Till The End of The Moon (2023) s01e30 Episode Script

Episode 30

Now in the Three Realms,
the immortal sects dominate,
the mortal realm comes in second,
and we, the demons, come in last.
This is because the Devil God
was killed 10,000 years ago,
and we demons lost our leader.
Why are there more and more demons?
Barren Abyss is too big.
We are shorthanded!
We need help in the north!
In the south,
a big swarm of demons has appeared!
What should we do, Chief Zhaoyou?
Chief Zhaoyou?
-The runes in the east are ready.
-Don't panic.
Sects in the east front,
help the side flanks.
Move the front to the north.
The runes here are complete.
Come on!
Our goal is to deploy the Vigilant Bells.
Don't get distracted by the demons.
Persist a little longer.
We have almost finished
deploying the Vigilant Bells!
Victory is at hand in Barren Abyss.
how are things going on your end?
No, they're getting away.
It's Master's sword.
Master is here.
Reinforce the seal with me.
Master, why are these demons
all rampaging at the same time?
All demons were simultaneously frenzied.
They must have received a calling.
We are just living by our nature.
But they've been killing us
like we're rats on the streets.
They've sealed us in this dark place
for centuries.
Can you accept this?
As long as we find the devil fetus
and revive our lord,
we'll be able to revitalize Barren Abyss.
Although the Yiyue Tribe
lost the devil fetus,
causing us to search for it
for 500 years to no avail,
thankfully, our lord was prepared.
He left us with three devil weapons
to help guide us to the devil fetus.
Our true objective today
is actually this minor little sect
called Yunchang Sect.
There, we will find clues
to the Bone-Refining Seal,
the heart of the Devil God.
The devil fetus and devil weapons
can sense each other.
As long as we find the Bone-Refining Seal,
it will definitely lead us
to the devil fetus.
Reviving our lord
will only be a matter of time!
-Revive our lord!
-Revive our lord!
-Revive the Devil God!
-Revive the Devil God!
Master, we didn't want to distract you,
so we didn't inform you.
Something unusual happened at Heaven Lake.
The clouds above Heaven Lake
have been thundering for hours.
Jiwu, there's an anomaly at Heaven Lake.
Master told us to hurry there.
Kill Tantai Jin before he turns evil.
Devil God won't come into being.
-Raise your head.
-Tantai Jin.
Is this really a person?
You won't die.
Only if you're alive
can more people be able to live.
You're happy when you do.
The sky
-is blue.
-Susu is out!
You're finally out.
I'm back.
I did it.
Susu, I thought--
I succeeded.
I did it.
You survived
your tribulation.
-My tribulation?
Your lightning tribulation didn't strike
for some reason.
But you've safely passed
this fated tribulation of yours.
Lightning tribulation?
Didn't it already strike?
I wasn't talking about the lightning.
You and Uncle Zhaoyou
used the Mirror of the Past--
Mirror of the Past?
Xiaoyao Sect's ultimate treasure?
When did we ever use it?
That's right.
I've prevented the Devil God's arrival.
They may not remember
using that mirror
to send me 500 years into the past.
have your ten years of isolation
confused you?
Ten years of isolation?
Do you really not remember?
Ten years ago,
you suddenly burst into fire
and fell into a deep sleep.
You finally woke up today.
So this world now has no Devil God,
no All-Grieving Way,
and no catastrophe,
That's great.
This is wonderful.
It's so good
to see you safe and sound.
Xiao Lin?
I've been hoping that you would wake up.
Now that I'm back,
I should call him Gongye Jiwu.
Thank you, Jiwu.
Susu, Jiwu,
let's go.
Let's head home.
Let's go, Susu.
why do you treat me like a stranger now?
Susu is out of her meditation retreat.
You can finally rest easy
after worrying about her for ten years.
Something seems off about her.
Her cultivation level dropped.
I wonder what exactly happened.
When you're free,
please tell her fortune for me.
By the way,
how are things going at Barren Abyss?
That's what I'm here for.
The Vigilant Bells have all been deployed.
Those demons won't be able
to cause trouble for now.
But then again,
this time,
I didn't see the two devils,
Siying and Jingmie.
I can't help but feel unsettled.
Their whereabouts
have been quite unpredictable lately.
I wonder if they have some other plans.
We must be careful.
I almost forgot.
A letter from my junior.
Didn't he go to Yunchang Sect?
he survived
because he was half a day late.
I suspect that this is the reason
the two devils didn't show up.
This is a serious matter.
It's best if we gather all the sects
to discuss this.
But I heard
that Chixiao Sect's Chief Cen
is still traveling.
Who knows when he will return?
Chief Cen is most keen on killing devils.
He'll hurry back
as soon as he gets the news.
Qu, there is another reason
I came to see you.
Immortal Buxu told me
to go to the bank of the Ruo River.
He spoke of a strange omen
in the southeast.
He explicitly said
that I must go personally.
I went there as he asked
and found a person there.
I wonder if this trip
has brought us fortune or misfortune.
This isn't the Nether River.
Where is this place?
This is…
That's right.
I sank into the depths
of the Nether River.
And then
it appeared.
I have seen
that black crossbow
in Fleeting-Life Prajna.
My friend, are you all right?
Get up.
Are you all right?
When did you wake up?
Why didn't you tell us?
Why am I here?
My master found you and brought you back.
My master is the chief of Xiaoyao Sect.
He's the famous Immortal Zhaoyou
of the immortal realm.
You are just so lucky.
I have conjured a heavy rain.
And with the protection
of the Heart-Guarding Scale,
it won't be long
before this place
has abundant spiritual energy.
Surrounded by mountains,
there is no light in the valley.
Let's call it Mount Buzhao.
This is
the Mount Buzhao that Mingye left behind.
Young man, you're awake.
Aren't you going to thank your savior?
It's him.
It seems that Ye Xiwu
should have been living in this time.
But because of me…
Thank you for saving me.
I have urgent matters.
I'll take my leave.
Don't leave just yet.
You're in such a hurry.
Are you returning to the Nether River?
Do you know that Ruo River's gate
only opens once every 500 years?
Even if you made it
to the bank of Ruo River,
how will you
open the gate of Ruo River?
I can't stay.
I must find her.
Are you trying to retrieve her spirit?
The dead can't come back to life.
She's already dead.
What's the point of retrieving her spirit?
You're such a stubborn one.
Immortal Buxu sent me a message
to save someone by the Ruo River.
I thought I might find a treasure.
Instead, I found someone as costly as you.
Do you know
how many valuable drugs and treasures
I've used to save you?
It wasn't easy to save you.
Now you just want to saunter off?
What do you want then?
If I can't find her,
life would be no different from death.
Forget it.
I'll consider this a loss.
I like doing things thoroughly.
If you really want to kill yourself,
wait until you are off our sect property.
Master, are you really letting him go?
Rest assured.
He can't stay away.
He'll be back sooner or later.
-This must be the immortal sect
-that Ye Xiwu mentioned before.
Ruo River's gate has closed.
I have to wait 500 years
for it to open again.
Leaving from here is easy.
But where shall I go to find Ye Xiwu?
-A good effort.
I'll challenge you again.
I'll defeat you
and your Zhuokun Sword someday.
Come on.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Prince Tantai left his home country
to be a guest in our kingdom.
He did it for the two kingdoms' peace.
We should treat him politely.
How can you bully him without scruples?
Back in the palace of Sheng,
I was a prince
and you were a hostage.
Our paths were nothing alike.
Who would've expected us
to be at war with each other
and become each other's archenemy
in just a year?
I want you to pull back your troops
and end the war.
Now, the boundary of life and death
should be the thing that sets us apart.
I know you don't wish to see me dead.
But death is my only way out.
Thank you for granting my wish.
Xiao Lin?
Xiao Lin.
You look new here.
Are you a disciple of Xiaoyao Sect?
How may I address you?
Why are you here?
You must have mistaken me
for someone else.
I'm Gongye Jiwu,
the head disciple
of the Hengyang Sect Chief.
Gongye Jiwu?
I see.
Since you're unfamiliar with this place,
let me walk you out further.
you look very similar to an old friend
that I knew many years ago.
Where do you come from?
Maybe you two are related somehow.
I was
adopted by Immortal Buxu.
I know nothing of my origins either.
It's this Immortal Buxu again.
May I see this Immortal Buxu?
He had sent a message that saved my life.
I would like to thank him in person.
This is the place.
After Immortal Buxu passed away,
he has been hiding in this golden flower.
Could you tell me
how Immortal Buxu died?
It's said that he had traveled
through the mortal realm
and was accustomed to every human emotion.
Although he saw through fate,
he failed to cultivate longevity.
When he was 90 years old,
a gambling house opened down the mountain.
He went there and won a fortune.
As he was hobbling back up the mountain
with his cane,
he got too excited and fell.
Then he died seven days later.
Then how should I thank him in person?
I just need to summon him
with our sect's spell.
Like this.
Pang Yizhi?
I came here
to exchange for one thing.
I want
a bottle of your heart's blood.
Pang Yizhi.
What do you want the blood for?
Your Majesty,
that is none of your concern.
Is this his spirit or an illusion?
It's an interesting spell called Cloud.
Immortal Buxu invented it.
He said that physical bodies will perish,
but consciousness can last forever.
That's why he cast this spell
before he died
to preserve his own consciousness.
Gongye Jiwu,
I have some questions
to ask Immortal Buxu.
Could you
give us some privacy?
You may go ahead.
I have other things to do.
I'll take my leave.
Immortal Buxu.
Pang Yizhi.
Do you know where Ye Xiwu's spirit is?
How should I find her?
If you want your fortune told,
you need to use my sect's spell.
Pang Yizhi!
What are the secrets
of this immortal sect?
The long-dead Xiao Lin
actually stands here alive.
Why would Pang Yizhi
tell Zhaoyou to save me?
Young fellow,
weren't you in a hurry to leave?
Why are you
still here?
Did you get lost
because Xiaoyao Sect is too big?
Do you need me to walk you out?
I just heard
about your sect's Cloud Spell.
I'm here for a divination.
Do you seek help
from Immortal Buxu's Cloud?
if you want him to answer your question,
you must first join our sect
and learn our ways
before you can summon him
with your spiritual energy.
Since Xiao Lin is here,
could Ye Xiwu also be…
I need to stay to get to the bottom of it.
Please enlighten me, sir.
Although you've kneeled to me,
I didn't agree to take you in.
It's not so easy
to join the Xiaoyao Sect.
How about this?
Get up.
How about you go do something for me?
If you can do a good job,
it will make up for the drugs
and treasures.
What do you say?
As for accepting you as my disciple…
Come, sword!
This sword is named South Branch.
My master forged it
when he was still alive.
It was transformed from plum blossoms.
A heart of spring and a soul of frost
without any chilliness.
View the world with this benevolence
and one shall be free of obsession
and see true freedom.
I'll give it to you
as a means of verification.
One day, when you can awaken it,
you will be enlightened.
Only then can you learn the immortal arts
to cultivate yourself.
Susu, you've been
in seclusion for ten years.
Your tribulation is over.
Don't worry so much.
Get a good rest.
I have extracted the evil bone
from Tantai Jin.
The line of fate is broken.
There will no longer be
a Devil God.
But what if this was just a tribulation?
Tantai Jin,
were you really just a dream of mine?
When the dream ends,
everything will disappear.
Who is there?
Come out.
Ms. Susu.
Who are you?
I'm not a bad person.
I'm also a disciple of Hengyang Sect.
So you're Yao Wei's disciple?
Have you never seen me before?
Since I joined the sect,
I've heard that Hengyang Sect
has a senior disciple
with a pure spiritual body.
But you were in seclusion all along.
All I could see was that thundercloud.
I was so curious.
But when I saw you just now,
for some reason,
you looked so familiar to me.
Young one, what is your name?
My name is Yue Ya.
You can call me Yue Ya
or Little Moon.
Your name is Yue Ya?
Yes, Ms. Susu.
What's the matter?
My name is Yue Fuya.
Miss, you saved me, right?
Your original name was Yue Fuya.
You're from the Yiyue Tribe.
Yue Ya was the name given to you later.
Am I right?
Ms. Susu, you're so amazing.
How can you tell everything?
why did you come to Hengyang Sect?
A lady once saved me
and left a letter for my adoptive parents.
She said to come here if we needed help.
I got sick when I was around 15 years old.
No doctor could cure me.
I was about to die.
My parents sent me here
as the letter said.
come here.
do you still remember
what your savior looked like?
The lady who saved me?
Your name is Yue Ya from now on.
The name Yue Fuya
must be kept unknown.
Got it?
I hope we'll see each other again someday.
Are you
the lady who saved me?
My savior.
All of it was not just a dream.
Some people will come around again.
My savior.
Some people are unforgettable
yet will never be seen again.
This should be it.
In a village
ten miles east of Mount Buzhao,
there is a blind old woman.
She has been waiting
-at the village gate for someone
-When are you coming back?
for the past 15 years
from day to night, rain or shine.
I have returned home.
My Zhi'er.
Did I hear that right?
Have you returned?
You really have come back.
The old woman
only has seven days left to live.
-My Zhi'er.
-She's a kindhearted woman.
The immortal sect wants
to fulfill her last wish.
her son is long dead.
Yes, Mother.
I'm back.
get a good rest now that you're home.
I'll cook for you.
Be careful, Mother.
Pang Yizhi may know something.
I have to stay at Xiaoyao Sect.
No matter where you are
or how much time it will take,
I will find you,
Ye Xiwu.
Ms. Susu.
Let's go.
Do you want to eat it?
Ms. Susu, do you know?
In the past 500 years,
the capital of Jing has changed a lot.
We can come often for a change of scenery.
Look, there's a storyteller.
A thousand years ago,
the Jing and Sheng Kingdoms were one land.
Then it was split into two by the river
and beset by constant war.
A certain king was born
and reunited the two nations,
giving rise to 500 years of prosperity.
And what happened thereafter?
-The story will continue next time.
-Let's go.
Please wait, sir.
If you're not in a hurry,
please stay a while longer
to tell me another story.
What story would you like to hear?
Tell me about Tantai Jin of Jing Kingdom
from 500 years ago.
All right. Please have a seat, miss.
Ms. Susu,
who is Tantai Jin?
He was
the king of the Jing Kingdom.
Five centuries ago,
the Jing Kingdom was a weak kingdom
and many people lived in poverty.
After Tantai Jin succeeded to the throne,
he turned the tide,
made great achievements,
and created peace for centuries.
But tonight,
I won't tell you these well-known stories.
I'll tell you an unknown story.
It is said
that King Tantai Jin
had a beloved woman.
There is nothing written in history books
about this woman.
Even her name is unknown.
She didn't even have a title.
Yet she alone received
the king's lifelong devotion.
It is said
that after King Tantai Jin passed away,
he was buried alongside his beloved woman
in the Tantai Mausoleum.
In the following 500 years,
the Tantai royal family
had many descendants
and generations of wise kings.
In the end, he let go of the past
and moved on.
When we were together,
there might have been love
but also hatred.
After all, I was just a fleeting firework
in his long life as king.
and not worth remembering.
I should also let it go
and pursue my own path.
It is just past daybreak.
Why are you standing here?
What time is it?
It's five o'clock.
That's not it.
I mean,
it's the Spring Equinox.
There is a plum tree in the courtyard
that is very important to me.
Go and see if it has bloomed.
It has already withered away.
The tree has been there for ten years.
Every year, I hope it will bloom.
But for the past ten years,
my wish hasn't come true.
The most painful thing about living
is that we can't get rid of memories.
It is akin to being trapped
in the Nether River,
awash in Ruo River every day.
It is a heart-wrenching pain.
To satisfy the old lady's wish,
I have to find a way
to help her let go of the past.
It looks nice.
Today is the last day of her life.
By any means necessary,
I must fulfill her wish.
My good son, come here.
I have something to tell you.
What is it, Mother?
My child,
what do you think
humans live for?
I don't know.
People live
for the sake of others.
If not for waiting for my son,
I would have been long dead.
If I had been dead,
who would remember
or miss my son?
But I'm here.
I may be blind,
but I know in my heart.
I know
you are not Zhi'er.
But it's kind of you
to accompany me in my last days.
I don't have any regrets anymore.
What about you, my child?
Where is your home?
Does anyone miss you?
I lost my mother when I was a child.
My father hated me.
I have never been
the one
whom people miss.
I had a wife.
She protected me
and saved me.
She tried
to teach me to be a good person.
Have you become a good person now?
I don't know.
She taught me to be kind,
to be merciful,
and to love others.
But I caused her death.
no one can tell me
what kind of person I am anymore.
If you could get your wife back
by being a bad person,
would you do that?
She's right.
If I use the power of the Devil God,
I might have a way to find Ye Xiwu.
She would not be happy
to see me doing that.
That's right, child.
If you truly miss your wife,
you should fulfill her wish.
Do you understand?
What do you mean?
My child, look.
Look out there.
Has the plum tree blossomed?
Zhi'er had planted the tree
before he left.
He said, "Mother,
when the plum tree blooms,
I will be home."
I often watered the tree
because I hoped
it would still be alive
when Zhi'er comes home one day.
Then he wouldn't feel so sad
because of my old age.
I see now.
I think…
I think I understand now.
Her son is the past that traps her.
And this plum tree
is the key to unlocking it.
As long as she thinks
the plum tree is blooming
so her son won't be sad when he returns,
her wish will be fulfilled.
This sword is named South Branch.
A heart of spring and a soul of frost
without any chilliness.
I can use South Branch as a tree branch
and nurture it with spiritual power.
One can be free of obsession
and see true freedom.
Plants wither, flourish, and return.
All lives live in contentment.
It has blossomed.
I picked a branch for you.
Thank you.
You are a good person.
You have lived a life of virtue.
You will be much blessed
in your next lifetime.
Immortal Zhaoyou,
would you be my master?
I want to be a Xiaoyao Sect disciple
and stay here for cultivation.
All right.
Young fellow,
I think you have a bond
with immortal sects.
I knew you would come back.
Having come out of the Nether River
is like returning from the dead.
Now that you're joining our sect,
why don't I give you a new name?
My surname used to be Cang.
You're in luck today.
You can take my surname Cang.
Your given name will be Jiumin.
How is that?
What does Jiumin mean?
It's not the time
to reveal that yet.
Do you like
the name Jiumin?
Thank you, Immortal Zhaoyou.
Immortal Zhaoyou?
Thank you, Master.
My good disciple.
The old lady's wish has been fulfilled.
I'm giving the sword back to you.
I'm a beginner
and I don't need a weapon.
what are you worried about?
You have already
awakened the sword.
In that case, it belongs to you.
Keep it.
I'll show you around Xiaoyao Sect.
there are six peaks on Mount Buzhao.
The middle peak
is named Xianglu Peak.
It is the tallest of the six peaks.
When the devil weapon fell,
it split the earth
and Mount Buzhao emerged.
The mountains merged into one range
with six peaks standing out
and the sky for its dome.
All of this creates a natural formation.
Our Xiaoyao Sect
is in the middle.
We take the sky and ground as the furnace
to refine everything.
How time flies.
The land that had once been
contaminated with devil energy
has now become an abode
for immortal sects.
"Free to do and go
as the heart desires."
That is the meaning of Xiaoyao.
From this principle,
Xiaoyao Sect invented a unique swordplay.
It was named
Xiaoyao Sword Intent.
The swords follow the heart
and are everchanging.
Since you have unsealed
the South Branch Sword,
then I shall teach you
to use Xiaoyao Sword Intent.
But you must remember
that the swordplay follows your heart.
If you wish to master the swordplay,
you must first train this.
The Bone-Refining Seal
is the heart of the Devil God.
Ye Xiwu.
What do you think?
Only when I forget about Tantai Jin
can my powers grow stronger.
Li Susu,
I can't go on like this.
The one I like is you,
not anybody else.
Ye Xiwu.
Are you going to abandon me too?
When I tried to forget about Tantai Jin,
for an instant,
my powers seemed to get stronger.
I should also let it go
and pursue my own path.
Is this the Heartless Way?
If I don't keep up the momentum
to cultivate the Heartless Way,
I fear Heaven Lake can't keep
the evil bone sealed
when my cultivation is exhausted.
Tantai Jin has already lived out his life
as a wise king.
I shouldn't keep myself trapped
in memories of the past,
suffering every day.
So this is an immortal sect.
This is the place
where Ye Xiwu used to live.
Ye Xiwu,
if only I could have experienced this
500 years ago.
Buddy, you left in a hurry that day.
We weren't introduced.
I'm Canghai.
If you need any help,
you can come to me.
Thank you.
He's Cangfeng.
you're new here.
Let me give you some advice.
Among our master's disciples,
Canghai is second, and I'm third.
What about you?
Every new disciple
gets a new name from Master.
What's your new name?
Cang Jiumin.
You don't follow
the same naming convention as us.
Cang is Master's former surname.
Are you his relative?
I didn't know Chief Zhaoyou before.
Master must have his reasons.
Let's stop speculating.
let me tell you about our head disciple.
Speaking of whom,
his name is Canglin.
He's obsessed with martial arts.
He has a problem up here.
A problem?
Canglin is just obsessed
with practicing martial arts
and is more hardworking than others.
Yes, that's right.
Are you the new disciple?
Why don't we compete?
You must have something special.
Let me see.
-All right.
You're injured. Take a rest. We'll leave.
-Come on, Canglin. Let him rest.
-Let's spar next time.
Have a competition with me!
the immortal sect contest is important!
Don't forget to practice your swordplay!
The immortal marrow
is aiding me in cultivation.
Ye Xiwu.
Uncle Zhaoyou, what's the matter?
As you know,
I need a drink at the sight of someone
with a cold face
acting like a profound thinker.
Otherwise, I would get uncomfortable
and have eye twitches.
Where is your wine gourd?
I'll fill it up for you.
There's no need.
Trivial tasks like fetching wine
can be left to my new obedient disciple.
But since you're so nice,
how about I give you a gift?
I'll divine your marriage.
Knock it off.
Susu has made up her mind
to cultivate the Heartless Way.
the Heartless Way is no joke.
Have you carefully weighed
all the benefits and downsides?
Susu was going through tribulation
in the past decade,
but it was more like nirvana.
Everything within her has been reset.
A lot of weird things sure go on
in Hengyang Sect.
Susu is still young
and hasn't been in love yet.
When did she have a love tribulation?
And why would she switch
to practicing the Heartless Way?
It seems
that Tantai Jin was my love tribulation.
Father and Uncle Zhaoyou,
you don't need to worry about me.
Since I have stated my resolve to Father,
there is no need to hesitate anymore.
Susu, head back first.
It's strange.
What Susu said just now
didn't sound like the words
of an ignorant girl.
Susu, I have something to tell you.
Instead, it seems
as if she has experienced great changes.
All right.
we've known each other since childhood.
Over the past decade,
my love for you hasn't changed for a day.
I never expected
that there would come a day
when I would be afraid to see your face.
I have to thank you.
I used to be young and immature
and acted foolishly.
But you didn't mind my stupidity.
You often helped and instructed me.
I'm grateful for it.
I don't know how to repay you.
Susu, do you have nothing else to tell me
except for gratitude?
-Our engagement--
-Please know how I feel about you.
There is kinship
and respect.
But nothing else.
As for my marriage,
I'll find a chance to tell Father
that I'll decide on my own.
You truly are not the same Susu anymore.
I understand.
I'll prove it to you.
My love for you hasn't changed,
be it in the past or present
and no matter what you have been through.
When the time comes,
will you consider me for a life partner?
There is still time.
I don't know what the future holds for us.
At the moment,
I can only leave it to fate.
I see.
I'll wait for you.
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