Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e33 Episode Script

Episode 33

Ruby's Ring It's good.
Try it.
- Is it good? - Yes.
I'm sleepy.
Goodbye, Jeong Runa.
I'm done with you for good.
I'll let go of all feelings of vengeance and anger.
I have to forgive you if I am to forgive myself.
I thought there could only be one love.
I thought if I lost you, it would be just like losing myself.
Because I was madly in love with you.
Thank you, Jeong Runa.
It's thanks to you that I got to meet the true love of my life.
I've met someone I can love both inside and out.
Welcome Mr.
Hi, Soyeong.
Welcome, Insu.
Hello, Aunt Chorim.
Sit, sit, sit.
Thank you.
Where's Runa? I've come alone today.
I see.
Alone? Why? Did you and Runa fight? Watch what you say, Ko Soyeong.
Does Insu look like someone who'd get into a fight with his girlfriend? I didn't mean anything by it.
Why are you chewing me out? You always get into fights.
What are you talking about? Plus, I wasn't chewing you out.
Stop making things up.
You're definitely a fighting cock.
You'd better watch it.
What's all this racket? Oh, you're here.
You came early.
Did you have an errand to run? Yes.
Why don't we go out? Gilja, where are you guys going? We're going somewhere quiet to talk.
So you two made plans to meet? - Yes.
- Yes.
You left me out of the loop? I'm coming with you, Gilja.
You stay here.
Soyeong can't run the restaurant alone.
Let's go.
You little twerp.
So what do you want to talk to me about? Mrs.
Yu, I want to marry Runa.
May I have your blessing? Really? But of course.
I'll do my best to make Runa happy.
I know.
I have complete faith in you.
You two have been through a lot together, so there's only happiness awaiting you.
I'll be good to you, too.
I'm happy as long as you two are happy.
But have your parents approved of this? They'll be over the moon when I tell them.
This is making my heart race with excitement.
Na Insu speaking.
Oh, hello.
I wonder why Mr.
Na came to see Mrs.
Maybe he needs to borrow money.
Hey, what do you take him for? It's just that his hospital stay must've cost a fortune.
Who knows? Don't you worry about that.
Gyeongmin reported it as an on-the-job injury and got Insu worker's compensation.
Chorim, should I quit grilling chicken and try to get a job at JM Group? Who knows? I might become a TV host like Ruby.
What happened to your dream of opening your own grilled chicken place? Oh, right.
Oh, you're back, Gilja.
So what did Insu say? Chorim, Runa's getting married soon.
Really? So Insu came to you to get your blessing? This is wonderful.
What a relief.
It's not like you were losing sleep over Runa not being married yet.
You brought this upon yourself.
Congratulations, Mrs.
Thank you, Chef Noh.
Ruby's doing well, and if Runa gets married, Chorim's next in line.
Next in line? It's all over for me.
Chorim, there are so many men out there.
But very few are worth catching.
You just wait.
I'll search the whole country if I must in order to find you a great guy.
Find yourself one first.
Yes, Insu.
Later? Okay.
Your voice is just oozing with love.
Really? Do you like him that much? I'm grateful.
Insu's my savior.
More like your knight in shining armor.
Though not so much if you compare him to Gyeongmin.
If I love him, he's a knight in shining armor.
Can only rich guys be knights? Since you're so in love, why don't you marry him, stupid? I don't like being in public like this.
Keep it short.
I've decided to marry Runa, I mean, Ruby.
Really? Yes, just like you wanted.
But it's not for you.
It's for me.
And because I want to make Ruby happy.
I'm glad that you've finally realized that this is best for everyone.
You're done, right? Jeong Runa no longer exists in my life.
Not at all.
I thought long and hard when I was hospitalized.
I asked myself why I didn't go straight to Bae Gyeongmin to tell him the truth, and why I left Jeong Runa Why I left her to her own devices.
So what was the conclusion of your sickly, bedridden self-reflection? The last remaining residues of my love for you were what held me back every time I vowed to expose you.
But it's finally hit me.
When I was stabbed, the blood I lost washed away those residual feelings I had for you.
I wasn't responsible for what happened.
I knew you'd say that.
Don't worry.
It doesn't bother me anymore.
There's no longer any pain or anger.
I don't feel anything for you.
I'm proposing to Ruby today.
We'll get married and lead a very happy life.
Don't go back on your word.
But as for you, when you see how happy we are, you'll realize how meaningless and miserable your life is.
You'll keep longing for true love and lead a very lonely existence.
Because you're neither Jeong Runa nor Jeong Ruby anymore.
The studio? Insu.
Where are you? Stop fooling around.
I'm starting to get scared.
Jeong Runa, would you please take a seat? Runa.
Will you marry me? Marry him.
Marry him.
Marry him.
Marry him.
Marry him.
Marry him.
Marry him.
Marry him.
Marry him.
What is this? Why is this happening? Think.
Think, Jeong Runa.
Try to think.
I asked myself why I didn't go straight to Bae Gyeongmin to tell him the truth.
The last remaining residues of my love for you But it's finally hit me.
The blood I lost washed away those residual feelings I had for you.
Jeong Runa no longer exists in my life.
But as for you, when you see how happy we are, you'll realize how meaningless and miserable your life is.
You'll keep longing for true love and lead a very lonely existence.
Because you're neither Jeong Runa nor Jeong Ruby anymore.
What are you doing? The babies at the orphanage are so adorable.
That's why people say babies are like angels.
I wish Ruby would have a baby soon, too.
But she's only focused on work.
I can relate to mom when she nags her about giving her a great-grandchild.
Our daughter-in-law is quite remarkable, isn't she? Yes, she is.
But it's a shame she doesn't realize that people should come before work.
People before work? The thing about work is, there's nothing you can do alone.
You need help and support from others to get things done.
Even if you abandon work, you should never abandon people.
They say you lose everything if you lose people.
Did someone speak ill of Ruby? Well, Ruby is certainly remarkable, but not as remarkable as you.
You didn't answer my question.
I'll let you know in due time.
Let's go to bed.
Why are you calling so late? I'm sorry, Ruby.
I have something to ask you.
What's wrong? Nothing's wrong.
Where are your manners? Do you know what time it is? Is it Runa? If it's not important, let's talk tomorrow.
But she's your sister.
I'm sure it was something urgent.
She must have been drinking.
It's probably just drunken rambling.
Runa's been drinking? Then you should definitely talk to her.
If she's been drinking this late, there must be a reason.
Call her back.
What if she's out alone at this hour? It's dangerous.
You're her sister.
Hi, Ruby.
Where are you? Do we really have to do this? You said Runa's been drinking.
Aren't you worried about her? She's your only sister.
Would you have been this concerned about your own sister? What are you talking about? She may be your sister-in-law, but you're being way too nice to her.
I don't like it.
Why have you gotten so cold and mean? You weren't like this before.
You used to be warm and considerate and always put others before you.
This is your sister, not some stranger.
I don't like it when you go out of your way for Runa.
It makes me jealous.
I don't like it.
What happened? Did I do something wrong? Did you not like how I proposed to you? So why? I'm sorry.
I was so confused.
I couldn't help it.
You should take it easy.
How did you Ruby said Runa was drinking, so we came to get her.
Drinking? We were just worried because she was out alone at this hour.
Gyeongmin, let's get going.
Insu's here.
There's nothing to worry about.
Runa, you go with Insu.
It's late, so we'll get going.
I'm sorry, Gyeongmin.
Don't be, Runa.
We were just worried.
We'll get going then.
Good night.
Oh, right, Ruby.
What is it? Was I with you two when Gyeongmin proposed to you? Oh, right.
You were there.
You must have remembered.
But what about it? It's nothing, Gyeongmin.
Something strange popped in my head.
Something strange? Oh, I proposed to her today.
It must have reminded her of the day you proposed to Ruby.
Congratulations, Runa.
So you two are finally getting married? That's the plan.
She's not home yet? Where could she be? Hi, mom.
Where are you? Why aren't you home yet? It's late.
I'm up front.
I'll be right in.
Gilja, why are you still up? Runa's not home yet.
She said she'd come in now.
Really? Hi.
You're still up? But of course.
How can she go to bed when you're not home yet? I'm sorry.
Who were you with? Insu? Yes.
Insu proposed to me.
What? He proposed to you? Let me see.
What is this? This is your engagement ring? It's pretty.
Yeah, well But Gyeongmin got Ruby a ruby ring.
This is a bit plain.
It's simple and pretty.
Yes, but what about the rock? An engagement ring should have a bigger rock.
This doesn't quite cut it.
What about you? Have you ever gotten even just a simple gold band? How about just a ring made of flowers? You have no right to criticize your niece's engagement ring.
Runa, get some sleep.
You must be tired.
Okay, mom.
And congratulations on the proposal.
So my dear Runa's finally getting married.
Does it make you sad, Chorim? Huh? Why would it make me sad? Yes.
It does make me sad.
You should get married, too.
Just forget Noh Dongpal.
We'll find you someone else.
Dongpal says he's not ready for marriage, so what can you do? It's his loss anyway.
He'll never find someone as great as you.
Right? Dad, can you not get to sleep? Huh? Seems like it.
Is something bothering you? No, of course not.
It's just your exam preparations.
I wish I could be doing more for you.
I'm sorry, son.
Here you go again.
Don't worry about me.
Focus on yourself.
What for? I'm perfectly fine.
What about your broken heart? Uncle Daepung told me everything.
What? What a pain.
What a pain.
What a pain.
What's going on? You drive me up the wall.
Darn it.
It's been so long since the whole family has sat down together for a meal.
Does it make you happy, mother? But of course.
One or two people were always missing.
But attendance is 100% today.
It's perfect.
How's your TV show going these days? Very well, father.
The viewer response has been great, and I get showered with praise.
I'm sure.
When I tell people about Ruby at the market, they're all so envious.
Oh? Why would they envy you, Ms.
Jang? Because she's my niece-in-law.
And Sera, it's Aunt Geumhui, not Ms.
It's nice to hear that you're doing well, but when will that show be over? Don't they extend shows by a year or two if they get good ratings? If they do ask about extending it, say no.
Why, grandma? Must I explain? When are you going to have a baby? Come to your senses, Gyeongmin.
Jeong Runa.
Oh, Insu.
Did you get home okay last night? Your mother must have been worried.
Your proposal was moving and wonderful.
Oh, you're embarrassing me.
For a TV producer, I could've done better, right? Since we did have a fantastic starlet.
I'm sorry.
I can't say I'll do it often, but I'll wow you every now and again with spectacular surprises.
I'm sorry.
Why? I thought about it, and I'm not ready to say yes to you yet.
I know how you feel toward me, and I feel the same way toward you, but marriage is for life.
I don't want to make such a sacred vow with my memory still so fuzzy.
What matters is that we love each other right now.
Don't you love me, Runa? I do love you.
I've never loved you more.
But I can't marry you when I don't know what I was like or the kind of life I led before.
I understand.
I completely understand what you mean.
Then how about this? You keep the ring for now.
And we can go ahead with the wedding later on when you're ready.
Well? Would that work for you? Don't be sorry.
But I can't help it.
You do love me, right? Jeong Ruby, just forget the past.
Don't try to remember it.
Because now I love Jeong Ruby, not Jeong Runa.
Gilja, we'll have to start preparing for Runa's wedding, right? Yes.
Wedding presents for the groom's family will cost us quite a bit.
We have to keep things to a minimum.
Yu, Ruby's rich.
Hasn't she offered to help out? She said she would, but I don't know.
She's married and doing well.
Why worry her over her sister's wedding? Ruby's completely changed after marrying.
I bet she won't actually help out.
They say people who've always done well in school and their careers think they've done enough for their parents.
So it's actually former troublemakers who end up treating their parents best.
For someone so young, you know a lot.
That's a compliment, right? Yes, it is.
It's so empty here today, Mrs.
So get all the rest you need.
Has Runa's wedding date been set? No, not yet.
Good for her.
I'm green with envy.
When will I be able to get married? It won't be easy for you.
Huh? Why is that? Because you're a wannabe flirt.
What are you talking about? You're not even a full-on womanizer, so the best you can do is flirt, but not very successfully, either.
That's right.
You sure do know a lot.
Yes, Noh Dongpal speaking.
Why's it so hard to get in touch with you? Oh, hello.
I was actually just about to call you.
It's a woman, Chorim.
What do I care? Why tell me that? Move.
Oh, Ruby.
Are you done with work? Yup.
Sorry about last night.
These memories suddenly came back to me.
I just wanted to check with you.
Memories? What memories? What can you remember? They're all still fuzzy.
But I keep getting headaches and glimpses of all these different images.
Is this the engagement ring from Mr.
Na? Let me see that.
I love you, Runa.
Let's get married.
Jeong Runa no longer exists in my life.
The last remaining residues of my love for you I'm proposing to Ruby today.
We'll get married and lead a very happy life.
This is terrible.
I lost the ring.
The ring you proposed to me with.
My first love Let me give you a hug.
What do you think you're doing? What are you doing here, Dongpal? This is weird.
Why did he rip up all my pictures? What is this? Tell me.
So I wanted both rings.
I wanted both Na Insu and Bae Gyeongmin.
To Runa, from Insu? See you next time
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