Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e34 Episode Script

Episode 34

Ruby's Ring I love you, Runa.
Let's get married.
Jeong Runa no longer exists in my life.
The last remaining residues of my love for you I'm proposing to Ruby today.
We'll get married and lead a very happy life.
Oh, no.
Look carefully, Runa.
Runa, I'm going on air soon.
I have to run.
I'm sorry.
Ruby! Why do I feel so empty? Why do I feel so crestfallen? Did I actually love him? No, I didn't.
Na Insu was just someone I needed.
Jeong Runa, what's going on? Jealousy? But why? You have everything.
You have everything Ruby had.
And once Ruby marries Insu, he won't be harassing you anymore.
You'll have everything you wanted.
So why? Why? Focus, Jeong Runa.
You still have a long way to go.
What are you doing? Oh? Um What's wrong? I feel terrible.
I lost the ring.
The ring you proposed to me with.
What am I going to do? It's okay.
It wasn't expensive.
I'll get another one.
The price isn't the issue.
It's very precious.
As precious as it may be, nothing can be more precious than you.
Oh, right.
Did you get tomorrow off? Yes.
Then can you come over in the morning? I'd like to pick you up, but I think I'll be up all night catching up on work.
No problem.
Then see you tomorrow.
Yes? Could you come here for a second? Coming.
What am I going to do? If you just do this for two months, you'll have a glowing complexion.
Every man on the street will be looking at no one but you.
What? Don't you know how old I am? How absurd.
What are you talking about? Ma'am, be very honest and listen to your heart.
A woman is a woman until the day she dies.
Oh, good grief.
I just noticed something.
Your nose What? What about my nose? Your nose What about it? You have very big nostrils.
Auto! You'd better watch it.
I'll keep my mouth shut.
Hello? Ms.
Jang Geumhui? I miss you.
Hello? Hello? Who was it? A man? It must be Runa.
Runa, you're home early.
Yes, I am.
Have you had dinner? Of course.
What are you making? I have tomorrow off.
Insu and I are going on a picnic, so I'm packing sandwiches.
Really? Good for you.
Enjoy yourselves before the wedding, okay? So when are you meeting Insu's parents? Well Mom, I told Insu we should take some time to think about things.
Huh? What? What are you talking about? You're not going to marry him? That can't be.
She accepted his proposal.
Why, Runa? Why can't you just get married? Mr.
Na's been waiting for you for so long.
It's not that I won't marry him.
Mom, I don't have any money saved up.
I should work hard and Hey, money is not a good excuse.
You can get a loan.
You can have your wedding, and then work hard to pay it off.
That's right, Runa.
Don't worry about money.
Just do it.
The wedding need not be extravagant.
Good grief.
Actually, it's because I don't want to get married when I'm in this state.
What? In this state? I haven't made a full recovery yet.
I don't know anything about my past or who I was.
I don't know how I did in school, what my personality was like, or who my friends were.
Blindly rushing to the altar Blindly? Stop being silly.
We told you everything about you.
You were Well You were In short, you were a troublemaker and did really badly in school.
But what does that matter? You're doing well now.
Just get married, okay? That's right, Runa.
For Insu's sake if nothing else.
He's been so devoted to you.
That's right.
Just get married, Runa.
Chorim, do you think Runa will call the wedding off? I doubt that.
What's more urgent is your love life.
Is it really over with Dongpal? Hey, isn't it obvious? I can't even stand to look at him.
Then forget him, and go on a blind date.
One man will help you forget another.
A blind date? Both of them.
Isn't it strange? I wanted them both.
I wanted both Na Insu and Bae Gyeongmin.
I had no choice but to pick one.
So I wanted both rings.
One was the ring of destiny, while the other was the ring of ambition.
People say as long as they have this or that, they will be happy.
They say they'll own the world.
So don't condemn me.
All human beings are greedy, right? Insu.
You haven't left yet, right? I'm in front of your apartment.
Already? I feel so bad.
Kim's mother passed away, so he has to be at the wake.
He asked me to fill in for him.
He has a live show today.
Well, it can't be helped.
I'll race over there once I'm done, so just wait at my place, okay? Mr.
I have to run.
See you later.
July 16, 2012? That was before the accident.
This is weird.
Why did he rip up all my pictures? And that ultrasound of a baby Yes.
It says here you went in for an examination at Chuncheon Obstetrics on July 16, 2012.
We want stronger lighting on the products.
- Yes, Mr.
- Okay.
You can answer that.
I'm sorry.
The recipient is unavailable.
So how are you? Did you have the baby? Baby? Oh So you didn't.
Doctor, was I really pregnant? Pardon? What do you mean? You were definitely pregnant.
It's in our records, and you asked several times for an abortion.
I asked for an abortion? Yes.
I tried to talk you out of it, but you wouldn't listen.
I was very worried, since most people aren't that persistent.
Doctor, did I really ask for an abortion? That can't be.
I'm not that kind of person.
How could I My baby I may be awful, but how could I have wanted to kill my own baby? Doctor, there must be some mistake.
Could you please check again? No way.
There must have been a mistake.
There had to have been a mixup.
Miscarriage? How could you have suffered a miscarriage when you weren't even pregnant? I wasn't pregnant? My obstetrician just said I was pregnant.
You weren't pregnant.
It was In any case, you weren't pregnant.
There must have been a mixup.
I just checked my records at another hospital.
Are you saying you don't trust our record-keeping? No, it's not that.
But one hospital says I was pregnant, and the other says I wasn't.
I just don't know what's going on.
Then go back to the other hospital and have them check again.
According to our records, you were not pregnant.
I have patients waiting.
You did come in for a consultation, but we turned you away because we don't perform abortions.
I tried to get an abortion? Why? Why? Does Insu know? No.
Maybe he doesn't.
But why does he have that ultrasound image of the baby? Why? The first visit was on July 16, the second, on July 27.
I went to different clinics on August 1, 7, and 16.
The accident was on August 19, so I was pregnant at least until August 16, but I wasn't anymore on the 19th? What happened during those three days? What could have possibly happened? Hello? Runa? Runa, I'm sorry.
It's my fault our day is ruined.
What now? How can I make it up to you? What? Are you admiring my good looks? Insu.
Just lay it all out.
I know I was bad today.
You can say whatever you want.
What happened to this picture? Why did you bring this here? Did you go through my things? I'm sorry.
I wasn't going through stuff.
It was next to the trash can.
You're infringing on my privacy, miss.
I know it was wrong of me, but what happened? I'm sorry.
You must be upset.
I don't know if this is a good excuse, but I wanted to wipe the slate clean of what happened before the accident.
The accident was too terrible and scary.
All that time So I wanted to throw away all our old pictures.
This is a new beginning for us.
Let's take lots of new pictures, okay? Runa, know how pretty you are these days? Tell me.
What is this? Please tell me.
What could this be? Looks like a fetal ultrasound.
Oh, right! I had this for a show I did a while back.
You must be hungry.
Should we head out for some food? Please don't lie to me.
Please be honest and tell me everything.
I went to Chuncheon today.
What happened? Was I really pregnant? Was this Was this really my baby? Tell me everything.
Please be honest.
Was this our baby? Runa.
But why did I try to get rid of the baby? Why? It's just not possible.
Why would I? It makes no sense.
Here, drink this.
You need to calm down.
Come on.
I didn't know I was that horrible.
People told me I was an awful person, but I didn't know that I used to be this awful.
That's not true.
What am I going to do? How can I bear to show myself to the world? I was such a horrible person.
Why didn't you leave me, Insu? You should've left me.
Why did you stay with me? Why did you stay with someone so awful? I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, my dear baby.
Get out of the way.
Chorim's working so hard today.
Don't play your stupid games, and work hard while I'm away, okay? Are you going somewhere? I'm going on a trip to enjoy the fall.
You hadn't said anything about that.
Where are you going? I feel lonely and listless.
I think I need some rejuvenation.
Chorim and her middle school friends have been saving up for a while.
They're going on a three-day trip.
How fun.
Can't I come with you, Chorim? Why would you come along? There will be men there, too.
Men? Chorim, men and women will be fraternizing and intermingling? What did you say? Intermingling? What are you implying by that? Mr.
Noh Dongpal, you should watch your language.
You're just a wannabe flirt anyway.
Dongpal, what do you care who Chorim goes on a trip with? It's because Men and women are going together.
It's just not right.
They may be adults, but men and women can't travel together, even if they were classmates.
I'm sure some are married.
My friends' marital status is none of your business.
Gilja, there's a pre-trip bash tonight, so I'll be home late.
A pre-trip bash? Yup.
We're getting together to figure out our itinerary and collect dues and such.
I'm late.
I have to run.
Hang on.
What's this? Come to Fun Fun Karaoke.
We're going to a karaoke room, Gilja.
You're partying before a three-day trip? Must be nice.
Leave me alone.
I'm off.
See you.
Chin up, Dongpal.
And I told you not to call me "madame.
" Madame Madame! Madame Kim! My friends' marital status is none of your business.
What's up with you? You look awful.
Where were you? What's it to you? Jeez.
How much longer will you mooch off me? Stop being so petty.
I told you not to worry, didn't I? I'll get that lease deposit for you.
Darn it.
Hey, Dung Beetle, where are you off to? He's so irritable these days.
The recipient is unavailable.
Why isn't she picking up? Hello? It's me, Noh Dongpal.
The chef.
Oh, hi.
Keep it down.
Is Mrs.
Yu with you? Yes.
Don't mention my name.
Why not? Just Hey, Soyeong.
Is Chorim home? Not yet, right? Nope.
Not yet.
Why do you want to know? What do you care? So she's not home yet? She must be partying with those guys.
Partying like there's no tomorrow.
Chef, I don't know what that was about.
Who was it? Oh.
Just some guy I know.
Be careful of men.
Men are wolves.
Oh, you think so, too? It's what my mother told me day in and day out.
Yu, is it really over between Chorim and Dongpal? It's not? I thought it was.
Then it must be.
Love is a strange thing.
It ends and then resumes.
It resumes and then ends again.
People break up and get back together.
There's nothing more fickle than people's feelings.
You feel one way today, another tomorrow.
People's feelings are difficult to control or fight against.
That's why people say to let go of your feelings.
I should just let go of my feelings.
It's over anyway.
I should just go.
Has she lost her mind? How can she go on a three-day trip with men? Hey, Jeong Chorim.
We had so much fun, didn't we? Yes, it was good to see you again.
My first love, let me give you a hug.
What's wrong with you? Like I said, I missed you so much.
I came today just to see you.
You used to beat me up, but I still missed you so much.
That's nice.
The taxi's waiting.
- Chorim.
- Yeah? I love you.
Let me hug you.
Come on.
Stop it.
Hey, Jeong Chorim, you were my first love after all.
I missed you so much, I cried myself to sleep.
So let me hold your hand at least.
You still have a tight grip.
Chorim, let me give you a hug.
Stop it.
What do you think you're doing? What are you doing here, Dongpal? You're married, aren't you? What's the matter with you? You should go, Dongho.
Go on.
Chorim, you were my first love.
Give me a break.
What I need is a love for life, not a first love.
My first love.
How can a woman be with a married man this late at night? How is it your concern whether I'm with a married man or a single man? Plus, he's single.
He's successful, too.
You like men that much? You like women that much? I'm off.
Then add red chili powder and other spices.
Move over, Ruby.
It's taking you way too long to make soup.
But I want to make it.
Why? Now you want to be a master chef as well? Breakfast isn't ready yet? Hang on.
I'm working on it.
You? Pigs will fly.
Forget breakfast.
It won't be ready.
I'll just have water for breakfast then.
Have fun.
Move over.
I don't want the entire family to starve.
Where are the nail clippers? To Runa, from Insu? Gyeongmin, breakfast is What's this? It's a ring, of course.
I've never seen it before.
I got it because it was cute and simple.
Cute and simple? What's the matter? Did I do something wrong? Isn't this Runa's engagement ring? Her name's engraved on the inside.
So what is it doing here? You see, Runa had dropped it and lost it in the studio, and I found it.
I have to give it to her.
Jeong Ruby.
I hate being lied to.
I'm not lying.
You just said you got it because it was cute and simple.
Why couldn't you say it was Runa's ring from the get-go? I felt bad that I haven't given it back to her.
I didn't want to get an earful from you.
You seem to assume the worst about me.
In any case, I'm sorry.
And what about the ring I gave you? It's right here.
Do you remember what I said when I gave it to you? Of course.
What was it? I can't.
It makes me feel shy.
I'll tell you next time.
Come eat breakfast, my handsome husband.
She promised she'd never take it off.
We vowed to love each other passionately like the red of the ruby.
She vowed never to take it off all her life, so why? What happened to you, Jeong Ruby? Did I ever confide in you? Confide in me? Ms.
Jeong Runa? Take good care of Insu.
He almost killed himself over you.
Almost killed himself? Ruby.
It'll make you feel better to settle your debt.
If you want money, do your job right.
Did you get the ring? What are you talking about? Ruby, I'm starting to hate you.
See you next time
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