Till The End of The Moon (2023) s01e35 Episode Script

Episode 35

Did you all see that?
Cang Jiumin is the devil fetus.
Kill him.
-Kill him.
-Kill him.
Tantai Jin.
You may have gotten rid of the evil bone
and chosen a virtuous path,
but none of that made any difference.
You were born evil.
The Devil-Subduing Pillar won't spare you!
There's no place for you here.
No matter what you do,
you can't escape your fate.
Jiumin, wake up.
Stay focused!
Immortal Zhaoyou,
are you seriously still defending him?
Most of the mortals
were injured by the devil weapon.
It would take more than
Siying and Jingmie for that to happen.
If it wasn't him who summoned the weapon
and unleashed hell on the mortals,
who else could it have been?
His companion, Li Susu?
Ye Xiwu.
You actually went out on a limb
and trapped the evil bone in your body.
No one
can find out about this secret.
I'm going to ask you again.
Was it you who wounded the mortals
using the devil weapon?
They can't find out
that the evil bone is inside Susu's body.
I'm destined for suffering
and I should be the one to bear it all.
It was me.
I used the God-Slaughtering Crossbow.
-That's absurd!
-How could he do that?
-He admitted it.
-How is an evil man like him
a part of Xiaoyao Sect?
Why did you do that?
I thought…
Cang Jiumin,
the immortal cultivator,
can't save this little girl
and there are more sufferers to come.
I could take control of myself.
I thought…
I could change my destiny…
You can't save them.
…and choose my own path in life.
If the Devil God is the only one
who can stop all of this…
I'm sorry.
I overestimated myself.
I couldn't control my instincts.
My child.
I'm sorry.
Just go ahead
and kill me.
Cang Jiumin.
You will pay
for my son's death with blood!
Hang on.
This devil fetus is a cunning liar.
He still has the devil weapon
and the evil bone.
We'll have to have them removed
and locked away with magical seals
before he can be annihilated.
killing him will cause
the evil bone's energy to peak,
which will then revive the Devil God.
As highly accomplished cultivators,
we could combine our powers
and force the crossbow out of him.
I'll do it.
No, I'll do it.
I'm in.
I want to be part of this.
Will Jiumin be able
to hold out against them?
It's the Devil God's eye,
God-Slaughtering Crossbow.
What is this place?
It's thick with devil energy.
Susu, wake up.
Why am I back to being Ye Xiwu?
The evil bone absorbed
too much devil energy.
It's fighting
against your pure spiritual body.
You've got to contain it
before it goes out of control.
It was Chongyu
who awakened me.
I didn't kill anyone
with God-Slaughtering Crossbow.
I'm innocent.
That's Tantai Jin's voice.
The devil energy
seems to be able to sense him.
It's so foggy here.
I can't even see what's ahead.
I have hard evidence
of you being the devil fetus.
This is bad.
Tantai Jin's true identity
has been revealed.
He's in danger.
I'm not the Devil God.
You've wronged him.
It wasn't him.
This won't do.
I have to get
to Devil-Subduing Peak to save him.
He has been wrongly accused.
Chongyu, what do I have to do to wake up?
They're trying
to seize the lord's evil bone.
We must act now.
They will get their hands on it
over my dead body.
Hang in there, Tantai Jin.
I won't let you die like this.
Someone is coming.
You're safe.
Susu, what are you…
Li Susu.
Are you trying to defend this devil fetus?
Chief Cen.
Susu hasn't said anything yet.
Don't judge too soon.
Li Susu.
What exactly are you up to?
My fellow chiefs.
Cang Jiumin
can't become the Devil God.
Li Susu.
Cang Jiumin's identity has been confirmed.
Considering that
you're young and innocent,
I'll repeat it again.
He's the devil fetus.
He stashed away God-Slaughtering Crossbow.
Even if he's not the Devil God now,
he'll become one some other day.
Even his admission into the immortal sect
and changing of identity
are planned by the Devil God.
What Chief Cen said is true.
Let me tell everyone another story.
Cang Jiumin,
formerly known as Tantai Jin,
was the king of the Jing Kingdom
from 500 years ago.
Really? How could this be?
He was a king?
Is that true?
He was indeed the devil fetus.
He was also the owner of the evil bone
chosen by the Devil God.
However, whatever happens,
he'll never become the Devil God.
Susu, how do you know?
Li Susu.
You speak with such confidence.
How dare you jump to conclusions
in front of us?
Aren't we all here
to find out the truth about this?
It won't hurt to listen to her.
Because 500 years ago…
I personally
extracted his evil bone.
Do you think extracting the evil bone
-is that easy?
You have no proof.
Why should we trust you?
Yes, why should we trust you?
Why should we trust you? Never.
It's all right.
My fellow chiefs.
I know I can't persuade you
without presenting the proof.
I heard Chixiao Sect has an artifact
called Truth Jade Slip.
It can extract the true memories
of anyone.
I beg you to use this artifact
to see if I'm telling the truth.
Susu, don't do this.
This is the only way to tell
what I've been through
to everyone here.
I'd like
to have a try.
Li Susu.
Let me see what excuses you can give us.
No, Susu.
Susu, we have no time.
You must return to the past right away.
Ten thousand years ago,
God of Time left the Light-Breaking Array,
which was inherited by chiefs
of my sect through generations.
I'll send you back
to the Sheng Kingdom of 500 years ago.
That will be the only chance.
Remember this.
Whatever you see, don't come back.
The world counts on you.
Tantai Jin.
I swear
I'll kill you.
So this is the truth.
So this is the truth
that you wouldn't tell me all along.
You're most afraid of me dying,
yet you wanted me dead the most.
That's why you approached me
and tried to kill me.
You've done so much for me,
but I didn't know anything.
I don't know why I did so too.
It's not fatal.
I won't die for now.
The lightning tribulation is coming.
I'm taking your evil bone
and trading it with an immortal marrow.
You won't become the Devil God anymore.
What's going on?
I think I saw you guys
in Truth Jade Slip.
I've destroyed his evil bone
with the might
of the lightning tribulation.
He won't become the Devil God.
I've severed the fate
of the destined arrival of the Devil God.
This world
is safe now.
So this is the whole truth.
You returned to 500 years ago alone
and did so much for us.
Since I've extracted his evil bone,
this means the prophecy can be reversed.
We can't choose our birth,
but we can choose between good and evil.
Although Tantai Jin is the devil fetus,
he won't be the Devil God anymore.
the six divine spikes
should still be in Tantai Jin's heart
and there's absolutely
no evil bone inside him.
Go ahead and check
if you don't believe it.
everyone can rest assured.
I don't care
if he's Tantai Jin or Cang Jiumin.
He's the devil fetus.
Even without the evil bone,
he'll be seduced
by devils sooner or later.
We can't afford another massacre.
Leaving him alive
will eventually bring disaster.
Being born as the devil fetus
isn't his fault.
Even if he's really born a devil,
we should give him a chance.
Punishing someone
for something he didn't do
is truly the disgrace of immortal sects.
My son died for no reason at all.
And you're still defending him?
Siying is the one who killed Cen Mi.
Cang Jiumin forced himself
to activate God-Slaughtering Crossbow
in order to save civilians.
He was also injured because of that.
Cang Jiumin used it to save civilians?
Have we really wronged him?
Is this real?
Thankfully, we stopped in time.
Cang Jiumin is the devil fetus.
Are we just letting him go like this?
This is the rarest chance
to stop the Devil God
from resurrecting again.
Chief Cen.
Please be rest assured.
We'll try everything we can
to kill Siying and Jingmie
and do your son justice.
As for Cang Jiumin,
it's not his will to be born as the devil.
Not to mention in times of emergencies,
he chose to get hurt
to save the civilians.
There's no doubt he's a kind soul.
We cultivators must judge clearly.
the divine energy in our Hengyang Sect
can cleanse devil energy
and suppress evil things.
Why don't we put him
under house arrest in our sect
to see if he behaves better?
What do you think of this idea?
This is a good idea.
With Chief Qu watching him,
we'll rest assured.
-That's right.
Believing in devils
is no different from committing suicide.
I'll put my words in here.
You guys just wait and see.
Get to work.
No wonder the evil bone didn't react
to our devil energy
in the capital of Jing last time.
That little girl
can only fool those stupid cultivators.
No matter what trick they play,
the evil bone can never be destroyed.
Why did our lord choose him
as the devil fetus anyway?
Not only did he offend our lord,
but he also
lost the evil bone for a woman.
What do you know?
Our lord has his plans.
However, this time,
we almost killed the devil fetus.
We should be more cautious next time.
We've found it.
After digging for 500 years,
we've finally found it.
We've found the Devil Palace.
Our lord's plan works in mysterious ways.
The Devil Palace
is where the Devil God was born.
With the palace,
wherever the evil bone is,
he'll return sooner or later.
Without the evil bone,
the devil fetus will be worthless.
Let's see
what those two devils have in mind
to revive the Devil God.
However, the evil bone is missing now.
Where can it be hidden?
We have something to ask you.
Is it about Devil-Subduing Peak?
When I heard that Cang Jiumin
had summoned God-Slaughtering Crossbow,
I knew I couldn't hesitate anymore.
They're only short of Sky-Slashing Sword
before they can revive the Devil God.
I have to tell the truth.
if I hesitated even for an instant,
it would be too late.
You should discuss it with us beforehand
to get us prepared.
If not for Susu's timely arrival,
Jiumin would've died at the peak.
I knew it was a reckless move,
but do you know
how much I hate the Devil God
for sealing me for 10,000 years?
Whenever I think of Chuhuang
who was killed by the Devil God,
I'd lose my sanity out of hatred.
Because of this hatred,
I managed to hang on until now.
I'm here
not only to find my daughter
whom I'd never met,
but I also wish to help immortal sects
to stop the Devil God from resurrecting.
Please forgive me
if I offended you somewhere.
After what happened at the peak,
we've given Jiumin
a chance to prove himself.
I won't be against him anymore.
-I give you my word.
-Forget it.
We're not here
to hold you accountable today.
We actually need a favor from you.
Chief Cen.
We've asked the Lord of Evil
the method of sealing devil weapons.
God-Slaughtering Crossbow
is too dangerous.
Now, let's seal it
with the power of us three.
Nobody can open the box alone.
Chief Cen.
Can you rest assured now?
Things have come to this point.
Anything I say would be pointless.
Cang Jiumin is a disciple of Xiaoyao Sect.
He'll be imprisoned in Hengyang Sect.
For the sake of fairness,
I think
it's best to let you take this crossbow
back to Chixiao Sect.
I'm so useless.
Had I worked harder
and become the chief of all sects,
you wouldn't have died for no reason.
However, today,
I've obtained this devilish crossbow.
This is a powerful devil weapon.
If I can use it,
nobody will dare to bully Chixiao Sect.
Don't worry.
I won't let you die in vain.
I want them
to pay with their blood!
Raise your head.
Try strangling me.
None must be left behind.
Finish them.
It turns out
that it's you
I've been seeing since then.
You protected me.
You treated me well.
You wanted to kill me,
but you're also afraid of me dying.
It's you all along.
Our story lasted for 500 years
and here we are now.
You saved me from distress
despite the risks all the time.
Thank you for doing so much for me.
I actually didn't know this until now.
Why are you so silly?
This time, it's my turn to protect you.
You're awake.
Tantai Jin.
It's all right.
I'm all right now.
You're also all right now.
Everything is going to be fine.
The evil bone
can't be destroyed at all.
It's in your body,
isn't it?
There's no one else here
but you and me.
You don't need to hide anymore.
How did you know?
That day, in the capital of Jing,
you blocked the devil energy
from Siying and Jingmie.
That black devil energy.
That horrible power.
I'm too familiar with it.
I've been carrying it since I was young.
I was tortured by heartburn every day.
Now it's in you.
That thing is too dangerous.
-I'm afraid--
-Don't worry.
I have a pure spiritual body.
It's naturally against the devil energy.
I won't be contaminated by it.
Tantai Jin.
I promise you
that I'll try to live as long as I can
and keep it a secret forever.
Mount Changze has abundant divine energy.
The evil bone won't wake up
if we stay here.
As for you,
just focus on recovering your body.
If we encounter
any unexpected events in the future,
we can face them together.
All right?
Thank you.
All along,
you've been treating me so well,
but I didn't know that until today.
You're welcome.
Speaking of which,
I have to congratulate you.
You don't have to worry anymore.
You can finally start anew openly.
As long as you're all right,
I don't care
how others see me at all.
It's all right
even if they don't
accept me forever.
It doesn't matter.
You still have me.
At least, I'll always stand by your side.
That will be enough.
Take a good rest.
The reasons behind it are complicated.
Please forgive me for not explaining.
I used to have a friend
whom I was indebted to.
He looked just like you.
I must find out my true identity
and who Xiao Lin is.
Do Susu and Cang Jiumin
care about Xiao Lin or me?
What exactly is real
and what exactly is fake?
Why are there no records?
Gongye Jiwu.
You can't live in the dark forever.
Jiwu, when it comes to life,
we're both trying to cross the river.
You can have your answers
when you cross the river by yourself.
you don't have to turn
every stone in this river.
I'm not afraid to turn this stone.
I just don't want to be kept in the dark.
Master, please fulfill my wish.
All right then.
Then I'm going to tell you
your origin.
This is why you were born.
It's good to meditate
down the mountain for a while.
Just think of it
as a lesson you have to learn.
I believe
you will figure it out
one day.
If you ever need someone to talk to,
you are welcome to come here for a meal
or a cup of tea.
I'm always here.
No. Why did I come here?
To take advantage of a woman's kindness
to avoid the evil in your heart?
I thought
I'd never see you again.
I just happened to pass by.
You're already here.
Why bother lying to me?
I can't believe I have such a big mouth.
Something bad had happened to you
in such a short time.
Can't you tell me about it?
What did you call me?
Didn't you tell me you're Gongye Jiwu?
I'm Gongye Jiwu.
I'm myself.
Stay here.
I'll be with you.
Can you stay here with me?
I've missed you so much.
The two devils of Barren Abyss
vanished just like that.
It's rare for the world to be so calm.
As long as we find Sky-Slashing Sword,
the prediction of the Devil God's
resurrection will never come true.
God-Slaughtering Crossbow
and Bone-Refining Seal have been sealed.
However, would it really make sure
that everything is safe?
What if…
Two of the three devil weapons
have been sealed so far.
Besides, the devil fetus
has no evil bone now
and is living in Mount Changze
under our immortal sect.
This could be
the greatest achievement of all
for our anti-devil cause
over the 500 years.
Lord of Evil,
I think you're worrying too much.
Those devil weapons are very powerful.
I'm afraid
that Siying and Jingmie
will get them again.
Then the world will suffer.
The devil weapons have been sealed,
but Mount Changze
is in plain sight after all.
The enemy can hide, but we can't.
It's not safe in the long term.
I'm distressed about it too.
Since you mentioned this
and you've lurked
around the Devil God for years,
do you think
there's a good way to deal with it?
If any formations or spells
are more solid and extensive
than common guardian barriers…
Guardian barriers?
Doesn't Xiaoyao Sect
have a secret treasure
called Heart-Guarding Scale?
My sect has a formation.
We can use the infinite divine power
to refine and enlarge the weapon.
With this formation
and the perfect
geographical location of Xiaoyao Sect,
perhaps the barrier Dimian suggested
can really work.
We indeed have
Heart-Guarding Scale,
but the chief gave it
to an outsider disciple
of the royal family of the Sheng Kingdom
as a gift 500 years ago.
Somehow, it was brought back
by Immortal Buxu.
There are a few cracks on the weapon
which need to be repaired.
We can try
Melting Formation.
But who should we send?
Let Jiumin go.
Heart-Guarding Scale
has a deep connection with Jiumin.
He's the best person to refine it,
so please let him go.
All right.
We'll go with your suggestion
and let Jiumin refine
Heart-Guarding Scale.
I don't understand.
Why did you leave
such an important task with me?
The Heart-Guarding Scale
was refined by Mingye back then.
You and Susu were in Fleeting-Life Prajna
and experienced the life
of Mingye as a god,
so you're the best choice to do this.
Your master and I
made the decision together.
We both believe in you.
I'll leave it to you.
What should I do?
Hold it steady and find a way to melt it.
Listen carefully.
A voice will tell you how to do it.
But I hear nothing.
Not by your ears
but by your heart.
Mingye, look.
The Ralls Janet is blooming.
Thank you.
Look at that.
I got it.
All this while,
I've been thinking the wrong way.
I avoided my nature,
was afraid of the power I was born with,
and dreaded my origin
and the fate awaiting me.
However, this is not about others.
It's all about me.
I have full control over it.
Today, I finally found the answer.
I know
that I'm what I am.
You're a devil fetus,
the seed of the Devil God.
However, as long as your heart is pure
and you believe
in the goodness of this world,
the Devil God won't awaken.
The whole world can then finally be saved.
I've reached a breakthrough.
You feared indulging in your powers,
so you couldn't achieve a breakthrough.
How do you feel now?
I'm no longer afraid.
Good or evil
has nothing to do
with being an immortal or a devil.
It's up to your heart.
Thank you, Master.
Mountain-Protecting Formation
has been completed.
Heart-Guarding Scale
has a deep connection with you.
I'll leave it to you.
I have a question for you.
Susu has the evil bone, doesn't she?
What happened at Devil-Subduing Peak
isn't obvious to outsiders,
but how can Chief Qu not know
what his own daughter is thinking?
He simply didn't want to expose her.
If the evil bone can't be removed,
I'm afraid Susu
will have to stay in Heaven Lake
for her lifetime.
Are you willing
to stay here with her
The evil bone was in my body.
Susu took the suffer for me.
Even if
I have to stay in Hengyang Sect
for the rest of my life,
I won't regret it.
From now on,
I'll watch over the evil bone with Susu.
All right.
All right.
Since you're willing to do this,
just settle down in Hengyang Sect.
I finally took in a good disciple
and you're taking advantage of it.
he has become
a live-in son-in-law of Hengyang Sect.
It's a great loss for me.
I just want to know
if I survived back then.
I don't think so.
Susu, what about me?
I think you were eaten by a demon
while you were out on patrol.
-Eaten by a demon?
-Thank you, Susu.
What about me?
-Here he comes. Stop asking.
-Bye, Susu.
-Bye, Susu.
Did I disturb you?
It wasn't about anything important.
It was just a little chat.
Were you guys talking about the Devil God?
They're afraid of the Devil God, not you.
I know.
only by getting rid of the Devil God
can they feel at ease
and only then,
I can live with you in peace.
I'll work hard with you
and always be there for you.
Take it easy.
Li Susu, Lady of Spirituality,
and Cang Jiumin,
a disciple of Xiaoyao Sect,
will have plenty of time
to solve these problems.
We have ample time.
All right.
Come on.
Go with me to Heaven Lake for a walk.
So Father and the others
already knew the evil bone is in my body.
So they didn't cleanse my devil energy
with the divine power of Heaven Lake.
They're doing this all for you.
Tantai Jin.
Actually, it's still not too late
for you to leave now.
Where should I leave to?
The world is big.
You can go anywhere.
Getting stuck in Mount Changze
for the rest of your life
and missing out
on all the beautiful scenery is a pity.
Do you remember you taught me this?
Sketch Charm?
The universe manifests in an inch of land.
The soul follows the mind.
Even if we're stuck here forever
in Hengyang Sect,
I'll stay here
and enjoy the mountains and rivers,
as well as sunsets and mornings with you.
No scenery is better
than being with you for all eternity.
This doesn't sound like
what Tantai Jin would say
but rather something like
a disciple of Uncle Zhaoyou,
Cang Jiumin, would say.
Come to think of it,
I've been searching for you for 500 years.
Every day throughout these 500 years,
I've been wondering
God has mercy on me
and gives me a chance to meet you again,
what can I do to make you happy?
I'm Tantai Jin
and also Cang Jiumin.
I'll do anything
as long as it makes you happy.
Tantai Jin.
What have you learned in Xiaoyao Sect?
I learned a lot.
You just said it.
Make sure you don't regret it.
I won't.
If I, Tantai Jin,
go back on my word,
Heaven and Earth will slay me.
My body and soul will perish.
Don't say such things.
All right.
What are you doing?
I put a mark on you.
I used a unique spell.
You can't get rid of it
even if you want to
and you can't regret it
even if you want to.
My mark is in the shape
of a phoenix feather.
It's very beautiful.
Let me see how it looks.
These are all old wounds.
I recovered a long time ago.
Since they won't disappear,
let's cover them.
Don't worry.
As long as it's yours,
I'll have it with me forever.
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