Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e29 Episode Script

Episode 29

Ruby's Ring I can do a cuss word face-off, right? Oh? I heard you left before me, so I thought you had to meet someone.
But you're back early.
Gilja, what is the meaning of this? How can you do this to me? What are you talking about? You said you were marrying me off.
You told me to marry Dongpal.
What are you talking about? When did I say that? When? Even Ruby said she'd help pay for the wedding.
You told me to get married.
I was talking about Runa.
Oh, my goodness.
Oh, my goodness.
You thought I was talking about you getting married? Oh, no.
So you got excited for nothing.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
I suppose you could've misunderstood.
I should've thought it through.
I'm sorry.
Chorim Gilja, this isn't fair.
It's like you're ridiculing me.
I could've sworn you were talking about me getting married.
So how can you say it was about Runa? This is absurd.
You were definitely talking about me.
It was about me getting married.
Chorim, of course you have to get married, too, but I was talking about Forget it.
Never mind.
It's all over.
Good grief.
My goodness.
You're no better.
Jeong, do you know anything about Mr.
Na's Ms.
Jeong must be very upset.
The whole company's astir with Mr.
Na's case.
It's hard to concentrate.
Stop making excuses and get to work.
Has the LA office emailed us yet? Soyeong.
Yes? Where's Chorim? She's sick.
You should've been better to her.
What did I do? Two servings of fried rice, please.
Hi, Ruby.
Why are you here at this time of day? I have something to talk to you about.
What is it? Go ahead.
Let's go out.
Why? Can't we talk about it here? Chorim's not here today, so Soyeong would be all alone.
It's important.
What? A bribe? Yeah.
Everyone knows he's seeing Runa.
I'm so ashamed.
It's humiliating.
Ow, my head.
So I was thinking, you need to hurry.
With what? What has to be hurried? Hurry up and get those two married.
Ruby, how can you talk about a wedding in the midst of this? The timing is so bad.
Think about it, mom.
They have to be engaged for me to get Gyeongmin or my father-in-law to help Mr.
They won't report him to the police if we're going to be family.
You know how serious a crime accepting a bribe is, don't you? Have you talked to Mr.
Na? Yes.
But he said it was too soon.
He said he'd think about it.
Runa will get fired if Mr.
Na gets fired.
I just got home.
Don't drink too much, okay? Why do you think I'm here, Jeong Runa? You're getting crazier and crazier.
Before I do something even crazier, why don't we have a chat? So what is it? It was you, right? You're the one who's been trying to make me marry Ruby, and you're also the one who framed me.
You can't say you're not, right? Do you have proof? That's right.
Proof is essential.
Otherwise, no one believes you.
What's this? A great video that could bring you down in one fell swoop.
A video that could bring me down in one fell swoop? Enjoy, Mrs.
Obviously, this wasn't my only copy.
This is why people say you're a birdbrain.
You should've known that the deeper a trap you set for me, the deeper you'll fall into the same trap.
You have 24 hours.
If you don't resolve the matter, not only the vice president but also everyone at JM Group will see this video.
And then what do you think will happen? So long, Jeong Runa.
Spare me.
Spare me, Insu.
Are you pleading with me? The great and powerful Jeong Runa? Yes.
I'm pleading with you.
Spare me, Insu.
Those are called crocodile tears.
They're fake.
They're real.
Spare me, Insu.
You know what I went through to get to where I am.
I'll get on my knees if you tell me to.
I'll play dead if you tell me to.
You know I went through a lot to get to where I am, too.
I'm not playing dead.
I am dead.
The old Na Insu is dead.
Jeong Runa, you killed him.
Is that why you're doing this to me? Is that why you're trying to kill me? Kill? You? Yes.
Just kill me instead.
If you're going to keep harassing me, kill me instead.
You're Not even worth killing.
Are you doing this because you still love me? That's it, isn't it? You still love me, right? Love doesn't exist.
Love is just a stupid illusion.
Jeong Runa, that's what you said.
Pick up, Gu Yeonho.
Pick up.
Pick up.
Your fiance? Who? Dongpal, are you getting married? No.
If you had asked me to wait, Donghun, I would have waited.
What happened? What do you mean? Those two Have the old lovers finally reunited? Pardon? My goodness.
You're just like everyone else.
Are you that into it? Of course, mom.
You like it, too.
My goodness.
Well, the soap opera's over, so I should go to bed.
Good night, mother.
- You, too.
- Good night, mom.
Hello? Hello.
Yes? I'm Jang Geumhui.
Who are you? Jang Geumhui.
So your name is Jang Geumhui? Yes.
Who are you? I'm Jeong Chorim, Noh Dongpal's girlfriend you met yesterday.
Girlfriend? Give me a break.
Dongpal's not into you at all.
Don't delude yourself, Ms.
Jeong Sorim.
It's not Jeong Sorim.
It's Jeong Chorim.
Remember my name.
Anyway, we should meet up.
Why is that? Because we need to talk.
Oh, you really scare me.
You're like a fighting cock.
What? A fighting cock? Fighting cock In any case, let's talk in person.
We can meet and Hello? Hello? Hey, you She's so annoying.
Pick up.
Pick up, Gu Yeonho.
The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting to voicemail.
Pick up, you scumbag.
Pick up.
The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting to You have 24 hours.
If you don't resolve the matter, not only the vice president but also everyone at JM Group will see this video.
What do I do? What do I do? Focus, Jeong Runa.
You can do this.
You can do this.
I want to kill him.
I want to kill him.
I want to kill him.
I wanted to kill him.
If I could.
If I could do it without anyone knowing.
I was a woman who could do anything for my ambition.
Na Insu was killed by me? He died because of me? I don't think so.
I was just trying to protect myself.
Everyone instinctively tries to protect themselves.
Don't you? Hey, Dung Beetle, what are you calculating? Come on.
Spit it out.
What's wrong? I'm part of this family.
I'd like to know.
It's because of money, okay? Money? Why don't you get off your butt and go out and make some money? How will you manage? I've made myself very clear.
You're only staying for two months.
I can't let you stay any longer anyway.
The landlord wants another $20,000.
$20,000? Hey, even if the sky should collapse, there's always a way out.
Don't worry.
It's only $20,000.
I'll get it for you.
Enough with your nonsense.
Don't dream of pulling another scam.
Are you really done with the can for good? Of course.
Let me tell you.
You really impress me.
You still have it in you, man.
You've still got it, Noh Dongpal.
What are you talking about? Not one but two women came over with homemade side dishes.
Women came here? Two of them? Think about it, mom.
They have to be engaged for me to get Gyeongmin or my father-in-law to help Mr.
They won't report him to the police if we're going to be family.
You know how serious a crime accepting a bribe is, don't you? How could this be happening? He accepted a bribe? This isn't fair.
It's like you're ridiculing me.
I could've sworn you were talking about me getting married.
So how can you say it was about Runa? This is absurd.
You were definitely talking about me.
It was about me getting married.
Good heavens.
Why is this happening to me? You have 24 hours.
So long, Jeong Runa.
Why isn't he picking up? You have 24 hours.
Why are you still up? Who are you calling this late? Oh I was just worried about Runa.
It is rather late, isn't it? I should go to bed.
I can call tomorrow.
Let's go to bed, honey.
Let's sleep.
Stop denying it outright.
You have to tell us the truth if you want us to deal with this quietly.
Or else the police may have to get involved.
That's exactly what I want.
Call the police.
You sure have guts.
No wonder you thought accepting a bribe was no big deal.
Now, now.
Have some coffee.
Thank you.
I know it's not easy to admit to it.
But we have irrefutable evidence.
How can a few photos be evidence? Anyone can fabricate pictures.
How can you conclude that I sexually harassed a model and took a bribe? Is that the best the audit office can do? How dare you? You just wait.
By the end of the day, it will come to light that I am innocent.
By the end of the day? The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting I have everything ready.
You have five hours left.
Hello? Eunji, it's me.
It's urgent.
Where's your boyfriend? Who do you mean? Gu Yeonho, you idiot.
Hey, Jeong Ruby.
Answer my question.
I don't know.
Call him.
Call and say I need to see him.
Why should I? You call him.
Am I talking to a brick wall? Call him right now.
This instant.
The recipient is unavailable.
He's not answering.
When did you last see him? No, when did you talk to him last? Let's go to his place.
Where does he live? His place? Why are you in such a rush? What's up? Just answer my question.
Where does he live? Ruby.
He's not here.
Where could he be? Call him again.
I'm Jeong Ruby.
I called earlier.
Nice to meet you, ma'am.
I'm sorry to barge in like this.
Please don't be.
I trust that your husband is well.
We used to work in the same department.
He gave me a lot of help.
But after I was transferred here, I haven't seen much of him.
Is that so? Yes.
I'll send him your regards.
Yes, please do.
So how may we help you? Could we go and speak somewhere in private? I heard you are investigating Mr.
Na Insu's case.
How did you know? I know you keep it hush-hush, but everyone knows.
Oh, really? I have a favor to ask you.
I'd like for the investigation to find him innocent.
I know it won't be easy, as the word is already out.
But the vice president and chairman are in a very awkward position.
It wouldn't look good if they were to interfere themselves.
They assumed you'd be tactful about this, but it must not have occurred to you.
Have you heard about the large-scale personnel appointments next month? There will be good news for you.
Well, then I'm sorry, Mrs.
Bae, but my position isn't something the company gave me to further my interests.
It's for the good of JM Group.
And it is my conviction that I must do my job properly not for any individual's benefit, but for the good of our whole organization.
And so? Well The conversation we just had never took place.
Three hours left.
Pick up.
Pick up, Gu Yeonho.
Pick up.
The recipient is unavailable.
Hello? Where are you, Ms.
Jeong? Did you forget about the meeting? Everyone's waiting for you.
Yes, I'll be right there.
I'm in the building.
On our agenda today is an insurance product.
Can we expect high sales? We aired the same product last month.
The response was more positive than we had expected.
It's difficult to win consumer confidence in an intangible product.
Viewers were just scheduling consultations, so the cancellation rate was high.
What do you think, Ms.
Jeong? Ms.
Jeong? Pardon? One hour left.
I have to step outside.
He hasn't called you yet? Call him again.
Hello? Mrs.
Bae, I heard you were looking for me.
Why haven't you been picking up? We need to meet right now.
Where are you? So you were looking for me? What happened? What do you think happened? The audit office kept calling me, so I skipped town for a few days.
You should've let me know.
Let you know? It was just a few days.
Did you miss me? Come to your senses, Gu Yeonho.
Have you forgotten who I am? How dare you? Empty your pockets.
Aren't you going a bit overboard? Are you worried I'd record this or something? We're in this together.
We? We're not? Your memory must be failing, so let me set things straight.
I don't know you, Mr.
Gu Yeonho.
And you don't know me, either.
Of course we know each other.
I told you, we don't know each other.
Now listen to me carefully.
Turn yourself in.
Pardon? What are you talking about? Are you deaf? Turn yourself in.
I'll keep this short.
I'll take care of any losses you sustain, so go to the audit office right now and turn yourself in.
Tell them you devised the whole scheme.
Say you did it out of spite after Mr.
Na didn't air your product.
That would be so humiliating.
Do you know how many times I had to go and talk to them? They said the evidence was weak.
Why do you think I had to lie low? I went to such trouble for you, and now you want me to turn myself in? I'll compensate you for any losses.
This is maddening.
Listen, Mrs.
There's no time.
You have to go right now.
I know it's not easy.
But you've done everything I asked so far.
Right? You can trust me.
There's no time.
Get to the audit office right away.
You have to get there within half an hour.
You know my account number, right? I'll be waiting.
Half an hour.
You're not even engaged, so how is he your man? Give me a break.
Ow, my head.
How embarrassing.
Dung Beetle.
How dare he? Thank you.
Come again.
Thank you.
Ko, may I have a word with you? What is it? Why is Chorim taking the day off again? She's sick.
She is? What's wrong with her? You can call her and find out.
I've tried, but she's not picking up.
Of course not.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Why else would that idiom exist? Soyeong, we have customers.
Was it really that traumatic? Yeonho.
I'm busy.
Where have you been hiding? I missed you.
I'll see you later.
I have to run.
No matter how busy you are, you should have a cup of coffee with me.
Have coffee with me.
Please? Oh, I can't.
I'm in a rush.
Just five minutes.
Five minutes.
Just five minutes.
Yeonho, you missed me, didn't you? I missed you so much.
I doubt you have the wherewithal to call me to chit-chat, Mrs.
Give me a little bit more time.
More time? So that you can devise another wily scheme? It took time to locate that lowlife Gu Yeonho.
He's heading to the audit office soon.
And you want me to believe you? Forget it, Jeong Runa.
Please believe me.
Just give me 10 minutes.
Just 10 minutes.
Insu! What in the world is Gu Yeonho doing? What are you doing here? Why are you looking for Gu Yeonho? Oh, um Did you know that Gu Yeonho's the one who filed a grievance against Insu? Oh No, I didn't.
Weren't you listening to me? I told you to go straight over.
I'm going, okay? Why are you standing there? Don't you have work to do? On behalf of the company, I extend an official apology.
Looks like you became a company hero.
And it's all thanks to you.
Frankly, I don't want to get married.
Time will heal this.
Let's make this work.
To Jeong Ruby's successful debut.
I held myself back so as not to be a mean sister-in-law, but I don't know what to think.
About Ruby Are you still not happy with her? I'll give you one last chance to make everything right.
See you next time
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