Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e24 Episode Script

Episode 24

Ruby's Ring Are you okay, Ruby? Shouldn't you see a doctor? I'm fine.
I'll change and resume the rehearsal.
The host is a network asset.
What if there was an accident while we were on air? She can't get hurt since she's an asset, but it's okay for others to get hurt? That's not what I said.
I'm telling you to do your job right.
Director Bae Sera, I heard you were a professional.
It's disappointing that you keep projecting your ill feelings toward me onto work matters.
Isn't the vice president a disappointment? Shouldn't he have tended to his wife first? What does it matter if you're a successful host if your husband doesn't care about you? Don't say that.
His wife is safe thanks to Runa.
He's a good brother-in-law for tending to her.
She was bleeding a lot.
Really? Oh, no.
Why are you so high and mighty? I turned you into Jeong Runa, so act like Jeong Runa.
Don't you get it yet? You're not Jeong Ruby.
I am.
You shouldn't damage company property, Jeong Runa.
Why are you here? As the producer, I've come to make sure our network asset hasn't suffered even the tiniest scratch.
You're an expensive asset.
Any damage would lead to major losses.
Let go.
I'm going to scream.
You're going to scream and be found alone in the dressing room with the new producer of all people? It'll make for great gossip for people weary from work, huh? You're still into monologues no one's interested in, aren't you? What are you doing? Let go.
Shut up and look at yourself.
Don't you get it? You're not the real thing.
You saw for yourself how the real Jeong Ruby is.
You, on the other hand, fussed over your dress when your sister was hurt.
That's why you can never be Jeong Ruby.
No, no.
No matter what anyone says, I'm Jeong Ruby.
I'm Jeong Runa's sister, Bae Gyeongmin's wife, and a successful homeshopping host.
That's who I am.
I'm sorry.
I know you're busy.
If you're sorry, you should have gone to see a doctor.
It doesn't warrant a hospital visit.
Ruby's probably looking for me.
She'll give you an earful if you show up like this.
It's tough being your sister's assistant, isn't it? Nothing comes easy in life, does it? You just do your best.
Has your memory returned at all? How are the therapy sessions? Answer it.
I should get going.
Hi, Sera.
You slipped up today.
You were only focused on Runa.
It's not like you to have gone that far.
I know.
I'll do better.
Are you okay? Does it hurt? A bit.
I'm fine, so don't worry.
You hit your leg hard when you fell.
This won't do.
I'll take you to the hospital.
What about the show? I'm fine, so go on in.
We're ready, Mr.
Are you that worried? Fine.
I'll go see a doctor by myself.
I can take a cab.
Oh, Eunji.
Yes, Mr.
Na? You go with her.
I'll meet you later at the hospital.
Hospital? Thanks, Eunji.
Na, but I'm in the show.
So he got a business card from a woman? He is very hot, though.
No wonder women fall for him.
Is he really a womanizer? Based on what he did last night Yes.
He is a big flirt.
Chorim, what are you mumbling about? Nothing.
I have to run to the bank.
Ow, my eyes.
Jang Geumhui, chef and caterer.
What were you up to? Huh? What do you mean? I'll get that.
Yu Gilja's Grilled Chicken.
Hi, Eunji.
What? Runa's at the hospital? Your sighing will cause an earthquake.
What's wrong? The doctor said I was fine.
I should've made you hold off on starting work.
It's not a desk job.
You're running around all day assisting busy Ruby.
You were bound to hurt your legs.
You know what? I'm calling Gyeongmin and asking him to transfer you to a desk job.
Please, mom.
It's not Gyeongmin or Ruby's fault.
It's all my fault.
We should be thankful that I'm alive and able to walk after such a major accident.
Let's just focus on that, okay? Plus, like everyone said, I'm a birdbrain.
What if I get a desk job and end up humiliating myself? You should've studied hard in school.
Are you okay? Don't worry.
I'm perfectly fine.
You're busy.
Thanks for coming.
But of course.
The car's parked up front.
Let's go.
Let's go, Mrs.
The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting to voicemail.
Hey, what's up with her? She's been so down.
She must be upset about Runa getting hurt.
Of course she's upset.
I start hyperventilating when I hear of anyone getting hurt.
Chorim, I'm going out for a bit.
Yu is scary when she's upset.
What's better than coffee to express your love? Thank you for watching.
We will be back with an even better product on our next show.
This was Jeong Ruby.
Good job.
- Good job.
- Good job.
Clean this up, will you? Yes, sir.
Good job, everyone.
You really are good.
Where's Runa? What's wrong? Why are you here? To see your sister-in-law? I'm here to fetch my wife, the renowned Ms.
Jeong Ruby.
I'll be waiting at the parking lot.
I'll take you out to dinner.
You don't seem excited.
I am.
It's just been so long.
We'll have something good, right? Of course.
I'm starving.
What are you doing here? What about the restaurant? Where's your phone? Why don't you have it on you? My phone? Is something wrong? I called so many times and even left you messages, but you never returned my calls.
Must I come all the way here? Don't you know I'm very busy? I have to do live shows, check the products I know.
But no matter how busy you are, is a single phone call too much to ask? Runa was at the hospital.
Do you have any idea how worried I was about the metal rod in her knee? You're her sister, and you didn't call to see if she was okay.
I heard that she got hurt because of you.
Who told you that? Runa? Insu told me when he came to pick her up at the hospital.
Don't you feel sorry for Runa? She used to be so spirited.
She was full of herself and always yelling at everyone.
But her amnesia has taken all that away.
It breaks my heart.
I'm glad that you're doing so well, but it's upsetting that you can't look after your only sister.
What are you talking about? I got Runa and Mr.
Na jobs here at our company.
And my in-laws paid all of Runa's medical bills.
I offered to pay for her to study abroad, but she refused.
You're angry at me for not answering your calls and not worrying about Runa, but I'm 10 or 20 times busier than you can imagine.
Don't chase me down again because I didn't return one stupid call.
It doesn't do me or you any good.
I know where you're coming from, but don't get upset over nothing Over nothing? Mom.
You You've really changed.
You weren't like this before.
You even settled Runa's debt without letting me know.
But now Used to, used to, used to Stop talking about how I used to be.
I'm sick and tired of it! Ruby.
Used to, used to In the past, in the past I'm not who I used to be, because I'm Ruby, not Runa.
Everyone changes.
Even if I hadn't changed my face, I still would have changed.
Everyone in the world changes.
My tastes are changing.
I've started liking songs like this.
Is it bothering you? Should I put something else on? No.
I like it, too.
Who could it be? It's Mr.
Na Insu.
What does he want? Wait a minute.
What could this be? It looks like an ultrasound of a baby.
What a funny fellow.
Honey, let's go.
He must've sent it to you by mistake.
Do you know anything about this? What do you mean? Wait Oh, maybe Runa's pregnant, so he sent this to give me the good news.
I don't know.
Maybe that could be it.
But why send this picture to me? He's funny.
What are you doing? I'm deleting it.
Runa might be upset if she finds out.
Women are sensitive about these things.
Na Insu, did you have to take it this far? What do I do? What do I do? Oh, no.
What's wrong? This is terrible.
I totally forgot I was supposed to have dinner with a reporter.
Where are you having dinner? I'll drop you off.
This is actually good.
It's the Chinese restaurant at Crystal Hotel.
Just drop me off by the crosswalk.
I'm so sorry.
You need the rest, so don't come to work until next week.
I'll let the office know.
Yeah, I'm home.
Good night, Runa.
How did you get in? I tried the same passcode you used at your place in Chuncheon, and it worked.
The four digits of my birthday.
You haven't gotten over me yet? Don't flatter yourself.
It's not your birthday, but your sister Jeong Ruby's.
Do you think if you brainwash yourself, you'll be able to fall in love with her? What with her new face, it shouldn't be too hard.
Plus, isn't that what you want? She may have my face, but the real Jeong Runa you love is right here.
What do you mean? I'm here to give you what you want more desperately than money.
I'll give you a baby.
I told you I loved you, didn't I? And you love me, too.
So I'll have your baby.
And then? Then what are you going to do? I'll give the baby only the best.
It won't be lacking anything.
You want our baby to be happy, don't you? You'll raise it as JM Group's heir, as the child of Bae Gyeongmin.
As expected, you just can't give up Bae Gyeongmin and JM Group.
I've gotten an opportunity most people can't even dream of, so why should I give it up? Insu.
Just give me a bit more time.
You know very well what I've done to get to where I am now.
For the first time, I have self-confidence.
I used to think I was stupid, lazy, and useless, but with JM Group's support, I've realized I'm capable of soaring to great heights.
I want to succeed in my own right, not as daughter-in-law of JM's founder or Bae Gyeongmin's wife.
When that happens When that happens When that happens, what will you do? I'll give it all up and come back to you.
I'll come back to you, Na Insu.
So please be patient until that time comes.
The real Jeong Ruby might've been able to do that.
But not you.
Why not? Because you're not Jeong Ruby.
You're Jeong Runa.
You've come to love nothing but the prestige and privilege associated with JM Group.
I can return to you.
I definitely can.
Go home.
Like you said, it's the opportunity of a lifetime.
You're smart enough to know what a fatal mistake this would be.
It's you who asked me to have your baby.
You even sent an ultrasound to blackmail me.
So what's this about-face now? I won't give up.
I can never give up.
I didn't know that would end up ensnaring me.
Because the Na Insu I knew was an idiot was an idiot who believed in true love.
Do you know that trust is based on the grandest illusions? Don't trust anyone.
Not a single person.
Not even yourself.
I'm home.
Hi, son.
How was the mock exam? Did you do well? Do you want to see my scores? Ta-da.
Are these really yours? Yes, sir.
You really are something else.
So? Shall we go out for chicken and beer to celebrate this fine occasion? You may want to use me as an excuse to go out, but no.
Come on, son.
Let's go.
Come on.
The heat is doing me wonders.
Who would call me at this hour anyway? Huh? My key.
Where's my locker key? My key.
My money.
My money.
My money.
How did this happen? Oh, no.
My money.
My money's gone.
Did any of you see a thief here? Did one of you take my wallet? My money.
There are other guests.
You're being way too loud.
What am I going to do about my money? Do you own this place? Yes.
That was all I had.
Do you know how much I had to scrimp and save? I saved up my paychecks to get my nose done Hi, hon.
My loving husband, Vice President Bae Gyeongmin.
She came alone.
She's had a lot to drink.
Ruby, let's go.
You've come for me.
Let's go, okay? Just one more.
You're drunk.
Let's go.
Just one more.
Just one.
Let's go.
Come on.
Let's get you up.
Oh, my goodness.
Who are you? What a serendipitous encounter.
This must be fate.
Don't you remember me? The two of us are classmates at the baking academy.
Oh, right.
I even gave you my business card.
I waited and waited for you to call, but you never did, you heartbreaker.
You're so bad.
And who are you? Oh, me.
I This is my nephew.
Nephew? Something's fishy.
Fishy? No.
You're a liar.
He's your son.
You told me you lived with your son.
You can't fool me.
Why lie? No, ma'am.
He's not my dad.
He's my uncle.
Uncle? Really? Yes, he's my uncle.
So you're divorced? You're divorced, right? Yes, yes.
I'm divorced, too.
We took the same baking class, and we're both divorced.
I can have some, right? She's weird.
Dad, let's get going.
I have to get up early tomorrow.
Oh, right.
See you around.
I have a favor to ask you.
You'll say yes, right? I can go back to you.
I can go back to you.
I can, so just wait.
I'm Jeong Ruby.
I'm Jeong Ruby, not Jeong Runa.
I'm Jeong Ruby.
Like I'd jump him.
Why did he have to run away when all I asked for was a place to spend the night? What's going on? But she never sleeps in.
Geumhui, are you still sleeping? What? Where did she go so early in the morning? Huh? Mrs.
Bae, Gyeongsuk, Changgeun, thank you for everything.
I've thought about it long and hard, and I must get my nose done, so I am leaving your loving home.
Cleopatra believed if she had a more defined nose, more men would have fallen in love with her.
And I agree with her.
I'll come back as a new person with my new nose.
I love you.
What is she thinking? Good grief.
Be that as it may, how can she leave without saying a word? I'm sorry, mother.
Why do you keep apologizing? Good morning.
Gyeongmin and Ruby must have left early again.
They worked late last night, so they said they'd head straight to work from a hotel.
Yeah? What's with the food? You're on a diet.
What do you care? It's the principle.
Auntie Geumhui.
Look here.
Auto left.
What? Why? We didn't give her a $1,000 advance.
My goodness.
Why didn't you? She was going to use the money for a nose job.
How could we? She had gotten it done twice already.
A third time, and she'd turn into a monster.
Plastic surgery is a personal decision, grandma.
If you're insecure about how you look, it can become an illness.
What illness? A mental illness? In any case, it's worked out for the best.
All her nagging wore me out.
But you enjoyed it, mom.
You'd scold her for being loud and talkative, but you seemed to enjoy her banter.
What? You're wrong, Changgeun.
I'd never enjoy something so silly.
Dad hit the nail on the head.
You nag me and scold me, and you enjoy that, too.
Be quiet.
What's this smell? What smell? Oh, my goodness.
Oh, no.
What am I going to do? Oh, no.
Oh, no.
It's hot.
Be careful, mom.
It's all burnt.
It's completely burnt.
Oh, no.
Why did you drink so much? How did I get here? I didn't want my loving wife getting kicked out of the house.
Do you have a hangover? Should I order room service? No.
I'm not hungry.
If you're tired, sleep in a bit.
I have an executive meeting.
We dated for a long time, but I still don't know who you are.
Why do I keep seeing images of Gyeongmin? I just met someone very special.
Someone special? Get ready to marry Sera off.
There's a problem.
Gyeongmin's locked in a warehouse.
It's me, Runa.
The proposal still stands.
Give it some more thought.
Do you still love me? See you next time
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