Till The End of The Moon (2023) s01e32 Episode Script

Episode 32

Ye Xiwu.
Is that you?
Chief Qu,
have you heard of a lady
named Ye Xiwu?
No, not in the immortal sects.
Is she a disciple of Hengyang Sect?
Jiwu has no parents.
He's not even
an ordinary person in the usual sense.
Are you the real Ye Xiwu
or another fake Xiao Lin?
Hello, fellow immortal.
You are mistaken.
I don't know you.
I'm sorry.
Forgive me for being rude.
I'm Cang Jiumin,
a disciple of Xiaoyao Sect.
May I know your name?
So you are Cang Jiumin.
I'm Li Susu of Hengyang Sect.
Cang Jiumin, if there is nothing else,
I'll take my leave.
Jiwu mentions you often,
but I haven't had a chance to visit you,
so I'm lucky to meet you today.
Li Susu,
why are you not with Jiwu?
He has something important to do.
That's why he didn't join me.
Why don't we go find him together?
Maybe we can even gather some Ralls Janet.
I can explore the area too.
It's my first visit
to the Shangqing Realm.
These halls, painted pillars,
and carved beams
are magnificent.
We can admire them along the way.
If you are interested in the realm,
I've heard a story about it.
10,000 years ago,
this realm had a God of War named Mingye.
He married
a smart and lovely princess
from the Unionid Tribe.
Her name was Sangjiu.
At first,
although Mingye disliked the marriage,
he gradually
fell in love with Sangjiu.
But before he could respond to her love,
Sangjiu mistakenly thought
that Mingye didn't love her
and left the Shangqing Realm.
If he regretted it,
why didn't he go after her?
How do you know he didn't do that?
The battle of Gods and Devils
was underway.
Even the Heavenly Pillar was destroyed.
Mingye was this realm's God of War.
He knew he would likely
lose his life in battle.
He didn't want Sangjiu to grieve for him.
And so,
despite the heartache,
he didn't go after her.
But in Mingye's heart,
as long as Sangjiu was happy and safe,
it was fine.
All right.
That's the end of the story.
Let's go and find Xiao Lin.
All right.
Ye Xiwu.
It really is you.
I don't know what you are talking about.
As I've said,
you're mistaken.
Why did you have to show up
at this particular time?
I can't acknowledge you yet.
I'm sorry,
Tantai Jin.
Over there.
Unexpectedly, after 10,000 years,
the Water Mirror has dried up,
revealing the Bone-Refining Seal.
If not for this,
we may not have found it
even in another ten years.
Let's do it.
It's disadvantageous for us to fight
in the Shangqing Realm.
We need to create a diversion.
Go and distract them
so that they won't spoil our plan.
Yemei and Fengshi are on standby
at the base of the mountain.
I'll rendezvous with them
and engage Hengyang Sect in a huge fight.
That will be fun too.
I'm Yue Fuya of Hengyang Sect.
I finally have a chance
to come across demons like you.
I will annihilate you
even at the expense of my life!
Watch out.
Did you come to rescue me?
What is your name?
Where are you going?
Can I go with you?
This place is scary.
Go now.
They have finally come.
Cast the Mountain Protection Formation!
Taste my sword!
You won't escape alive!
Xiaoyao Sword Formation!
Ten Views of Cloud Mountain!
Your spirit looks tasty.
Demon, stop!
Surrender immediately.
The Devil-Subduing Formation?
So this is your trap.
We've been waiting for you.
Cast the formation!
I expected more from you.
I'm disappointed.
When I served the Devil God,
Jize and Chuhuang
were the only foes I deemed worthy!
Jingmie, don't be so arrogant!
You are bound to die here today!
Where is Siying?
Why is Jingmie the only one here today?
There's a huge commotion out there.
Jingmie likely can't stall them for long.
I need to hurry up.
I remember from Fleeting-Life Prajna
that Mingye sealed the Bone-Refining Seal
in Numinous Terrace.
The Bone-Refining Seal is linked
to the Devil God's energy
and is very powerful.
Since it can't be destroyed,
the only solution
is to seal it beneath the Water Mirror
and keep it here forever
with the help of divine power.
This is bad.
An anomaly at Numinous Terrace.
Qu, don't move!
All of our disciples have returned.
It may be a diversion.
Let's kill this devil first.
Don't fall for their trick!
Stop, devil!
As long as I'm here,
you're not taking the Bone-Refining Seal.
It's her.
Then I will take your life!
You won't get your way
in the former dwelling of gods.
Do you think you can stop me?
The 12 gods couldn't stop my lord
even when they sacrificed their lives.
Who do you think you are?
The Bone-Refining Seal,
the heart of the Devil God,
will eventually be returned to my lord.
You were born with the evil bone
and doomed to become the Devil God.
You are the Devil God.
You were already the greatest curse
in this world.
This is your destiny.
To become a devil or a god.
It all falls on you.
why did you choose me
to step into your Fleeting-Life Prajna?
You won't be able
to take the Bone-Refining Seal today.
To think a common immortal sect disciple
can actually seal the Bone-Refining Seal.
Xiaoyao Sword Intent, shatter!
Wait, something is wrong
at Numinous Terrace.
Cang Jiumin!
Is this
my lord?
Cang Jiumin.
Don't succumb to the devil energy.
Come to your senses!
It has been 500 years.
I've finally found the devil fetus.
It looks like they have found it.
They've finally inserted the charm.
Devil God,
I bet you never expected this.
The ones who unsealed me
were your two most loyal subordinates.
I have regained the freedom
that you deprived me of.
Tantai Jin,
you are the devil fetus.
How can you defy my will?
Once the Bone-Refining Seal
merges with your heart,
will awaken.
Cang Jiumin.
Cang Jiumin!
Wake up!
Wake up!
In your dreams!
It's my lord's power.
Cang Jiumin!
Don't get carried away.
My lord's plan is abstruse indeed.
This is a confusing situation.
I should leave while I can.
I can bring my lord back to Barren Abyss
once the devil fetus is fully awakened.
Very well, my lord.
The Bone-Refining Seal
rightfully belongs to you.
I shall take my leave.
This devil energy
means that the seal is merging
with his heart!
Cang Jiumin.
Cang Jiumin!
Don't be bewitched by the demon weapon.
Wake up!
The Bone-Refining Seal
has connected to your heart!
Do you want to die?
Cang Jiumin.
Wake up!
Cang Jiumin!
Great timing.
Let's annihilate both of them today!
Jingmie, cease the needless fighting.
Let's go.
I can't believe it.
They escaped.
Could it be that someone leaked our plan?
Information about the competition
was actually leaked.
The two devils took advantage of it.
It was my mistake.
I never expected them
to come to the Shangqing Realm
to steal a devil weapon.
Forget it.
Qu, it's not your fault.
This was hidden in plain sight.
Nobody could have known
that the Bone-Refining Seal
was hidden in Numinous Terrace.
Luckily, Jiumin and Susu were there
and fought desperately
to retrieve this devil seal.
the consequences would be unimaginable.
Having failed at stealing the seal,
the two devils will surely try again.
our barrier outside the mountain detected
what seems to be a devil intruding.
Who are you?
How dare you trespass?
All of you may leave.
My friend,
it has been a long time.
You were imprisoned
by the Devil God for 10,000 years.
You finally made it back today.
It is worth celebrating.
The past 10,000 years
were as fleeting as passing clouds.
I think this immortal attire
suits you well.
Why don't you stay here for a while?
You two can be reunited.
Father, why did you summon me?
If it's about Cang Jiumin's injury,
I have handed him over
to Uncle Zhaoyou's care
as per your instruction.
Who are you?
Come to me.
How do you know my name?
It's you.
Susu, do you two know each other?
I had been to Barren Abyss
and spoken with him.
You fell in rashly at that time.
You would have perished
if I hadn't noticed you in time.
I'm very thankful to you
for saving my life.
It seems that fate
has led you two to each other.
come here.
Kneel and kowtow to your father
to repay him for giving you life.
I may be her biological father,
I haven't raised her for one day.
Heaven has been nice to me
for allowing me to reunite with her.
My father?
Father, what is going on?
It's a long story.
In the battle
against devils 10,000 years ago,
the Lord of Evil defected
and wounded the Devil God grievously.
The Devil God then sealed him
in Barren Abyss.
Decades ago,
I had an arduous struggle
with an evil cultivator.
I was seriously wounded
and fell into Barren Abyss.
I was almost devoured by demons.
Fortunately, I landed
outside of Dimian's cave.
He used devil energy to shield me
and repel the demons.
That was how I managed to survive.
To repay him for saving my life,
I promised him
to find the spirit egg
that he had with his late wife, Chuhuang.
I haven't seen it.
I haven't heard of it.
Thank you.
Luckily, one's effort is always rewarded.
I eventually found the spirit egg.
The spirit egg was difficult to hatch.
I placed it atop the spiritual well
of Sumeru Throne
to be nurtured by the pure essence
of heaven and earth.
Later on, there was movement in the egg.
I cast its spirit into the mortal realm
to undergo continuous tribulations
in hopes that one day,
it would get a chance
to break out of its shell.
She was born
atop the spiritual well of Heaven Lake
and nurtured
by the pure essence of heaven and earth.
Thus, I named her Lady of Spirituality.
When Chuhuang fell back then,
her body turned into the Chongyu Harp,
a precious treasure of Hengyang Sect.
I gave the Chongyu Harp to that baby
in hopes that she could be protected
by her mother somehow.
So the person I saw back then
was my mother.
Father sent my spirit
into the mortal world
to undergo continuous tribulations.
That is why Ye Xiwu existed 500 years ago.
And she looked just like me.
she was the blight of my life.
My spirit should have returned
after experiencing a lifetime,
but it was damaged
by the lightning tribulation.
As a result,
500 years later,
my body spontaneously combusted
and had to recuperate
for ten years at Sumeru Throne.
Only when the tribulation ended
could I truly wake up.
That is what happened.
I hid it from you for so long.
You won't blame me, will you?
you don't have to force yourself.
It's understandable
if you don't want to accept me
or even hate me.
I don't hate you.
I just don't know what to do.
That's fine.
Whether you accept me or not,
Chief Qu will always be your father.
No one can sever the bond he has
from raising you.
All right.
Whether you will
call me your father or not,
we will
take care of you together.
Get up.
Come to think of it, it's so strange.
My mother is from the Phoenix Clan,
but I naturally fear birds and chickens.
It seems that fate is predetermined.
It turns out that I'm afraid of myself.
This is great.
You two have finally reunited today.
A huge burden in my heart has been lifted.
By the way, Dimian,
you have an unusual identity.
Please reside in our sect for now.
When I find a suitable opportunity,
I'll invite all sects, clarify this,
and let you reestablish yourself
in this world
with honor and dignity.
Thank you.
Have you heard?
That trespasser today
was Dimian, the Lord of Evil,
who commanded demons 10,000 years ago.
I bet you don't know.
His wife was Chuhuang, the God of Space.
He only went over to the dark side
to find the Devil God's weakness.
Yes, the legends also say
that he was the one
who stabbed the Devil God.
It seems that he has been through a lot
and suffered in silence for so long.
His identity is finally restored.
All immortal sects
should treat him kindly.
Yes, he is the hero
who killed the Devil God.
When the seal
on the Bone-Refining Seal was broken,
Monü's spirit was also gathered.
Monü, you're finally awake.
My lord has saved you again.
I'm Siying.
Your spirit was damaged
10,000 years ago.
Thus, our lord sent you
to the mortal realm
to undergo tribulations.
Now that your spirit has been restored,
we can finally be reunited.
Now that you know your true identity,
you naturally have the answers
for the changes you have undergone
since emerging from seclusion.
The Phoenix Clan
has a natural affinity for practicing
the Heartless Way.
It is a shortcut to godhood.
However, this choice
is ultimately up to you.
learning my origins
has strengthened my resolve
to pursue my goal.
My mother was slain by the Devil God,
and my father was imprisoned by him.
Be it for personal or public reasons,
it is my mission
to fight against the Devil God.
If the Devil God were to be resurrected,
then in all the universe,
only a true god would be able
to go up against him.
It is quite a heavy burden
to place solely upon your shoulders.
Father, rest assured.
I promise,
the Devil God will never be resurrected.
Tantai Jin's evil bone has been extracted,
but the identity of the devil fetus
is still highly unusual.
It would be best
to inform them
only after I have destroyed the evil bone.
my cultivation of the Heartless Way is…
Why have you
come to see me?
I have come
to ask you for a favor today.
I'm listening.
I was born in the Jing Kingdom
500 years ago.
When I was young,
I was loathed by my father
and bullied by others.
I never felt the warmth of this world.
Then out of the blue,
a woman came into my life.
At first,
she kept saying she wanted to kill me.
Yet she saved me several times.
She was the one who showed me
that life contains joy,
and all the beauty that comes with it.
Later on,
she told me that she liked me.
I was so happy at that time.
It would be perfect
if time could freeze
at that moment.
Who was that woman?
Her name was Ye Xiwu.
I made an irreparable mistake.
She died because of it.
The dead can't be brought back to life.
Please accept my condolences.
I wanted to join her in death.
But someone told me
about the Nether River
where the Three Realm's spirits converge.
In order to see her again,
I found the Nether River
and searched for her there
for 500 years.
Day after day,
Ruo Water scorched my flesh and bone.
It was excruciatingly painful.
I could no longer feel the pain.
Nor did I feel like I was still alive.
Even so, I still couldn't find her spirit.
What happened after that?
Then one day,
I felt like I was about to die.
Immortal Zhaoyou saved me.
And I became a disciple of Xiaoyao Sect.
This was all that I have gone through
in the past 500 years.
Cang Jiumin, why are you telling me
all of this?
The Nether River
didn't help me find Ye Xiwu.
But I read about the Soul-Gathering Array
that can help me find Ye Xiwu's spirit.
However, this array
requires a pure spiritual body's blood
as a primer.
Ms. Li,
can you help me
locate my beloved?
If I do find her,
I'm willing to give everything I have
to make amends to her.
Even if
she wants my life,
I will give it to her.
I can't help you.
The dead can't be revived.
Since you have changed your name
and started anew,
why not forget about the past completely?
The Ye Xiwu in your heart
no longer exists.
No longer exists?
What do you mean by that?
You have the same face
and the same temperament.
Lady of Spirituality,
you are Ye Xiwu.
Why won't you admit it?
Are you aware?
You don't even dare to look at me.
Have you heard of
The Butterfly Dream by Zhuangzi?
You can think of Ye Xiwu
as that butterfly.
Everything is but a dream.
When you wake up,
it should all dissipate.
It has been 500 years.
I have never forgotten about her.
I have seen her smile
and cry.
She hugged me
and protected me.
She loved me and hated me.
Even if this is really just a dream,
how can I easily wake up from it
if you abandon me in the dream?
I don't understand what you are saying.
I have woken up from my dream.
It doesn't concern me
whether you wake up.
Tantai Jin.
If you really wish to make amends,
you should forget about the past
and be Cang Jiumin.
As for me,
I'm Li Susu, daughter of Chief Qu.
The Devil God's advent is upon us again.
The universe's fate hangs in the balance.
I have decided to pursue the Heartless Way
and devote my life
to eradicating evil.
The past is in the past.
We are now strangers.
This is the path
that we must take.
I'm tired.
Please leave.
It turns out that
when you said we should never meet again
in any reincarnation to come,
you truly meant it.
She loved me and hated me.
Even if this is really just a dream,
how can I easily wake up from it
if you abandon me in the dream?
It turns out that
when you said we should never meet again
in any reincarnation to come,
you truly meant it.
For this immortal sect competition,
I gave you so many weapons
to help you come out on top
and bring glory to our Chixiao Sect.
But you didn't seem
interested in winning at all.
You harassed a girl instead.
How could you let me down like this?
What about my injuries?
Father, won't you help me get even?
Help you get even?
I'm too ashamed to see anyone now.
When can you bring us glory
like Cang Jiumin and Gongye Jiwu did?
I want to be like them too.
But I'm not as gifted as them.
You always tell me to work hard.
Why don't you work hard yourself
and birth a child like them?
Kneel and reflect upon your actions
for 24 hours!
Cang Jiumin,
just you wait.
I'll make you fall from grace
sooner or later.
So you and Cang Jiumin
knew each other 500 years ago
and were even married in that life.
The reasons behind it are complicated.
Please forgive me for not explaining.
In short,
Cang Jiumin was a part of the tribulation
in my past life 500 years ago.
No wonder you have been melancholic
ever since you came out of seclusion.
You seem like a different person.
I don't want to deceive you.
What happened between me and Tantai Jin
is now in the past.
But after reuniting with him,
I realized
that even if we can't continue
our past relationship,
my heart
has no more room for anyone else.
are you telling me this just to--
If I continue to be indecisive,
it will only be more unfair to you.
I understand now.
you don't have to feel guilty.
I failed to realize it earlier
as I was not thoughtful enough,
causing you to agonize over it alone.
Although I'm reluctant,
no matter what,
I hope you can find happiness
according to your own wishes.
Moving on from someone is not easy.
Give me some time.
In the next few days,
I'll ask Master to allow me to go
on a demon-hunting mission.
I hope that when I see you again,
I can face you with an open heart
as just a fellow sect member.
Have a good rest.
I'll leave now.
I'm sorry, Jiwu.
It is better to cut things off now.
This is the best choice
for both of us.
If you really wish to make amends,
you should forget about the past
and be Cang Jiumin.
As for me,
I'm Li Susu, daughter of Chief Qu.
The Devil God's advent is upon us again.
I have decided to pursue the Heartless Way
and devote my life
to eradicating evil.
The Devil God again?
When the devil fetus
and devil weapons reappear,
the Devil God will be resurrected.
The Three Realms
will face destruction by then.
I heard that the battle
at Barren Abyss a while ago
was because Siying and Jingmie,
two remnants of the Devil God,
lost the devil fetus.
So they're wreaking havoc all over,
trying to use the devil weapons
to find the devil fetus.
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