Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e22 Episode Script

Episode 22

Ruby's Ring Yes? Ms.
It's Winkelssen Swiss headquarters on the line.
Should I put the call through? Swiss headquarters? Yes.
I think they've called to renegotiate.
I see.
Then tell them I'm not available right now.
Pardon? Business is just like dating.
You must make the other party desperate to gain the upper hand.
Who are they trying to fool? They're trying to sell me something.
We sold the entire first batch, right? Yes.
They've tasted money, and they know we're good.
I bet they're actually more desperate to work with us this time.
Refuse the next two calls, and connect me on the third.
Yes, Ms.
Everyone wants the same things.
It's laughable when they act like they're above it all.
Because ultimately, people are all the same.
He had no money, talent, ambition, or vision.
He believed love alone could make me happy.
What a fool.
Unlike the loser I used to date, Gyeongmin is the perfect man.
Jeong Runa Hi, Runa.
Insu, I'm sorry, but I can't do dinner tonight.
Why not? I have to return Ruby's clothes, but no one's here.
I think I'll have to wait a while.
Where's the wardrobe department? Oh, Insu.
Why'd you come all the way here? You can leave if no one's here.
Why are you waiting here like a fool? I have to return these today.
I promised.
I'm sorry.
I made you come all this way.
Sorry? Why are you sorry? Why are you always sorry? Why'd you lug this heavy load by yourself? Couldn't you have asked me? But you're a busy man.
I'll ask you for help next time.
Insu, aren't you hungry? Welcome.
Why aren't you eating? I'm full.
Don't worry about me, and just eat.
The meat will burn.
Open up.
I'm fine.
You eat.
Open up.
Isn't it good? Too good to say no, right? The food's great here.
Why didn't you bring me here sooner? Then again, I'm sure you've brought me here.
Only I don't remember.
Maybe we should've gone for pasta.
Why? I like it here much better.
The meat's delicious, the prices are affordable, and it's loud and smells like people.
Smells like people Runa, you and Ruby are so different.
Me and Ruby? Huh? Yeah.
You seem so different from her.
Aren't twins supposed to be alike? Mom said we've been different ever since we were young.
Ruby was sweet and did well in school.
I was a wild troublemaker.
She's now a successful show host, while I'm I'll have some, too.
You don't drink.
You said a single drink made you dizzy.
It's okay.
Just one, okay? You underestimate me.
I'm Jeong Runa, Chuncheon's wildest party girl.
I have no rival when it comes to drinking and partying.
Am I drunk already? I would never underestimate you of all people, Jeong Runa.
One more? Yes, sounds good.
It's late.
You must be tired.
It's been a hectic day.
How was your day, Gyeongmin? It was the same as always.
I looked over papers Had meetings And? And what else? Gyeongmin.
I'm in the arms of the perfect man every woman desires, but why do I yearn for more? I'm in the arms of the man I wanted, so why am I always so anxious? Why? Why? Runa.
Why's everyone taking their time? Hurry up, everyone.
Why are you making such a fuss? Why are you standing there like a beanpole? It's distracting.
Why don't you sit down? I can't focus.
Gilja, your hair's not done yet? But we have to go.
Chorim, we still have plenty of time.
Gilja, your rich son-in-law is taking us out for dinner.
We have to be there early.
I'm going nuts here.
We're back.
- Hi.
- Hello.
Oh my word.
Did you just get back from the sauna? There's no time.
When will you do your makeup? There's more than enough time.
Don't worry.
Chorim, why are you being such a tacky worrywart? What? Tacky? Hey, fancy restaurants are strict about reservation times.
We might not get in.
Come on.
You don't know anything.
We know.
No matter how fancy, a restaurant is a restaurant.
What did you say? I don't believe this.
What are you doing? Shouldn't you get ready? I don't know.
Why do you keep inviting my family out pointlessly and stressing me out? Pointlessly? What are you saying? What I mean is, everyone's so busy.
An invitation could just put pressure on them.
I'll get ready, hon.
This is so good.
We feel bad you had to make time in your busy schedule for us.
Don't be, mother.
I've been wanting to treat you to a nice dinner.
Runa, where's Mr.
Na? He said he was coming.
He's running a bit late.
Chorim has been starving herself since last evening to pig out here.
Hey, that's I'm sorry I'm late.
I had some work to finish up at the office.
You must be hungry.
Sit down.
You should order, Mr.
That's okay.
I'll steal some of Runa's food.
Oh, right.
This is a gift.
A gift? It's the most valuable and precious gift in the world.
What is it? What is it? Ruby's done so much for me.
I hope you like it.
Okay, open it.
It's okay, Aunt Chorim.
I'll open it later.
There's a lot on the table.
Come on.
We want to know what it is.
Open it.
Open it.
Open it.
Come on.
Open it.
Open it.
Open it.
I'll open it then.
- Are you okay? - I'm fine.
I'm okay.
I'm okay.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Oh, no.
Is this the most expensive one? I'm okay.
We're sorry.
Are you sure you're not hurt? We're so sorry.
Oh, you're a troublemaker both at home and outside.
How embarrassing.
What an embarrassment.
He's a regular there.
Imagine how mortified he must be.
I didn't do it on purpose.
It was just a little accident.
A little accident? The dishes are hundreds of dollars apiece.
Do you know how many you broke? How do you know how much the dishes cost? Have you done research? Have you seen the price tags? Chorim, is this a joke to you? Does it look like I find this funny? I apologized many times over on our way back.
You chewed me out in front of the kids.
There's no need for you to yell at me at home as well.
I'll pay for those stupid dishes, okay? Where will you find the money to pay for them? Do you have money? If you do, pay me back the gambling debt I settled for you.
What's my gambling debt got to do with this? Why bring up something that happened ages ago? Hey, what's the matter with you? Mom, please stop.
Aunt Chorim's probably upset and sorry as it is.
Don't make her feel worse.
Does she look upset or sorry? Gilja, why do you hate me so much? Why am I never good enough? Fine.
If you can't stand me, I'll leave.
I'll leave this stupid house.
What I'm saying is I'll leave.
Aunt Chorim.
Let go.
Soyeong, take Aunt Chorim into your room.
Come on, Chorim.
Leave me alone.
She says she wants to leave.
Why hold her back? Let her leave if she wants to.
Let go.
I'm leaving.
Thank you for everything.
Have a great life.
Aunt Chorim.
That temper of hers.
Good grief.
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door Wow, dad.
You really are a great singer.
I should enter a national talent show.
You should, and win us a prize.
Anything would help.
Hello? It's me, Dongpal.
Chorim, to what do I owe this pleasure? I I Chorim.
I'm in front of your place.
May I come in? No.
Just go home.
Why are you so startled? Is it so bad that I've come? Fine.
I won't go in.
Who is it, dad? But why aren't you letting me in? Other men do whatever they can to get women to come to their place.
Why can't I come in? Do you have a woman there? Woman? Come on.
But you can't come in.
It's very late.
I'll just have a cup of tea.
It's behind the police station, right? I'm ruined.
- What's wrong? - We have a problem.
We have a major problem.
Dongpal, it's me.
- What is it? - Hurry up and hide.
Why? Why should I? Get in.
And not a peep.
Don't even breathe heavily.
Okay? Open up, Dongpal.
I told you not to come.
Did you fly over at the speed of light? Let's go out, Chorim.
Come on.
Where can we go this late anyway? What do you think you're doing at someone else's house? Something's fishy.
What's fishy? Oh? A guitar? Do you play the guitar? Once upon a time I love guys who can play the guitar.
Play me a song.
Let's get out of here, Chorim.
Come on.
Just one song.
We'll go out after one song, okay? What the It smells a bit, too.
I'm sorry.
I have a stomachache.
Oh? It's okay.
It's okay.
Come on.
Play me a song.
Something upbeat.
I shall Give you my all Wow.
You're good.
This love Overflowing within me It's the most valuable and precious gift in the world.
You chewed me out in front of the kids.
There's no need for you to yell at me at home as well.
I'll pay for those stupid dishes, okay? Where will you find the money to pay for them? Do you have money? What was I thinking? Why did I have to say such things? Why are you still up? Aunt Chorim's not back yet, right? She took off and told me to have a great life.
I doubt she'll be back soon.
But don't you worry.
Get some sleep.
She'll be back soon enough.
Mom, where are you going? I just need some fresh air.
Don't stay out too long.
I'll call Aunt Chorim and tell her to come home.
Do you think I'm going outside to wait for her? She's so stubborn.
I hope she's okay.
The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting Jihyeok.
Noh Jihyeok.
Hey, wake up.
You'll be late for your academy.
Come on.
Get up.
Come on out.
What time is it? What time is it, dad? It's 6:00.
I'm so sorry.
We'll talk later this evening.
Dad, I'm going to teach you a lesson.
How did this even Totally deserved that one, though.
Oh, wait.
I'm late, too.
I'm sorry.
This has to be dry-cleaned again.
It still smells of the food from yesterday.
I'm sorry, hon.
Aunt Chorim's so embarrassing.
It's fine.
I had fun.
Aunt Chorim's always boisterous and full of life.
Full of life? She's unfashionable and clumsy.
My family's too low-class for a fancy restaurant, so don't invite them to such a place again.
They'll only embarrass you.
People don't come in different classes.
They just weren't used to it.
Of course people come in classes.
Classes do exist.
I have a lot of documents to look over.
I'll get going.
Jeong Ruby.
Let's talk.
I just don't know who it is that I married.
The person in front of me feels like a stranger.
What happened to the Jeong Ruby who was so loving and proud of her family? Are you really Jeong Ruby? Are you the Jeong Ruby I used to know? Hon, it's a misunderstanding.
It's just that I was so upset.
Even with time, you still haven't come back to the way you were.
The way I was? What's wrong with how I am now? What about me is so different? Could you please stop saying that? You keep saying I'm not Jeong Ruby, I'm not who I used to be, I'm not the Jeong Ruby you used to know.
What was she like, the Jeong Ruby you used to know? Tell me.
What must I do to be the Jeong Ruby you used to know? Ruby.
Well? Are you tired of me? That's what men do, right? When a man tires of a woman, he blames her when he's the one who has changed.
He tells her that she's changed and that it's all her fault.
That's not what I meant.
So what did you mean? I guess I'm too dumb to grasp your ideas, Mr.
Bae Gyeongmin.
Never mind.
Let's just stop here.
I'm sorry.
You're sorry.
What are you sorry about? I know you're not really sorry.
Are you telling me to shut up? Jeong Ruby.
Enough, okay? I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to eavesdrop.
I had just finished my shower when I heard loud noises What's going on here? Who would've known those two got into fights? Good morning, everybody.
Where are Gyeongmin and Ruby? I think they've left for work.
What? They left without having breakfast? They were fighting earlier.
A lovers' quarrel.
They were fighting? Our dear Gyeongmin? Oh, my goodness.
What's this? They were all hearts and rainbows before.
I never thought they'd fight.
What happened? Was it serious? Of course not.
Like I said, it was a lovers' quarrel.
Don't worry.
I'm sure they'll make up soon.
I'm off to work.
Have breakfast.
I'm doing intermittent fasting.
What? Intermittent what? It's a new diet.
You fast for 16 hours a day and only eat during the remaining 8 hours.
But she's tiny.
Why's she on a diet? She's getting older.
I saw her changing the other day, and her belly was quite a sight.
Since we're on the topic, what about your belly? Ma'am, this belly can be taken care of with a little bit of liposuction.
I want to get it done, but I don't have the money for it.
My friend got it done, and she said chunks of yellow fat Oh, right.
Yellowish like that.
Chunks of yellow lard were sucked out of her Auto.
Yes? Gyeongsuk.
I need some water.
Here, mother.
Good heavens.
How can you talk about such a thing at the dinner table? I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, ma'am.
I'm sorry, Changgeun.
I love you.
I'm sorry.
Well? Are you tired of me? That's what men do, right? When a man tires of a woman, he blames her when he's the one who has changed.
He tells her that she's changed and that it's all her fault.
What do you think you're doing here? This isn't your bedroom.
After all that fanfare about leaving Chorim, did you spend the night here? Huh? Yeah.
Go wash your face at least.
Gilja, I'm hungry.
Is there something to eat? I'll make bean sprout soup.
Go and wash up.
You're the best, Gilja.
I'll get myself cleaned up.
My goodness, she is something Soyeong, go wash the bean sprouts.
Hello, sir.
Are you here for coffee, too? Yeah.
I like the beans they use, so I get coffee here often.
Me, too.
How's your face? It's fine.
But I think I still smell of steak.
I'm very popular with the dogs in our neighborhood.
My mom was very worried.
I'll get your coffee.
You treated us to a lovely dinner last night.
Your Yirgacheffe espresso is ready.
One more, please.
Yirgacheffe espresso? You like Yirgacheffe espresso, too? It's strange, but the aroma of this coffee calms and soothes me, so I've been drinking it a lot.
Oh, I find it calming, too.
Wow, I finally have a coffee buddy.
I'm a Yirgacheffe addict.
Oh, really? Yeah.
What else do you like? I like South American beans.
Colombian, Guatemalan Ruby.
Why are you two here together? We ran into each other at the coffee shop.
We need to talk.
About what? Work? Otherwise, let's talk when we get home.
See you around, Runa.
Ruby, did something happen between you two? Is that what you want? What is this? You may have worked at some cheap cable network, but you are a producer, aren't you? How can your editing be so cheesy? No, don't cut it out.
Put that back in.
It's a repetitive cut.
Homeshopping is all about repetition.
The more we show the product, the better it is.
Is it the lighting? Why does the product look so cheap? Photoshop the color balance.
Wouldn't that be cheating? What? Cheating? The product doesn't shine because the producer is incompetent.
You'd blame me for your shoddy work? Did you just say my work is shoddy? Do you have a hearing problem? Where are you going? I'm going to the men's room.
Do I need your permission for that, too? Go ahead.
Did I overdo it? Why am I so nervous? Are those two No.
No way.
It can't be.
Don't you know how to knock? I'm sorry.
Won't you ask me why I'm here? I came to make up with you.
I've been doing some thinking.
I went too far, love.
Couldn't you forgive me? You promised you'd always accept me as I am and forgive me.
It must be the accident.
I did hurt my head after all.
I look fine on the outside, but I might have a few screws loose.
So go easy on me, okay? Let's talk at home.
This is the office.
I have an appointment.
I'll see you later at home.
Vice President Bae.
Na, I'm disappointed.
Did you forget that we had decided to be on a first-name basis? We're still close to the office.
So how can I help you? I was surprised when you called.
Another glass, please.
I needed someone to drink with.
I'm honored.
Thank you.
What's the matter? You seem down.
Well Say, when are you tying the knot with my sister-in-law? I don't have everything ready.
I need to at least get a small apartment before we get married.
So how is it? Are you happy with married life? Now I know what people mean when they say that marriage is reality.
I don't know if my expectations regarding marriage were too unrealistic, but things have gotten so different since we got married.
This may sound strange, but it feels like I'm living with a completely different woman.
Right? She could be a different woman.
I risked everything to get to where I am.
You think I'll give up? Did you think I'd be scared by something like this? How's Runa on the job? She's quite good.
Who was the lady who came over yesterday? You were pregnant, weren't you? What is this? Why did you give this to me? What did you expect to get from giving this to me in front of my family? I'm willing to risk everything to get revenge on you.
You're insane.
What is this ring? Did you forget your promise to me? I'll go back to being the old Ruby.
See you next time
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