Thundercats (1985) s01e24 Episode Script

026 - Safari Joe

Safari Joe does it again.
Another perfect landing.
Tell me, Mule, can I hit a target or what? With spaceships, with weapons, my aim's always perfect.
That's why I'm the best big-game hunter in the galaxy.
You're a living legend, Safari Joe.
These big cats you found for me better be a decent challenge.
Thundercats, sir.
Big cats, aqua cats, sky cats I've hunted them all.
You haven't hunted Thundercats, sir.
They're different.
We've never encountered life-force readings like these.
Then get to work, you lazy Mule! Do I have to set up the holojector myself? I should be watching prey specifications right now.
A good hunter knows everything about his prey before moving in for the kill.
I'm finally getting the hang of this.
Way to go! No! No! Look out! You're a show-off, Wilykit.
Your spaceboards are fixed, all right, Thunderkids.
Wilykat, stop that! But I didn't do anything.
- Wilykat! - Wilykit! Safari Joe does it again! Blast! It's no use.
Whoever landed that ship set up some kind of electronic blind.
Our laserscopes can't see through it.
Very curious.
An entire acre of jungle turned invisible.
Lion-O should know about this, Tygra.
It's all clear.
Just a few more feet, and l I'll never beat you at this Kick-the-Bucket game, Snarf.
Want to give it another go? Well, okay.
But you shouldn't kick the bucket so hard next time.
Next time will have to wait.
- Why, Cheetara? What's happening? - A spaceship landed.
- Is it friendly? - We don't know.
Yes, I tried sound waves and alpha waves, radio waves.
Nothing works.
- Do you think it's the Mutants? - Technology's too advanced for them.
Maybe the sword can penetrate this blind wall.
Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight.
Hey, there is some sort of electrical interference.
I can see it but not through it.
Not even the Sword of Omens can see through that blind.
- I'm going to check it out.
- I'll go with you.
Congratulations, sir.
A successful hunt.
Will these cages hold them? The bars are made of Thundraniun a substance that somehow weakens Thundercats.
Now, who's next on the holojector? Thundercat prey: Tygra, the architect.
Defense systems: Paranormal strength agility, an energized bolo whip and invisibility.
Weakness: Except when he's invisible Tygra cannot swim.
Thundercat prey: Cheetara the swift one.
Defense systems: Superspeed paranormal senses including undeveloped sixth sense and a power staff.
Weakness: Cheetara can maintain top speed only short distances.
She is vulnerable to fire lightning and energy bolts.
These full-grown ones are dangerous.
Any recommendations, Mule? Neutralize defense systems.
Pity the beasts.
Pity them when Safari Joe goes hunting.
Tygra, look out! Let's see you run somewhere now.
Set her free, hunter.
Who's gonna make me? You? With your bolo whip? Don't even dare to charge me.
Safari Joe does it again! I can't find Wilykit and Wilykat anywhere.
I'll take the ThunderTank and have a good look round.
You keep your eyes glued to the scanners.
- But - I'll call you the moment I found out anything.
Doesn't that thing ever rest? It wouldn't matter.
This Thundranium cage has me weaker than a kitten.
Me too.
And the poor kids.
They're out like lights.
Somehow, we've got to warn Lion-O.
If only I had my staff.
Looking for this? Nice kitty.
Be nice, or I'll make your tiger friend into a rug.
At least tell us why you're doing this, Safari Joe.
Why? For sport! Why else? I'm a sportsman.
No, you're not.
You're just a bully.
Take that back.
Brave words, Thundercat but let's see how brave you'll be with your friends Panthro and Lion-O safely behind Thundranium bars with you.
Mule, who's next? Thundercat prey: The deadly Panthro.
Defense systems: Paranormal strength, master of all fighting arts his shoulder spikes are endowed with remarkable properties.
Panthro is a master mechanic but Panthro is most deadly when he uses his fighting sticks and the dangerous substances he might conceal within them.
Weaknesses: Panthro fears bats.
Bats? That's all? Yes, sir.
I love a challenge.
Moonlight's too bright.
Even though I'm rigged for silent running, I might be seen.
Well, since there's nothing I can do about it I might as well go in with teeth bared and fur flying.
That must be the electronic blind.
Let's see if this thing can hold up against the ThunderTank.
No way am I letting you have the chance to see.
Had enough, Thundercat? You're a wild one, all right.
Safari Joe does it again! - I'm coming with you.
- No, Snarf.
Someone has to stay and protect Cats' Lair.
But you can't just run off into the unknown.
You gotta find out what you're up against.
You're right, Snarf.
But how? Your opponent's name is Safari Joe.
- Safari Joe? - An intergalactic big-game hunter.
He successfully stalked the other Thundercats and imprisoned them in Thundranium cages.
What should I do, Jaga? Beware, young lord.
Safari Joe knows our weaknesses.
He is a formidable opponent.
Jaga, wait! He's gone.
Well, at least we know more than we did.
All right, Mule.
Run it again.
Thundercat prey: Lion-O, Lord of the Thundercats.
Defense systems: Paranormal abilities rivaling those of other Thundercat prey.
Claw Shield, with array of defensive properties.
Lion-O wields the mystic Sword of Omens in which is embedded the Eye of Thundera.
Mule, what happened? Eye of Thundera object defies analysis.
At last, a challenge I can sink my teeth into.
I don't believe it.
Right by Cats' Lair.
But I can jump out of here without even half trying.
But maybe that's what Safari Joe wants me to do.
So that's Safari Joe.
Come on, come on.
What's keeping you, Lion-O? You can jump out of there easily.
Here you come.
Come on, come on, you.
Stick your head up.
What? L I missed.
Safari Joe never misses.
You've lost your element of surprise, Safari Joe.
And now you'll lose even more.
Thunder, thunder, thunder.
Thundercats, ho! If you're calling your friends, forget it.
Nothing can help you now, Lion-O.
Your friends are my prisoners.
They are as weak as kittens and one word from me will destroy them.
So give yourself up.
Never! Perhaps I underestimated your power, Thundercat but what would you be without that sword? Release my friends, and I'll fight you without it.
You could not be that foolish.
- Release them! - The sword! First, throw down the sword.
Then I'll release them.
You have my word as a sportsman.
Safari Joe does it again! Now we know you're a liar, Safari Joe.
Let's see if you're a coward too.
Come and get me.
Very clever, Lion-O.
Lure me into your Cats' Lair where hunting you is most dangerous.
But since you have nothing to fight with except your strength and wits you don't stand a chance.
You're not playing by my rules, Thundercat.
Have you forgotten? I'm hunting you not the other way around.
Safari Joe does it! All out of ammo, Safari Joe? Looks like you ran out of courage too.
Please, no! Please! Don't hurt me.
Safari Joe turned out to be a big coward, didn't he, Lion-O? Most bullies are, Snarf.
Most bullies are.
All right.
Say it again, Safari Joe.
All right, all right.
I promise.
I promise never to hunt again.
And, Mule, you'll make sure he keeps this promise? Yes.
Panthro subject kindly changed my work-directive programming.
Well, then I guess you can go.
All that's left now is to clean up Cats' Lair.
It's a bit of a mess.
You've go to tell us how you beat Safari Joe.
Snarf did it.
He's Kick-the-Bucket champion of Third Earth.
It's true.
I'll challenge any of you to a game.
- Thundercats, ho! - Thundercats, ho!
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