Till The End of The Moon (2023) s01e33 Episode Script

Episode 33

I heard the surviving followers
of the Devil God, Siying and Jingmie,
lost the devil fetus
a while back at Barren Abyss.
That's why they've been out making waves,
in the hope of finding the devil fetus.
Ye Xiwu, Li Susu, whoever she is,
the Devil God's threat
will always be
the biggest obstacle between her and me.
We can't start over until I find a way
to stop the return of the Devil God.
I know next to nothing about him.
How am I supposed to handle him?
Since he has put
Siying and Jingmie on the job,
they must know about the devil fetus.
If I could break free from the Devil God,
then I might stand a chance
of stopping his return.
This is the Barren Abyss.
It looks exactly the same
as it did in Fleeting-Life Prajna.
If I want to learn about the Devil God,
the quickest way
is to venture into the devil's lair
and find Siying and Jingmie.
This place is like a confusing maze.
How do I find them?
Xiaoyao Sword Intent.
Find them.
Devil energy swirls in the air
where those two are.
I'm going to use that
as a compass to get to them.
The devil energy here is thick.
It must be that way.
I shall pay them a visit.
That coward, Dimian,
actually ran away.
How did he manage to break free
from Demonic Seal?
Maybe he tampered with the charm
that he gave us.
I knew this would happen.
Why else would he give a quick yes?
If I ever see him again,
I'll rip him to pieces.
What is that?
It has been 10,000 years.
Siying and Jingmie.
Do you two remember me?
It's our lord.
how is your mission
coming along?
My apologies, my lord.
It took me 500 human years
to pinpoint the location
of the devil fetus.
He's now hiding in an immortal sect.
I need more time.
As soon as I awaken
the evil bone within him,
you'll be reborn, my lord.
I've been trapped
in Barren Abyss for 10,000 years.
How are you so sure
that he still has the evil bone?
What if it's destroyed?
Can I still return?
I can assure you, my lord,
that the evil bone is indestructible.
It has a part of your soul.
It'll remain so long as all lives
across all the Three Realms remain alive
and grudges continue to grow.
The evil bone is all that's left of me.
I can't control his mind with only that.
No one can resist
the will of the evil bone.
Nor can one stop your return.
If he goes against me,
what do you suggest I do then?
Regardless of whether he's willing or not,
the evil bone will make him suffer
and eventually sacrifice himself
to the Devil God.
You seem very certain about it.
Rest assured, my lord.
No one knows
the flaw in your plan except you.
I knew it was you.
What would a devil fetus
of 500 years of age
know about our lord's resurrection plan
devised 10,000 years ago?
Be careful how you talk to the Devil God.
You're just a mortal
lucky enough to be chosen
as our lord's devil fetus.
You're not as important
as you think you are.
Like it or lump it.
When we collect all three devil weapons
and activate All-Grieving Way,
our lord will be brought back to life.
if you stay here in Barren Abyss,
I'll play nice with you.
You are, after all,
the devil fetus of our lord.
You should feel honored.
You're wrong there.
I'm not him.
Not now
and it won't be so in the future.
You don't get to come and go
as you please.
He has joined an immortal sect
and is determined to pursue the good.
He won't listen to our words.
So are we supposed to just let him go?
He's essentially the devil fetus.
A wolf
doesn't walk among the sheep.
I was just roaming around
and ended up here.
Now that you're back,
you should get some rest.
Come inside and have a cup of tea.
I'll go boil some water.
Lord of Evil, Dimian?
What is he doing here?
Does he intend to hurt Susu?
Are you the Devil God?
No. The Devil God
has not yet been resurrected.
You're the devil fetus, aren't you?
It's pretty bold of you
to show your face here.
The disciples might take you down
if they see you.
He doesn't know
that I'm a member of the sect.
I guess he didn't come for me.
Is he after Susu then?
You can stop pretending
to be a man of virtue, Lord of Evil.
If I hadn't known
you were once the leader of Demon Tribe,
a loyal follower of the Devil God
who massacred thousands of gods,
one of which was Chuhuang,
I'd think you were someone else.
Who are you?
If he's just a devil fetus,
how could he know
what happened thousands of years ago?
I can't put Susu in danger.
I'll find out who he is.
The techniques he's using
are from the immortal sect.
However, he's a devil fetus.
He should be able to do more than this.
-I'll try again.
Susu, don't come over.
You don't know this.
-He's a--
-I know.
I know what you're thinking,
but this man in front of us
is Cang Jiumin,
a Xiaoyao Sect disciple.
He's not someone else.
I'm sorry
that I can't tell you the reason why.
However, please trust me.
All right, Susu.
Don't worry.
I won't hurt him.
However, you also have to trust me.
This man is far more complicated
than you can imagine.
You should stay away from him.
Don't be fooled by him.
I promise you.
As long as he doesn't hurt you,
I won't touch him.
I'll also keep this a secret for you.
I see.
It turns out
that Lord of Evil is your father.
Only Uncle Zhaoyou and he know about this.
Just pretend
as if you know nothing.
Don't blame him.
He's just a degraded devil
who has a blood feud with the Devil God
and thinks that you're him.
After all,
he's just a repented poor man
who is trying to make amends.
Ye Xiwu.
That isn't my name.
The person I know is Ye Xiwu.
That's not me.
The person you know
has never been me.
Tantai Jin.
Do you want me to keep lying to you?
But I've never lied to you.
I'm Tantai Jin,
not what you dread that I'll become.
Ye Xiwu.
Every day in the past 500 years,
I've been carefully recalling
every moment I was with you.
I've stayed in the immortal sect
for a while now.
I roughly know
what you're worried about.
I'm not the Devil God.
Whether you'll tell me the truth or not,
I'll never turn into that.
I'll forever
keep this a secret for you.
It's better to hide it from everyone.
I also won't breathe a word
about Bone-Refining Seal.
There's one more thing.
Bone-Refining Seal
isn't the first devil weapon
I came into contact with.
There's also a devil crossbow.
I told you
I'd been looking for you
in the Nether River for 500 years.
I discovered and merged with
God-Slaughtering Crossbow by accident.
It was also the force
that delivered me out of the Nether River.
That's how my master found me.
I don't know
how to take it out.
When I woke up,
I was already in Xiaoyao Sect.
If you don't believe me,
you can ask my master,
Chief Zhaoyou.
No need.
Have you recovered?
I just suffered some minor injuries
when Bone-Refining Seal backfired.
I'm fine now.
I mean,
the burns you got
in the Nether River.
They were healed by my master.
You said Ye Xiwu is just a dream.
in Shangqing Realm,
I saw the Ralls Janet tree
that was cut down thousands of years ago
sprout again.
Dimian, the once Lord of Evil,
also has a chance to start afresh.
Do you think
there's a chance for Cang Jiumin
and Li Susu
to start over again?
Isn't it a good thing
that we're in the same sect now?
Why do we have to go back to the past?
I'm sorry, Tantai Jin.
I can't say yes to you now.
Maybe I should leave you
and leave this place for a while
to take my mind off this
and avoid seeing you.
It'll be better
for both of us.
Ye Xiwu.
Do you really believe in Dimian's words
that I'm the Devil God?
I've been looking for you for 500 years.
I won't let go of the past easily.
I can decide
who I am
and who I'm going to be.
I'll prove to you
that I'm not the Devil God.
You broke into my life
in the past.
From now on,
I won't leave you alone.
You're often in a daze lately.
Is something bothering you?
You're right.
I'm concerned about a defiant devil fetus.
Is it the person
who fought against us
on Numinous Terrace a few days ago?
I know him.
He was my enemy
when I went through my tribulations.
Then he really is the devil fetus
Yiyue Tribe lost 500 years ago.
He should have possessed
the supreme power of the Devil God.
However, he's deceiving himself
in the immortal sect.
This devil fetus keeps disobeying my lord.
Unexpectedly, he's your enemy.
This man is insidious, cunning,
and full of schemes.
You mustn't trust him.
When I was facing tribulations
in the mortal world,
he made me suffer a lot.
It may be hard to take him down by force.
Why don't you let me help you
to make it work?
With your help,
I'll surely be able to revive my lord.
Everyone is worried
that the Devil God will resurrect.
If they find out
the devil fetus is living among them…
Immortal sects will be thrown into chaos,
pushing the blame on each other.
As for the devil fetus,
he will have no place to stay
but return to Barren Abyss.
This is his past.
We should be able
to find his weakness there.
He's also there.
The man standing next to Cang Jiumin
is from Yiyue Tribe.
He's working for Jingmie now.
Are you saying that
Nian Baiyu is also in Barren Abyss?
That's right.
Let's do
something nice then.
I'll do as you say.
Chief Qu.
Your Majesty.
Nian Baiyu?
Do you know this devil cultivator?
He was my attendant in the Jing Kingdom
500 years ago.
When we got separated,
I hadn't turned to the devil's way.
I went astray later on.
It has nothing to do with him.
In that case,
you're turning from evil to good
and coming to Hengyang Sect
to look for your old master?
Nian Baiyu is loyal and kind.
I believe that becoming a devil
isn't in his nature.
I hope you can give him
a chance to start over
on account of our years of friendship.
Your Majesty.
Since you've interceded for him,
I'll let you stay.
Thank you, Chief Qu.
Thank you, Chief.
Get up.
Your Majesty.
Get up quickly.
Your Majesty, I…
I'm no longer a king
or anyone's master.
Get up.
No matter what happened in the past,
you can start
all over again now.
You don't have to stay by my side.
It's up to you
whether to stay in Hengyang Sect
or go back to Yiyue Tribe.
I want to stay.
It's not easy for us
to reunite with each other
after centuries.
You should settle down first.
Why are you here?
Yue Ya.
Chief told me
to show a devil cultivator to his room.
I didn't expect it to be you.
Why did a disciple of Purple-Of-Ursa Isles
become a devil cultivator?
Ms. Yue Ya.
Sorry, I…
Chief asked me to settle you in.
Don't worry.
I'll do my best
to take good care of you.
Come with me, you liar.
-This immortal is incredible.
I don't want to lie to you.
There's no room for others in my heart.
I got it.
-Thank you.
-Thank you for helping us
fight off the monsters.
-It's so pretty.
-This is so pretty.
-This is for you.
Let me have a look.
-Ms. Monü.
-Be quick.
Opening a silk workshop
is indeed a great idea.
Not only can we accomplish
the task with Ms. Siying,
but we can also attract
some lecherous and brash men over
to suck the evil essence.
No one will suspect us.
I've gone through cycles of reincarnation,
so I'm disillusioned with the world.
Now, I've left Barren Abyss.
It's a charitable deed if I could find you
a place to stay.
-Thank you, Ms. Monü.
-Thank you, Ms. Monü.
Someone from the immortal sect is here.
-The immortal sect?
-The immortal sect?
Is anyone there?
Is anyone there?
Sir, what brings you to my silk workshop?
I liked you
not because of the love lines
but because of who you are.
I never got the chance
to tell you these things
and our fate
has come to an end.
Xiao Lin.
Why aren't you saying anything?
Turns out it's a handsome man.
Nothing from Devil-Detecting Lantern.
I'm Gongye Jiwu,
a disciple of Hengyang Sect
on Mount Changze.
I was supposed to go
to the capital of Jing.
I entered here by accident. My apologies.
So he has become
an immortal sect disciple.
My last name is Mo.
You can just call me Monü.
I'm the owner of this silk workshop.
They are all embroiderers.
Ms. Mo,
there's demonic energy around here.
I'm worried
there's a devil wandering around.
I wonder if you've run into it.
I heard there's a demon
in the capital of Jing.
Maybe it has run over here.
Don't panic.
The lantern in my hand didn't respond.
It shouldn't be anywhere near here.
This is an Exorcising Talisman.
Demons are afraid of it.
Paste it on the door for protection.
I'll thank you on behalf of my girls.
By the way,
are you going to the capital of Jing?
I can give you a ride in my carriage.
There's no need. It's too much trouble.
Not at all.
Fate has brought us together.
I'm going to town to buy silk thread.
It's a little scary to travel alone.
Since it's in the same direction,
we can go together.
Thank you.
Nian Baiyu.
You should be
memorizing mnemonics in the room.
What are you doing here?
I haven't seen Cang Jiumin all day.
I wonder what he's doing.
Cang Jiumin?
Ms. Susu said she wanted
to take a trip to the Jing Kingdom.
I guess Cang Jiumin has gone with her.
Why did they go to the Jing Kingdom?
Are you a spy here?
Why do you ask so many questions?
Why are you so nervous?
I'm just joking. You're such a loggerhead.
Our lord has gone to the Jing Kingdom.
If the devil fetus is born,
the Devil God is likely
to come back to life.
Susu is naive and kind.
If I take a chance,
it may lead to a disaster.
I can't stand by and do nothing.
Jingmie's Devil Sound Spell?
What's the matter?
We've got news from Nian Baiyu.
The devil fetus
has gone to the capital of Jing.
Surprisingly, he's a romantic type.
Since he cares so much about that girl,
why don't we make good use of that?
Let's threaten him with that girl's life.
This is strange.
It should be a bustling street.
Why is there no one here?
Sir, please wait.
Who are you?
What are you doing here?
I passed by this place
and want to spend a night here.
However, the inn is closed.
I wonder what happened.
You'd better leave.
As night falls, a demon will run rampant.
It has been more than half a month.
Everyone is terrified
and no one dares to go out.
You should stay in another inn.
Why can't I stay in your inn?
The demon targets solo travelers.
My inn is the only one on this street
that hasn't been attacked.
However, it'll happen soon.
I'll be doomed if I don't close it.
This demon is so ferocious.
Why don't you
get an exorcist to deal with it?
This demon is so powerful.
The feudal government has tried its best
but still can't capture it.
Take my advice.
Leave here at once to save your life.
You come so slowly.
I've waited for you for a long time.
Wrong direction.
Why do you always follow me?
I finally got a chance to have fun.
Can we just walk in different directions?
Finally, you speak to me.
I was just wondering
why you suddenly became mute
when you came down the mountain.
You follow me around.
You're just like a rascal.
You've wronged me.
I'm not following you.
Even after 500 years,
the Water-Splashing Festival
still runs annually in the Jing Kingdom.
People from all over will join in.
I'm a native of the Jing Kingdom.
Of course I'll be here.
If you ask me,
it's you who is following me.
Tantai Jin.
You've learned to be glib-tongued
while in Xiaoyao Sect.
Aren't you afraid of
encountering demons when outside?
Never mind.
You, Lady of Spirituality, are here.
You have great luck and can protect me.
You're glib.
Enjoy yourself. I'm leaving.
I wonder if Susu is doing well.
I should go back
after going out all this time.
The capital of Jing can be the last stop.
If I still can't forget Susu,
I'm going to tell Master about this.
Are you in a hurry
to go to the capital of Jing?
Why are you in a hurry?
To slay the demon?
I'm going there
for an answer,
but I shall slay the demon if I meet one.
Xiao Lin.
I'm a demon now.
If you know this,
I wonder what your reaction would be.
I hear that the king of Jing offers
a reward to warlocks who kill the demon.
The demon seems very vicious
in the capital of Jing,
so you'd better take care.
You come here and there's a demon.
It's not good to have you around.
Then you have to kill that demon quickly.
Don't lose your reputation.
It's you.
Sir, we want to stay here.
Do you have a death wish?
I came to kill that demon.
Miss, why don't you take my advice?
Don't worry.
Just give me one room.
I'm going to stay here as well today.
Do you…
Do you want one or two rooms?
-One room.
-Two rooms.
I came out in a rush without any money.
Do you want me to sleep
on the street tonight?
It's fine.
I have money.
Sir, give him a room.
The farther away from mine, the better.
You're too tricky.
Here it is.
Sir, you wake up so early.
Jiwu, what are you doing here?
To capture demons.
I didn't think to meet you here.
Are you here to capture the demon too?
Jiwu, I'm glad that you're here.
You're adept at demon slaying.
Give us some advice.
Why do you stare at me?
Because you're beautiful.
So based on the clues
provided by the locals
and what we know now,
the demon can change shapes
and read minds.
when it's dark,
they can disguise the divine artifact.
So the general warlocks
had to give up on her.
You have to know yourself
and your enemy to take that risk.
I read a book called
List of Demons with Pictures.
It says that
there's a demon called Yemei.
She can change her looks
and is a sucker for human brains.
She prefers those
who have felt the sting of love.
She will take advantage of you
if you have love thoughts.
I've also read the book
that you mentioned.
It recommended a weapon
that can be used to track down Yemei.
However, I can't recall the name
of the weapon now.
That's all right.
I'll have the birds
send messages to the sect.
Nian Baiyu can check for us
in Scripture Hall
and send the weapon to us.
I remember it was on a bookshelf around.
Isn't it the book they're looking for?
I found it.
"Yemei has a good nose.
She can smell fear
and love with her nose."
She's sharp-nosed,
so she fears strong smells.
We can pour spell water along the way
to limit the area she can walk.
-You're so careless.
-I'm so sorry.
"You can deploy the red silk
from Lingting Country
along the way she'll pass by.
The red silk will be on Yemei's body
and can't be gotten rid of.
Follow it to find her.
She prefers well-dressed young people
who are alone."
She will become
the one they scare or love.
She lures people
into the fantasy she creates,
sucking their brains
when they fear the most.
The one they love?
Don't get the meaningless part.
The three of us will split up
and wait in the streets
where spell water isn't spilled.
There's a three-way road
with only one exit in the capital.
I'll guard the exit.
-She has nowhere to go.
-Good wine.
That's a good idea.
One of us can wait for Yemei
to arrive in the end.
A good couple who loves each other?
It's not as pleasant as this wine.
May god bless me.
Please bless that everything goes right.
This is the only property I have.
Please don't ruin it all.
go to sleep now.
Tell me what you love
and what you fear.
Remember to hold
the other two for a while.
I don't want them to spoil our plan.
Don't worry, Ms. Siying.
I'll get right on it.
What is this?
Why can't I get it off?
It's late at night.
Why are you here alone?
What are you doing?
you're here.
It's only a short time away,
but you already miss me?
Demons appear!
Damn it.
I wonder if everything
is going well with them.
You're Yemei.
Wait. Don't kill me.
I won't kill you.
You will be handed over to the king.
He will judge your guilt.
I have seen the girl you love.
Do you want to know about her?
You grew up together.
It's you who took care of her.
You read and cultivated with her.
You've waited for her for ten years.
Even your master thinks
that you're a man worthy of loving.
You and your demonic words.
I love her,
but it has nothing to do with anyone.
I don't care who she loves
and who loves her.
Gongye Jiwu.
Are you really
not curious at all?
Cang Jiumin had married her,
slept with her.
Your favorite junior
is married.
She doesn't love you
but someone else.
She's married to someone else.
She doesn't belong to you.
She doesn't belong to you!
Gongye Jiwu.
You're lucky this time.
How did this happen?
It's you.
There are signs of a fight here.
This is bad. Susu.
Ms. Siying.
I underestimated
the power of the devil fetus.
Also, Ms. Monü suddenly…
You're such a disappointment to me.
You can't handle the devil fetus.
You can't even control Gongye Jiwu.
Get up.
Our target today is the devil fetus.
Nothing else matters.
I need you
to go back to his lover's dream
and see what his weakness is.
It's the Water-Splashing Festival.
What place is this?
Why are we here?
You brought me here.
Look. How lively it is.
Why are they wearing masks?
So this is the Water-Splashing Festival.
Where is he?
Tantai Jin?
These are
the irresistible weakness
of the devil fetus.
Just convince the devil fetus
that the Devil God
is his inescapable destiny.
Ms. Siying.
You will get what you want
and control the devil fetus as you wish.
That's interesting.
Go and give a big present
to the devil fetus.
How could I be here?
This is Barren Abyss.
Why am I back here again?
Devil God.
It's you again.
What do you want to do
by bringing me here?
What do I want?
I want to ask you.
Born as a devil fetus,
but you have always been
in the immortal sect.
Do you think you can transform yourself
to be divine by doing this?
Keep my look in mind.
This is the only look you'll ever be.
You're wrong.
I used to be a devil fetus,
but now, I'm Cang Jiumin,
a disciple of the immortal sect.
What a pity.
If your identity
as the devil fetus is exposed,
will your fellow disciples
accept you in the immortal sect?
What does this
have anything to do with you?
How stupid.
You're just like a wolf
in sheep's clothing,
hiding among the sheep.
Are you joining the immortal sect
because of her?
Look. There she is.
Tantai Jin.
It's all over.
You can take off your mask now.
You didn't expect it, right?
It's me.
Tantai Jin.
-All-Grieving Way lasts forever.
-All-Grieving Way lasts forever.
Do you think by tricking my affection,
you can save the lives
of the Three Realms?
How ridiculous.
Have you seen it?
Remember the face that scares you.
That's who I am.
No, that's not true.
This is a dream created by the demon.
Tantai Jin, you can only be me.
Susu is in danger.
I have to go save her.
It turns out
that you
have always
feared me.
What are you hiding here for?
Have you prepared
the thing I asked you to do?
I walked around just now.
It's a lively place here.
It's a pity to ruin it.
A pity?
The festival means a lot
to the devil fetus.
Only this place
can make him realize who he is.
Yes, you're right.
What's this?
This one is me.
The other one is you.
It's said that burning them together
can ward off disasters.
Isn't the earthly custom interesting?
Don't tell me you've developed
unnecessary emotions like those mortals.
Our only task is about the devil fetus.
After 500 years,
the Water-Splashing Festival
looks as lively as ever.
Don't worry.
The nightmare is over.
The Devil God
won't appear at the festival.
was the demon yesterday--
So I'm still the one
you're most afraid of.
I believe what you say.
You're not him.
You will never become that awful look.
How do you know for sure
that it wasn't me?
You would never hurt me.
Not in the past
and certainly not now.
You used to be Tantai Jin.
Now you're Cang Jiumin,
the most kindhearted disciple
of Xiaoyao Sect.
You're not him
nor will you become him.
I believe in you.
I got it.
I've seen the one
the demon made.
That was the one
you showed me in my memory
over the gate tower
and in the thunder of the suffering.
He's the Devil God.
So you know?
Since you were
in Xiaoyao Sect?
Ever since I joined the immortal sect,
I've always heard
everyone talking about
and judging the Devil God.
I'm worried
that the one they talk about
and the one in their prophecy
is all me.
I'm afraid
of being exposed one day.
I fear they will discover
that I'm the devil fetus
in the immortal sect
that everyone wants to kill.
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