Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e26 Episode Script

Episode 26

Ruby's Ring Is your sister okay? I thought she'd been hurt.
She really scared me.
Why? I was sitting next to her, and she was shaking.
Her health wasn't too great so I was really worried.
She's not weak.
She's pretending to be delicate.
What do you mean? Why in the world would she do that? Maybe to arouse pity and sympathy.
Jeong Ruby.
Okay, fine.
You're trying to ask why I would badmouth my only sister, right? You are my husband after all.
A kind husband and brother-in-law I just felt like testing you.
Why do you keep testing me? I'm not falling for it again.
So stop fooling around.
When I was trapped in the warehouse today, it brought back old memories.
Old memories? We were at the supermarket where we worked and we got locked in the warehouse, remember? I can still remember the look on your face Hold on.
Runa had the same look on her face today.
Is that just a twin thing? You must be tired, Gyeongmin.
Go to bed.
Do you not like talking about the past with me? Whenever I bring up old stories What are you talking about? I'm just worried because you had a long day.
You must be tired, so go to bed.
Going somewhere? Oh, I have some papers to organize.
After all, I'm the famous Jeong Ruby.
I'll be outside.
You must be tired.
I'll turn off the light.
Where is it? When did it happen? It's not here.
Not anywhere.
Coffee shop, vacation, everything else is here.
So why is there no mention of a supermarket warehouse? Why didn't she keep a proper diary? Why keep a diary at all if you leave out all the details? I'm sick and tired of this.
Back then, back then, before, before How much more do I have to take? What more can I do? I'm so sick and tired of it all.
What are you doing? Nothing.
I'm just stressed.
What's causing you this much stress? You're supposed to tell me these things.
What happened? Darling, these days I feel like there's too many secrets between us.
Can't you just talk to me? We're married.
I don't know about anyone else, but there shouldn't be secrets between us.
Tell me.
What's wrong? Honey, why are you so serious? I don't have any secrets.
You don't have any secrets? Are you sure you don't have anything you're hiding from me? None.
I promise.
I'm sorry, honey.
I didn't mean to worry you.
I'm happy.
Can't you tell? I'm happy, honey.
Give me a hug.
Hey, Jihyeok, try this soup.
It's a work of art.
Did you try the bread I made yesterday? Mhm.
You don't seem too happy today.
I have a practice test coming up.
I'm worried about the math section.
You did well last time.
It's not the same every single time.
It's not easy keeping up with the kids who can afford private lessons.
Oh, right.
Try this on, dad.
What's this? It looks cool.
They call it the necklace of success.
But I think it looks better on you.
How so? It'll remind you to be a stand-up guy and to become an honest success.
All right kiddo.
Does it suit me? Ye-ah.
Watch out single ladies.
Lift your feet.
Chef Noh Dongpal is here.
Well, hello.
Would you like coffee, Dongpal? That'd be great, Chorim.
Oh, wow.
Your necklace design is pretty.
Where did you get it? Did you buy it? Buy it? It was a gift.
Soyeong, how do I look? Cool, right? Yeah.
Yu, it looks good on me, right? Yes, it does.
That necklace, who gave it to you? This necklace? Oh, my so Someone I know.
Someone I know-who? Just someone I know.
Yeah I know.
Who is this person you know? Chorim I know people.
Stop treating me like I don't.
I'm a popular man.
Oh, okay.
So it is a woman.
A girl? Get out of here.
I don't feel like telling you, so think whatever you like.
Oh, my goodness.
So it really is a woman.
Enough with the senseless banter.
Go and wipe the tables.
You too, Chorim.
I was reminded once again today that I'm really good-looking.
Some woman even gave me her business card.
It has to be her.
Jang Geumhui speaking.
What's your name? Jang Geumhui.
You must be the loan officer from last time, Ms.
Kim Miyeong? Kim-what? I don't care about that.
Who the heck are you? Pardon? Who are you? Who let you give out your card to my man? Oh, my goodness.
Who is this trashy tramp I'm speaking to? What? Trashy? How dare you? Chorim, Mrs.
Yu wants you in the kitchen.
Where are you? Chorim.
If I see your card passed around again, be prepared to die.
Runa, it's been a long time.
You remember me, right? I heard you started working here.
Finally, we meet.
Oh, right.
I'm sorry, but because of the accident, my memory's a bit Oh, sorry.
I forgot.
I'm Ruby's college friend, Seo Jinhui.
I saw you in Chuncheon a few times.
See you later.
Um Do you know a lot about me? It's just that my memories I'd like to know what I was like before.
Perhaps, you've heard stories about me? I can't say See you next time.
The product is flying off the shelves.
You need to hurry.
It's the ultimate vacation for your skin.
Don't miss this last chance.
Oh, my.
We're completely sold out.
We're sorry.
We'll be back next time with an even better product.
This was your host, Jeong Ruby.
Good job.
Thank you, everyone.
Good job.
Good job.
Good work.
You really are the best.
Who are you? Lee Changhyeon, Director Channel CC Homeshopping What did I do to deserve a visit from someone of such high standing? To catch a lion one must enter the lion's den.
If I'm walking right up to the competition, it must mean I have quite the offer, no? Is that what it means? You seem busy, so I'll cut to the chase.
Our network is starting a new show.
We'd like for you to make an appearance.
Make an appearance? Actually, it's more than that.
The show would be in your name and you'd be the star.
I star in all the shows I do here.
What we're proposing is on a whole new level.
You won't just be selling products.
It's a brand new format.
It'll be our flagship.
A Fresh Salon for young women nationwide.
I thought it only appropriate since, you're the hottest thing in that demographic.
I heard that interviewers can't get enough of you.
Is that so? In any case, the proposal's in here, so please read it over and get back to me.
Thank you.
Well, then Beauty Secrets with Jeong Ruby Consumer Trend Analysis Ruby.
Good job.
I heard they were completely sold out.
You're amazing.
Truly, Jeong Ruby.
It was a great product.
What brings you here? Dad wants to buy you dinner.
For me? Do you have time? Of course.
You're coming too, right? I'm sorry.
I have a prior engagement.
Dad, she's one of the most successful women in Korea today, so treat her accordingly.
Oh, really now? And she's also the biggest asset here at JM Homeshopping.
I have to run.
What would you like to eat? Whatever you like.
I could've taken you somewhere nicer.
Why'd you insist on coming here? I prefer places like this.
It's modest and comfortable.
My mother and I used to go out a lot for chopped noodles.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Have some more.
I'm fine.
You should eat.
You need to eat well if you're going to keep working so hard.
Yes? About what you said last time You said you'd give me JM Homeshopping based on my results I said that? I don't think I ever said I'd give it to you.
What's this? It's a proposal from Channel CC.
They want to produce a show just for me.
I'm sure you don't want me working for CC.
I'm part of the JM group after all.
Is this a business negotiation? No, father.
The noodles and broth are perfect.
Try it.
It's delicious.
However even if the noodles and broth are great Mm.
The kimchi makes it all come together.
Yes? No matter how tasty something is, all the ingredients must blend together as one.
Your success is not yours alone.
It's a combination of many different forces.
No matter how talented you are, all you've shown me so far is that you can sell products.
You have nothing else.
I can do well, father.
Don't be greedy.
Your greed will inevitably lead to anger.
So are you saying you wouldn't mind If I worked for another network? You know that I'm responsible for JM Homeshopping's dramatic upswing.
Wow, it seems that my daughter-in-law is not greedy, but insatiable.
Not insatiable, just ambitious, father.
I want to take JM Group to the very top.
Bring JM to the top to do what exactly? Take it for yourself? Ambition is the pursuit of a greater good.
Something that will benefit everyone.
But insatiability, is the pursuit of compensation.
The greed that is born of selfishness.
You're too greedy.
There is nothing in this world that is created with the greed and power of any single individual.
These chopped noodles are only delicious because of the other ingredients.
Let's eat.
The noodles are going soft.
I think people who think they're better than everyone are the worst.
One person's greed and power cannot accomplish anything? Not true.
I did it.
By myself.
Who cares if they point fingers? Or if they scoff? If I'm happy Even though it was just a castle in the sand Back then, I had already made up my mind.
She's so cool.
Ruby's a real celebrity now.
I know.
Do you think Ruby will become even more famous and popular than Kim Taehee? - Ms.
Ko Soyeong.
- Yes? - That's you.
- Delivery.
Thank you.
Sign here, please.
Yu, sign please.
What's this? It's huge.
What is it? Isn't it cute? I ordered this as a gift for my foster mom at the orphanage.
It's the holidays, and I wanted to get her something.
You see, my foster mom really likes coffee.
So I got her a capsule coffee machine.
You're all grown up now, Soyeong.
I'm sorry though.
I wasn't able to get you anything.
What are you talking about? Your hard work is your gift to me.
You heard that, right? Stop playing your stupid cell phone games and start working harder.
In any case, if you get married, I'll get you one too.
No thank you, okay? If you get married, I'll buy you one.
I'm hot.
Let's have coffee.
- Okay.
- No.
Cola, cola, cola.
Dongpal, come have some cola.
It's not Dongpal.
It's Chef Noh.
I prefer Dongpal though.
Chef Noh is just so distant, you know? It's fine.
Call me whatever.
Brother, dad Dad? You're not even married.
"Dad" is a bit much.
Do you have to get married to be a dad? You can be a dad without getting married.
What are you talking about? How can you be a dad when you're not married? Huh? OhNevermind.
I'm going to wash my hands.
Kim Hello? Is that Mr.
Noh Dongpal's mobile? Who are you? What do you want? Is Mr.
Noh unavailable? So what? What do you want from him? What the? Why'd you answer his phone? Where's my cola? Here.
Noh Dongpal speaking.
Yes, miss.
How are you? Yes.
That's suspicious.
Why's he taking it outside? Is it really another woman? Pardon? $20,000? It's still a bargain.
The going rate is $70,000.
I get that, but 20,000$ in one go? I'll try my best, but please try to understand where I'm coming from.
I know how much apartment leases are.
I'll call you back.
Who was it? Who was that skank? Chorim, let's watch the language.
Skank? Really? Fine.
Who was that girl? It was Ms.
That a problem? Why did Ms.
Kim call you? Because she needed to talk to me.
About what? Why should I tell you? Why? Why? See? Something's up.
Hello, Changgeun.
Welcome back.
I'm back, mom.
Did you take care of everything thoroughly? Yes, mom.
I'm tired.
I'm going to rest.
- I'll be in my room.
- Okay.
He's been working so hard.
No wonder he's exhausted.
Do we have some beef left to make a stew? We ran out last time.
I'll go get some, ma'am.
So are you saying you wouldn't mind if I worked for another network? Have some of this.
Is something wrong? About Ruby Yes? I didn't know she was so greedy.
Not insatiability, but ambition? Excuse me.
Who? me? Is this the right address? Yes, sir.
Then do you know Mr.
Noh Dongpal? Yeah that's my dad.
What? Wow.
So you're Dung Beetle's son? Yes.
Then say hello, kiddo.
I'm your uncle.
Uncle? Little Dongpal sure raised a fine boy.
You're respectful as well as polite to elders.
So you're taking the entrance exams again? Are your studies going well? Yes.
How's your dad these days? He's working hard.
Is that so? So he's no longer going to college, right? College? The con college, kiddo.
Oh, no.
He did his time like the country asked.
You've got no reason to be ashamed.
Prison is actually the best place to learn about life.
That's why us cons call it "college.
" Hey, your uncle is really starving right now.
Could you make me some instant ramen? Okay.
Boy, I'm starving.
So so hungry.
I just remembered, we're out of instant noodles.
I'll be right back.
Do you have any cold rice just lying around? I'm too hungry right now.
I'll be right back.
Wait a sec.
Why isn't he picking up? What's up, Jihyeok? Dad.
There's a problem.
What? An uncle? You don't have an uncle.
Three spicy chickens.
What's going on? Hey, Dongpal.
What are you doing here? Come on, man.
We haven't seen each other in ages.
What kind of hello is that? Get out! - Dad, dad.
- What are you doing? Right now.
Dad, what's wrong? Don't move from this spot.
You hear? Get out! Why? I'm sorry, Dongpal.
I'm so sorry.
I'm a bastard.
I'm a dirty scumbag.
Just think about how desperate I must be to have come to you.
Please, Dongpal.
Shut up.
And get lost.
I was doing just fine when you showed up and turned me into a con artist.
Punch me.
Punch me.
I deserve it.
If it'll make you feel better, punch me all you want.
Punch me to your heart's content.
I told you to go easy on me.
Why are you here? Why else? I came to ask for your forgiveness.
Cut the crap and tell me why you're really here.
Dongpal, I don't have anywhere else to go.
Can you let me stay for like one, okay, two months? What? If things work out for me, I'll pay rent.
You see, I have a new business idea.
Get lost.
Hey, Dongpal.
Hey, Dongpal.
Ruby, isn't it pretty? Yeah.
It's very pretty, Soyeong.
That means you'll have a pretty daughter.
Yu, I know I will.
Just look at how pretty my rice cake is.
The problem is Chorim.
Why? What's wrong with mine? Take a look at this, Chorim.
This is way too big.
If you have a daughter, her plastic surgery will cost a fortune.
Why you little You better watch it.
Don't worry about my kids.
These days it's not about the face, it's about height.
A face can be fixed, but there's no surgery that can make you tall.
Except there totally is.
Doctors can totally make you taller these days.
But it's harder to make you taller than it is to make you prettier.
Anything is possible with money.
-Give me a break.
-Good grief You two sure like to argue your rice cakes might even fight one another.
Enough already.
By the way, has Chef Noh called since he left? I don't know.
I wonder what happened.
Call him, Chorim.
The person you have called is not available.
Connecting to voicemail.
He's not picking up.
It's Korean Thanksgiving Day.
Mom, would you like to say a few words? Thankgiving Day is just another day.
We should be thankful for what we have and be open with one another everyday.
That's what Thanksgiving is all about.
Well said, mom.
Like the full autumn moon, we should bring light to the darkest of places especially to those in need.
Let's eat then.
Auto, what's wrong with you? I'm just so thankful that you've taken me in.
I'm so grateful to be with all of you.
I'm just so thankful.
Hey dad, brother, I trust you are doing well? Thank you for watching over us, keeping us healthy and safe.
Bow, will you, Gilja? I'm not bowing.
Let's just eat.
You never bow.
Pay your respects to your father-in-law and husband.
You should at least say hello.
When will Gilja finally get over it? You're wasting my time.
Runa, get the tray.
Let's clear the table.
Yu, I'm not going to bow, but I'd like to say hello.
Say hello? Okay.
I've never met you, but I'm Ko Soyeong, who now lives here thanks to Mrs.
Yu's generosity.
I'll always be thankful for what I have.
And Mom Mom Mom If you're here by any chance because you missed me, enjoy the food even though I didn't make it myself.
I'm sorry I've never made you a memorial meal.
Also, don't worry about me.
Yu takes care of me just as you would have.
I'm really happy.
Mom, so long for now.
Ko Soyeong, what about me? Tell her I take care of you like a sister.
You always give me a hard time.
That's because I care about you like a sister.
Otherwise, I wouldn't even bother, brat.
Good morning.
Ruby, this is no joke! Your picture's huge.
I know.
Why are you so late? What could it possibly be this time? I'm sorry, Ruby.
There was a lot of traffic.
That's unacceptable.
You should've checked beforehand to make sure you'd get here on time.
Where's my outfit? I haven't gotten it yet.
Of course you haven't.
Take a taxi.
Don't be cheap and ride the bus.
You ruined my dress last time.
It's unnecessary.
People will think I don't even give you cab fare.
Don't forget.
You're Jeong Ruby's little sister.
My reputation is in your hands.
They should do a case study on you two.
I guess people can change over time, like mountains or rivers.
But how can a single traffic accident completely change two sisters? What are you talking about? It's possible.
They say Korean plastic surgeons are the best, so it's no surprise that they reconstructed your faces perfectly.
But your personalities seem to have been switched during your surgeries.
Some people might say you traded bodies.
Have you lost it? Do you think you can just say whatever you feel like? Ruby.
Ruby, I was just joking around.
Even as a joke, that was in poor taste.
But then again, you've always been a blabbermouth with no tact.
If you have time to blab like that, read some self-help books and try to get smarter.
Do you want to be a cheap homeshopping model the rest of your life? Cheap? Wow.
How dare she? And I call her a friend.
This is maddening.
Don't take what she said to heart.
She's just worried about you.
Come on, you dummy.
Are you an idiot? A moron? It's not me but you who needs to come to your senses.
The Jeong Runa I used to know may have been mean, but she stood up for her friends.
Now, you're neither this nor that.
What happened to your dream of becoming a famous TV reporter? Or did Jeong Ruby's soul enter your body while you were in a coma? You do love Runa, right? I do love her, ma'am.
Then marry her.
This is a match made in heaven.
If I become his sister-in-law, he won't be able to mess with me anymore.
you're really not the old Ruby.
but it seems like Yeonho's upset at you, too.
What did he say? What did he tell you? You said if I took care of your dirty business, I wouldn't have to wait as long.
Tell me.
What is your true face? See you next time
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