Thundercats (1985) s01e25 Episode Script

022 - Snarf Takes Up the Challenge

It's so quiet.
Why aren't the lights on? Lion-O? Cheetara? Anybody home? Come on.
Stop kidding.
Where are you all? Tygra? Panthro? Are you in there? Panthro? Where is everybody? Thundercats?! Who's there? Ro-Bear-Bill.
You scared me.
Where is everyone? I don't know.
They all went out.
Only Cheetara was left to keep watch.
Then Lion-O summoned her, and none of them came back.
How do you turn these darned things off? I've watched Panthro.
We better go see what the Unicorn Keeper wants.
Slithe and his band of Mutant friends have captured the Thundercats.
- Impossible.
- I saw it.
It is true.
But, couldn't? Wasn't there anything you could do to help them? The Mutants are formidable opposition, even for Thundercats.
What could I and my gentle Unicorns achieve against them? Besides it started in the Forest of Silence where warnings go unheard.
The Mutants began to herd my unicorns driving them from the safety of their homes.
My husband, the Unicorn Keeper went to the Cats' Lair and begged the Thundercats for help.
We are too late, Lord Lion-O.
My unicorns are deep in the Forest of Silence Iost and frightened.
We better split up.
We'll stand a better chance of finding them before those Mutants can do any harm.
We should meet back here in an hour.
Let's go.
That's the last I saw of them.
- But what happened then? - All I can tell you is what we learned from the creatures of the forest.
They saw everything.
The feathered lizard told me that they took Lord Lion-O first.
The Nosediver.
But where are the Mutants? The Sword of Omens tried to protect him.
But its warning growls went unheard in the Forest of Silence.
I wonder how this thing works.
Panthro'll have a lot of fun with this.
Say goodbye to your Nosediver, Slithe.
There was nothing he could do.
Those Mutants had programmed the Nosediver.
They were operating it by remote control.
The one you call Tygra was next to go.
They captured him outside the forest, close to the Living Ooze.
Hello! Good to be out of that forest.
The silence is so oppressive.
A maze of light.
With carved Tygra heads? Wonder where it leads.
What?! But what about Panthro? And Cheetara? What happened to them? All captured.
All imprisoned.
Cold and smooth.
What kind of material is this? The Eye of Thundera? Nunchucks.
Target in range.
No sign of them, Wilykat.
My Space Board doesn't respond.
We're out of control, Wilykit.
I'm going to jump.
No, Wilykat.
We're too high.
What am I gonna do? But what about Cheetara? She stayed behind.
They even got her.
What's happened to them, Ro-Bear-Bill? I'm worried.
I'm sure they are safe.
I'll be back.
A full house, yes? The Thundercats are finished.
Now it's our turn.
But Lion-O's summons.
A clever deception, Thundercat.
Crude but effective.
Where are the Thundercats now? I have told you everything that the creatures of the forest reported to me.
But where they are now, I do not know.
My master plan worked.
Tailor-made traps.
A case of curiosity and the cats.
All it needed was some help from my crude Mutant friends.
Now Third Earth is truly mine once more.
And you are prisoners for all eternity.
As for your useless Sword of Omens it makes a nice ornament for the wall.
What can I do? You're a Thundercat.
You must save them.
I may be a Thundercat, but look at me.
I don't have the cunning of Wilykit and Wilykat.
The intelligence and strange powers of Tygra.
The speed and the courage of Cheetara.
The technology or the skills of Panthro.
The strength and youth of Lion-O.
How can I save them? I'm just Snarf.
You must use what talents you have.
Like what? I don't know.
You must have some.
They say you can communicate with the creatures of Third Earth.
First, find out where they are.
We'll bully the Berbils.
Terrorize the Tabbutts.
Whip the Wollos.
Smash the Snowmen.
What was that? You sniveling coward, Jackalman.
Who cares what it was? What creature would dare to threaten the new lords of Third Earth? Slithe is right.
We are invincible.
What about the Snarf? We never captured him.
Snarf? That useless Thundercat nursemaid? He is powerless.
Nursemaid, huh? Powerless, huh? We'll see about that.
We have nothing to fear now that the Thundercats are incarcerated in Mumm-Ra's pyramid.
Mumm-Ra's pyramid? Help! Sooner this is over the better.
Let me see.
Snarf! Am I glad to see you.
The sword.
You will never escape from the tomb chamber, Thundercats.
Thundercats! Too late, Mumm-Ra.
It was a good plan.
But you made a fatal error.
You underestimated the seventh Thundercat.
The bravest of us all! Thundercat Snarf! Ancient spirits of evil transform this decayed form to Mumm-Ra the ever-living.
Nothing will stop the vengeful force of Mumm-Ra! Except, evil Mumm-Ra, the horror of your own reflection.
I thought we'd had it that time.
We certainly owe Snarf a vote of thanks.
I still can't believe you did it.
You should have a little more faith, Panthro.
It's like I've always said to Lion-O you never know what you can do until you try.
What on Third Earth is that? I don't know what it's saying, but it sounds angry.
He is.
I promised to pay him for the ride and I forgot.

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