I've got nothing to say.
We can do this the easy way or the hard way.
It's up to you.
What happened to Nasedo? Did you capture him? Did you kill him? Tell me.
! Max is pounding him with questions.
He's never going to answer them.
That's why we have Isabel.
I've never dream-walked anyone who wasn't asleep before.
But you did it to Max when he was captured.
He was drugged.
He didn't fight it.
Pierce isn't going to do that.
If you can just get in, just even a little, you'll see his answers.
What happened to Nasedo? Where is he? You know what I can do to you.
Tell me what I'm asking, or I will take you apart piece by piece and make sure you stay conscious enough to feel every second of it.
Untie me, and I'll take you to him.
So you do know where he is.
There's a helo meeting us at Jeffords Airstrip out by Hobson.
Hold the body there until I bring the others.
- What did you see? - I'm sorry.
It looks like he's dead.
He's not dead.
He can't die.
Tess, what do you mean he can't die? He said that if this ever happened, that we had the power to bring him back.
- How? - He told me to find this Indian called River Dog.
He has these stones.
- The healing stones.
- You know about them? Yeah, we already have them.
Then all we need is Nasedo.
You did see where they took him.
So, this guy at the attorney general's - Sheriff.
- Hmm? The one you called? Is he coming here or are you taking Pierce to him? I haven't decided yet.
There is no guy, is there? If I turn him in.
I turn all of you in.
He kills people, Michael.
It's what the guy does.
He killed Topolsky and Stevens and six innocent people in that hospital and who knows how many others.
And he was just about to kill all of you.
Hey, Kyle.
Kyle! It's Max Evans and the others.
They have your father.
- Where? - I can't tell you now, just untie me.
They'll be back in seconds.
Hurry up.
[Grunts, Exhales.]
Kyle, give me that.
Give me that gun.
What are you doing with it? Get out of here.
Go hide.
Look out! No! He's dead.
It's one of mine.
Oh, no, no.
Aw, no, Kyle! Aw, geez! No! No, Kyle.
! - Ohh! Help.
- [Groaning.]
Help me.
! Somebody, help me.
! [Anguished Cry.]
Save my son, please.
[Heart Beating.]
- [Shallow Breaths.]
- [Kyle Grunts.]
[Gasping Breaths.]
What the hell just happened to me? I don't care who you are or what you are.
I'll be here for you.
Okay, I need a moment with my son.
You were just trying to stop him.
- I know you didn't mean to kill him.
- No, that's just it.
I wanted to kill him.
I mean, that's all that I could think about.
I wanted him dead.
Knowing that, I just did it.
It just happened.
What kind of person does that make me? - We would've been dead if you didn't help us.
- No.
The bottom line, Maxwell? I kill people.
I kill people.
You heal 'em.
You're good, and I'm bad.
That's not true, Michael.
- Just get out of here.
- What are you talking about? - It's not safe.
- It's never been safe.
What difference does it make now? No, I'm not safe.
All right, I mean I can do these things, and I can't control 'em.
Look at what I did to Pierce.
I'm not going to take that chance with you.
I don't want you to be around for what's gonna happen.
Wait! Don't do this to me, Michael! Please, all right? You need me now, more than you have before, all right? - No, I don't need anyone.
- Maybe I do.
Did you ever think of that? I mean, look, Max and Liz they can't bear to be separated.
But you, you can just throw me away.
Just like that.
Why is that, Michael? Why? Maybe because I love you too much.
I know what you need to do and that you need to do it alone.
Good luck.
- We have to get Nasedo.
- I know where he is.
We've got to go.
- I can't make you do this.
- Max, you're not making me do anything.
We choose our own destinies, re remember? [Wind Whistling.]
! Over here.
Hey what's going on? [Groans.]
- [Engine Starts.]
- [Isabel.]
It's him.
It's Nasedo.
Let's go.
Are you sure this is him? This is who he was last time I saw him.
I knew you wouldn't leave us.
You're not ready to be left alone.
You're right.
We need you.
Show us how the orbs work.
She doesn't belong here.
She's with me.
We want to know.
You're the only one who can show us.
It's not my job to show you.
- My only job is to keep you alive.
- Your job.
Well, if your only job is to keep us alive, then tell us.
- They're communicators.
They communicate with who? - You're not ready to know yet.
They communicate with our home planet, don't they? - Why don't you want us to contact them? - Because you don't know who else you may contact in the process.
Who else is there? Set off those orbs and you have no idea who you may be leading straight to us.
You don't know, do you? You don't know how to use the orbs.
If you knew, you would've already used them.
You're here to protect us, but not to lead us.
You said that yourself.
But if you're not the leader, who is? [Nasedo.]
If you really want to know what the orbs can do you can find out for yourselves I can't stop you.
But do it at your own risk.
If you're really here to protect us, there's something you have to do.
The only way we can ever go back is if nobody's hunting us anymore.
Pierce is already dead.
He'll only be replaced.
Unless we replace him.
The other agents are at an abandoned gas station in Hondo.
Now that I'm the head of their special unit, we'll have all their resources.
You'll be safe now.
I want to know.
Maybe if wejust focus like Nasedo's always said.
[Woman's Voice.]
If you are seeing me now, it means that you are alive and well.
I take this form because it will be familiar to you and it will help you to understand what I am about to say.
You have lived before.
You perished in the conflict that enslaves our planet but your essence was duplicated, cloned and mixed with human genetic materials so that you might be recreated into human beings.
My son you were the beloved leader of our people.
I have sent with you your young bride.
My daughter, the man you were betrothed to and your brother's second-in-command.
Oh, my God, Max.
Our mother.
Our enemies have come to the Earth.
You will know them only by the evil within.
Learn enough to use your skills your knowledge, your leadership to combat the enemy so that you can come back and free us.
And that I may once again hold you both in my arms.
I live for that moment.
Help us.
I love you.
She's so beautiful.
I always knew there was something out there but I didn't know how important it was.
Things will never be the same.
But whatever happens, we have to stay together.
It's the four of us now.
I knew this was meant to be.
Look, everything I told you before is still true.
Max, you do have a destiny.
You just heard it.
I can't stand in the way of it.
But you mean everything to me.
#[Soft Rock.]
Good-bye, Max.
Liz, wait.
You gotta let her go.
What happens now, Max? [Beeping.]
[Beeping Continues.]
[More Devices Beeping.]
[Beeping Intensifies.]
It has begun.
[Beeping Continues.]
[Beeping Continues.]
[Beeping Stops.]

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