Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e30 Episode Script

Episode 30

Ruby's Ring What are you doing here? Why are you looking for Gu Yeonho? Oh, um Did you know that Gu Yeonho's the one who filed a grievance against Insu? Oh No, I didn't.
Weren't you listening to me? I told you to go straight over.
I'm going, okay? Why are you standing there? Don't you have work to do? Audit Office Why are you coming back out? Oh, Mrs.
Why'd you come all the way in here? Go back in right now.
I said there was no time.
It has to be done by 6:00.
I'm a nervous wreck, too.
I need to use the restroom.
Hang on.
You won.
Episode 30 Mrs.
Yu, is Chorim very sick? Chef Noh, I've been meaning to talk to you.
Soyeong, you go ahead.
I'll be home in a bit.
See you.
Are you still attending baking classes? Yes, but I'm not getting any better at it.
I'm best at making spicy grilled chicken.
Has it been five years since we met? Yes.
Well then, let's have a heart-to-heart.
So What do you really think of Chorim? I don't mean to pressure you.
Do you know why she's been out sick for two days? In any case, just be honest with me.
I know Chorim likes me.
And I like her, too.
That's great.
But I haven't thought of us getting married.
Why not? Aren't you going to get married? Will you die a bachelor? If you two like each other, get married.
Chorim's no spring chicken.
You'll need to have children.
You know each other's financial situations Frankly, I don't want to get married.
What? I suppose I'll have to eventually.
But this isn't the right time.
There's no such thing as the right time.
If you two like each other, it makes sense for you to tie the knot.
Chorim is loud and tough on the outside, but she's a sensitive woman on the inside.
You know that.
Chorim's not getting any younger, so don't drag this out.
I'm sorry, Mrs.
I have nothing else to say.
I I have a son.
Goodness me.
It seems like Dongpal is concerned.
He asked me why you weren't at work, and he had this sad look on his face.
I don't know why, but I felt sorry for him.
Did he say anything else? No.
Did a woman call him at the restaurant again? Nope.
Yu said she needed to talk to him, and I'm sure it was about you.
Where's Chorim? In our room.
How are you feeling? Oh, hi.
I'm a lot better, but I still feel weak.
You never missed a day's work before.
You must be very sick.
It was tough without me, right? I'm sorry.
Chorim, Chef Noh said Never mind.
Rest up.
We'll talk later.
Gilja, why not finish what you were saying? Why'd you stop mid-sentence? We can talk later.
You're sick.
You need to rest.
Huh? She definitely had something to say.
What could it be? I really want to know.
Darn it.
If you two like each other, get married.
Chorim's no spring chicken.
You'll need to have children.
You know each other's financial situations I've come with a dream I'm here Bright sunshine will return It was nice.
Why stop? I shouldn't be strumming away like a bum.
Because of the lease deposit? This won't do.
I should start revving up my engine.
I'll say this one more time.
I know.
I know.
I've turned over a new leaf.
Obviously, this wasn't my only copy.
This is why people say you're a birdbrain.
You should've known that the deeper a trap you set for me, the deeper you'd fall into the same trap.
Call me something more endearing.
Are you alone? What, did you think I'd be with a man? What about you? I was with an overseas client.
Seeing how you're changing really amazes and fascinates me.
They say we're born with a set personality that doesn't change easily, even with time.
Are you saying you don't like me? It doesn't look good for you to be drinking, especially alone.
Women are human beings, too.
Plus, I'm a working woman.
I can drink to relieve my stress.
Why is it okay for men to drink, but if a woman does, people point fingers? I thought you were open-minded.
You're not? Here.
You're mocking me, aren't you? Ruby.
Mock me all you want.
I deserve to be ridiculed today.
Well then, Mr.
Na Insu's case came to a happy resolution.
It's quite something that the informant went to all that trouble only to turn himself in.
He said it was a matter of conscience.
He framed Mr.
Na out of spite, but it was eating away at him, so he decided to come clean.
This whole thing must have been truly awful for Mr.
He could file a lawsuit against the company.
Don't worry.
He'd never do that.
Yes, it's very telling that he had the integrity to turn down such a large bribe.
He wouldn't hold a grudge and sue us.
From what I hear, his work performance has been stellar.
I think as a company, we should compensate him somehow.
Are you saying we should give him an honorable citation? Yes, why not? I'll look into it.
Yes? Oh, Mr.
What an ordeal.
I'm sorry to have caused you concern, sir.
Please don't say that.
We're in the wrong for coming so close to wrongfully accusing you.
On behalf of the company, I extend an official apology.
We're very sorry.
I learned a lot from this experience.
Hello, Mrs.
Bae? Aren't I just Ruby, your girlfriend's sister? Yes, but you're the vice president's wife, so I have to be mindful of that.
What should I call you? I'd like to follow your wishes.
Congratulations, Mr.
I heard you're getting a promotion and an honorable citation.
Haven't I told you it's all thanks to you? Don't be too confident just because the sword's in your hand.
That sword could end up hurting you.
Dinner is served.
Here you go.
Ow, it's hot.
Be careful.
Be careful.
It's very hot.
All tofu.
You must have had a rough time.
It wasn't that bad.
There's so much tofu.
Mom, tofu is for inmates released from jail.
We know Insu wasn't behind bars, but this is to ward off evil spirits and ensure everything goes well from now on.
Right, Chorim? Of course.
And this is an excuse for us to see more of our dear Insu.
Wait a minute.
Should I call him "groom-to-be" now? Aunt Chorim.
I don't mind.
Insu is Mr.
Popular these days.
You've had a long day.
Eat up.
Thank you for the wonderful food, Mrs.
Yu and Aunt Chorim.
You're welcome.
Oh, my goodness.
Hold up.
Chorim's going to do a shot of soju.
Bottoms up.
Now, Insu.
Bottoms up.
Gilja, your turn.
Yu's going to do a shot, too.
Runa, how's the proposal going? I'm not my sister Ruby.
Birdbrain Runa is working on a proposal.
Of course it's not going well.
Thank you, Insu.
I'm plugging along.
I'm sure Gilja had something to tell me.
What could it be? Gilja.
Chorim, why aren't you asleep yet? That thing you were going to tell me I'm just so curious.
What thing? Don't play dumb.
It's about Dongpal, right? Chorim.
What did he say? Does he not like me? It's not that.
I brought up the matter with him, but he says he's not thinking of marriage yet.
He didn't go into details, but he said this wasn't the right time.
I'm sure he has his reasons.
So why did he hit on me this whole time? I'm at a loss for words.
Chorim, the stars have to align perfectly for two people to tie the knot.
There are many couples who love each other but never make it to the altar.
I know Chef Noh has feelings for you.
But it seems like he has reasons that he can't share with us.
So don't dwell on it, and just stay put.
Time will heal this.
They say time heals all wounds.
I know firsthand that it does.
Even if you force a smile for me That smile's emptiness cannot be masked Misty-eyed, I gaze at you As you turn and walk away listlessly I know that our love Is over now Despite what we want It can't last forever With the passage of time As time goes by My heart is filled with longing Even if you forget me Don't forget our love Which was infinitely precious Don't forget it, please remember it Good morning.
Wait for me to contact you.
Looks like you've become a company hero.
Like I said before, it's all thanks to you.
Hello? Director Lee.
Things will get busy for you two.
I look forward to working with you, Mr.
It's a real honor.
Let's make this work.
Jeong Ruby, role model for young women, becomes a celebrity instructor Jeong Ruby Show Family connections? How did Jeong Ruby become Korea's Oprah Winfrey? Jeong Ruby Show hosted by daughter-in-law of conglomerate founder Oh, wow.
She looks so pretty.
Gyeongsuk, you are so lucky to have such a successful daughter-in-law.
I don't have a successful daughter-in-law.
Gyeongmin has a successful wife.
Success means nothing.
It's the family that suffers.
Why would the family suffer, ma'am? Isn't it nice to have a celebrity in the family to make you proud and happy? You need more life experience.
A family grows closer by spending a lot of time together.
We all live together, but we barely see her.
Well, then.
I'm going to my family.
Your family? My goodness, ma'am.
Did you start a new family? Where? Who's the lucky man? What? I'm sorry.
I was just joking.
The underprivileged of this world are my family, okay? Why sit around doing nothing? I should keep knitting at least for all the poor children out there.
About Ruby I restrained myself so as not to be a mean sister-in-law, but I don't know what to think.
I can't decide whether my sister-in-law is a JM Group employee or a celebrity.
What does it matter? In the end, Ruby's just working hard to promote our company.
That's what she says.
I let her be a host because she said she was interested in homeshopping, but now she wants to do her own talk show.
Is she really doing it for our company? Ruby may be our family and a JM Group employee, but I think she should be free to do what she wants.
Of course.
But it doesn't sit well with me that JM Group is just a stepping stone in the pursuit of her dream.
That's your bias.
She does whatever she wants because you always defend her.
Are you jealous? Yes, I am.
Then get married.
You need a life partner who supports you in whatever you do.
I'm doing fine, Vice President Bae.
See you.
Homeshopping host Jeong Ruby set to host her own talk show I know I can do a good job, father.
You know it's all thanks to me that JM Homeshopping is on a dramatic upswing.
It seems like you're quite hungry for success.
No, I'm just ambitious.
I want to take JM Group to the very top Where are my glasses? I can't find them.
Here they are.
Silly me.
Yes? About Ruby Are you still not happy with her? I'm not perfectly happy with anyone.
I'm not even happy with myself, so how can I be happy with someone else? But we're family, so we must love and care for one another.
I love you.
Don't you know that? The bill for Table 7.
Got it.
Here you go.
Thank you.
Chorim, do some work.
It's hard doing everything alone.
I'll work, okay? You keep saying that, but you've been sitting around all day.
Hey, haven't you ever been like this? I'm sick.
I'm sick, okay? Chef Noh, we should have lunch.
Chorim, come and eat.
This is good.
You're the best, Dongpal.
Chorim, hurry up and eat.
Give it a try.
It's good.
When will the wounds of love heal? Mrs.
Yu, at this rate, Chorim might wither away and die.
She hasn't been eating at home either.
Dongpal, where are you going? Chorim.
Come on, Chorim.
Why aren't you eating? What's it to you? Let's go in and eat.
Let go of me.
Is this how you're going to be? How am I being? How am I being? You just enjoy your favorite hobby of hitting on every woman around you.
Darn it.
What are you thinking about? Oh We need to toast.
Toast? The first live broadcast of the Jeong Ruby Show is next week.
Everyone is calling to congratulate me, but you haven't said a word.
I'm sorry.
I've been rather busy and had a lot on my mind.
To Jeong Ruby's successful debut.
Oh, I bet it's a friend.
Probably another congratulatory message.
Gyeongmin, do you think I'll pull this off? I'm both excited and worried.
I'm more nervous than I was at our wedding.
Now that I think about it, our honeymoon phase is over.
It's not over.
It's only just beginning.
Don't forget, Mr.
Bae Gyeongmin.
The heyday of our marriage begins now.
Excuse me for a sec.
Gu Yeonho Jungbu Bank Account No.
537-04-138536 You must be kidding me.
It's more than enough to cover your sales losses.
I don't think you understand.
I'm more or less bankrupt right now.
You bring my business to ruin, then give me chump change to shut me up? And what about all the trouble I went through? Didn't I give you more than enough for that? I'm not a cheap street thug.
They say you should not expect the best without doing your best.
What you've done for me thus far has been sloppy and disappointing.
I'm sure you know that.
I'll give you one last chance to make everything right.
Is this a joke? I did what you told me to, and then you made me turn myself in.
Do you have any idea what a pain this whole thing has been? All our products were returned, and the losses are astronomical.
I consider myself lucky that I'm not behind bars right now.
If you get this one thing done right, you'll get 10 times this amount.
So would this be a down payment? What do I have to do? Thank you for your help.
I didn't know you were interested in the in-house proposal contest.
You used to be a TV reporter, right? Yes.
Before the accident.
I saw you on TV when I was in Chuncheon.
Ruby wouldn't stop singing your praises.
She said you'd become Korea's top TV host if you were given the chance.
She said that? Ruby did? Of course.
Isn't it ironic, though? Who would've thought it would be Ruby who would become a huge TV personality? She is my sister, but I sometimes just marvel at her.
By the way, when are you and Mr.
Na getting married? I'm not sure yet.
We're still just Hurry up and put a ring on it.
There are many women interested in Mr.
Na just at JM Group alone.
I have to say, he's caught my attention.
It's hard to focus here, so work in the marketing office.
Everyone's left for the day.
I'll let the security guard know.
I can do it at home.
This is for your own good.
The office will keep you focused and let you think of good ideas.
Thank you.
You saw my text message, right? Yeah.
And you let Mr.
Na know? My love for Yeonho is causing me so much grief.
I had no idea what he was up to.
Do you like him that much? You know he's not a good person.
Insu was worried about you.
He said Gu Yeonho won't do you any good.
You already have a first draft? Jeong Runa, I'm impressed.
I've never done this before, so I don't know if I'm doing it right.
Could you look it over and let me know? Sure.
I'll read it right after my shower.
Email the proposal to me.
Stop right there! Stop right there! Gyeongmin called.
Na was stabbed.
He's in critical condition.
Ruby, what am I going to do? What am I going to do? They scoured his place.
The only things missing are his laptop and USB.
Here's the laptop you asked for.
I've never seen this laptop.
Don't touch it.
It's not mine.
I feel so sorry for Insu.
Why don't you know that no matter how hard you try, you can't beat me? See you next time
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