The Haunted Hathaways (2013) s01e24 Episode Script

Haunted Duel

Students, here are the names of those who made varsity scare team.
And this is a picture of the disco ball I'm selling.
Mother says dancing is for naughty boys.
Oh, man, the list is out.
Hey, go see if I made the team.
I can't do it.
Look at you all nervous Just like me when yoga club was posted.
No way.
Louie, great news! Are you serious? I made the team? Oh, I don't know about that.
But how long have I been talking about getting a disco ball? - I didn't make it.
- Join the club, my friend.
You guys didn't make it either? That's How could I not make it? Oh, look, I'm at the top of the list shocking.
Remove my glasses so I can gaze upon those unworthy of making the team.
Guys, look, just 'cause you didn't make the scare team, don't think you aren't a good ghost.
Know it, losers! Unnecessary jacket change! I know King's the most powerful ghost in school, but he's such a jerk.
Yeah, well, he's lucky he's not going up against Louie Preston.
Oh, am I lucky? Real lucky.
What's up, little man? Just getting ready for my fishing trip with the guys.
It's gonna be on the hook.
Hook, fishing What's going on, son? I didn't make the scare team.
It's official I'm a terrible ghost.
Don't say that.
You're a great ghost.
During tryouts I turned myself into a lima bean.
It is the scariest bean Let's face it I'd be better off being a pro golfer.
Oh, mommy! Oh, did I get you? Listen, son, put away the club.
You're gonna get there one day.
You just have to have confidence and focus.
Louie, a parade is coming down the street, and I have a whole basket full of water balloons.
I don't feel like it.
I'm out of here.
What's wrong with Louie? He's upset he didn't make his school's scare team.
Poor little guy.
I hate to see him hurting.
I wish there was something we could do to help lift his spirits.
You know, Frankie, underneath that hard edge, you're just a caring, little sweetheart, aren't ya? Ha! Take that, you hippie! Sorry.
What were you saying? Taylor, I stayed up all night, but I finally did it.
I baked the perfect chocolate meringue pie for the pie wars.
It's a contest to find the best Baker in New Orleans.
I am so pumped.
Mom! I'm up! I'm up! Saved it! Hey, Tay.
I know what you're thinking.
That you're blocking my view of Kyle Toms, the cutest boy in school? Exactly.
Something is missing from my outfit.
- Care to guess what? - Not now.
I'm trying to flirt.
Right again.
It's a bow tie.
I entered a sweepstakes to win the bow tie worn by Bruce Wayne in Batman, and I find out tomorrow if I win.
How cool is that? Ugh.
Isn't it the worst when people don't notice you? Miles, why are you wearing a tux? Miss, the food was delightful.
I'd like to give you an extraordinary tip.
Oh, thank you.
May this charm bring you all the luck you deserve.
Fake money.
A good-luck coin? This is worse than when mom tried to pay me in hugs.
What? Getting paid in hugs is the best.
I don't know your name or anything about you, but I looked over here and saw the cutest girl I've ever seen.
Where? Oh.
Do you want to go to a movie tomorrow? I could swing by here around 7:00.
Sounds good.
Miles, how did that just happen? It's the coin! What? Some kid asks you out, and you think it's because of a stupid charm? Uh, duh.
- Mom.
- Saved it! Okay, I'm off to my fly-fishing trip.
Or should I say my super-fly fishing trip.
I'm gonna stop doing those now.
I think that's for the best.
Louie, take off that hat.
Chin up, buddy.
Your time is gonna come Maybe sooner than you think.
See you guys tomorrow.
Ray's right.
You should just keep practicing.
In fact, can you turn on that lamp for me? What's the point? I'd probably end up giving the peacock a handlebar mustache.
Come on.
You did it! You turned on the lamp And also gave the peacock a handlebar mustache.
Probably just beginner's luck.
Maybe, maybe not.
Try slamming the door.
Frankie, I just slammed the door without turning into a piece of fruit! Try something bigger.
How about levitating the couch? Okay, here goes No way! I did it! I did it! Whoo-hoo! I'm the man! Great job.
A little help, please? You guys doubted me, but through all the hard times, I never lost faith in myself.
- Louie.
- You know, the term "superstar" is often overused, but in my case - Louie, lift the couch.
- Oh, sorry.
This is awesome.
I can't wait for school tomorrow.
Okay, the coast is clear.
Nice job with the tricks, Ray.
You made Louie look like an awesome ghost.
Eh, hopefully it gave him the boost of confidence he needed.
You know, it does feel good to help someone, though, right, Frankie? Frankie? Ha ha! Direct hit! Sorry.
What were you saying? Never mind.
I'll see you when I get back.
Francesca, a moment.
That was close.
No, that was lucky.
All this coin stuff is such nonsense.
That was so Batman.
I'm so sorry.
Taylor, are you okay? I thought my coin brought only good luck Wait.
It's gone.
Where'd it go? Oh, yes! My lucky day! Mom, what's going on? It's unbelievable.
I just got the call.
The school's going to let you direct plays again? No.
You're allowed back at the public pool? No.
You can stop wearing your mouth guard at night? No! I'm a finalist in pie wars.
Nice! So your teeth aren't getting any straighter? - Where'd you get that? - Oh, it was on the table.
I saw it right before the phone rang.
- I knew it.
- Here we go.
That's my lucky coin.
It was given to me by a mystical voodoo priestess.
Atherton? She's a librarian.
Nevertheless, I need it for my date, so give me.
Oh, a lucky coin, you say? Michelle, please don't tell me you believe in this nonsense too.
No, no, of course not.
But I think I'll hold on to it anyway, if only to teach my daughter a lesson about grabbing.
Give me a break.
You just want to hold it so you can win your pie contest.
I'm just being a good mother.
In that case, you won't mind if I get rid of the coin.
Absolutely not.
Michelle, you're not letting go.
Yes, I am.
Here you go.
What up, ghosts and ghoulies? Unnecessarily over the top entrance! Yo, King, we need to talk.
Is that boy on a sleigh? What do you want, Preston? I'm sick and tired of you walking around like you're better than us.
That's a good point Except I am better than you Word reversal.
Count it.
Total burn.
I-I mean Be nice, children.
Laugh it up, King, but the only joke I see is you wearing that varsity scare jacket.
Double burn, am I right, Mr.
D? You got a big mouth, kid, but can you back it up? Oh, I can back it up, like a dump truck.
Bee! Bee! Bee! That was Yeah.
I'm calling you out, King.
I challenge you to a ghost duel.
You're on, punk.
gym best trick wins.
You going down.
Oh, snap.
You challenged the most powerful guy in school to a ghost duel? Of course I did.
Nothing can stop me.
Except for the fact that all the tricks you did yesterday were done by your dad.
What? All of them? Not all of them Just the ones that worked.
I don't believe you.
Lamp on.
Eh, I've done worse.
Wait for it.
I believe you now.
You have to back out of this ghost duel.
But everyone will think I chickened out.
What am I going to do? Well, you can't go to a duel if you're grounded.
What are you trying to say? T-that you can't go to a duel if you're grounded.
Way ahead of you.
As soon as your mom finds out who blew up her toilet, I'll be grounded for a week.
Genius! Or you could've just told King you were grounded.
Hey! What happened down here? Miles did it! I got to call King.
Yo, King, it's the "L" train.
L-Louie Preston.
Today's your lucky day.
I can't make our duel.
I'm grounded, so bummer.
Oh, I see.
He said if I can't leave my house to duel, he'll bring the duel to my house.
He then did an unnecessary backflip.
Come on, come on! Where's the last place Miles would think I'd look for the coin? In a book! Oh, hey.
What you up to, sweetie? Uh, just doing a little spring cleaning before my date with Kyle.
Oh, don't be silly.
You'll dirty your pretty outfit.
I'll I'll finish in here.
Cleaning is Is one of my true joys.
Aah! Yikes.
You should have that looked at.
I don't remember that pillow being there.
- Stop grabbing! - I saw it first! Hey, guys.
On my way to the big bow-tie raffle.
What's going on? What? I-is there a law against a mother and daughter having a little pillow fight? See? What fun! - Any luck reaching your dad? - Nope.
Nothing to do now except go get embarrassed in front of the entire school.
Maybe it won't be so bad.
I mean, who holds a duel on a Tuesday afternoon? Most kids probably won't even show.
I guess Tuesday is a good duel day.
- G-guys! - You're late.
You missed my unnecessarily over the top entrance on a blue whale.
We can't have a duel.
We're not dressed for it.
You boys take your time packing up the ring.
I don't think so, Preston.
- Better? - Much.
Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen, ghouls and fools, let's prepare to duel! - Louie, you have to back out.
- Louie! Louie! I can't back out.
Too many people are relying on me Weird people But still I have to try.
Three rounds-best trick wins.
I'll start off with something easy.
That's all you got? Mosquito.
You're up, Preston.
What you got? You think a stupid giant raven is scary? Check this out.
Hey, Frankie, am I scary? Very.
Ah! Aha! The philodendron! And mama for the win! I think I see it.
Oh! You might want to get that looked at.
Hey, guys! Guess who won the bow tie? Look at this place! And this is why I don't like pillow fights.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Where's the coin? Is that what this is all about? How sad.
I hid it where you would never find it In my pocket.
No wonder you won the bow tie.
You had the coin.
What? That's ridiculous.
Just because out of 4,000 raffle tickets, they just happened to pull my Whoa.
Guys, I think this coin might be lucky.
Nice work, detective.
Now hand it over.
I have a pie contest to win.
No, give it to me.
I have a date.
No can do.
There's a super-sweet disco ball I'm bidding on.
This puppy stays with me.
All right This ends now.
My baby.
Put the coin down, or the tie gets it.
Taylor, think about what you're doing.
- Not so fast.
- What is that? A photo I just found of you being potty trained when you were eight.
Yeah, eight.
Not a proud moment for either of us, but nevertheless, what if I were to show this to Kyle? - You wouldn't.
- Try me.
Before you take that, Michelle, how lucky will it be when your final pie entry is smashed to pieces? Don't you dare.
I dare.
Look at what this coin is doing to us.
We're a family.
We can't act this way towards each other.
- You're right.
- Good point.
Let's just everyone put our items down on three? One Two Three.
Can you believe what animals we just were? Yes, this is much better.
- The coin is mine! - No, it's not! Give me! I'm the adult! My bow tie is destroyed.
Oh, my pie is ruined.
Oh, joy.
Ah! Taylor? Hey, Kyle.
I'll go grab my jacket.
You do that.
I'll Meet you at the theater.
- Wait.
Which theater? - Okay, then.
Look at this place.
Our selfishness really got the best of us.
You know, the woman who gave me this said it would bring me all the luck I deserve.
I guess this is what we deserve.
I'm getting rid of this stupid thing.
Ow! My eye! Sorry, Kyle! Maybe it is a little lucky.
Guys! I beg of you, shut up.
That was the worst round yet.
Uh, hey, Preston, let me know if you plan on turning into a scary gumdrop again So I can grab my blanky.
Louie, stay with me.
This is the last round.
You have to go for a k.
And scare King out of the ring.
It's your only chance.
I'm not sure I have it in me.
Just remember what your dad told you.
You need to have confidence.
There's a great ghost inside of Louie Preston.
You know how I know? Because Frankie Hathaway doesn't bet on losers.
Thanks, Frankie.
I'll give it a try.
What's going on here? It's a war to settle the score, the ultimate ghost smackdown.
You're Louie's teacher.
Mother took away my dancing.
This is all I have, okay? Okay, here I go.
Oh, boy.
Hey, everybody, who wants to see me pet the "wittle" puppy? Hey, King, ever heard the expression "never wake a sleeping giant"? Hey.
Louie, come on, take it easy.
Mommy! Get me out of here! Unnecessary costume change! Frankie, I did it! Yeah, you did, big guy.
I always believed in you.
- You did? Really? - No! Son, that was absolutely amazing.
Who let the dogs out? My son, that's who.
Thanks, pops, it felt good to do that all on my own.
You even made Mr.
Dobson cry.
He's still hiding in the cookie jar.
No, I'm not.
Well, pops, looks like there's another level-ten ghost in the house.
Oh, yeah!
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