Battlestar Galactica (1978) s01e24 Episode Script

The Hand of God

- We are receiving a signal.
- What is it? '.
' 'Roger.
' 'She's an orbiting killer capable of destroying all our ships.
' - Who picked you for this mission? - I did.
- You just don't understand, do you? - Yes, I do understand! We haven't tangled with a base star since we fled.
- Can we just drop this? - No! You have the corner on loneliness? Launch all vipers.
Come on, let's go! Hey, wouldwould you hurry up? Apollo, is this your idea of a fun evening? You gotta speak up! I can't hear you! Come on.
Up you go.
Where in heaven's name are we? As high as you can get on the Galactica.
We're directly over the main thrusters.
It's a great spot to get away and think.
A cosy little place like this could be used for more than thinking.
- Are you ready? - For what? Watch.
- This is incredible! - It's frightening.
Don't worry, we're perfectly safe.
The bubble's constructed of tylinium.
It's a lot different from a viper cockpit.
- It's so open.
- It's like riding in the hand of God.
At least that's the way I like to think of it.
You like it, Sheba? Oh, Apollo, I love it! Get up here and try it.
Come on.
Apollo, what was this bubble used for? It's a celestial chamber.
The only one left on the Galactica.
When she was launched over 500 yahren ago, there were a number of these domes.
Navigators used to come up here to take star sightings, to double-check the navigation computer.
I doubt anyone's been here except us in a hundred yahren or more.
- All these instruments seem to work.
- I repaired the ones that didn't.
I like shooting the stars the way my ancestors did.
I get the feeling you'd have loved living in the past, knocking around some planetary system in an old sub-light rocket.
It may have been slow but it was more of a challenge.
Living back then might've been more fun.
What's this set for? Long-range communications.
Only you won't get anything on it.
Those frequencies are outdated.
We don't use them now.
- Somebody does.
- What? It's very weak but we are receiving a signal.
- What is it? - I can't tell.
I'm trying to get a directional fix.
We're losing it.
It's gone.
Any idea where it came from? Well it looked like a ship but it wasn't like any one I've ever seen.
I have.
On our history scans.
It looked like something the Colonies used to fly a couple of thousand yahrens ago.
- Boomer.
- Mm? - Boomer, wake up.
- Mm.
I'd just met this beautiful girl and I was about to What's going on? - Boomer, we need your help.
- I need sleep.
You're a whizz at long-range communications.
Dr Wilker's better.
- But Dr Wilker's on the electronics ship.
- Good for him.
We picked up a transmission on a gamma frequency.
Good for you.
- On a what? - A gamma frequency.
- Gamma?! - Shh.
Sh! That frequency's ancient.
- Interesting, huh? - Might be.
- Did you record it? - Right here.
Why didn't you say so? Erm, Boomer, are you going to go to the lab looking like that? Huh? No.
It's some sort of spacecraft.
Can you enhance the signal? Maybe Wilker can with the computer.
The best I can do is clear up the audio.
' - 'Go' - 'Eagle' '.
ignition, 10%.
' - '.
on time.
' - 'Roger.
' 'Go for LOI' 'Roger.
' Afraid that's it.
Do you know where it's coming from? It could be a harmonic signal, a doubling of the original frequency.
It's one of the reasons we don't use those old frequencies any more.
If it is a harmonic, its origins could be relatively close.
And if it's not? If that's a primary frequency, it's come a long way to be that weak.
It's probably intergalactic.
Intergalactic? Then we've picked up something that could've been transmitted a hundred yahrens ago.
Or a thousand or 10,000.
There's no telling how long that signal's been travelling.
You mean we could be looking at something from the past? Quite possibly.
I wonder whose? I could only guess but let's check out Boomer's theory that it's a harmonic signal from something close by.
- Did you get a position fix? - As near as we can compute, it came in through this quadrant, something like this.
Colonel Tigh, concentrated scan, please.
Concentrated scan.
Star quadrant Epsilon 7 - mark four.
- Yes, sir.
I'd forgotten all about that celestial dome topside.
What were you four doing up there? Just taking in the view, Commander.
Sir, the only area of interest in that quadrant is a solar system on the edge of our scanners.
Right on the line of transmission.
It may be a harmonic signal.
- Maybe.
- Any life forms? Too far for that data, sir.
We're barely picking up planets.
Apollo, take a patrol into that quadrant.
- See if you can find the source.
- Yes, sir.
Boomer, work on that recording until Dr Wilker returns.
Yes, sir.
What were you doing in that dome? Colonel! Five planets, fairly widespread orbits.
I got 'em.
I'm not scanning any life forms.
Neither am I but we're still a long way off.
Let's split up and take a look at the first three.
The first planet's a giant.
But it sure is pretty.
So's number two.
Beautiful but deadly.
The atmosphere is mostly compressed carbon dioxide.
No life forms.
Leave it to me to get the ugly one.
No atmosphere, just barren rock.
No life could possib Wait! What is it? I'm picking up something.
Just rising on the back side of the planet.
- Oh, no.
No! - Starbuck? Get out of here, it's a Cylon base star! - I thought we'd lost them for good.
- We all did.
- You weren't detected? - I left before they reached orbit.
- Sheba and I were blocked by the planets.
- Thank God for that.
Stay on it, Omega.
We're too far out to pick up the base star on our scanners but nothing has left that system except our patrol.
Good, then they can't scan us either.
They picked a great spot to lay a trap, sir.
That system is on the very rim of the galaxy.
We'll have to backtrack a long way to get around her without being detected.
They're aware of that.
That's why they're sitting where they are.
That transmission you picked up they're enticing us in.
You think it came from that base star? I think that most likely.
It's an elaborate lure.
Precisely what I'd expect from the Cylons.
- I'm not so sure.
- What are we going to do? There's nothing we can do but turn back.
There must be another way.
Yes, there is.
We can attack.
Adama, we haven't tangled with a base star since we fled.
My father did.
Yes, he did.
And he hasn't been heard from since.
But Cain attacked two base stars.
We'd be taking on only one.
Obviously, they've spread out through all the star systems in order to find us.
And this base star may be the only one in this galaxy.
Tigh, do you realise this is the first time since we fled the Colonies that we have the advantage? But even if we didn't have the advantage, I'm tired of running.
Adamaso am I.
Then let's take her on.
- Have we achieved orbit? - Insertion 10 centons ago.
- Long-range scan? - Fully operational, nothing definite to report.
- Definite? - A momentary blip prior to achieving orbit.
Our scanners were not fully operational.
- Nothing since? - No.
Launch a fighter patrol to circumnavigate this planetary system, just to be safe.
By your command.
Duty patrol to the launch bay.
She has 300 fighters, carries two long-range megapulsars here and here and over a hundred laser turrets.
She's an orbiting killer capable of destroying all our ships, including the Galactica.
That's what I like about the Colonel - his optimism.
We do have one advantage - the element of surprise.
And I intend to make the most of it.
All vipers will be launched before the Galactica is within their scanning range.
Your job is to draw out their fighters.
You'll be outnumbered two to one but you're used to that.
- Better odds than we had on Caprica.
- We lost at Caprica.
I intend to bring the Galactica in at an arc, come in past the sun from the opposite direction.
If we're lucky, the base star will be so occupied watching you that we'll be on her before she's aware of us and we'll get in the first strike.
After that, it's a toe-to-toe slugging match.
Well, that's it.
Thank you.
And good luck.
Squadron assembly at 1750, launch 1800.
The Officers' Club will be open to all warriors, regardless of rank, for one centare and one drink - on the Commander.
Commencing now.
If the Commander's buying, I'm drinking.
If anybody's buying you're drinking.
Apollo, are you coming? In a bit.
I should know better than to ask but what is it? - I was just thinking.
- That's what I was afraid of.
If we could find some way to knock out her control centre scanners, the Galactica would get in the first strike.
- Terrific idea.
You wanna tell me how? - I don't know Right.
Let's go get a drink.
but it would have to be from the inside.
Oh, sure.
All you have to do is fly through a hundred fighters, land on the base star, find her control centre, blow it up and take off again.
- You're right.
- Of course I'm right.
No, we could do it if we used Baltar's Cylon fighter.
But No.
It guarantees the Galactica getting in the first strike.
- You know that's the key to victory.
- Of course I do.
But suppose you did get inside, then what? What's their security like in the landing bay? How many Centurions are there between you and the control centre? Where is the control centre? Starbuck, erm When Baltar captured you, you saw his base star.
He knows.
They didn't exactly give me the grand tour.
Er, I do know the central core leads to all decks but I have no idea where Control Centre is.
Make an educated guess.
You know I think your plan will work.
It will? Bridge, Commander Adama.
Launch a shuttle immediately to the prison barge, with orders to bring Baltar back to my quarters.
Baltar? You really think he'll help us? He just may.
Our patrol has passed the outer planets and found nothing.
Order them to continue into the galaxy as long as fuel permits.
Remove his shackles and wait outside.
Toys, Adama? Would you like a drink? What do you want? Information.
They've found you! We've found them.
It's the same thing.
We're going to destroy them.
Destroy them? A base star? Not likely.
With your help.
Why would I possibly help you? To regain your freedom.
You're taunting me.
I'm offering you freedom in exchange for information.
And how do you define freedom? We've been passing a number of habitable planets.
I intend to set you on one with adequate provisions and shelter.
It's better than the prison barge.
Communications? No.
Even a marooned man must have some hope of eventual rescue.
Very well.
But only short-range communication.
And when am I to be set free? After the base star has been destroyed.
What if they destroy you and me along with you? That's the risk you'll have to take.
Do we have an agreement? When you get done and fly out of there, we don't want to confuse you with the other Cylon fighters - so I rigged this.
- What is it? It's an ID transmitter set to our attack frequency.
If one of us comes up on your tail, we get a flashing red dot on our attack scanner.
So even though we may think about it, we won't blow you out of the sky.
- You sure it'll work? - It'll work.
Thanks, Boomer.
Did Dr Wilker get a chance to enhance that transmission? - Not yet.
- You think it wasn't from the base star? I don't know.
I got a funny feeling it wasn't.
Starbuck, could I have a word with you? Please? It's getting a little crowded in here.
I'll go and find Wilker.
- Yeah, Cass? - Alone.
Excuse me for a centon.
It takes three Cylons to fly this fighter.
I need you and Boomer to lead the squadrons.
Besides, the third Cylon just sits right there and gives orders.
Very well, then.
- Who picked you for this mission? - I did.
You really want to get yourself killed, don't you? What's that supposed to mean? Ever since you lost Serina, you've taken every high-risk mission.
Serina has nothing to do with it.
She was a very lovely woman, Apollo but she's dead.
- Can we just drop this? - No! You have the corner on loneliness? I'm sorry.
It's all right.
I guess we've been at each other's throats ever since we met.
Yeah, I guess we have.
Except for lately.
You've included me in your tight little circle of friends and I appreciate that.
Yeah, well I realised I'd been a little hard on you.
Did you ever think about the fact that maybe two people who snap at each other for no reason are doing it to avoid their real feelings? I've thought about it quite a bit.
Be careful.
So why does it always have to be you? Apollo's going.
I'm not in love with Apollo! Cass, you know me, I'll make it.
Knowing you, you'll find some beautiful female prisoner to rescue! That's crazy.
Good luck, hotshot.
Has everyone gone crazy? - You just don't understand, do you? - Yes, I do understand! I just don't see the sense of dwelling on what might go wrong.
It's a lousy way to live.
I'll be back.
I promise.
If you're not I'm gonna kill you.
- Are your timers set? - I have one centon delay.
Whatever you do, don't lose that transmitter.
It's the only way we can tell you from the Cylons.
If we do, we'll just waggle our wings.
You would.
I've never seen you fuss so much.
Well, I guess I would feel better if I were going.
We need you to lead the squadron.
It doesn't change the way I feel.
Good luck.
Captain, Lieutenant, I'm at your disposal.
What will happen when we land without clearance? Probably nothing.
They'll assume you had a communications breakdown.
If they don't have any ships in the air, a Centurion will check who you are.
I know where to enter the central core but where's the control centre? At the bottom of the core.
There's always a Centurion on guard at the entry hatch.
Eliminate him and you'll be in the computer banks.
You won't need the control room.
Blowing up those computers will blind the base star.
How much resistance can we expect in the core area? That depends on how many Centurions are passing through it.
There's only one guard, as I said.
Well, that's it.
See you soon.
Good luck.
Well, if they don't succeed, I die too.
You know how to fly this thing? I thought you did.
They're gone.
So soon.
Why did I ever have to fall in love with a warrior? I don't know.
They're penetrating the solar system now, sir.
Anything? I'm having trouble with this scanner, all I get is blips.
Maybe I need a Cylon co-pilot.
- Starbuck! - Holy frack! Apollo! They're all around us.
- You think they're on to us? - I don't think so.
We must have flown into the middle of a patrol.
I hope they think we're a stray joining back up.
We'll soon know if they're on to us or not.
The patrol has landed.
No activity in the system.
Pilots to launch bay.
'Pilots, man your vipers!' Let's go! Commander, all squadrons ready to launch.
Launch all vipers.
'Squadrons, you are cleared to launch.
' Commander, all squadrons launched.
Bring her around to mark Delta 5.
- Full scan.
- Mark Delta 5.
That's the last of them.
- Let's go.
- OK.
That's the hatch to the central core.
Let's go.
- If he looks up - Yeah.
Starbuck! Set the charges, I'll cover you.
There's nothing but planets so far.
The base star was behind the third planet.
We hold this heading.
Pull those Cylon fighters to us.
Vipers bearing Omega 7.
- Vipers? - Confirmed.
Two squadrons.
Launch all fighters to intercept.
Scan for the Galactica.
By your command.
- They must've spotted our vipers.
- Just one more! Let's go! The transmitter! Let it go! Without that, the squadron can't tell us from the Cylons! Forget it! We don't need that felgercarb.
We'll think of something! The Galactica should be attacking any micron.
Then what are we waiting for? Here they come! Break! Commander, long-range scan indicates our squadrons are engaged.
- Give it to me here.
- Yes, sir.
- They're outnumbered.
- They can hold their own.
All we need now is to There! There she is, Tigh! - The base star? - Yes! Let's pray Apollo and Starbuck have knocked out her scanners.
- Battle stations! - Yes, sir.
Battle stations! Seal all compartments! All units assume I don't think she's scanned us, sir.
We might just have done it, Tigh.
Stand by to fire.
Fire! - What happened? - Aft laser turrets report attacking battlestar.
Fire aft mega lasers.
Bring us around to Delta 1-5.
Fire port lasers as she comes to bear.
Coming around, sir.
There's no red dot.
Forward lasers lock on.
- Locked.
- Fire! - You did it! - We all did it, we all did it! Damage report.
Extensive but controllable, and landing bays are intact.
Thank God.
Recall all vipers.
I'm getting a recall signal.
Break off! We're going home.
- They're not following.
- I think they've had it.
Has anyone picked up Apollo and Starbuck on their scanner? Do you think They're probably already back having a cool one in the Officers' Club.
Not a sign of them.
We've had no Cylon fighters transmitting the identification signal.
What if they never got off that base star? - Commander, Cylon fighter approaching.
- Transfer to my console.
- Maybe that's them.
- Switch to attack computer frequency.
No flashing red dot.
Activate laser guns.
No, sir, don't fire, it's them.
How do you know? They're waggling! Waggling? - Just keep waggling, buddy.
- Yeah.
Told you we didn't need that electronic felgercarb.
A- ha.
I thought I'd find you up here.
Hey, Starbuck.
Everyone's looking for you at the victory celebration.
I, erI think they're going to give us a medal.
I'll be there.
You still don't think that transmission was a lure, do you? No.
Only now we'll never know.
Wilker's lab was destroyed in the battle and the recording with it.
So you're waiting here for another transmission.
Boomer rigged a gamma signal booster.
If anything's out there, I should pick it up.
You think it came from Earth, don't you? I hope it did.
Our first contact should be her transmission, something similar to what we saw.
Just looked like an old spacecraft on a routine run to me.
What would you expect, a momentous message? No, we'll just pick up routine radio or video scans, nothing extraordinary - to them, anyway.
Come on, buddy.
Let's join the celebration.
If Earth's out there, we'll find it without you holding vigil.
Yeah, I guess you're right.
They're really gonna give us a medal? Did I say us? I think they're just decorating me! '300 feet, down three and a half.
'47 forward.
'50 down and two and a half.
'19 forward.
'100 feet, three and a half down.
Nine forward.
'40 feet down, two and a half.
'Kicking up some dust.
Faint shadow.
' 'We copy you down, Eagle.
' 'Tranquillity Base here.
'The Eagle has landed.
' 'Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, 'the last battlestar, Galactica, 'leads a ragtag fugitive fleet 'on a lonely quest 'a shining planet 'known as Earth.
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