Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e36 Episode Script

Episode 36

Ruby's Ring Runa.
Long time no see.
I heard you're getting married.
Na is a lucky man.
You have no right to congratulate her.
Gu caused Runa and Insu a lot of grief.
You watch what you say.
Who's the one who made him do that? Who took advantage of a nice guy? You You're really pushing it, you know that? Eunji.
What did you mean by that? By what? What you just said.
Someone made your boyfriend do something? Did he say something to you? What are you talking about? You You You'd better watch it.
Watch what? Because you're a celebrity and of a higher social class, I should be careful? In any case, watch what you say.
That harpy Just wait and see.
Ruby, what's wrong? Nothing.
What did you do, Gu Yeonho? Did you tell Eunji? Ruby, give me my ring.
Huh? My engagement ring.
I heard you had it.
Gyeongmin told me.
Gyeongmin? You saw him? Yup.
Just now, in the hallway.
I forgot.
I'll bring it tomorrow.
Jeong Ruby speaking.
This is Oh Junseok.
I have urgent news.
We'll have to start filming tomorrow.
Tomorrow? You're early.
I rushed back because I missed you.
My goodness.
And you didn't miss your mother? Mom, you were home? How are you still so in love at this age? Now, now, mom.
I brought you so many presents.
Presents? What's all this? They're for you and mom.
Oh, my goodness.
They're so pretty.
Look at this.
Yes, mother.
They're lovely.
President Lee, who worked with me in Chuncheon, has an accessory business.
He said there were leftover samples, so I brought them all.
My goodness.
These aren't real, and yet they're so delicate and pretty.
These days, you really don't need to get real gold or gemstones.
I agree, mother.
They're so pretty.
Good evening, Changgeun.
What's all this? Have your pick, Geumhui.
Really? Look at her.
She couldn't be happier.
I was going to sell the wedding ring my ex-husband got me because I was low on cash.
But it was a fake.
I wish he'd told me.
Fake or not, it's the thought that counts.
Here take one you like.
Really? Try on whatever you like.
Here's another nice one.
It's okay.
Take them.
I love you, ma'am.
- This is nice too.
- Thank you.
She's right.
Fake or not, it's the thought that counts.
Auto is right about that.
I'm home.
Everyone's home early today.
I have something to tell you.
How can you be so selfish? You think your successful TV career gives you the right to do whatever you like? How could you not tell us anything and make that decision on your own? That's why I'm telling you now.
You call this a prompt notification? I didn't make the decision alone.
Gyeongmin said it was okay.
Please, father.
As you know, this is a critical moment for both me and the company.
This program will determine whether or not we can take it to the next level.
I don't care about any of that.
I care.
Is it so bad to get our family on film? They'll get to see how modest and frugal mother and grandmother are, how well we all get along, and how we help those in need, it will do wonders for our public image.
We don't do that to show off.
And there's no reason for us to be on TV.
Your career is your career.
And our family is our family.
Listen to your father.
Are you ashamed that I'm your daughter-in-law? Ruby.
I want to do well.
I'm part of this family.
Couldn't the family cut me a little slack and help me? It's just for a short while tomorrow.
They'll film us eating and do a few interviews.
Is that too much to ask? Ruby, your grandmother and father said no.
I understand what you mean, but you can't just do something when both grandmother and father disapprove.
I'm part of this family.
If Sera had asked you, you would've been happy to help.
I'm still going to do it even if you disapprove.
The film crew's coming tomorrow morning.
What? We're home.
What's wrong? Changgeun.
You bastard.
Hon, hon.
Grandma, why's dad so upset? What's going on, Ruby? You two, come with me to my room.
This is just awful.
What happened, Aunt Geumhui? You see Ruby.
Are you insane? Film our family? On who's authority? I've never seen my dad so angry in my life.
My parents have never hit Gyeongmin before.
Do you know how shocking it is to find your married brother slapped in the face by his father? What gives you the right to ruin our household? Sera, I'm in a bad mood.
Stop talking.
What? My goodness.
What's so great about this family anyways? The company will post higher sales if we go on TV and become famous.
Is that so bad? Businesses pay to advertise themselves.
Showing how upright this family is will be better for publicity.
Publicity? Every family has its traditions and values.
Our family hates the spotlight.
When we help others it's not for the sake of our own publicity.
Don't you know that 5% of our revenue goes to a scholarship fund? But have we ever issued that to the press? That's just to get a tax break.
What? How could you You must have been shocked.
I've never seen dad so angry before.
Me neither.
So why is he Why is he mad at me? Ruby took on some documentary program.
The film crew is coming tomorrow morning to film our daily life and interview the family.
Ruby said you gave the okay.
What? She thought it was no big deal.
But she didn't even ask for permission before she went ahead and put this together.
The slap was for not teaching your wife properly.
I'm sorry, grandma.
It's not that we're too good for TV.
You know we don't like the spotlight.
We've had countless requests for interviews over the years, but has your dad ever said yes? What good can come of us going public? Don't be upset at your dad.
Just consider it a wakeup call, and move on.
Yes, grandma.
My pumpkin.
He should've just gone easy on you.
It's not a slapping contest.
Why did he have to hit you so hard? Gyeongmin.
I'm just going to let this go.
This is between you and your wife.
What did they say? They all blamed me, didn't they? Did you have to take it this far? I didn't do anything wrong.
Why don't they want me to become famous? Are they worried I'll become really famous and steal their money somehow? Ruby.
Persuade them.
If I do this show, everyone in Korea will know who I am.
This is the best opportunity.
There'd be nothing I couldn't do.
I could even go into politics.
That would help both you and the company.
You could become a legislator or the president, even.
Why not? What's stopping us? A dream is what you make of it.
I'm just trying my best to make my dreams come true.
But they're not helping me, they're just getting in my way.
A selfish dream is just greed.
Don't you know that? Did you think that being like this would get you closer to realizing your dreams? No.
The important thing is to win people's hearts and captivate them.
The way you're pursuing your dream, you're alienating people, trampling their hearts, and alienating them.
Why don't you know that honest convictions are the only things that move people? Let's go downstairs and apologize.
And cancel the shoot.
You didn't have my permission.
I have no plans to support you in any selfish kind of endeavor.
I refuse.
I can't.
Please convince them, honey.
You love me.
You can do that for me, can't you? Do it for me.
Gyeongmin No.
This isn't what I wanted.
This isn't what I had in mind.
Focus, Jeong Runa.
I'm sorry, father.
I was careless.
Please forgive me.
I wanted to keep this to myself but, Ruby's not the same girl we first met.
Her greed knows no bounds.
I'm sorry.
I'm sure you'll take action, but she cannot keep doing as she pleases.
I'm sorry, father.
I'm very sorry.
I was shortsighted.
Please forgive me.
Changgeun, Ruby says she's sorry.
I'll cancel the shoot, and I won't even go on the show.
I'll do as you say, father.
I thought it would be a great opportunity to show people how great our family is and Sure.
Let's stop here.
Go on upstairs.
You too, Gyeongmin.
Yes, father.
Would you like your medication? I'm sorry, Gyeongmin, you got in trouble because of me.
I thought I know.
Let's get some rest.
What are you doing? I was checking our savings.
You're worried about money because of Runa's wedding, right? Yes, but, I'm happy that Runa's getting married.
Runa's been through so much.
I had to beat her so much in her wild years.
And I regret it more over time.
If I knew she'd turn out so sweet I would have been gentler.
It's because you were strict with her that she's managed to grow up well.
Otherwise, she would've gotten herself into trouble with every man in Chuncheon.
We're blessed that the accident changed her.
Chorim, don't ever say that in front of others.
Runa's not the same anymore.
I know.
I'm just grateful that she changed.
So is Insu getting a new place for Runa? Runa said she's moving into Insu's studio.
After they have kids, they can move someplace bigger.
But it's sad.
Ruby lives in a huge mansion.
It pains me to think that Runa will be living in a shoebox.
Even if they live in a shoebox, their happiness is all that matters.
Compared to me, they're really well-off.
How cute.
What do we need? This one's adorable.
This could come in handy.
It's nice that it's cotton, but Wouldn't a duck feather duvet be better? You look like a princess.
You look so pretty.
That feels so good.
Give me a rub later too, Chorim.
No thank you.
You're back early.
Why're you empty handed? They're delivering everything to the house.
Why would we drag it all ourselves? But I wanted to see what you got.
Me too.
I wanted to see too.
You can see them when they're delivered.
Chef Noh, could we have some chicken? You haven't eaten yet? I said I'd get her lunch, but she insisted on eating here.
Aren't you sick and tired of chicken? You could've had a nice lunch out.
What for? I love chicken, okay? Hello.
- Long time no see.
- Hello.
I trust you've been well.
You too, mother and Aunt Chorim.
Come on in.
The groom-to-be is looking good.
Really? Insu has always looked great.
Unlike someone I know What? Me? I didn't say anything.
You used to be good-looking, probably.
Listen, Chorim.
You two always bicker over nothing.
So you're not too busy these days? No, but my heart is always racing.
I can't wait to get married.
I'm scared Runa might run away again.
You should be, Insu.
You know she's very popular, right? If you get on my bad side, I'm going to marry her off to someone else.
I'm sorry I can't afford a nicer place.
I feel bad having to make you move into my tiny studio.
Don't be sorry.
Who cares where we live? I'd like to ask you something though.
What was I like when we first met? What did you like about me? Let's see.
Do you need a reason to like a good person? We went way down south for a shoot.
It was in the winter.
It was freezing cold.
My teeth were chattering.
I was too caught up in work to pay attention, but then you handed me a pair of pantyhose from your bag.
Pantyhose? For me to wear.
You said they may be for women, but they'd warm me up all over.
So you fell for me over pantyhose? What kind of man wouldn't fall for such a kindhearted woman? The winter sky was strewn with stars, and in the camera, I saw you staring back, with rosy cheeks as red as ripened apples.
At that moment, you were the most beautiful girl in the world.
But now, I don't love the Jeong Runa of the past, I love the current Jeong Runa.
Not the face that I saw through the camera, but the deep, kind and loving heart of the current Jeong Runa.
They say I was a bad person.
I don't want to believe it, but everyone I used to know says so.
You're not like that anymore.
You're warmer, kinder and more considerate than anyone I know.
Jeong Ruby, when your memory returns, will you be able to forgive me? Please forgive me, Jeong Ruby.
Yes? Hi, Runa.
I hope I'm not intruding.
Of course not.
You're always welcome here.
What are you thinking about? Nothing.
The coffee smells so good.
I have a guest and here I am enjoying the coffee by myself.
I'll get you a cup.
Wedding preparations going well? Well, they're going.
Mother must be busy with this and that.
I really like this smell.
What did I tell you? When you come here, I'll be your personal barista.
I came by to give you this.
My mom asked me to make sure your parents and grandmother got these.
Wedding invitations.
I was going to give it to Ruby, but as you know, she's very busy.
I called earlier, but she must been on the air.
You did the right thing.
People send mobile invitations these days, but for the older guests, we thought printed invites would be better, so we got some printed.
Have you gotten wedding rings yet? No.
Not yet.
I got my engagement ring and that's more than enough.
Why aren't you wearing it? Ruby hasn't returned it yet.
She said she'd bring it, but she keeps forgetting.
That's not right.
That ring means a lot.
She'll return it eventually.
Thank you for the coffee.
Are you free for dinner tomorrow? Why? What do you mean why? If you brother-in-law asks, you must always respond with "yes.
" Yes.
Let's have dinner together.
I'll call you.
Oh, you forgot Runa.
I called, but you didn't pick up.
I was doing a show.
What is it? My wedding invitation.
Wedding invitation? Mom said to get it to your in-laws.
Give it to me then.
I'll get it to them.
I just stopped by at Gyeongmin's office and gave them to him.
You gave it to Gyeongmin? You should have given them to me.
Why bother him? You didn't pick up your phone.
You could've waited.
What's the rush? Are you turning into bridezilla? Ruby, why did you say that? That was uncalled for.
Is there a reason why I shouldn't see Gyeongmin? Was it wrong of me to see him? Fine.
Give me my ring.
It may not mean anything to you, but it's important to me.
Give it back right away.
So Ruby's given up on the shoot? I think so.
She hasn't said anything after begging Changgeun for forgiveness.
Changgeun, Gyeongmin didn't do anything wrong.
Why did you have to slap him so hard? It broke my heart.
I'm sorry, mom.
I shouldn't have done that in front of you.
I must've lost my temper.
Don't lose your temper.
It doesn't do the body any good.
In all things, be graceful and thankful.
That's how you stay healthy.
That's what I always say, ma'am.
Hello? Director Kim, how are you? I was waiting for you to call.
Thank you.
Are you busy tomorrow? Tomorrow evening? I have dinner plans.
Really? It is important? The network director wants to meet.
You know Assemblyman Min Jongcheol, right? He's going to be there too.
I don't think I can make it.
Maybe next time.
You know how powerful and important he is.
Cancel your plans, okay? What's so great about meeting a TV network director and a politician? They don't mean anything to me, so don't worry about me, and you go ahead.
How can you have such little ambition? What? You have nothing to lose by befriending powerful people.
Ruby, I I told him you were coming with me.
Regardless, I don't need to meet them, so don't worry about me.
You go ahead.
And What? No.
Why are you being like this? I just don't get you, Jeong Ruby.
Runa, I want to ask you something.
What is it? How do you feel about your upcoming wedding, Ms.
Jeong? Let's see.
Not sure what's a dream and what's reality.
I have no idea what's going on.
When you're with the man you love, do you hear wedding bells, Ms.
Jeong? Maybe.
But I prefer music to wedding bells.
Like a happy piano sonata? One more Enough.
Let Runa eat.
I don't think I'd be able to eat if my wedding were around the corner.
My heart would be pounding so hard.
My heart's pounding away from anger.
It's pounding from rage.
Ask Insu to set me up with a nice single guy.
Stop being ridiculous.
We're talking about guys because we're all girls.
That's why you'll be alone forever.
I have no regrets about living alone.
I raised two great daughters on my own.
I suppose you're right.
I haven't even managed to raise a puppy.
When are you going meeting Insu's parents? Some time next week.
They can't come to Seoul.
They're old, so you should go to see them.
Have you picked out a wedding dress? Thank you very much for watching.
Good job.
Good job.
- Good job.
- Thank you.
Hello? Hello.
Come on in.
Sit down.
I heard you're getting married.
It's happening faster than I expected.
But you two have dated for quite a while.
Open it.
Is this? It's a wedding dress.
I wasn't sure how you'd feel about getting a wedding dress from me as a gift, but then again, you're my sister-in-law's sister.
Since you're family, I thought it might be okay.
But this is way too much.
I don't know whether you'll like it or not I do.
It's gorgeous.
The thing is, I thought of it this morning.
I wanted to give it to you before you went shopping for wedding dresses.
I designed it myself while I was in the States.
I wanted to become a famous fashion designer.
But my dad made me give it up for marketing.
I see.
My professor showered me with praises when I made this dress.
You have to know that.
You, Mr.
Na, Me and Ruby We've got some unexplainable bond.
I would've gotten you a gift anyway, so In any case, I hope you like it.
I love it.
Insu will love it too.
What are you doing? Ruby, isn't this pretty? Director Bae Sera gave it to me as a gift.
Director Bae? Who is it? That's for me to know.
What do you think? It's nice, right? Have I been here with you before? You suit each other.
Who told you to seduce your in-law? It wasn't some random woman.
It was my sister-in-law, your only sister.
What does my sister mean to you? Why are you here at this hour? Who made you come here? Why Ruby? Why? What did you ask him to take care of? See you next time
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