Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e27 Episode Script

Episode 27

Ruby's Ring They say Korean plastic surgeons are the best, so it's no surprise that they reconstructed your faces perfectly.
But your personalities seem to have been switched during your surgeries.
Some people might say you traded bodies.
Have you lost it? Do you think you can just say whatever you feel like? Ruby.
Ruby, I was just joking around.
Even as a joke, that was in poor taste.
But then again, you've always been a blabbermouth with no tact.
If you have time to blab like that, read some self-help books and try to get smarter.
Do you want to be a cheap homeshopping model the rest of your life? Cheap? Wow.
How dare she? And I call her a friend.
This is maddening.
Don't take what she said to heart.
She's just worried about you.
Come on, you dummy.
Are you an idiot? A moron? It's not me but you who needs to come to your senses.
The Jeong Runa I used to know may have been mean, but she stood up for her friends.
Now, you're neither this nor that.
What happened to your dream of becoming a famous TV reporter? Or did Jeong Ruby's soul enter your body while you were in a coma? She's right.
This is not what Jeong Ruby would do.
Focus, you idiot.
Episode 27 Ms.
Kim Dongpal, where's the food? Hurry.
Here you go.
Sorry to have kept you waiting.
Yu Gilja's Grilled Chicken.
Noh Dongpal? He's Hang on.
Chorim, tell Chef Noh he has a call.
Chef Noh, you have a call.
Me? Yes.
Hello? Oh, hello.
I'm sorry.
I'm rather busy right now.
I'll call you back later.
Of course.
Who was it? I don't know.
It was a woman.
Huh? Again? Where on earth will I find $20,000? Dongpal.
Yes, Chorim? Who was it on the phone? Why? I'm just curious.
Why are you curious? You know why.
Why are you curious about other people's phone calls? That's because the two of us are very close.
Very close? You mean we're not? Of course not.
No? To me, "very close" means the two people involved have shared a very intimate Intimate what? What exactly? Intimate what? The two people should've at least loved very intimately or at least agreed to date exclusively In any case, we're not very close.
We're just acquaintances.
Let me make this very clear.
We're not very close.
We're acquaintances.
Grandma, I'm off to work.
Sera, stop.
Come back.
Come here.
Sit down.
Grandma, what is it? Sera.
The tone of your voice is ominous.
I'm running late.
Hurry up and tell me.
When will you treat me to dinner? Oh, my goodness.
As if I'd ever say no.
Anytime? How about tonight? I've been craving sashimi.
Call me later.
Okay then.
I'm off.
I hope she follows my lead.
Hello? Mr.
Na? Yes? Pardon? How are you, ma'am? Very well.
Nice to see you, Mr.
Wasn't it taxing for you to come all this way? I feel cooped up if I stay home all the time.
It's nice to be out and about.
So why did you want to see me, ma'am? Um You may think I'm being silly, but do you have a girlfriend? Pardon? It's just that I'm so taken with you.
You are? Come in.
- Grandma.
Do you two know each other? Of course.
He works for me.
So the granddaughter you mentioned is JM Homeshopping's Yes, that's right.
This is a match made in heaven.
Hold on.
See? Take a look at this.
Right here.
According to the fortune teller, you can't find a better match than you two.
See? The fortune teller said that? Yup.
So when you asked me for my date and time of birth You told her your date and time of birth? What kind of man tells just anyone his date and time of birth? Just anyone? So, are both your parents still living? Do you have siblings? And your educational background? Ma'am, I'm sorry to interrupt It's fine.
Give me a quick rundown.
I have a girlfriend.
You have a girlfriend? How long have you been seeing her? It's been a while.
Thank you for your favorable consideration, but I have some things to take care of.
I should get going.
Wait a minute.
Why don't you stay for dinner at least? I'm sorry, ma'am.
You'll be the death of me, grandma.
I got all excited for nothing.
Try to be more aggressive, like Gyeongmin.
Just because there's a goalkeeper doesn't mean you can't score.
Don't worry, grandma.
I'll bring home a guy 100 or 1,000 times better than him.
Easier said than done.
Will it be a blond-haired, blue-eyed foreigner? Grandma, that's very racist of you.
Whatever, you brat.
I'm too ignorant to know what's racist and what's not, okay? May I take your order? I'm not having anything.
I have a girlfriend.
He thinks he's all that.
What a jerk.
What are you mumbling to yourself? What's up? Nothing.
I was just passing by.
Aren't you heading home? I still have a few things to check on.
Hey, Gyeongmin, let me ask you something.
Am I an unattractive woman? Am I not alluring at all? Why? I consider myself a pretty good catch, but men don't seem interested in me.
Do you want an honest opinion from a man, not your brother? First, you're too overpowering.
Me? Second, you're so accomplished, it's irritating.
Third, you have no warmth.
What? You Should I tell you one more secret? You lack what a woman needs most.
Sex appeal.
How dare you? That's horrible.
It's still better than looking way older than your age, like you.
You're sulking.
Now I see some feminine fragility.
How cute.
Get out of here.
I'm sorry, but given your credit rating, we can't offer you a loan.
Oh, gosh.
Stop sighing, will you? I'm in pain.
My finger hurts.
What you said to Chorim was awful.
How so? Something was going on between you two, but you pretended nothing happened.
So of course Chorim got upset.
Ko Soyeong, watch what you say.
Nothing happened, okay? We were just friendly to each other.
Watch it, okay? I got this for you to keep you from suing me.
Use it.
You put it on for me, with loving care.
What? Why should I? We're not even very close.
We're just acquaintances.
I'll do it for you.
Forget it.
Where's Mrs.
Yu? Has she left early? She went to see Ruby.
She said Ruby was taking her shopping.
Lucky Gilja, shopping away and enjoying a fancy dinner.
And here I am picking at this sorry salad, angry as can be.
If you're jealous, have a daughter like Ruby so she can pamper you.
Hey now.
You sure do rub it in.
If I marry now and have a daughter, I'll be 70 when she reaches Ruby's age.
How about you go find a rich businessman and pamper me? Chorim, do you know what I dream about these days? The mystery of my birth.
One day, a handsome man who looks like a movie star comes to see me, wearing a nice suit and carrying a briefcase.
It turns out he's my biological parents' lawyer.
Ko Soyeong, I'm here to discuss the inheritance of your late parents' estate.
May I have a moment of your time? That sounds great.
Please let that happen.
Well then, you should be nice to me.
Who knows what could happen? Right, Dongpal? Dongpal.
Huh? What? Dongpal, what's up with you these days? Is something wrong? Chorim, could you please stop prying? Worry about social issues for a change.
Have you heard that our society's in crisis? Our society's in crisis? Oh really, smarty pants? What you're doing right now is bringing this society to ruin.
I'm heading out.
Oh, man.
That stupid Dung Beetle.
Good grief.
The unemployed don't have it easy, and this fly is making things worse.
Not a single call.
Is this what you've been doing all day? No.
I was making business plans.
You could start an earthquake.
Why the heavy sighing? It's this, right? Lady problems? Shut up.
Oh, yikes.
I have a weak heart.
Even with no woman in the house, you should at least have some kimchi.
So I was thinking, if you're too busy to get groceries, why don't you put me in charge? I'll go shopping, make kimchi and side dishes, and cook up a storm.
It's good, isn't it? We've done plenty of shopping and eaten a huge dinner.
Why'd you insist on this spendy dessert? I want to treat you to lots of good things.
I'll get you spa coupons, too.
You should get facials.
It makes me sad to see wrinkles on your face.
I'm really being pampered today by my successful daughter.
Mom, what will you do about Runa? Shouldn't she marry Mr.
Na? I don't know.
I'd like her to, but she's still not 100% there.
That's why you need to push her.
They've been together for a while.
Once they get married, they'll live together, and it could bring her memory back faster.
What if Mr.
Na finds someone else? Mr.
Na's not a bad catch.
If we lose him, who will marry Runa? If it's about the money, don't worry.
I'll take care of everything.
Think about it, mom.
I will.
I think what you're saying makes sense.
Right? Meet with Mr.
Na and talk him into it.
Do it as soon as possible, okay? I will.
Hurry up and eat.
That's right.
If I become his sister-in-law, he won't be able to mess with me anymore, since I can't be held accountable all alone.
Na Insu, you'll be held accountable, too.
Ruby really got this for me? Yeah.
This is so nice.
This is yours, Runa.
And this is Chorim's.
What's wrong? Don't you like it? I do.
It's pretty.
Yeah, Aunt Chorim.
It's very pretty.
What is it, Chorim? Is something wrong? Why are you moping like a sick chicken? Gilja, was that absolutely necessary? You always compare me to a chicken.
Chicken head, chicken neck, chicken butt I know we run a chicken restaurant, but I'm not a chicken.
I'm a human being.
A human being.
Good grief.
What's up with your aunt? She's been in a bad mood these days.
I think it's because of Dongpal.
Dongpal? Hey, it was a gift.
Soyeong, I look cool, right? Yes, ma'am.
How are you? Because she needed to talk to me.
About what? Why should I tell you? Why? What is this? So he was taking me for a ride? What? We're just acquaintances? - Chorim.
- Oh, my goodness.
You startled me.
You're upset, aren't you? If I say this to you, you're probably going to scoff at me, but when it comes to dating, you must have the man wrapped around your little finger.
As far as I can tell, Dongpal's a player.
He's playing push and pull.
Push and pull? What's that? Oh, are you serious? No wonder you're still single.
Push and pulll.
Pull and push.
Right now, Dongpal's pushing you away.
What you have to do is pull him closer.
My goodness.
What are you talking about? Hear me out, Chorim.
You have to be very shrewd right now.
Improving your looks is basic.
That's easier said than done.
That's why you have to put in effort.
These days, even dating requires hard work.
You at least need to get the basics down.
The basics? You said you went over to Dongpal's house.
Have you ever gone back since then? No.
See? You know where he lives.
Why not go over? You barge in if you have to.
Even though Dongpal has all his meals at the restaurant, he has to eat at home on our days off.
He needs kimchi and side dishes.
You should put time and effort into making him nice side dishes.
Then, as he eats your kimchi, he'll go, "Ah, Jeong Chorim.
" As he eats your stir-fried anchovies, he'll go, "Ah, Jeong Chorim.
" As he eats your beef in soy sauce, he'll go, "Jeong Chorim," won't he? Oh As he eats kimchi, "Ah, Jeong Chorim.
" As he eats stir-fried anchovies, "Ah, Jeong Chorim.
" As he eats beef in soy sauce, "Jeong Chorim.
" Last call on this sale.
Anchovies are 60% off.
It's a limited offer for 10 lucky shoppers.
Hurry over.
- Don't push.
- Stop pushing.
Stop it.
How much is this? Excuse me.
Huh? Excuse you.
Mister, why'd you steal mine? Steal? That's a very vulgar claim, madam.
Madam? Whatever.
Just give it back.
It's mine.
Does this have your name on it? What's your name? Look here.
I am looking.
You're really pushing it.
Do you want a piece of me? Let's just go, Chorim.
We're not going anywhere.
I'll get this back.
- I need this.
- No.
Look at what you've done.
A limited-time offer for 10 lucky shoppers.
It's mine.
It's mine.
Let go! Eunji.
What the Ruby.
I got the dress.
Thank you.
Have you seen Eunji? No, why? That ungrateful brat.
What a joke.
Has she forgotten who got her this job? How dare she ignore me? Is she being spiteful over what I said yesterday? Ruby, you did go a bit too far.
What? Too far? Me? Wouldn't you get mad if she said those crazy things to you? She's always been stupid, and even with age, she doesn't smarten up.
She's brainless and hopeless.
What Eunji said wasn't off the mark.
What? No one else has changed, but everyone says we've changed a lot.
Isn't it strange? When you see people you haven't seen in a long time, they usually say, "You haven't changed a bit.
" But everyone asks us why we've changed so much.
They say that our personalities seem to have been switched.
They don't know what they're talking about.
Wouldn't it be weirder if we didn't change after such a horrific accident? You and I have come back from the dead.
Our lives haven't been ordinary.
And do you think a person has just one face? A person can have 10, 100, or maybe even 1,000 faces.
One's face changes based on the situation and based on who they're dealing with.
Maybe you and I have countless faces that still lie hidden inside.
So are you saying that the accident triggered our egos to manifest its hidden facets? Ego? Don't try to sound smart.
It doesn't suit you to force it.
No matter what you say, you're an ignoramus, Jeong Runa.
And do you think a person has just one face? A person can have 10, 100, or maybe even 1,000 faces.
Well then, if that's the case, which of those many faces have you put on, Jeong Runa? Tell me.
What is your true face? Please try to remember.
Try to remember, Jeong Runa.
Remember what face you had before.
- Hello.
- Good job.
Do you have a problem with me? Tell me.
Tell me.
I'll tell you if you insist.
Even if you're the vice president's wife, you're also my friend.
And you got me a job as a model, so thank you.
But I've been doing my best, you know? When you were running around doing research to sell that cream, who was helping you? Have you forgotten? I really did my best to help you, but you get mad at me and belittle me when I'm just joking around.
As far as I can tell, you're really not the old Ruby.
If Runa blew up on me, I'd understand.
Is this what happens when you marry into a rich family? Is that why you've become a completely different person? And let me add one more thing.
Yeonho asked you for your help, and you only got him a single slot in the wee hours of the morning.
I don't know the details, but it seems like Yeonho's upset at you, too.
He's done all the favors you asked of him.
Favors? What favors? What did he tell you? You know Just I want to know what he told you.
Well, he didn't say much.
He just Just what? What did he say? What did he say to you? Nothing.
He just said you asked him to do some stuff, and so he did.
Are you sure? He didn't tell you anything else? Do you swear? Fine.
I see what you're saying, so I'll help him.
But watch what you say, or you can't model here anymore.
The same goes for your boyfriend.
I can bury both of you.
We did air a show for your product.
Yes, but the sales It's my fault that your inferior product didn't sell well? It was the time slot.
How could you air it at 3:00 in the morning? Fine.
Just wait.
And if you host the show for our product, it would be very helpful.
You want me to sell something that cheap and low-quality? Excuse me.
Cheap and low-quality? That wasn't called for.
Let me ask you something.
Is our deal still valid? You said if I took care of your dirty business, I wouldn't have to wait as long.
I did take care of Mr.
We started a transaction, didn't we? I'm sure you're busy.
I'm sorry to call you away.
Should we grab lunch? I can't.
I have a lot of work backed up.
What is this regarding? Here.
It's not much.
It's a small token of appreciation.
What do you think you're doing? Help us stop getting pushed back in the programming schedule.
Please take this back.
I don't have the power to help, and even if I did, I wouldn't take this.
I think you're misunderstanding.
This is just a tiny stipend if you will I have enough to get by on myself.
You're being a real square.
Na, you can't survive on your own in this world.
I have a lot of work.
I have to run.
No wonder someone's out to get him.
Whatever, twerp.
Get off your high horse.
You're toast.
Can I ask why you're so upset? No.
Pardon? I'm kidding.
You look pretty even when you're startled.
What happened? You can be honest with me.
I shouldn't judge other people, but he doesn't seem like a good person.
He gives off a bad vibe.
Who? Never mind.
Aren't you done for the day? Not yet.
Once we finish up work today, want to catch a movie? Okay.
Take it easy.
You, too.
Hello? Thank you.
I hope you weren't too busy.
No, I was just getting ready to call it a day.
I see.
How's work? Great.
It's all thanks to your kind concern.
When I heard you quit your job at the network in Chuncheon after Runa's accident, I was very worried.
And after moving to Seoul, all you did for a long time was stay right by Runa's side and help us out at the restaurant.
We've really put you through so much so much physical and emotional hardship, I feel very bad about it.
Please don't feel bad, ma'am.
So I was thinking Insu.
You do love Runa, right? No? I do.
I do love her, ma'am.
Then marry her.
I did consider waiting until Runa got her memory back.
But who knows when that will be? I asked Ruby, and she said people at the office know you two are dating.
So why wait any longer? I don't have the means to get married yet.
I'm sure your parents want you to get married soon.
It makes me feel bad.
Don't worry about the money.
I have some money saved up, and Ruby said she'd help out, too.
Ruby? She said that? Yes.
You'll think about it, right? I will, ma'am.
Na's being investigated by the audit office.
Rumors will spread, and your career here will be done for.
What's going on? It's something I have to resolve somehow.
I think Dongpal's worried about something.
At times like this, you need to comfort him.
You're sure it's not true, right? Don't get involved.
You'll put me in an awkward position.
You just stay put.
As far as I can tell, Mr.
Na's not one to take a bribe.
This is why they say you can never tell with people.
Is it you again, Jeong Runa? See you next time
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