Thundercats (1985) s01e33 Episode Script

033 - Dimension Doom

You again.
Who are you? I am Wizz-Ra, the sorcerer.
I will return.
No, wait! Please.
This is the second time he's appeared.
Maybe I should tell the other Thundercats.
They'd laugh at me, say I dreamed it all.
Wizz-Ra has appeared a second time.
Next time, we must strike.
What are you babbling about, my revolting comrade in evil? Wizz-Ra, my dear Slithe.
It is time for him to return from the seventh dimension.
Who is Wizz-Ra? A powerful wizard from the ancient days who, foolishly, fought for the good.
Wizz-Ra possessed the one thing I wanted above all: The Enchanted Golden Helmet of Pharnoor.
Finally, we met in titanic battle his magic against mine.
The anger of the injured sphinx fell on the first one she saw: Wizz-Ra.
He was sent forever into the seventh dimension.
Once in every 7000 years Wizz-Ra returns from his dimensional prison for one day.
One day.
One chance to take from him the Golden Helmet which bestows on its wearer the greatest power in the universe: The power to control minds.
One catch, Slithe.
Those infernal Thundercats have built their lair on the exact spot where the seventh dimension touches Third Earth.
In fact, that mirror in the she-cat Cheetara's room is the very doorway through which Wizz-Ra must come.
I see.
That is a problem.
But Mumm-Ra has the solution.
One she-cat to ensnare another.
Once you hunted for the mighty Pharaoh, my pretty but tonight you will hunt for Mumm-Ra.
Will I have that strange dream again tonight? She sleeps.
Ancient spirits of evil turn stone into flesh blood, sinew and claw.
Bring Mumm-Ra the Enchanted Helmet.
Bring Mumm-Ra the power to control minds.
After 7000 years, the hour has struck.
The beautiful Cheetara and her feline cohorts will help me defeat the evil Mumm-Ra once and for all.
Arise, Thundercat.
Hold it right there, intruder.
Let me down! Help! Lion-O! Cheetara! Do as he says, stranger.
The Thundercat lord, Lion-O.
But who are you? I am no enemy.
While you delay me here ultimate power falls into the hands of evil Mumm-Ra.
Mumm-Ra? Well done, my pretty.
Now return to thy eternal crouch.
At last.
The Golden Enchanted Helmet is mine.
The power of mind control surging through my brain.
But this Wizz-Ra, he has power too.
He will use it to regain the Helmet.
He has only one single day to even try Your Lizardness.
Behold the Vulture King.
That beam of morning sun smites his left eye.
As the hours pass, the beam will move.
When it smites the right eye the single day is over.
That's how little time Wizz-Ra has to regain the Enchanted Helmet.
Now, let us see what Wizz-Ra and the Thundercats are up to.
She's in a trance.
She is in Mumm-Ra's power.
I must regain the Golden Helmet.
Then perhaps I will be able to release her.
- We will help you.
- But I warn you you will be powerless against the Helmet.
The Sword of Omens will defeat any magic.
Lead on, sorcerer.
They come, Slithe into my power.
The Pyramid! - Courage, Snarf.
- Right! We can handle anything.
Enchanted Helmet give me mind control over the mighty Lion-O.
Your young lord needs help.
A protective pyramid, Wizz-Ra? My mind.
Being overwhelmed by terrible feelings.
Can't resist weakening.
Thunder, thunder, thunder.
Thundercats, ho! Moons of Thundera, Lion-O's collapsed! Wilykit, the signal! We're wanted.
Get up.
Only Mumm-Ra commands me.
Do something, Wizz-Ra.
Lion-O, the Sword of Omens discard it.
Now! The mighty Sword of Omens shall never rise again from the Desert of Sinking Sands.
Now, Lion-O here is a message for you.
L I don't believe this.
What have you done to Lion-O? The Thundercat, he was no real match for the wizard.
No, but each time Wizz-Ra uses his power he is weakened while the sun moves toward the Vulture King's other eye and the day grows shorter.
Wizz-Ra, change Lion-O back, please! I must not, Snarf.
He would attack me.
We must try to regain the Helmet first.
Stay away from him, Panthro.
The beams from that helmet are dangerous.
Only Mumm-Ra commands me.
Oh, no! Now, Panthro let Wizz-Ra feel your strength.
Unless we get the Enchanted Helmet back Mumm-Ra will enslave all the Thundercats.
Only Mumm-Ra commands me.
Hey, don't give up now, Wizz-Ra.
We're winning.
But my powers grow weaker, Snarf.
The twins of mischief.
Ropes, turn to chains.
The Thundercats are my slaves.
Wizz-Ra's powers are exhausted.
And soon he must return to the seventh dimension without the Enchanted Helmet.
The she-cat, Cheetara, what of her? Helpless in a trance.
The final triumph is ours.
- Cheetara! But - Where's Lion-O, Snarf? - Where are the others? - But But - Your trance.
- Mumm-Ra is overconfident.
He has relaxed his spell.
We will take advantage of his arrogance.
Thundercats who commands you? Only Mumm-Ra commands us.
Here, this vent.
Just big enough for a Snarf.
Hey! Here I go.
Do you feel a draft, Mumm-Ra? I felt nothing.
The sun's beam smites the Vulture King's other eye.
The day is over.
No need to wear this heavy helmet any longer.
Mumm-Ra, the helmet! Yes, Mumm-Ra the enchanted headpiece adorns its rightful owner again.
Wizz-Ra! It can't be you.
The day is over.
Not quite, evil one.
Thundercats, I release you from the Helmet's spell.
- I must have been asleep.
- Where are we? - What's happening? - Look over there.
I shall destroy you yet.
My power's returning.
But I must reach the mirror doorway or die in this dimension.
I thank you, Cheetara, for all you have done.
Will I see you again, wizard? Only in your dreams, beautiful Cheetara.
Only in your dreams.
It's gone.
Just a glow.
Good is not that easily defeated by evil, Snarf.
By the power of Jaga, Sword of Omens, come to my hand.
I, Lion-O, lord of the Thundercats, command it.
I'm glad it all turned out well but maybe if I had trusted you more and told you about Wizz-Ra all this wouldn't have happened.
That's in the past, Cheetara.
But in the future, we must hold nothing back from each other if we are going to remain a team.
- Right? - Right! Thundercats, ho!
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