Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e25 Episode Script

Episode 25

Ruby's Ring Gyeongmin, thank you and I'm sorry.
What have I gotten myself into? Episode 25 Hi, mom.
Go back to sleep.
I'll give you a massage.
It's okay.
It doesn't hurt.
You shouldn't be working so hard.
Like Insu said, take a few days off.
I can't, mom.
People say I got the job through nepotism.
If I skip work, it'll make Ruby look bad.
What if something goes wrong, and you need another surgery? It's early.
Who could it be? Ruby.
What are you doing here? I thought I'd stop by on my way to work.
Hey, Jeong Ruby.
How are you, Aunt Chorim? Same ol', same ol'.
Come again.
So what brings you here so early in the day? I came to see Runa.
Have you had breakfast? No.
How's your leg? Huh? It's fine.
It's nothing at all.
All you have to do is organize my schedule.
Why'd you have to run wild in the studio? Here.
What's this? It's spending money from your twin sister.
What for? I have nothing to spend it on.
Sure you do.
Go get your hair done, and get some new clothes.
Look at those rags you're wearing.
Your sister's a successful host.
What will people say if they see you like that? Ruby, I have money.
And I'm getting paid soon.
What's the matter? Is my money not good enough for you? Ruby, how can you say that? So take it.
This is the first time I'm giving you money I made on my own.
And stay home today.
I'm fine.
Do as I say, okay? You don't want to make me look like an evil slave master do you? Ruby.
Come have breakfast.
If I had known you were coming, Ruby, I would've made something special.
Eat even if you're not hungry.
You have a busy day ahead.
Is it because the food's not as good as it is at your rich in-laws'? Aunt Chorim, I really missed mom's cooking.
It's been so long since we all sat down for breakfast together.
- I know.
- It's so nice.
Right, mom? Yes, it is.
Ruby, what's wrong? Wait a minute.
Did you have an argument with Gyeongmin? Did you? No.
I'm just so happy.
What are you happy about? Everything.
It's just like how things used to be.
Goodness me.
Ruby, don't cry.
You're making me cry, too.
You didn't even cry at your wedding.
Gilja, she's all grown up now that she's married.
Ruby's always been mature beyond her years.
Stop crying, Ruby.
Your face will get puffy.
Ruby, stop crying.
You'll ruin your makeup.
It's so delicious, mom.
Maybe I should stop by every morning.
I'd love that.
I'd get to see both my pretty daughters every day.
Gilja, what about me? You hurry up and tie the knot with Dung Beetle.
Why are you all laughing? You can't all cry and laugh at the same time.
I know.
Come clean, dad.
Who was that lady last night? How many times do I have to tell you? She's in my baking class.
I don't really know her.
You swear? I've turned over a new leaf.
Don't you trust your old man? Nope.
Just trust me, okay? Trust is the first step to happiness.
A woman barged into our home, and then another woman approached you at a bar and insisted on spending the night here.
Have you gone back to your old ways? Give me a break.
If you keep this up, I won't be able to get into college because I'll be worried about you.
Don't say that.
You're smart, kid.
You have to go to college.
Law school.
No more women.
And no more alcohol either.
Otherwise, it's no more studying for me.
Look at you.
Blackmail, threats You're a regular con man.
What did you expect? Like father like son.
Come on.
You little! Three strikes, and you're out.
I'm serious! Hey, it's been ages since I washed my hands of all that.
Trust me, will you? They're dirty.
Did I not wash them properly? So what's the problem? It's the new warehouse, sir.
The claim is that the orchards within a 100m radius have suffered major losses due to the decrease in the amount of sunlight.
If it's the orchards Then this will affect the grapes and peaches.
So this will be a problem for the farmers.
So our warehouse won't be filled with this summer's yield, right? The farmers said they'd sue us if we don't compensate them for the damages.
How many farming families are we talking about? Five, sir.
We need to review the matter thoroughly and find a reasonable solution.
There's no reason to settle this in court.
We will compromise if need be in order to settle the matter amicably.
If we can't help struggling people, we can at least stop adding to their problems.
Yes, sir.
Let's wrap it up.
Oh, right.
They should be here any minute.
Who? Your mom and grandma.
Pardon? Grandma? Yes.
She said she hadn't visited in a long time.
You go ahead.
I'll look around here and then catch up with you.
But, mother, we can look around later.
You go ahead.
Changgeun's probably waiting for us.
Then let me come with you.
What if you get lost? Don't you worry.
I have a great sense of direction.
Go on.
Ma'am, ma'am, ma'am.
Yes? No outsiders are allowed in here.
We're about to go on air.
Oh, really? But I would really like to take a look around.
Couldn't you make an exception? Um What is it? She says she wants to take a look around.
Ma'am, you can look around, but as you can see, on the ceiling, there are many lights, and on the floor, there are many dangerous wires, so you could get hurt.
Is that so? I suppose you're right.
Say, what do you do here, young lad? What's wrong with calling a young lad "young lad"? Right, young lad? Yes, ma'am.
I'm a producer here at the homeshopping network.
What a handsome fellow.
He'd be perfect for Sera.
Ma'am, are you here to see someone? Me? My granddaughter works here.
She said she'd treat me to lunch today.
Everything's so fascinating, so I was wandering about.
But I don't know what's where.
I'm sorry, but could you walk me to the office? I'd like to, but at this time All right.
Let's go.
Huh? Okay.
How old are you? And what about your birth date and time of birth? Pardon? The thing is, I have a friend who's a fortune teller.
To thank you for your troubles, I'll get your fortune read for you.
That's okay, ma'am.
Your date and time of birth.
Oh, it's September 5, 7 o'clock.
Now give me your number.
Pardon? I need your number if I'm to let you know what your fortune is.
Take care then.
We thought you had gotten lost.
I may be old, but I can find my son's office.
Gyeongsuk, I just met someone very special.
Someone special? That's all you need to know for now.
You get ready to marry Sera off.
Pardon? Um.
What? The Most Sought-after Homeshopping Host Dishes about her Sweet, Exciting Life What's the matter with me? I loved her so much.
So why does she feel so unfamiliar? Why? I'm here.
You haven't had lunch yet, right? How did you get this already? I haven't even seen it yet.
Truly, my husband is the best.
So? Is it well-written? What's wrong? We dated for a long time, but I still don't know who you are.
Our first meeting place was a library, wasn't it? Yeah.
And you wore a red dress on our first date, right? I think so.
Why? Wrong.
We first met at freshman orientation.
And on our first date you wore a red sweater and a denim skirt.
You're good, Vice President Bae.
I was just testing you to see if you remembered.
You're the best.
Thank you for remembering.
That was so long ago.
Time sure flies.
But you shouldn't test me like that again.
What if I can't remember? You'll be so disappointed.
My memory's gotten bad since the accident.
I'm not the old Jeong Ruby in your memory.
But I love the old Jeong Ruby.
The woman I fell in love with was the old Jeong Ruby.
The current Jeong Ruby What do you think of her? Tell me.
Tell me.
Just tell me.
Why can't you tell me? You love the old Jeong Ruby, but you can't love the current Jeong Ruby? You don't want to love her? You can't love her? What's the matter with you? Why are you so quick to fly off the handle? You used to be easy-going and positive.
But you seem so anxious and irritable.
You know what? I used to think I'd be happy being your wife and raising our children.
I thought I'd be happy being the model wife, daughter-in-law, and mother.
But not anymore.
When Runa used to go on and on about how she wanted to become a famous TV personality, I thought it was a pipe dream.
But upon discovering that potential in me, I've gained so much confidence, and now I have a dream.
But that was Runa's dream, not yours.
Dreams always change.
It was once Runa's dream, but it can be mine, too.
I can be successful.
I want to be successful in my own right, without anyone saying I got help from my husband or in-laws.
And I can do it.
Are you leaving? Yes.
Gilja, table 2 is leaving.
Thank you.
The bill.
Huh? Oh, of course.
Did you enjoy the meal? It's $28.
Thank you.
Here's the receipt.
Thank you.
Gilja, what are you thinking about? Ruby, Chorim.
Ruby's face keeps popping up in my head.
Ruby? Why? I don't know, but she doesn't seem happy.
What am I saying? She married the love of her life.
Gilja, that girl's just being a spoiled brat.
Gyeongmin's the perfect husband, and she married into a great family.
Right? Of course.
So don't you worry.
Excuse me.
Two fried rice, please.
- Two fried rice? - Yes.
Geumhui! Has life been treating you well, Gyeongsuk? It's not like we haven't seen each other in years.
How shameless.
You left without a word, and you've shamelessly returned.
You're right, ma'am.
I am completely and utterly shameless.
I'm pathetic.
What? But is there shame in wanting a nose job? Do you think it's bad that I'm so obsessed with my botched nose? Please! Are you kidding me right now? According to the report, wasn't there absolute confidence that the entire stock of French cosmetics would be sold? The marketing strategy was formulated according to the data analysis from the product's launch, but the sales fell way shorter than expected.
I'm sorry.
There was actually a great response from the sample test, so we were very confident.
I think the problem was the host of the show.
It was obvious she lacked confidence in the product.
The eyes and expression said it all.
It may seem like consumers can't tell, but they know instinctively.
Jeong, I don't think that's a fair assessment.
Have you used the product yourself? But I have sensitive skin.
I can only use certain products.
When the show host advertises a product, she must try the product herself.
Isn't that the most basic, basic rule? So Ms.
Jeong, do you have a solution to our problem? I'll host the show myself.
I'm against the idea.
This isn't a high-end product, and there is no guarantee it will sell.
It could just end up tarnishing your high-end image.
I could become the product's brand.
My name, Jeong Ruby, should inspire confidence in the quality of the product.
I don't want to be a host who can only sell high-end goods.
I want to be a host who transforms her products transforms her products into high-end products.
into high-end products.
In turn, JM Homeshopping will become a high-end homeshopping network.
Right, Mr.
Na? High-end network You sure like the term "high-end," Ms.
Let's go for it.
Yu, have them send the product to Ms.
Jeong immediately.
They're uploading the new logistics system today, so it won't be easy putting in any orders at the warehouse.
The staff is busy, too.
I'll send Jeong Runa.
Are you sure you can find it? Don't worry.
I'm sorry about the trouble.
Drive safely.
I will.
Call me if anything comes up, okay? See you.
People might think you actually love and care about Jeong Runa.
Who knows? Maybe I do.
That's great.
Then forget about your pathetic revenge scheme and move overseas with her.
I'll pay for everything.
You can have a normal, happy life if you want.
For who? For you? No.
For all of us.
Think about it.
Oh, right.
One more thing.
For curiosity's sake.
Are you in love with the Jeong Ruby within Jeong Runa? Not Jeong Runa's face? The proposal still stands.
Give it some thought.
You're not even scared anymore.
Do you still love me? I know you still love me.
I may look different, but you're a naive soul who believes in love.
Revenge isn't for anyone.
Just love me as I am.
Then you can accept me and forgive me.
Thank you all for your hard work.
Not at all.
We're grateful and reassured you've come all this way to visit us in person.
But of course.
Are the representatives of the orchards here? No, not yet, sir.
You're actually very early.
You haven't seen the new warehouse yet, right? We still have some time, so how about a tour? That would be great.
I did want to take a look around.
- Let's go.
- Okay.
The product has probably been taken to the warehouse.
It should be in Section C.
It's a cutting-edge system featuring one-stop delivery inspection services as well as inventory management capabilities.
Oh, and just about every process is automated, so we can save on personnel expenses.
We could link it to the airport system and turn this place into our Northeastern logistics hub.
Of course.
It's okay.
Go ahead and take it.
Thank you.
Yes? What? How did it come to that? Okay.
I'll be right there.
You can go if you're busy.
I can look around by myself.
I'll come and get you when the representatives arrive.
Found it.
Creme de beaute.
This is the cream they want.
Creme de beaute How do I know French? Insu.
Runa, what's wrong? Hello? Is anyone here? Let go.
Help! Gyeongmin? Long time no see.
What do you think you're doing? So pretty.
Why? Why Gyeongmin? Runa.
Runa, it's me.
It's me, Runa.
Are you okay? Calm down.
Everything will be fine.
Do whatever it takes to restore the system.
The vice president's locked in the warehouse.
Come on.
Hurry up or we'll all get fired.
We've upgraded the security feature for this new system, so all the entrances and exits automatically go into lock mode in emergency situations.
Stop your babbling and get someone down there.
If they can't get it opened, have them break down the door.
The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting to voicemail.
Once connected, charges will apply.
The recipient's phone has been turned off.
Connecting to voicemail.
Once connected, charges will apply.
Na Insu, you piece of How dare he run off right before a live show? The number is busy.
Connecting to voicemail.
Hello? What? The vice president is locked inside the warehouse? There's a problem.
Gyeongmin's locked in a warehouse.
What? Luckily, it doesn't seem like he's in any danger.
Emergency workers are at the scene breaking down the door, so he'll be able to get out soon.
Don't worry.
I'll call you once I get there.
I haven't called home.
I don't want them worrying.
Drive safely.
I will.
We rebooted the system.
We'll turn on the central command system.
So are we all set now? Yes.
It'll return to normal soon.
What a relief.
I'm going down to get the vice president.
Park, wrap things up here.
Yes, sir.
Runa, are you okay? Do you feel better? Runa.
Where's the vice president? He's still What about the woman? What woman? We thought it was just the vice president in there.
There's someone else in there.
Oh man.
Runa's in there, too? She got disconnected while we were talking.
I kept trying to call back, but no answer.
She said she was in the warehouse.
She has to be trapped in here.
So the two of them are in there together? Is that really so important? It's open.
Vice President Bae.
Find the vice president.
Vice President Bae, are you okay? Hurry.
Are you okay, sir? We're so sorry.
Kick it way up.
Higher, stupid.
I'm not doing it.
Like doing kicks will do me any good.
The only thing a woman needs is a pretty face.
So are you saying you're pretty? Come on, Chorim.
This isn't too bad.
Where do you get your self-confidence? But then again, it's better to be ugly and confident than ugly and glum.
You're one to talk.
What about you? With that age, that face, and nothing else going for you, you're still bursting with confidence.
You deserve a medal from the president.
Jeong Chorim, despite being super old, and super ugly, super poor with nothing going for her, remains courageous against all odds Oh you little - You're getting it from me.
- Ow, Chorim.
You'd better watch it.
Here you go again.
Lucky you, Chorim, for having such boundless energy.
Gilja, please.
It would be nice if you could take my side for once.
This is a tiny family.
There are no sides to take.
- Runa.
- Runa.
Why are you so pale? - I know.
- Are you sick? You look as pale as a ghost.
I'm fine.
I'm just tired.
It's been hectic.
You are still unwell.
You should've taken the day off.
Have you had dinner? Yes.
Mom, I'm going to my room to rest.
Get some rest.
Runa, would you like honey tea to help you relax? I'm fine.
I'm just going to sleep.
I'll have some tea.
Something's not right.
But what? What could be the problem? Why do I keep seeing images of Gyeongmin? Why not Insu? Why Gyeongmin? Why? Why? What have I done to deserve a visit from someone so high up? It'll be a show in your name: Jeong Ruby.
Are you asking me to do business with you? Don't forget.
You're the famous Jeong Ruby's twin sister.
How can a single traffic accident completely change two sisters? Some might even think you two switched bodies.
Back then, back then Used to, used to I'm so sick and tired of it all! See you next time
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