Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e35 Episode Script

Episode 35

Ruby's Ring Do you remember what I said when I gave it to you? Of course.
What was it? I can't.
It makes me feel shy.
I'll tell you next time.
Come eat breakfast, my handsome husband.
She promised she'd never take it off.
We vowed to love each other passionately like the red of the ruby.
She vowed never to take it off, so why? What happened to you, Jeong Ruby? What he said when he proposed? What could he have said? "I love you"? No.
That's too ordinary.
"I'll get you something better next time"? No.
That can't be it, either.
I'll say that my memory of it has been lost since the accident.
Yu, I'll do it.
Yu, no more heavy lifting, okay? Ow, my back.
Would you like coffee? Okay.
Let's see if you can make it well.
Did Chorim leave on her trip? Yes.
What time? At 7:00.
What was she wearing? Why are you asking? I'm just curious.
It feels so empty without Chorim here.
My goodness, Mrs.
It's nice and quiet without her.
She always makes such a racket.
That's not nice, Dongpal.
You just asked me what she was wearing.
What? No.
Well, you see Mrs.
Yu, never let Chorim go on a trip like this again.
How can she go on a trip with men? They're her middle school classmates.
I was really disappointed last night.
Last night? Why? Chorim was embracing some guy in front of the apartment.
It was just awful.
Chorim was doing that? That's why I asked what she was wearing.
I thought maybe she went in a miniskirt to seduce men.
Are you sure it was Chorim out there? How odd.
What were you doing in front of our apartment? Oh, I You know Welcome.
Oh, welcome.
Welcome to Yu Gilja's Grilled Chicken.
Take your time with the menu.
We'll take your order when you're ready.
What happened? Was I really pregnant? Was this Was this really my baby? Was this our baby? Hello? It's me.
Come see me at the lounge.
You look terrible.
Get a facial or something.
Your face isn't just yours.
It's mine as well.
I don't want people saying my sister doesn't take care of herself.
Do you know what I'm saying? Yes.
What is it? Use it to pay for your wedding.
I don't need this, Ruby.
It's from one sister to another, so use it.
I really don't need it.
Plus, we haven't even set the date yet.
I told Insu we should take it slowly.
Take it slowly? Why? Aren't you going to marry him? I still I still don't have my memory back.
It doesn't sit right with me to get married in the state I'm in.
What doesn't sit right with you? Your amnesia? It's probably better if you don't remember.
Like I said, you weren't such a nice person.
Are you hurt because I said you weren't a nice person? Ruby.
Did I What is it? Spit it out.
Did I ever confide in you? Confide in me? Did I ever confide in you about something I couldn't tell anyone else? Can't you be clear? Stop beating around the bush.
You're driving me crazy.
Was I Was I ever pregnant? What? Was I ever pregnant with a baby? Tell me.
Even if I couldn't tell anyone else, I bet I would've told you.
No, you were never pregnant.
Are you sure? We're at work.
The clinic at Chuncheon said I brought you with me to get an abortion.
I went with you because you wanted an abortion.
But don't worry about that anymore.
It's all in the past.
And don't tell anyone, either.
Take this.
I'm fine, Ruby.
I don't need this money.
Aren't you going to get married? I think I still need a bit more time.
Never mind.
You can go.
Jeong Ruby speaking.
Oh Junseok? Nice to meet you.
I'm Oh Junseok.
Nice to meet you, too.
This is a real honor.
You're too kind.
Let me tell you a bit about myself first.
I know who you are.
You were famous at Chuncheon Cable Network for being a talented producer.
You did the long-running "My Hometown," and you're now a producer at K Network.
How did you Don't you know I'm from Chuncheon? If you've decided to do a show about me, shouldn't you have done basic research? You truly are remarkable.
I did know that and some other basic facts.
But what's more important is this program I want to produce.
I'll cut to the chase about this program.
It will be about your everyday life.
We'll film you around the clock.
So it's a documentary of sorts.
I don't know if I can do that.
You know you're a rising star, don't you? You should utilize your current momentum.
Viewers want to know what's behind a celebrity's facade.
Your education, beauty, handsome husband who's heir to JM Group, talk show, and successful TV career make you a perfect package.
Your everyday life revealed on TV I guarantee top viewer ratings.
You'll solidify your position as Korea's most sought-after woman.
You really think so? Of course.
Trust me.
When do we start shooting? Oh, Ms.
Jeong Runa? Yes, that's me.
Oh, wow.
What a pleasant surprise.
Don't you remember me? Oh Junseok? I had no idea I'd run into you here.
I almost didn't recognize you.
You've changed so much.
I heard you were still suffering from post-accident trauma.
The truth is Mr.
Oh Junseok, right? I don't really remember you.
I understand.
How's Insu? He's doing well, right? Yes.
I heard he works here, so I stopped by.
I don't know his phone number.
You've really changed.
Oh, I'm sorry.
This feels so surreal.
Are you married? Not yet.
You're still dating Insu, right? You two haven't broken up, right? No.
Take good care of Insu.
He almost killed himself over you, after all.
Almost killed himself? You didn't know? I thought you knew.
I shouldn't have brought it up.
Tell me.
Why did he try to kill himself? It was after your accident.
You were in a coma.
They said you were on the brink of death.
That must've been too much for him.
No one loves with complete devotion like Insu these days.
He loved you more than he loved himself.
He was pure and innocent.
I find him absolutely remarkable.
It wouldn't be an overstatement to say there are very few like him.
I didn't know the full story.
I was bad.
So why did the hospital tell me I wasn't pregnant? Did I end up getting an abortion? But why? Insu and I were so in love.
Why would I get rid of the baby? Hello? It's me.
Where are you? Insu.
I'd like to ask you something.
Why Why did I want an abortion? Please tell me.
Why did I? Why? Runa.
My head is filled with questions.
Why? Why? Why? How would I have known everything that went through your mind and how you felt? How could I have known all that to explain to you now? I was definitely pregnant until August 16.
But on August 19, the day of the accident, I wasn't pregnant anymore.
So did I get an abortion at some point during those three days? Where? Which clinic? There's no record of that.
I've searched everywhere.
Insu, did you say you wouldn't marry me? Or did I? Runa.
Like you said, your head is probably filled with questions.
Why? Why? But no matter how I try to explain, some of those questions won't go away.
You need to make peace with that.
If you don't, you'll be miserable, leading a life full of doubt.
Is that what you want? But I'd still like to know.
I need to know.
Can a person with no past, no memories, qualify as a person? You'll know in due time.
But until your memory returns, can't we relax and enjoy being in love? Why? Why can't you tell me? Even if I loved you, even if you loved me, even if we loved each other so much that we vowed to die on the same day, how could I know everything that went on inside you? Runa.
I'm sorry.
I was awful.
Like you said, I'll know in due time.
I'll wait.
I'll wait until then.
I'm sorry, Ms.
Jeong Ruby.
I didn't know I'd have these feelings.
I didn't know I'd fall in love with you.
Forgive me.
Seo, have you heard? Hear what? There were lots of great entries for the in-house marketing proposal contest.
Really? Oh, right.
Seokho, didn't you enter, too? No.
I started working on it, but I'm sorry.
No surprise.
You always quit stuff after three days or so.
That's right.
One week at the gym, one week at Pilates, one week on a diet But Hyeryeon, how do you know so much about Seokho? Something's up with you two.
No, of course not.
No way.
The two of us? Never.
You shouldn't have said anything.
I just get so angry because I'm all alone.
What are you doing here? Didn't you know? I'm a member here.
Over here, Yeonho.
Hey, why haven't you returned my calls? I called you so many times.
No answer.
You should know better, Eunji.
She's a huge celebrity now.
She can't hang out with the likes of us.
Ruby's not like that, okay? You're not, Mrs.
Bae? You're so rude.
She got me a homeshopping modeling job, and she got you air time, too.
Although the latter went up in smoke because of that bribery scandal.
I have to get going.
Why? It's been ages.
Let's have lunch.
To congratulate you on your stardom.
My treat, okay? Hang on.
Lee Eunji speaking.
Oh, my goodness.
It'd make you feel better if you settled your debt.
If you want to get paid, do your job right.
Didn't you know there was also a desktop computer? I've done more than my fair share.
If you want to get paid, do your job properly.
That she-devil I'd like to see you today.
I look forward to hearing back from you.
Yours, Wang Daepung.
What's with this guy? Is he hitting on me? What are you mumbling to yourself? Gyeongsuk, this No.
Never mind.
Why did you stop mid-sentence? What is it? A secret.
I'll tell you later.
What should I get for dinner today? You just went shopping yesterday.
I did? How about grilled dried pollack for dinner? Pollack? That sounds great.
You clean the fish, smother it in spicy chili paste sauce, grill it until it's golden brown, and sprinkle on sesame seeds and scallions.
Just thinking about it is making my mouth water.
Jang, pollack for dinner tonight.
Yes, ma'am.
I'll go and get some right now.
What's this doing here? Good grief.
Something's up.
Is it too tight? But it still looks good.
If this nose were just a bit higher Ma'am, I'm going to the supermarket.
But what's in that bag? Oh, this? Ruby wanted me to drop some stuff at the dry cleaner's.
See you.
Geumhui, don't take too long.
Of course not.
Don't worry.
Say Something is up with her, right? What do you mean? Auto.
She's all giddy these days.
I think Mom, you seem very interested in Geumhui.
What? Me? Yes.
You act strict with her, but you definitely dote on her.
I do? When I first met her, I didn't think I could handle her.
But she's growing on me.
She's ditzy, but I can't hate her.
She has a good heart.
She doesn't seem to have it all there, but "I love you" You're here, Ms.
Oh, my goodness.
Oh, you're early.
All I've been thinking about is you.
I couldn't wait to see you.
Oh, stop.
Let's go.
Where to? They call me Dancer Wang.
Let's go dancing.
Oh, no.
I'm not that kind of woman.
Oh, what a shame.
Then how about lunch? Why, Ruby? Why do you hate me so much? Why? We used to be so close.
Why? Ruby, I'm starting to hate you.
I don't want to, but I keep getting strange thoughts.
What now? What should I do? Oh, Chorim.
You didn't go on the trip? Hey, don't we have a restaurant to run? Move.
Why didn't you go on the trip? I missed the bus.
Then why not come right back? You were out for a while.
I wanted to get some fresh air, so I walked here and there.
I think you came back because of Dongpal.
It's all over anyway.
Why not just go and have fun? What? It's all over? That's right, Chorim.
Are you just saying it's over, but still have feelings for him? What are you talking about? It's completely over between us.
- Hi.
- You're home early.
It's not that busy at work these days.
I'm going to get married.
What? Get married? You mean you've decided to marry Insu? Oh, really? You're really getting married? I'm sorry for being so fickle.
Don't be.
I would've done the same.
It's not an easy decision, since your memory's still fuzzy.
But you've made the right decision.
Insu's a kind, hardworking man, so you two will be very happy.
Just forget the past and be happy now.
That's how you can be a good daughter.
Gilja, you're finally free now.
What do you mean? Don't parents get their freedom once all their children get married? They're freed from the shackles of their children's demands and brattiness.
Yay for freedom! Don't even go there, my dear sister-in-law.
Don't you know that the demands and brattiness of a sister-in-law are the hardest to bear? Huh? When have I been demanding or bratty? In any case, I won't have my freedom until you find a husband.
Good grief.
Oh, my.
There's Soyeong, too.
Me? Of course.
I won't have peace of mind until I marry you off, too.
So be a good girl and find a great guy.
My goodness, Gilja.
You seem to think meeting a good husband is the key to everything.
You just wait till you're my age.
You'll realize meeting a good man is the best.
Thank you, Runa, for deciding to marry Insu.
What's there for you to thank me for? You have so much to do, Runa.
You have to meet Insu's parents, buy wedding gifts and furniture I'll give you facials.
I'm a certified skin care specialist.
Hi, mom.
Aren't you busy? Can you talk? I can talk.
Runa's decided to get married.
What? She said she wasn't ready.
She changed her mind.
She says she's ready.
Congratulate her for me.
Was that mother? What did she say? Runa's getting married.
They'll set the date soon.
Are you upset? Huh? Me? You looked upset.
Why would I be upset? I don't know.
Good job.
Thank you.
The show must have gone well.
Good job, Mr.
Thank you.
I heard good news.
Is it true? What news? An impending wedding.
You and Ms.
Jeong Runa, right? Yes.
That's what I came to tell you.
It's a real honor that you've come here to congratulate me in person.
Please come to our wedding, Director Bae.
He's quite attractive.
I could've fallen for him.
Like Gyeongmin said, am I overbearing and lacking in sex appeal? Sera.
What brings you here? I was passing by and thought I'd come and congratulate Mr.
Say, Gyeongmin.
Do you think I'm less attractive than Runa? Less attractive than my sister-in-law? Oh, come on.
You're attractive.
Right? But there's one thing.
What is it? Your age.
Being young is everything.
You can't just look young.
You have to actually be young.
You could've put it less bluntly.
I hate you.
I'm off.
I heard the good news.
Thank you.
I came to see Mr.
Na, but he's not around.
Make sure you tell him I came to congratulate him.
I will.
Did you get the ring? Pardon? Your engagement ring.
What are you talking about? You haven't heard? Your sister has it.
My sister? She hasn't told me about that.
I haven't gotten it yet.
Oh, Ruby must have forgotten.
Ask her for it.
Why'd you just leave the golf range? Yeonho wanted to treat you to dinner.
Do I have an obligation to eat with him? No, there's no obligation, but we're friends.
Let me make this clear.
We're former classmates, but in the real world, there are social classes.
You should know that you and I are at very different levels.
Long time no see.
I heard you're getting married.
Na is a lucky man.
You have no right to congratulate her.
Gu caused Runa and Insu a lot of grief.
You watch what you say.
Who's the one who made him do that? Who took advantage of a nice guy? When your memory comes back, will you be able to forgive me? It's a wedding dress.
I hope you like it.
How can you make a decision like that without asking us first? I'm still going to do it no matter what.
If I do this show, everyone in Korea will know who I am.
They should help me, not get in my way.
Give me my engagement ring.
Ruby's not the same girl we once knew.
See you next time
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