Rurouni Kenshin (1996) s01e25 Episode Script

The Crimson Pirate the Red Pirate: Kenshin and Kaoru Separated

A brush against the freckles
that I hated oh so much
A small flicker, that's all,
and then I heave a little sigh.
The heavyweight love
that I once shared with you
Miraculously dissolved
with the sugar cube.
The little prick that I feel
on my bosom that has shrunken
from the little thorn
really hurts me now.
I guess I cannot trust those
silly horoscopes after all
I wonder what it would be like
if we could go further away right?
I'd be so happy
just because of that!
Memories I have are
always beautiful in my mind.
But they can't feed me:
they can't fill up my stomach.
In reality tonight was
supposed to be somber.
I really do wonder why
I just can't see how all of the tears were
streaming down his face that night.
I just can't see it anymore
Wandering Samurai
Rurouni Kenshin
It was around here
Will they appear?
Those pirates
T-There they are!
Full speed ahead!
Scarlet Pirate!
Tear Up Kenshin and Kaoru
Kairyu, the pirate group
attack another ship
Man, I'm hungry
Me too.
I haven't eaten since yesterday
l-I want to eat some eel
I wouldn't mind tempura, either
Or a lobster!
That reminds me, we haven't
had beef hot-pot in a while either
Everyone, time for lunch!
C-Can this really be it?
I've heard that it's been
tough lately, more so than before
But this can't be it
This is it!
Share it amongst the three of you!
I'm going to go give more lessons
I want the middle!
Wait a minute!
Oh, dammit!
It's mine!
What's yours?
Stop that!
L-I'll take the head, that I will
Wait a minute!
The head might be a good piece too!
You're getting the tail!
You're just here to mooch off us!
What was that?
I'm in my growth spurt!
Kids should just eat the plate and deal!
I'm in my growth spurt!
Kids should just eat the plate and deal!
Hey, leftovers.
What a waste!
What a waste!
So sad
It's all Kaoru's fault!
Whose fault is it?
Two freeloaders, plus one moocher!
I'm the one sweating,
going out to teach lessons!
I'm the one making the money for food!
Three men, all sitting around,
spending every day doing nothing!
How can you walk under the sun so
casually, while being fed by a woman?
What was that about a lobster?
You've never made
one yen in your life!
Where are you going?
I just remembered I have an errand
There still is laundry to be done
Damn you!
She does have a point
Perhaps I'm relying too
much on Miss Kaoru, that I am
But, to make money right away
We have no skills other
than being good martial artists
Those who are sure of their strength
Come to Senbonya right away!
Head over to Senbonya immediately!
We'll make sure you won't regret it!
Sail with us, and we'll give you 40 yen!
What's that?
Sail with us, and we'll give you 40 yen!
Sail with us, and we'll give you 40 yen!
Depending on how strong you
are, you can earn 100, even 200 yen!
100 200 yen?
My Senbonya group has had four
boats already looted by the Kairyu.
We're sending another ship tomorrow
but this time I would like
to protect the ship at any cost.
Those of you that board the ship
as mercenaries will get 40 yen each.
Furthermore, on each pirate
There will be a bounty.
40 yen!
I wouldn't have to work
for two or three months!
All right!
This is it!
Now, this is the boat
to cross the river with!
Pirates, huh?
Sounds like I'll finally get
to have some fun fighting!
I got myself into this on the
spur of the moment, that I did
It's only for ten days.
We asked them to send a letter to
the Missie, so we have no worries.
That's right.
We'll even be able to buy a
lobster for Kaoru before going back.
How pathetic.
Seasick already?
Oh well
Oh, making money really is so difficult!
M-Miss Kaoru?
S-Stop that!
So, I wanted to feed
you something delicious
That's why you're working on this ship?
You lied to us, saying that you
were going out to give lessons?
Because you'd be
worried if I told you, right?
Hey, Kenshin, you stopped working!
B-But, Miss Kaoru
It's dangerous, that it is
The Kairyu are pirates known
for their violence, that they are
That word isn't
enough to describe it!
The Kairyu are like demons
They swoop in as if they could fly
and then attack, looting our ships.
Those that resist
are always badly beaten.
I believe their
leader was named Shura
That's right, Shura!
Nobody who has seen
Shura's face has ever escaped alive.
He's a mysterious monster
They say he sheds no blood or
tears, and nobody knows what he's like.
My Senbonya group barely
makes a living trading silk.
Why do they always go after our ships?
Please, I beg of you!
Protect us from these monsters!
Miss Kaoru
Because I'm not
used to being on a ship
I keep waking up.
You too, Kenshin?
No, I just had
something that bothered me
and was I thinking about it.
About why they call Shura a monster?
As is, fighting on the sea gives
the pirates an advantage, that it does
If I knew you were going
on this ship, Miss Kaoru
I would have stopped you at any cost!
you're angry?
I promise
I won't get in your way.
I'm fine.
Even if you don't protect me, Kenshin
I'll be fine!
W-What's that?
This sucks, it looks
like it's going to be stormy.
Yes, especially on this ship.
The Kairyu!
They approached during the night!
P-Please, we're counting on you!
What are these guys?
They're as fast as lightning!
That's Shura!
Who shall I prey on first?
I'll slay him!
As I expected from these guys.
Looks like these
weaklings are no match for him.
I guess I'll take him on myself!
Pirate, now that I'm
here, it won't be so easy!
Damn you!
Isn't there someone
here who knows how to fight?
Miss Kaoru, hurry inside the ship!
I can't do that!
But at this rate, you'll be in
danger, that you will!
I told you!
I won't get in your way!
Yahiko, help Miss Kaoru!
Look out, Kenshin!
H-Hurry up and hide it!
Get it inside!
You idiot!
Handle that more carefully!
Protect this at any cost, got it?
I don't care if all the
other goods get taken!
We can do anything as
long as this remains with us!
Hurry up!
So, is that cargo what
makes you so wealthy?
Hey, Gohei Senbonya!
Wait, or was it Yohei?
Well, it's not important!
No need to be weak in the knees.
I'm kind to worthless
flies who aren't worth killing
Foreign Tobacco?
Miss Kaoru, are you hurt?
L-I'm sorry that it ended up like this
Enough of that!
Don't stray from my side!
The wench!
Go after that wench first!
That's his weakness!
There you go!
L-I'm all right, that I am
A poisoned dart?
I, Shura, will kill that man!
There has never been a
man that could beat me before.
I wonder how you will do
Not bad
I can't scratch him.
I've never met a man like this
Who are you?
Introduce yourself!
Kenshin Himura.
Kenshin Himura, I'm the one person
on this Earth who will defeat you.
L-I lost
Pull yourself together, Kenshin!
L-I'm all right
Can it be?
He was hit by a poisoned dart?
And he still
l-Is it the Imperial navy?
Yeah, but it just looks
like a patrol ship to me.
Did you get the loot?
All right, retreat!
They're just trying to scare us.
They don't have the
guts to come any closer.
I surprised them and grabbed her!
She's our souvenir.
No, let me go!
M-Miss Kaoru!
L-Lady Shura!
Please, I beg you!
Please let go of Miss Kaoru, please!
You can't abduct innocent
people, no matter who they are!
Please, I beg of you!
What a joke.
Stop that!
We don't kill women and children!
That is the rule for us pirates.
We are proud heroes, murdering
women would be an embarrassment!
All right!
We will take you in her place!
Until now, no one has been
worthy enough to be called my enemy.
But, you are different.
With my own hands
I will execute you!
You've sold your soul to Death herself
Let the woman go!
Are you all right, Missie?
B-Before that, Kenshin
Lady Shura!
Please hurry, the ship!
I know!
This man
He could have finished me off before
Look after Miss Kaoru!
I'm counting on you, that I am!
When your heart is
shaken about with tears
What should i be doing to help you out?
Even looking up at the sky
My heart hurts as much as yours.
Something that you don't
have to get hurt over
Everyone accidentally feels
Just like the times
when you're surprised
by how cold the water really is.
Now, just being here right next to you
It's all that i can do, and nothing else
All the smiles that i can
make just for you, anytime
I'll embrace and send to
you, whenever you need it.
You can believe it,
dreams will someday be reality
Just for you and only for you
It's okay to cry, because
deep inside that heart of yours
every piece of
sadness turns to wings
for you to fly.
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