Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e31 Episode Script

Episode 31

Ruby's Ring Stop right there! How odd.
- Why isn't he picking up? - The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting to Runa.
Oh, Gyeongmin.
Why are you still here? I was working.
Working? I'm going to enter the proposal contest.
What about you? I left my phone in my office, and then I saw the light on in here.
I've started misplacing my things lately.
Have you had dinner? Of course.
Would you like some tea in my office? I know you like coffee, but it's late.
It's tea with milk.
Thank you.
Were you working late, too? Yeah.
Even if I go home early, my wife isn't there to nag me, you know? Ruby's very busy these days, isn't she? I hardly get to see her.
I'm thinking maybe I should quit my job and become Jeong Ruby's manager.
His pulse is dropping, and his breathing is unstable.
Looks like he's going into ischemic shock.
Excuse me.
We're here to see an ER patient.
His name is Na Insu.
Oh, right.
We were getting ready for emergency surgery.
We need his guardian.
Which of you That'd be me.
Please follow me.
The recipient is unavailable.
Oh? Why is Gyeongmin calling at this hour? Hi, my dear baby brother.
What? Hang on.
What? Mr.
Na was stabbed? Where are you? Why do things keep happening to him? Ruby.
What is it? Gyeongmin called.
Na was stabbed.
Stabbed? Yes.
He's getting emergency surgery.
Sounds like he's in critical condition.
Critical condition? How can that be? That shouldn't have happened.
What? Where is he? How is he? Is he badly hurt? How much longer will the surgery take? I don't know the details.
The doctor will explain after the surgery.
What am I going to do? What if something happens to Insu? What am I going to do? Insu is hurt? What are you talking about? Runa, calm down.
Calm down.
Which hospital? Okay.
Got it.
Don't cry, okay? Gilja, what happened? What's up with Insu? Insu was stabbed by an armed robber.
He's at the ER.
He's in surgery right now.
What? An armed robber? Oh, my goodness.
Why is it one thing after another with Insu? Poor Runa must be a wreck.
This is so upsetting.
Poor Mr.
Maybe an exorcism is in order.
What's the matter with you? Be quiet, Ko Soyeong.
Good grief.
No wonder people say you're ignorant.
If exorcism could fix everything, why would anyone have problems? Jeez.
I only blurted it out because I was upset.
I can't just sit here.
Chorim, I have to go to the hospital.
You're going? My goodness, Gilja.
Then I'll come with you.
May I come, too? You stay put.
You'll only get in the way.
- Stay at home.
- See you.
Poor Mr.
He keeps having bad luck.
What now? What if he dies? What if he dies? Hello? It's me, Runa.
Ruby, Insu Insu Don't cry.
Why are you being an idiot? You need to stay level-headed.
Ruby, what am I going to do? What am I going to do? Do you think Mr.
Na will die? Ruby.
Tell me.
Did they say he would die? Tell me.
Tell me! What am I going to do? Restricted Access We were lovers.
We loved each other very much, enough to promise one another we'd die together on the same day.
Will you marry me? Let's get married.
Drink this.
What did the police say? Were there any witnesses? Have a sip first.
They're analyzing surveillance footage.
They scoured Mr.
Na's place, but there's no evidence yet.
The only things missing are his laptop and USB.
Would you happen to know why? No.
I have no idea.
What happened, Gyeongmin? Where's Insu? Is he still in surgery? Mom.
What now? What now? What now? Oh, good heavens.
After Ruby and Runa's accident, I never thought I'd have to set foot in a hospital again.
This is just so awful.
So what did the police say? Was the armed robber in his apartment, or did he get mugged outside? Did they catch the culprit? No.
The police are still investigating.
The culprit was very thorough.
Apparently he didn't leave a single print.
Oh, my goodness.
What's Insu going to do? Poor thing.
What if Insu dies? It wouldn't be fair.
No, no.
He'll be fine.
He'll be fine.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
The bleeding won't stop.
His BP has dropped.
He's in shock.
One step.
CPR! What did I tell you? I told you to give up.
I told you to forget about revenge, marry Ruby, and be happy.
Did you hold out only to die like this? Why don't you know that no matter how hard you try, you can't beat me? I told you love doesn't exist.
It's all just business transactions.
You fool.
Why are you so foolish? Why are you putting me through this pain? Yes.
I did love you.
I did love you.
I loved you.
I loved you.
I loved you.
I did love him.
At first, he was just someone I needed.
But maybe I fell in love without realizing it.
I didn't love him.
What I loved wasn't him.
It was his talent and educational background.
Love doesn't exist.
I didn't care whether he died.
What I really loved was my life, my future, and my dream.
Is that so wrong? Is it a sin to love ambition more than love? Insu.
Hang in there, okay? You have to make it through this.
He did suffer cardiac arrest, but the surgery went well.
So is he okay now? There was serious injury and blood loss, so he's on a respirator.
He's not in the clear yet.
He could suffer cardiac arrest again.
All we can do is wait and see.
Excuse us.
The doctor said the surgery went well.
Don't worry, Runa.
You managed to wake up from a coma.
Insu will be up by tomorrow.
That's right.
Insu's a good person.
Heaven will help him.
You haven't been able to get in touch with his parents yet? How is it that we can't get a hold of them? Mom, I feel so sorry for Insu.
What am I going to do? I know.
I know.
I feel so sorry for him.
Insu has to live.
You said you'd protect me.
You said you'd stay by my side until the end of time.
You can't do this to me.
Insu, this isn't fair.
How's Mr.
Na? They don't know yet.
We have to see.
Poor Mr.
I feel so bad for him.
It's already 3:00 in the morning.
Chorim, go and get some sleep.
You, too, Soyeong.
We should be thankful just to make it through each day without any major mishaps.
Yes, we should be.
We should be thankful every day.
Good night, Gilja.
Let's go.
Good night.
What? Mr.
Na? Yes.
So I went to the hospital last night.
Wait a minute.
Na? Sera.
Yes, grandma, it's the guy you were smitten with.
Why are such awful things happening to such a handsome young lad? The poor dear.
You were smitten by his looks, weren't you? What? You don't know what you're saying.
It wasn't just his looks.
I could tell he was a good person.
How can you tell just by looking? Of course you can.
I've been around a long time, so I can tell.
Oh, my goodness, ma'am.
You should go out on the street and read people's fortunes then.
Right, Changgeun? Geumhui.
Gyeongmin, where's Ruby? She left early in the morning.
I heard Ruby's sister was engaged to Mr.
My goodness.
Ruby must be so worried.
Take good care of her.
Good heavens.
Even if Gyeongmin wants to, she's never around.
She has no time for anyone, even him.
There you go again, Geumhui.
Ma'am, please try this.
They say nothing's better in the fall than gizzard shad, right? Enjoy this grilled gizzard shad.
Here's the laptop you asked for.
And I got the USB, too.
Did I tell you to hurt him? Did I tell you to kill him? I told you to just sneak in and get all computer-related devices.
That's what I told the guy to do, but Na kept resisting and chased after him, so the guy had no choice.
I'm sorry.
I heard the police will be undertaking a thorough investigation.
Don't worry about that.
I have everything under control.
I don't want this coming back to me.
What did I tell you? We're in this together.
If something happens to you, I'm going down as well.
I'll give you the rest later.
This wasn't the deal.
After I pay the guy and all, I'll have nothing.
You failed to do the job properly.
Get out.
How did I get tangled up with her? I have no way out, either.
Na was stabbed? That's crazy.
I thought I'd only ever read about stuff like that in the newspaper.
Dongpal, I feel so bad for Mr.
Ko Soyeong, why do you call Dongpal by his first name, but call Insu Mr.
Na? That's because I just feel like it.
What's the big deal, Chorim? I look young for my age.
Na looks older than he really is.
He has bad crow's feet.
That's not true.
You have more crow's feet than Mr.
He got crow's feet from smiling at every woman he sees.
Come on, Chorim.
Hi, Yeongeun.
Chorim, hand me a napkin.
Chorim, why can't you just give it to him instead of ignoring him? He has hands and feet.
Why should I give it to him? I can hardly stand sitting here with him.
Good grief.
Try to understand.
Chorim has a lot on her mind these days.
It's my fault, isn't it? Not everything in life can go her way.
Don't mind her too much.
It's one thing after another here.
Has Mr.
Na gotten any better? I don't know.
But I don't think he's doing well.
Jeong Runa must be so worried.
Yun, I'm heading out for a bit to get spicy rice cakes for all of us.
Come here for a second.
Have some tact.
Is this the right timing for a snack? Men just don't get it.
It's amazing.
I'm back, father and mother.
You're home early today.
You're not busy? No.
I thought I'd get some rest.
Sounds good.
Go up and unwind.
I still love you.
Hey, why are you home so early? I was just tired.
The bond of marriage must be strong.
Maybe we communicated telepathically.
I was out meeting with someone, and I didn't want to go back to the office.
I decided to play hooky and laze around at home.
But you came home early to rest.
Why are you working? I've never seen this laptop.
Don't touch it.
It's not mine.
What are you hiding? What? What's in your hand? It's nothing.
If it's nothing, why can't I see it? Why do you want to see it? It's a proposal for a show.
The network told me it was strictly confidential.
You may be my husband, but you should respect my work privacy.
Really? Oh, have you gone to see Mr.
Na yet? No, not yet.
But you're going to be his sister-in-law.
Let's go now, since we both have time.
I'll go when I can.
Okay then.
Yes? I love you.
I feel nervous somehow.
Since I haven't heard you say it in so long.
I love you.
I love you, too, Ruby.
Aunt Chorim.
Insu hasn't gotten any better? No.
I really hope he recovers soon.
This looks great.
Why does Insu have it so tough? His life is as crazy as yours.
It's one thing after another.
So his family hasn't called? The company hasn't called them? It's not like he's an orphan.
You said his parents were in his hometown.
Yes, but he's always been careful to never worry his parents.
Perhaps it's better that they don't know.
I suppose.
Aunt Chorim.
How's it going with Dongpal? Who? Don't even bring up his name.
It's over.
Nothing happened between us anyway.
I'm going to a matchmaker.
Why? What happened this time? Aunt Chorim.
He dumped me.
That jerk dumped me just like that.
What? He dumped you? Dongpal? How can that be? What was the reason? No reason.
He says he doesn't want to get married.
It's obvious.
He wants to be a bachelor, flirting with this woman and that for the rest of his life.
I doubt that.
I'd like to squash that dung beetle.
She gets 100% for hotness.
No good.
Come on.
What's wrong? Be quiet.
It's the landlady.
The landlady? What am I going to do? I said I'd let her know by next month about the lease deposit.
Don't worry.
Wang Daepung is here.
As if you inspire any confidence.
Enough nonsense.
Find your own place.
Hey, Noh Dongpal.
Noh Chorim.
Oh, Dongpal.
Let's go.
Why? This is nice.
Fancy running into you like this.
Oh? He looks very familiar.
How are you? Oh, hello.
The fantastic and elegant taste of the side dishes you brought has been unforgettable.
Did you go You must've gone to the sauna.
We were just there.
Then you two must be very thirsty.
How about we go somwhere for some cold beer? It'll be my treat.
No, thank you.
Chorim, let's go.
We hardly ever run into Dongpal like this.
Let's go for some beer.
What's wrong with you? You go ahead.
Fate has brought us all together, so how about it? Bottoms up.
Bottoms up.
Chorim, bottoms up.
You're too young to be drinking like that.
I may be young, but I'm in my 20s.
I'm way better than you, who knows nothing about love or romance.
How dare you? Are you drunk off one beer? Dongpal, I've been meaning to talk to you, but never had a chance.
Do you know that as a man, you're a real loser? I used to think you were a manly man.
But you're not manly at all.
You're absolutely pathetic.
Pathetic? Dongpal? Women hate men who can't make up their minds.
Should I do this or that? Would this be better or that? Should I go or not? Come or not? You have to be clear about how you feel.
You're like an opportunist.
You never give a clear answer.
People get married and then divorce, so of course people can break up.
But you should've told Chorim yourself.
Instead, you gave Mrs.
Yu a vague answer.
Hey, Soyeong.
Dongpal, you and Chorim did date.
You did have feelings for her.
Hey! If I were you, I'd run after her.
You're something else.
I'm a work of art.
Chorim, we need to talk.
You always want to talk.
What is it now? Come with me.
Let go.
I'm sorry, Chorim.
Soyeong is right.
I am a loser.
But the truth is I'm not a total bachelor.
I have a son.
The truth is, I You don't have to tell me.
You've met someone else.
What are you talking about? That short, fat lady.
Isn't it her? Then what is it? Tell me the truth.
The truth is I'm just not ready to get married.
I do like you, but I don't want to be trapped in the institution of marriage.
I don't want you to have a hard time or be miserable because of me.
Why would I be miserable? Why would I have a hard time? You said you'd only marry a true bachelor.
Aren't you a bachelor? Huh? What are you implying? Of course I'm a bachelor.
So what's the problem? The truth is, I I I had feelings for you.
I thought you'd be the first and only love of my life.
I was sure I'd never love anyone more.
I did love you, and I have no regrets.
You seemed to have changed, but I couldn't give you up, so here I am.
But now I know exactly how you feel, so I'll move on.
Don't worry about me.
There won't be any love in my life anymore, right? Why wouldn't there be? There is.
I wish you happiness.
It sounds like a pop song, but this is how I feel, so indulge me.
You'll know in time the value of my love.
I won't fall in love again.
Hey, what's your reason? Why don't you like me? My looks? Money? Or my age? You're no better than me, you stupid jerk.
Who are you to break my heart? Who are you to cause me so much pain, you stupid Dung Beetle? Oh, Chorim! I won't stop, though.
This is who I am.
Jeong Runa.
It's not fair that the assailant is free after putting Insu in that state.
Something's not right.
Why are all these strange things happening to Mr.
Na? What are you doing? I locked it.
Where is it? Where can it be? Look at me, Jeong Runa.
I can't forgive you.
I'll make you repent on your own.
I'll make sure of it.
See you next time
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