Till The End of The Moon (2023) s01e22 Episode Script

Episode 22

Ms. Xiwu, why don't you head back first?
His Majesty is fuming.
If he finds out,
he'll definitely reprimand me.
Then I'll just stand here.
I'll head inside after he cools down.
Nian Baiyu,
tell her to leave.
Xiwu, you should head back first.
His Majesty is still angry.
Let me go talk to him.
Since when did Bingchang
get this close to Tantai Jin?
This is the white fungus soup
you told me to make.
Please try it
and see if you like it.
Ms. Xiwu,
why don't you head back first?
His Majesty said
he will let her accompany him
for these few days.
Your Majesty, please.
Is it not to your liking?
I'll go and make it again.
That's not it.
What's wrong then?
Be quiet.
If you don't have anything to do,
go sit over there.
Grind some ink for me.
Yes, Your Majesty.
Tantai Jin certainly is eccentric.
He's so hard to predict.
Never mind.
Nothing in this world comes easy.
Just accept it.
Just treat a man like that
as if he's dead.
He can't die.
Ye Xiwu.
I thought you were just toying with him.
But it turns out
you've fallen hard for him first
and you can't break free.
I've fallen hard for him?
How do you explain this then?
Look at how listless you are.
You look like an abandoned woman.
Actually, I dumped him.
Yes, right. You dumped him.
Let's go. Time to sleep.
What exactly are you doing?
Tantai Jin wiped out the Sheng Kingdom
and ruined Xiao Lin's homeland and life.
And now, you are betraying him too?
Have you forgotten
the vows you made to him?
Why should I care about Xiao Lin?
He was incompetent
and broke his vows first.
Because of him, I have to become a slave
and serve Tantai Jin.
I'm just trying to survive.
He has no power
to decide state affairs by himself.
Besides, he's deeply in love with you.
He truly loves you with all his heart.
Really? What if that love line
didn't exist?
Wake up.
He isn't in love with you.
Nobody is in love with you.
Men seem to be attracted to you
simply because you have two love lines.
Is love more important than survival?
Why would I have such a nightmare?
There's no turning back.
Don't hesitate.
Your Majesty.
His Majesty has a fever.
I'll get some medicine.
Put a cold towel on his forehead.
No one else can know about this.
Or else…
Even a lowly guard
dares to threaten me now.
Ye Xiwu.
Ye Xiwu.
It's Ye Xiwu again.
Ye Xiwu is obnoxious enough.
She used to abuse Tantai Jin.
Why would he fall for her?
Even if he did fall for Ye Xiwu,
didn't he use to love me?
I'm the one by his side now.
It's quite late.
Why are you standing here, General Ye?
You helped me. I ought to thank you.
How are you planning to thank me?
By the way,
how is Xiwu?
Lately, she and His Majesty…
They're both your sisters.
But you seem partial to Ye Xiwu.
She will be fine after some time.
As the saying goes,
men can live without love.
But women can't.
But in my opinion,
this world
has plenty of silly men.
Isn't that right,
General Ye?
You're right.
A man
can't live without love either.
General Ye.
You're quite agreeable to my eyes.
So I have to make some things clear first.
If you intend to seek a lifelong partner,
I'm not a good match for you.
However, if you seek momentary pleasures,
I'm always ready.
You are a human, while I'm a demon.
What I fancy
is nothing but your face.
foxes are promiscuous creatures.
Why should I give up the forest
for one tree?
Think again
and make your decision.
Be careful, Your Majesty.
What are you looking at?
You've never seen a pretty woman before?
That's enough.
Scum like him
is a perfect match for a woman like her.
Don't say that. She's my sister.
Seriously, do you like him that much?
I don't know what's wrong with me either.
All right.
Stop crying.
It's not shameful to like scum like him.
All right now.
No carriage? You can ride with me.
Let's go.
Your Majesty, this sweet soup is chilled.
Your Majesty?
Just how much does Xiwu mean in his heart?
Has he forgotten everything
that Xiwu used to do to him?
Why didn't you let Xiwu
into the carriage too?
What she did before
was indeed inappropriate.
But she's a woman after all.
Why don't you have mercy on her,
Your Majesty?
No need for that.
You've always been like this.
Now that I think about it,
you and I
have known each other for so many years.
When you were a hostage
in the Sheng Kingdom,
you had a rough life.
The king of Sheng saw you
as a thorn in his flesh.
I would feel sorry for you
whenever I witnessed them
making your life difficult.
Now that you've unified the world,
this world
is the best compensation for you.
It's all in the past.
Xiao Yi is dead now.
I no longer
need any compensation.
You are as headstrong as always.
But I can't pretend to ignore the truth.
From now on,
let me keep you company.
The most pretentious thing in the world
is compensation.
Ye Bingchang,
you used to see me as a freak.
Are you not afraid of me now?
It's true
that I used to fear you.
But now,
we are both loners.
I may understand
some of your pain.
You were in the Sheng Kingdom
for over a decade.
And now,
I'll spend the rest of my life in Jing.
We'll keep each other company
one day at a time.
I'm a bit tired.
You may leave.
Yes, Your Majesty.
Why are you so nervous?
Let's sit and talk, shall we?
What do you want to tell me?
I'll cut to the chase.
Tantai Jin was in love with me long ago.
But he couldn't have me
because of Xiao Lin.
You know that, right?
I know.
Now, I have nothing left.
If I wish to survive,
I have to depend on Tantai Jin,
my last lifeline.
Xiwu, you won't snatch this lifeline
from me, will you?
No, I won't. I don't like him anyway.
I can rest at ease then.
the way you treated His Majesty before
was indeed inappropriate.
It's normal that he's holding a grudge
against you.
But I'll ask him to be lenient with you
once I'm done coaxing him.
Your Majesty,
this is the Nether Puppet Army
that I cultivated over the past few days.
These puppets don't feel pain or fear.
You can command them with demonic power.
How many puppet soldiers do we have now?
Your Majesty,
including the prisoners
sent by the king of Sheng a few days ago,
we have 4,000 of them.
Tantai Jin has 100,000 Jing soldiers
and tens of thousands
in the Firewing Army.
Can someone tell me
how I can conquer the capital of Jing
with just these 4,000 puppets?
Your Majesty,
the Sheng Kingdom has perished.
Tantai Jin has unified
the Sheng and Jing Kingdoms
and he's at the peak of power.
In such a short period,
I fear we can't seize the Jing capital.
Your Majesty,
please gather forces for now.
Useless fools.
Fu Yu.
Don't let them fool me again.
You'll suffer the consequences
if you can't figure out a way in a month.
Yes, Your Majesty.
Tantai Jin.
Tantai Jin.
Ye Xiwu.
You're back.
Tantai Jin,
do you like me?
Why are you afraid to own up to it?
Are you afraid that I'll despise you,
be disappointed in you,
and abandon you when you say that?
Be quiet.
See? You're always like this.
So forget it.
I'll like someone else.
Being with you
isn't fun at all.
Ye Xiwu.
Let go of me!
Ye Xiwu.
Ye Xiwu, come back!
Your Majesty,
were you dreaming just now?
Please rest early if you're tired.
You were born without love lines.
That's why you can't feel emotions.
You won't feel happy or sad.
You won't feel scared either.
How could one without a love line
have nightmares?
So this is a dream.
Speaking of which,
back in Fleeting-Life Prajna,
I was in love with you.
I swore
to marry nobody but you.
You committed all kinds of evil deeds
in Fleeting-Life Prajna.
Do you want to do the same now?
It was just a dream.
Since you know it was just a dream,
why did you bring it up?
Ye Bingchang,
answer me.
Has being with me these days
made you happy?
Staying by your side
is what I desire the most.
Answer my question. Are you happy?
Naturally, I am happy.
You're lying.
I'm speaking from
the bottom of my heart.
The Sheng Kingdom just perished.
Xiao Lin is missing.
You came here from a foreign kingdom
just to keep me company.
Why would you be happy?
After Ye Qingyu surrendered,
he never fawned over me even once.
Although I convinced him to serve me,
he also feared me.
As for you,
you chose to be with the ruler
who had just destroyed
your kingdom and family
merely to seek shelter.
How am I to believe you?
Your Majesty, do you look down on me?
Have you forgotten
how horribly Ye Xiwu treated you
when you were in Ye Mansion?
Even so, doesn't she have your pity now?
I'm just a weak woman
who is trying to survive
in troubled times like these.
Is one act of survival
nobler than another?
Ye Bingchang.
In my heart,
you're worth nothing compared to Ye Xiwu.
Your nobleness
has nothing to do with me.
Tantai Jin,
how dare you insult me like this?
Come on.
Eat up.
Thank you, Grandmother.
Look at you.
Why have you become so much thinner?
It must be the heat.
I heard that Tantai Jin
brought Bingchang back
and immediately made her Madam Xuancheng.
It's the talk of the capital.
What's going on?
Let's eat.
Tantai Jin has always liked Bingchang.
There's nothing strange about it.
I wish to move back.
It's just for a few days.
I'll think of something
after I figure things out.
Figure out what?
What do you mean?
All right,
I'll tell Chuntao to prepare your room.
From now on,
you'll keep me company every day.
Ye Xiwu,
are you still not appeased
after so many days?
Never mind.
Since you won't come to me,
I'll go to you.
These are…
These letters.
Is she still in contact with Xiao Lin?
Tantai Jin, are you well at Jia Pass?
Are you wounded?
I found two dandelions
in your precious royal garden.
The gardeners overlooked them.
They're so lucky.
I heard that one can wish upon dandelions,
so I brought them back.
I hope they will survive my care
before your return.
Tantai Jin,
when will you be back?
Today, one of the dandelions
turned into a white, fluffy ball.
I can finally make a wish.
I wish my dreams can come true.
And I wish that you stay safe and sound.
Never mind.
I'll wish for your safety first.
The other one just bloomed.
I'll keep it for you.
You can make a wish when you get back.
Ye Xiwu.
The way I see it, little meteor,
you're just like him,
dark inside and out.
And you've got so many holes in you,
as many as his tricks and schemes.
Why don't I call you
Little Jin?
What do you think?
You don't need me anymore anyway.
I'll return this black lump to you.
You can keep him company.
Just let Chuntao put that away.
Yes, ma'am.
would you help me with something?
What is it?
I hear Qingyu is coming back tonight.
Qingyu is coming back?
Keep your voice down.
Don't let your father know.
That stubborn donkey
won't even let us mention his name.
Qingyu has been out there for so long.
I wonder how he's doing.
I made some clothes.
I also told Chuntao
to buy some snacks and tonics.
Deliver them secretly
to Qingyu on my behalf.
Can you do that?
Sure, just give them to me.
I'll give them to him.
Good girl.
I'll go and get them now.
This is all for you.
If you need anything else,
I can let Grandmother know.
She's worried
that you can't eat or sleep well.
I don't need anything.
Xiwu, if you have time,
visit our family on my behalf.
Keep Grandmother company.
Rest assured. Grandmother is doing well.
I don't believe
that Father will keep this up forever.
He'll let you come home eventually.
Let's talk about me later.
I visited the capital of Sheng
some time ago.
I brought back some books
from our old home.
They're in the carriage.
Please send them back on my behalf.
What were you doing
in the capital of Sheng?
Didn't His Majesty tell you?
Tell me what?
Qingyu, what exactly is it?
It's confidential.
I shouldn't have mentioned it.
Don't tell anyone after hearing this.
The remains of His Majesty's mother
was stolen by the king of Sheng.
I brought a few warlocks to the ruins
and did a soul-releasing ritual.
With her remains gone,
we could only comfort her soul.
There was nothing else I could do.
Tantai Jin!
Tantai Jin!
Ms. Xiwu.
Tantai Jin!
Ms. Xiwu.
Tantai Jin!
Ms. Xiwu, what are you doing?
Where is Tantai Jin?
-Where is he?
I need to speak with him.
What do you mean by that?
His Majesty forbade me from telling you
or following him.
Tantai Jin.
What are you doing here?
I'm sorry.
I had prejudices against you.
I said hurtful things to you
even though I knew nothing.
I was wrong about you.
I'm sorry.
I saw it clearly
when you stared at me.
There was fear, disgust,
and hatred in your eyes.
Anyone could look at me like that.
I've gotten used to it
over the years anyway.
But how could you do the same to me?
I won't do it again.
I promise.
Will you stay by my side from now on?
Tantai Jin.
Do you like Bingchang?
I brought her back from the Sheng Kingdom
because she's your sister.
I thought that doing so
would make you happy.
I was like a blind man living in the dark.
For more than 20 years,
I've been trapped in the void.
People say
that the sun is bright and warm.
But I didn't know
what true brightness meant.
when I saw how Xiao Lin
treated Ye Bingchang,
I thought that was love.
I treated her exactly like he did.
That was until I met you.
It turned out that it wasn't love at all.
At first,
I was wondering
why I had so many strange feelings
when I was together with you.
It was only clear to me
after you left me.
I'm able to have feelings
only because that person is you,
nobody else.
Ye Xiwu,
the one I like is you,
not anybody else.
Tantai Jin,
that was pretty mushy.
Every single word came from my heart.
And it took me a long time
to figure it out.
You're so silly.
Ye Xiwu.
During this time,
I've learned affection,
and resentment.
You taught me all of these feelings.
I'm willing to try to be a good person.
could you please not leave again?
Rest assured.
From this day on,
I will cling to you every day.
You won't be able to get rid of me.
All right.
Tantai Jin,
there is one more thing.
I was angry at you before.
So I threw the star you gave me
into a pond.
I searched for a long time today
but couldn't find it.
I think I lost it.
I'm sorry.
So are you in this sorry state
because you tried to find that stone?
I retrieved it.
Tantai Jin,
thank you.
Ye Xiwu.
There is one more strange thing
that I haven't told anyone before.
In the past,
I never had any dreams.
whenever my life is in danger,
I would dream
of a cold and ruthless voice.
It's the Devil God.
Don't be afraid.
I'll stay by your side.
If it appears again,
I'll wake you up.
Don't worry.
It hasn't appeared for a long time.
you are the only person I dream about.
Tantai Jin.
No matter what happens in the end,
I'll stay by your side
until that moment arrives.
Ye Xiwu.
I'm considering
giving you a promotion.
Then you can have access to the court
and visit your family whenever you like.
What rank will you grant me, Your Majesty?
Tell me.
Why don't I appoint you
my housekeeping attendant?
You may sleep on the floor beside me.
Forget it.
My stiff bed board
is more comfortable than the floor tile.
Then I'll sleep on your floor.
All right.
Since you wish to promote me,
I guess I shall reluctantly accept.
That's more like it.
Your Majesty, it's getting late.
It's time for you to sleep.
I haven't finished my drawing yet.
I'll stay a little longer.
This is me.
That is you.
General Ye.
The hot water for your bath is ready.
Thank you. You may leave.
Yes, sir.
What are you doing here?
I'm here to take a bath, of course.
Don't you have hot water in your house?
Yes, I do.
What is your answer
to what I asked you last time?
Ye Qingyu.
Are you a man or not?
I've fallen for you
ever since you saved my life.
Whether you're a human or a demon,
your past doesn't matter to me.
Ye Qingyu.
You truly are a fool.
All right.
Since you've been a fool for so long,
I'll be merciful and tell you one thing.
You've trained in the Xiaoyao Sect before.
Have you ever heard of love lines?
All intelligent beings have them.
You can't love someone without them.
I was once married to a man.
His name was Jiang Rao.
I gave my love line to him.
He later went to the battlefield
and died.
Thus, my love line is lost.
resemble him so much.
He was also a foolish soldier.
He spent all his days on the battlefield.
So from the start, you--
That's right.
If you didn't resemble him,
I wouldn't have wasted my powers
to save you.
I have no love line.
I can't fall in love.
But since you resemble him,
I'll provide you with two options.
What if I insist on a lifetime with you?
You might as well change your name.
Why don't you call yourself Jiang Rao?
Are you not even willing
to change your name?
How dare you say you love me?
If I agree to it,
not only will I humiliate myself,
but also your relationship with Jiang Rao.
Ye Qingyu.
I thought you were an idiot.
But I didn't expect you to be a lunatic.
Fine. You won't do it, will you?
The world is filled with men
who want to share a night with me.
Your Majesty.
Little fox,
you are being courteous today.
What's the matter?
Do you need a favor from me?
Your Majesty,
now that the Sheng Kingdom
has been defeated
and the land is about to be unified,
your ambitions have been achieved.
Since I've always been faithful
in my duties,
I at least deserve credit
for my diligence.
I would like
to ask you for a reward today.
Tell me.
What do you desire?
I'm just a wild fox
that came from the hills.
I hate being tied down.
Your Majesty, please give me the antidote
and set me free.
Do you desire to leave?
You have a lot of nerve.
But if you do leave,
Ye Xiwu will be upset.
It's not like I'm going to vanish.
If Ms. Xiwu wants to see me,
she can still do so.
It seems like
you're determined to leave.
Doesn't the Jing Kingdom
have anything worth staying for?
It looks like there is.
Wait a minute.
I've given your antidote
to Ye Qingyu.
Why did you give it to him?
It's my weakness.
He asked for it early this morning.
Does he know that I want to leave?
General Ye is honest and hardworking.
He knelt before me this morning
and made a vow.
That's why I gave it to him.
You can ask him for the antidote
if you desire to leave.
Tantai Jin, you scum!
I pray that you stay alone forever!
What a feisty fox.
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