Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e32 Episode Script

Episode 32

Ruby's Ring Hey, what's your reason? Why don't you like me? My looks? Money? Or my age? You're no better than me, you stupid jerk.
Who are you to break my heart? Who are you to cause me so much pain, you stupid Dung Beetle? Oh, Chorim! Why is the world out to get me? First it's a dung beetle, and now, even a banana peel is out to mock me.
Let go.
Episode 32 Na Insu.
Just look at how pathetic you are.
I told you to spare me.
If you had forgotten about revenge and let me be, this wouldn't have happened.
Look at what you've done.
Just look at yourself.
I won't stop, though.
I finally know now.
This is who I am.
This is Jeong Runa.
What are you doing here so early? You know how busy I am.
I decided to come by early.
Were you crying? Seeing Mr.
Na like that, I felt sorry for him.
How is he? What's the doctor saying? Nothing new yet.
Take it easy.
I have to run.
I'm busy.
Wake up, Insu.
Wake up.
What are you doing? Are you taking that to someone? Oh, no Who is all this for? You see, ma'am, there's this student in my baking class who lives in abject poverty.
All he eats is chili paste with his rice.
I felt so sorry for him, so I see.
Pack it in nice and tight.
I'm sorry I lied to you, Gyeongsuk.
Maybe this is the power of love.
Why aren't you going to your baking class? I quit.
Why? Making bread and pastries isn't easy, and I don't know if I'm cut out for it.
How's studying going? It's going.
That's not good enough, is it? You have to stay focused.
Our goal is law school.
Yes, father.
I'm heading out now.
You have to go, too.
I'll just wash the dishes and Leave them for your Uncle Daepung.
But I He gets free room and board.
Washing dishes is the least he can do.
Leave them there.
Good grief.
Like father, like son.
They're both so cold.
Neither of them woke me up for breakfast.
My goodness.
It's so dry.
Why couldn't they have made soup? Dongpal, are you home? Dongpal.
Is Dongpal out? He just left.
He's not answering the phone, and I haven't seen him in baking class, so I got worried and came to check on him.
A cup of tea? No, thank you.
I have to run.
It's still so hot.
A designer purse and fancy clothes She probably spent a fortune on that face.
Who is she? Given that she's chasing after Dongpal, she's not married.
So long then.
- Goodbye.
- Bye.
She's filthy rich.
Oh, yeah.
But he was stabbed.
In his own home, no less.
Shouldn't you at least catch the culprit? No money or valuables went missing.
The intruder only took the laptop.
I told you that Mr.
Na Insu had been framed for bribery recently.
Are you sure Gu Yeonho's alibi checks out? Hello? Hello? Runa.
Hi, Gyeongmin.
Were you talking to the detective? This makes no sense.
There are so many odd things about the case, but there are no leads or evidence.
I called the police, too, and they said they found nothing in the surveillance footage.
But the investigation is ongoing, so let's be patient.
It's not fair that the assailant is free after putting Insu into that state.
It's maddening.
You look nice.
All set.
You look nice.
You look nice worrying and caring about him.
What's wrong? Do you have a headache? No.
Why? Why? Why do I keep remembering Gyeongmin? I just don't get it.
Hello? Is this Mr.
Na Insu's guardian? He's regained consciousness.
What? Okay.
What's the color palette of the set? I'd like to pick my dress according to the color of the set.
It's the first show, so I want a vivid color.
That sounds perfect.
How about hot pink? That's great.
The Jeong Ruby Show My boundless self-confidence? I'm just kidding.
I've been a homeshopping host for a long time, so I think I can do a good job hosting a talk show.
Standby for rehearsal.
I'm sorry.
I'm so nervous.
Could I have five minutes? Sure, Ms.
Come out once you calm your nerves.
We'll wait.
You're Jeong Ruby.
The eldest daughter of Yu Gilja.
You have a stupid and greedy sister who never does anything right.
But you're different.
You're smart and beautiful.
You majored in English at a top university and got a job at JM Group.
Now you're the wife of Bae Gyeongmin, vice president and heir of JM Group.
You're also a famous TV host.
You're special.
You're perfect.
I'll show the world how smart and talented I am.
Because I am Jeong Ruby.
He woke up? See? I said he'd be up in no time.
Since he's pulled through, come home and eat.
We got a big take-out order, so we can't bring you lunch.
I have to get changed anyway.
Gilja, tell Runa to wash her hair and shower.
Insu shouldn't have to see her with greasy, stinky hair.
What a letdown.
Huh? Nothing, your aunt's being silly again.
My goodness.
Runa's not like you.
She's obsessed with personal hygiene.
It's you who should wash your hair more.
Do you know that you look like a train wreck these days? You do, Chorim.
If you want to meet a new man, you should wash your hair and do whatever it takes to beautify yourself.
Forget about it.
I'm done with men for good, okay? I'm not falling in love again.
Two servings of fried rice, please.
Table 3, two fried rice.
Is another heart attack possible? In his current condition, he should be able to climb the Himalayas.
Doctor, thank you.
Get plenty of rest.
Who are you praying to? Every god in the world.
One of them answered my prayers.
You must still be in a lot of pain.
Don't worry.
I'm fine.
You must be hungry.
I'm going home for just a bit.
Mom made you porridge.
I'll be right back, so even if you're hungry, hang in there.
The first episode of the Jeong Ruby Show Live is airing at 9:00.
You don't want to miss it.
Na Insu Must I do this for a guy who's already taken? I do.
We almost died together in his junker of a car.
It's only proper that I do this.
Hold on.
I need photographic evidence for grandma, who never believes me.
Congratulations, Mr.
I heard you survived.
What? I came all this way for nothing.
Maybe he's getting some tests done.
One minute before we go on air.
What's going on? How did you Why are you here? Why? Look at me, Jeong Runa.
Look at me with your own two eyes.
- 10 seconds.
- I'm not going to die.
- No.
I can't die.
- Standby.
You can't ruin this for me.
This is where I belong.
I can't forgive you.
I'll make you repent on your own.
I'll make sure of it.
I'm Jeong Ruby, host of the Jeong Ruby Show Live.
I've done over 100 live shows as a homeshopping host.
But being here as a talk show host is both exciting and nerve-wracking.
I hope that you, the viewers of our first show, could be our navigators, and make this year a very special one.
Now, shall we meet the first guest of the Jeong Ruby Show Live? She's quite good.
Yes, she shines like a star.
Goodness me.
Oh? That was Mr.
Na? Yeah.
I just saw Mr.
No way.
He's bedridden at the hospital.
What would he be doing at Ruby's show? You must have seen wrong.
You think so? Then again, I was just at the hospital, and Mr.
Na wasn't in his room.
I considered waiting, but just left to see Ruby's show.
Although I'm married to the world's greatest guy, these passionate and unique princes of fashion make my heart flutter.
Please come on out.
Like we said, he needs rest.
Otherwise he could suffer from cardiac arrest or internal bleeding.
You shouldn't have left him all alone.
Something's not right.
Why are all these strange things happening to Mr.
Na? And he was at the studio for Ruby's show despite his condition.
Why? Where can he be? He didn't even take his phone with him.
What am I going to do? If something came up, why couldn't he have called me? Hi, mom.
It's me.
Has Insu called by any chance? Oh, no.
It's nothing.
He must have stepped outside.
Where have you been in that condition? I was worried sick.
I'm sorry.
The culprit hasn't been caught yet.
What if something happens to you again? I was so worried.
Don't worry.
I won't let anything happen to me again.
Who knows what could happen? Don't make me worry about you again.
If you do, you'll get it from me.
What is it? I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
That's all I can say.
Don't be sorry.
Given how much you've done for me, that makes me sorrier.
Oh, Gyeongmin.
What brings you here at this hour? I'm sorry.
I know it's late.
Don't be.
I was in the area for something else, so I thought I'd drop in.
We're happy you're here.
Please sit down.
Insu, Gyeongmin went through major trouble for you when you got hurt.
Oh, really? Thank you.
Have they caught the assailant? No, not yet.
It's not going to be easy.
He didn't leave behind any clues.
Ruby's show went on air today.
Did you see it? No, I didn't get to.
She was great.
You should've watched it.
What about you, Mr.
Na? Did you miss it? But there's a TV here.
I did see it.
I actually went to the studio and saw it in person.
You went to the studio? So you were At the studio? You went to see the live taping in the condition you're in? I'm very interested in Ruby.
I wanted to see the studio response to a newly produced show from a viewer standpoint.
You see, a TV producer must always observe and study new shows.
Plus, Ruby is one of the most popular personalities among young women.
I'm a TV producer to the bone.
Still, you didn't have to go all the way there.
You're in no state to go out.
But because I was there, I really got a good feel for everything.
Your wife is amazing.
Right? She amazes me all the time, too.
I should go, Runa.
It's late.
Stay put.
It's cold outside.
I'll see you again.
Insu, did you really go to the studio? So you went out to It's just like I said.
I'm a TV producer, so I have to closely monitor new programs.
Plus, I was feeling cooped up.
I didn't know where to go, so I thought, why not Ruby's show? I can see her in action and learn.
I could kill two birds with one stone.
Thank you.
Thank you! Congratulations, Ms.
It was a great first show.
I was so nervous.
It's all thanks to you.
It's too late tonight.
How about a staff dinner tomorrow? I'm exhausted, too.
I'll treat the staff tomorrow.
Oh, no.
The president's buying.
Really? Yes.
He seems extremely interested in this program.
It would be perfect if we got high viewer ratings.
I'm sure we will.
I was monitoring it on and off.
Thank you.
Hello? Ruby? We enjoyed your show.
You're a real star now.
Gilja, let me talk to her.
Ruby, you looked so pretty.
You rocked.
You really rocked.
You looked so beautiful.
I'm your fan now.
You watched it? Yeah.
That's right.
Jeong Ruby is my grandson's wife.
Hi, Mrs.
It's me, Jo Ilsun.
Hey, did you watch the Jeong Ruby Show? Oh, you didn't? Jeong Ruby is my grandson's wife.
What were you watching instead of that great show? Watch it next week.
Ma'am, enough with the phone calls.
Auto Trap would be a better nickname for you than me.
What? I'm sorry, ma'am.
I don't mean to, but this trap of mine just goes off on its own.
Would you like me to give you a facial? Won't you be out gallivanting and telling all your friends how great Ruby is? Gallivanting? Yes.
Oh, you give me a headache.
Good grief.
Ow, my head.
Hello? Oh, my.
Wang Daepung? The side dishes you brought over were like ambrosia, fit for the dinner table of the gods.
I amaze myself with my own eloquence.
If she doesn't fall for that, Wang Daepung is no more.
Uncle Daepung, I need to study, so please go to sleep.
Come on, kiddo.
It's too late to study.
It's time to go to bed.
Dad, did you drink? Leave him be.
Your father's reeling from the pain of a broken heart.
Broken heart? Dad? No way.
Listen, kiddo.
Do you think only young people can love? Even when you're old, you can fall in love and have your heart broken.
I actually went to the studio and saw it in person.
You went to the studio? So you were I'm very interested in Ruby.
I've never seen this laptop.
Don't touch it.
It's a proposal for a show.
The network told me it was strictly confidential.
You may be my husband, but you should respect my work privacy.
What are you doing? Oh.
Why is this locked? I locked it.
I have important work documents in there.
You and I are the only ones who use this study.
It's Ms.
Jang, I mean, Aunt Geumhui.
She seems to be going through my stuff.
It makes me uncomfortable.
Hon, how did I do today? You were good.
Nice ad-libbing.
Is that the best you can say to your wife? Best.
You were the best.
That seemed too biased.
I want an objective assessment.
It's reassuring to see you smile.
I guess it won't be long before we gather at our place again for congratulatory drinks.
He almost died, Chorim.
That's right.
Insu, no drinking for the time being.
Thank you.
You've been attached at the hip lately.
Wait a minute.
Something's up.
What are you talking about? You're so silly.
Seriously What's the big deal? You two hurry up and get married.
In my opinion, Runa needs Insu, and Insu needs Runa.
Everyone needs a life partner.
Right, Gilja? So hurry up and meet yours, instead of being envious of others.
You have Chef Noh.
Oh, right.
So will the police just close the case? No way.
They can't do that.
Korea is governed by law.
If a crime is committed, the police must serve justice and punish the culprit.
- Yes, siree.
- The detectives came by and asked Insu some questions So what did they say? Did they catch the guy? Do they know who it was? They're still investigating.
Ugh, what do you know? They never caught that swindler Byeon who ran off with my money.
Catching criminals isn't easy.
You really don't remember anything? You can't think of who it might've been? No.
Don't worry about me.
How can we not? Plus, it's so unfair.
Wow, Runa.
You're totally on his side.
You two, how far have you gotten? Chorim.
Goodbye, Jeong Runa.
I have to forgive you if I am to forgive myself.
Insu's my savior.
Thank you, Jeong Runa.
It's thanks to you that I got to meet the true love of my life.
When you see how happy we are, you'll realize how meaningless and miserable your life is.
You're neither Jeong Runa nor Jeong Ruby.
Why is this happening? Think.
Think, Jeong Runa.
See you next time
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