Till The End of The Moon (2023) s01e25 Episode Script

Episode 25

I'm not hungry.
I'm going to lie down for a while.
Remember to eat it
after you are done reading.
Ye Xiwu.
Have you fallen asleep?
Did you make this porridge
especially for me?
I'm asking you
whether you made
this porridge especially for me.
That's right.
Have you taken it?
Do you want me to take it?
What's the matter?
I guess
I'll have some if you feed me.
I want you to feed me.
Tantai Jin, you almost scared me to death.
Why are you
being so mushy out of the blue?
Open your mouth.
Mr. Pang.
Do we still wait?
His Highness ordered us
to lead the main army down south
if he didn't return on time.
I'll go against his order.
At most, I'll receive military punishment
when Xiao Lin comes back.
Ask the soldiers.
Those who are willing to stay
and wait for Prince Lin
can stay here.
As for the rest,
you can escape to the south with them.
Ms. Xiwu, do you feel unwell?
Xiao Lin?
Have we managed to escape?
That's right.
Ms. Xiwu.
You don't look good.
Please hang in there.
Let's find a place to rest before dawn.
Your Majesty.
Do you have the results?
Traces of dry mylabris were found.
It's a type of deadly poison
from the Sheng Kingdom.
What will happen if I take it?
It'll kill you instantly.
there's no antidote for it.
Ye Xiwu.
Did you try to poison me?
Do you wish me dead?
Didn't you say
that you liked me
and wanted to stay beside me?
Why did you do so?
Nian Baiyu.
Get me some Ruo Water.
Yes, Your Majesty.
Mighty Ruo Water,
control her soul.
Ye Xiwu.
Wake up.
Yes, master.
You can do whatever you want now.
Ye Xiwu.
Were you looking for this?
Tell me.
What do you want to do with it?
I want to save Xiao Lin.
Ye Xiwu.
Did you poison the porridge?
Yes, I did.
So you did everything
for Xiao Lin's sake?
That's right.
Do you love him?
Are you actually willing
to do this for him?
Are you willing to kill me for his sake?
Go now.
Tail her.
Let her achieve her goal.
Yes, Your Majesty.
Ye Xiwu.
You said you wouldn't leave me.
It's too late for you to regret it.
Put it on.
It can keep you warm more or less.
Thank you.
I'm afraid Tantai Jin's soldiers
will leave town soon.
We can't afford
to take the official routes.
Xiao Lin.
How did we manage to escape?
I feel a little blurry.
Ms. Xiwu, sorry about this.
You have a fever.
Maybe it's because you were frightened
and caught a cold during nighttime.
You poisoned Tantai Jin
and stole the Tiger Tally.
Due to that,
we had access to all the city gates.
Everything was proceeding so smoothly
that I felt something was off.
There are no pursuers
or stalkers behind our tails.
Tantai Jin, what exactly are you up to?
I want you to feed me.
Open your mouth.
That's right.
I remember now.
This is great.
I finally got you out of there.
Ms. Xiwu, you saved my life.
No words can express my gratitude.
I feel much better now.
You should leave.
Tantai Jin will wake up after dawn.
We should leave together.
You stole the Tiger Tally.
Tantai Jin won't let you off.
You mustn't head back.
Ms. Xiwu, we should head
to the army camp first.
We need to plan things out.
I have to go back.
I haven't accomplished my mission,
so I have to return to his side.
However, you're right.
Tantai Jin will be infuriated
if I return now.
I should lay low for a while
and head back once he cools off.
So where are we heading now?
The south.
The south?
Do you two intend to leave
the Jing Kingdom together?
What a shame.
You can never
escape from me for the rest of your life.
What's the matter?
Your Majesty,
we received a message
outside of the palace.
Something happened to the Ye family.
Hurry up. The imperial physician is here.
Hurry up.
How is she?
She was struck by lethal poison.
I'm afraid
there's no cure for it.
Aren't you an imperial physician?
You have to do something.
She was poisoned by dry mylabris.
Grandmother, please wake up.
How is he still alive?
Your Majesty.
Your Majesty, why have you
graced us with your presence?
Mother, what do you want to say?
What do you want to say?
Mrs. Ye.
Don't worry.
I'll surely take care of Ye Xiwu
and won't let her suffer any grievances.
I promise.
-Grandmother, wake up.
Ye Bingchang.
Tragedy has befallen your family.
You don't need to return to Lateral Court.
Stay here and take care of your family.
Your Majesty.
-Your Majesty.
The porridge
Grandmother took in the evening
was drugged.
The imperial physician concluded
that it was dry mylabris.
Bingchang said the porridge
was made by Xiwu.
-She served Grandmother a bowl of it.
Ye Xiwu.
Did you make this porridge
especially for me?
Traces of dry mylabris were found.
It's a type of deadly poison
from the Sheng Kingdom.
Open your mouth.
Your Majesty.
Xiwu would never poison Grandmother.
She must have taken
the poisoned porridge by accident
and died as a result.
I'm afraid we need to find out
who the poisoned porridge
was prepared for.
There's no need for that.
It was me.
Father, that's impossible.
It couldn't be Xiwu.
-Your Majesty.
-Your Majesty.
Ye Xiwu.
Now, you'll know what it feels like
to be abandoned by your kin.
We've finally arrived.
We've arrived?
However, there's not a single soul here.
We are four days late.
Maybe they've already left.
Let's go and take a look first.
Your Highness.
Mr. Pang?
This is great. You're still alive.
I knew you could make it back.
So you defied my order
and made everyone wait?
That's right. I knew this would happen.
-Welcome back, Your Highness.
-Welcome back, Your Highness.
Ms. Xiwu is here too?
Don't tell me you escaped
and took her along with you?
Tantai Jin is going to be
so mad about this.
Enough chatter.
I was able to escape successfully
all thanks to Ms. Xiwu's assistance.
You should thank her instead.
Ms. Xiwu, what's wrong?
Ms. Xiwu?
Ms. Xiwu?
-Ye Xiwu, wake up.
-Ms. Xiwu?
Ye Xiwu.
You'll return to me soon.
I'll be waiting for you.
The only place you can stay
is by my side.
Your Highness!
Ms. Xiwu, why did you do this?
Did you follow His Highness
all the way here
just to assassinate him
for Tantai Jin's sake?
Ms. Xiwu.
How could you do this?
Your Highness.
Ye Xiwu.
Even if you will hate me
and never forgive me for this,
I'll make you stay by my side
and keep me company.
Your Majesty.
You clearly knew what Ms. Xiwu's goal was.
Why did you make her stab Xiao Lin
after the two of them
reunited with the remnants?
Only by letting her betray Xiao Lin
in front of everybody's eyes
will she be discarded by all
and have nowhere to go.
They will hate her.
Pang Yizhi will hate her.
Xiao Lin will hate her more.
However, no one can hurt her
under the protection
of the puppeteering spell barrier.
Her only choice
is to return to the Jing Kingdom
and return to my side.
I'm the only one who can protect her,
keep her company,
and love her.
Relay my order to the troops.
Capture both Xiao Lin and Ye Xiwu.
Remember, keep them alive.
Yes, Your Majesty.
Ye Xiwu.
I'll wait for your return.
Let her go.
-Your Highness.
-I said, let Ms. Xiwu go.
I'm sorry.
I didn't do it on purpose.
I don't know why I did so too.
I didn't mean it.
Ms. Xiwu, don't be afraid.
It's not fatal.
I won't die for now.
Mr. Pang.
Help me up.
I was hurt by the Jing soldiers.
I'm fine now.
It has nothing to do with Ms. Xiwu.
No one shall talk about this again.
Remember that?
Let's go.
Has Ms. Xiwu settled down?
I've undone her spell.
She wanted to take care of you,
but I stopped her.
This is Soul-Gnawing Wedge.
It sucks blood from its victim.
The victim will eventually die
from its effect.
What if I dig it out
with a dagger?
You must be kidding me.
Listen to me.
From today onwards,
you have to stay bedridden.
To wait for my demise?
I'll figure something out.
We're out of time.
Has this ever occurred to you?
He could've killed me
when he manipulated Ye Xiwu
as his puppet,
but why did he only immobilize me?
Why did you think he did so?
What exactly happened?
Ye Xiwu, wake up.
Xiao Lin
is going to be all right, right?
Why are you walking around
instead of resting in your room?
Why did you change your outfit too?
Someone will prepare a carriage
and send you out of here later.
Where are you sending me?
Somewhere for you to lay low.
Don't worry.
Dragon Guards will keep you safe.
There's a war coming, isn't it?
How can you fight when you're injured?
Just let me stay.
It's all my fault.
I can't just walk away.
Xiao Lin.
Are you hiding something from me?
News just came from the capital.
I thought about it back and forth.
I guess I should tell you.
What news?
Your grandmother…
just passed away.
That's impossible.
-Did your men make a mistake?
-Calm down.
I'm sure they were mistaken.
My grandmother has always been healthy.
She was perfectly fine when I left.
If this thing happened because of me,
I must take responsibility for it.
I can only repay
what I owe your grandmother
in my next life.
What do you mean
by it happened because of you?
Last night,
Tantai Jin went to Ye Mansion.
It's all fake.
So he just learned how to pretend.
It's Tantai Jin.
Tantai Jin.
Tantai Jin!
Xiwu, please accept my condolences.
I can't stay here for too long.
You can't stay here either.
Where are you going?
Your Majesty, the messenger pigeon
will arrive today as per your order.
All right.
I'll be expecting good news.
Your Majesty.
Why didn't you kill Xiao Lin?
I have my own plans.
Yes, Your Majesty.
I received a letter
from His Majesty's messenger pigeon.
It states that Xiao Lin
is too injured to lead his army.
Launch a surprise attack at dusk
and we'll be able to catch him alive.
Prepare for it immediately.
By His Majesty's order,
Ye Xiwu and Xiao Lin
must be captured alive.
This is Virid Blood Pill.
It'll stop your bleeding
and keep you alive for the time being.
I never expected someone
to court death like you.
Thank you, Mr. Pang.
Gather our men for me.
Stop the carriage.
Stop the carriage. Send me back.
Xiao Lin is going to die.
I must bring you away
by His Highness's order.
Chongyu, help me.
Your Majesty.
Your Majesty,
General Feng led his troops
to surround the headquarters
of the Sheng army, but…
But he didn't manage to capture Xiao Lin.
Did they escape?
We surrounded the Sheng troops,
but Xiao Lin led his remnants
and broke through.
He launched a raid from behind
and caught us unaware.
He burned all of our provisions
and even rescued all the prisoners.
That's impossible.
Xiao Lin was struck by Soul-Gnawing Wedge.
He couldn't even get on horseback.
How could he lead his army?
Did someone see this with their own eyes?
Yes. All of our soldiers saw it.
It's absolutely true.
He led his remnants
and the refugees southward.
However, he left this in his camp.
-Show me.
Tantai Jin.
I should address you as Your Majesty now.
Back in the palace of Sheng,
I was a prince
and you were a hostage.
Our paths were nothing alike.
When you left the palace and got married,
we were separated and rarely met.
Who would've expected us
to be at war with each other
and become each other's archenemy
in just a year?
Now, the boundary of life and death
should be the thing that sets us apart.
The Jing Kingdom is on the rise.
The Sheng Kingdom has perished.
However, there are still
loyal civilians and officers
who chose to follow me.
I've ordered my troops
to escort these refugees southward
and travel far by sea.
Now, the world
belongs to the Jing Kingdom.
My land and people will be yours too.
They say a kingdom rises
because it values its people.
A kingdom perishes
because it acts the opposite.
I wish that you would treat
this beautiful land
and these good folks kindly.
Thank you for granting my wish.
I have nothing else to offer
but the Heart-Guarding Scale,
which is a treasure of my sect.
Please take it as a congratulatory gift.
Xiao Lin.
Is this how you congratulate me?
Ms. Xiwu, why are you back?
Ms. Xiwu.
Why the memorial banners?
Who's dead?
I have another request.
Bingchang is sensitive and jealous.
And now, she has lost her husband.
I'm afraid her life
will be difficult after this.
Although I've cut all ties with her,
I wish that you could spare her life.
With the highest respect
and best regards.
Xiao Lin.
Why are you so stubborn?
Why did you have to sacrifice yourself
to save your kingdom?
Zhong Tai and Chen Xian
will lead the remaining soldiers
to leave the camp
and sail south after dark.
What about you?
I don't know.
The Sheng Kingdom is gone.
Xiao Lin is gone too.
The world is a terrible place.
I don't wish to stay here any longer.
Maybe I'll return to Xiaoyao Sect
and resume my cultivation.
Safe journey ahead.
Ms. Xiwu, what about you?
Is there no news yet?
The Moonshadow Guards
have already begun their search,
but nobody has heard
that Ms. Xiwu assassinated Xiao Lin.
There were no rumors
saying Ms. Xiwu was a traitor.
It no longer matters.
Did you manage to locate her whereabouts?
Not yet.
The Sheng army's camp is empty now.
It's said that
Xiao Lin's remnants had gone south.
Ms. Xiwu didn't follow them.
Should we continue the pursuit?
No need.
Let them go.
Ye Xiwu.
Is there still no news?
Your Majesty, please don't worry.
Ms. Xiwu should be back very soon.
She won't be back again.
She loved Xiao Lin.
She loved Xiao Lin for so many years,
but I made her kill her beloved
with her own hands.
She will never come back!
Your Majesty.
Leave me alone.
-Your Majesty.
-Get out!
Yes, Your Majesty.
Ye Xiwu.
In the end, have I lost you too?
Do you love him?
Are you actually willing
to do this for him?
Are you willing to kill me for his sake?
Ye Xiwu.
You'll never return to my side.
You will taste all the pain in this world.
You will carry the curse of fate
and suffer a tragic death.
You were right.
I'm afraid
I'll live this life alone.
Who's blocking the way?
Go away.
How could it be you?
I've returned.
Ye Xiwu.
Why did you come back?
I just want to stay by your side.
Ye Xiwu.
That day…
Tantai Jin,
what's past is past.
Let's not mention them again,
all right?
All right.
All right.
I wish to start anew with you.
I forgive you.
Will you forgive me?
I forgive you.
The Sheng Kingdom is gone.
Xiao Lin is gone too.
You should leave with the Dragon Guards.
There's always a place
for you in this vast world.
I still have something
that I haven't finished.
This time,
I must finish it.
Ye Xiwu.
Ye Xiwu?
Ye Xiwu.
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