Till The End of The Moon (2023) s01e36 Episode Script

Episode 36

What? Are you quitting the Heartless Way?
It's not like that, Father.
I cannot set aside my emotions.
I don't think
I will ever make a breakthrough.
I'm not fated to attain godhood.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, Father.
Get up.
Susu, are you sure
that Jiumin is the one?
Would that be fine with you, Father?
Silly child,
my opinion doesn't matter.
You know better than anyone
if he is a decent guy.
Besides, he was able
to refine the Heart-Guarding Scale.
And that's enough to prove
that he has the kindest and purest soul.
He's a reliable man you can count on.
It doesn't matter if you can ascend.
Whatever your decision may be,
as long as you are safe and content,
I will be happy for you.
If you find yourself on the wrong path,
have no fear.
Just turn around.
I will always
be there for you.
Thank you, Father.
And don't worry
about the evil bone.
I'll think of something.
So you do have the evil bone.
Why didn't you tell me?
Do you know
how many people crave its power?
Was it Jiumin's idea to keep it from us?
He must want to retrieve the evil bone.
That's why he's sticking around.
That's not true.
He only found out a while ago.
I didn't want to tell anyone
because I thought
it would bring undeserved disasters.
How could you have been so careless?
You don't understand
the scale of its power.
You may have a pure spiritual body
that can't be corrupted
by normal devil energy,
but this is the evil bone
we're talking about.
Even the Heavenly Pillar failed
to contain it.
What makes you think you can?
I didn't have a choice at the time.
Only after trading my immortal marrow
for his evil bone
did I realize that it was indestructible.
I could only seal it in my body.
The Devil Sound Spell again.
Nian Baiyu,
I summoned you today
because I have a mission for you.
What exactly do you want?
Everyone knows
that he no longer has the evil bone.
If anything,
he has no value to you anymore.
That is none of your concern.
Just bring me the devil fetus
and leave the rest to me.
-Nian Baiyu.
Don't forget
why you are here.
Unless you want all of them to die,
you will do as you're told.
Siying and Jingmie are coming
for the devil fetus.
Have they realized where the evil bone is?
I had better take action.
Time is of the essence.
Susu, after a lengthy discussion,
Dimian and I have decided
to join hands to cast the Yin-Yang Array
for you at midnight in three days
to nullify the evil bone's power.
It's for our peace of mind.
Well, Father,
I know you two have been chewing it over
all day and night.
I can't describe how thankful I am.
Not to mention Uncle Zhaoyou.
He has been rushing around
making wedding arrangements.
The Three Realms are at peace.
In the immortal sects,
there are no pressing matters
aside from your and Jiumin's wedding.
We couldn't be happier for you.
For now, put everything else behind you.
Speaking of which,
we owe a debt of gratitude to Dimian.
We were mistaken about him.
Since the Devil-Subduing Peak incident,
he has been feeling guilty
for wrongly accusing Jiumin.
But being naturally unexpressive,
he left it unsaid.
When he heard about your good news,
he insisted on
suppressing the evil bone for you
even if it costs his life's cultivation.
He said it is the only way
you and Jiumin can live a carefree life.
He also said
to consider it an apology to Jiumin.
And it's about time
you showed it to her.
Is this
a rooster-shaped stone?
It's a tiger.
He made it for you
out of lava from Barren Abyss.
He always wanted
to give it to you in person.
In Barren Abyss,
I thought about it every day.
Most people give tiger plushies
to their children.
But in Barren Abyss,
there was nothing but stones.
Lava rocks are hard
and I was weak.
I had to strike the rock
a little every day
until it took the shape I desired.
When I finally saw my daughter,
you were all grown up.
I haven't done enough for you.
Now I just want to do whatever I can
to make it up to you.
I'll take good care of this tiger.
I have good news.
My fathers have found a way
to suppress the evil bone.
They will cast an array in three days.
How did your birth father know
the evil bone is in your body?
He heard me talking to Father
about it.
He isn't an outsider anyway.
He is actually a very gentle man.
As long as the evil bone is suppressed,
we can have a long life together.
Don't you want to have a proper wedding
with me this time?
All right.
Once it is done,
I'll pick you up with betrothal gifts.
We shall get married again.
What makes you think I'll say yes?
Don't you know?
Chief Qu already approved it.
I have his permission
to be by your side forever.
It's too late to back out now.
Aren't you worried
that I'll drive spikes into you again?
Is that
a yes?
You only hear what you want to hear.
Let me tell you.
According to Mount Changze's tradition,
we're not allowed
to see each other before the wedding.
Make sure to prepare well.
My fathers might call off the wedding
if you fail to meet their standards.
All right.
I'll wait for you.
I'll bring plenty of betrothal gifts
and come for you
when you emerge from seclusion.
It's your turn.
You old geezer,
what's wrong with you?
You're not playing chess or drinking.
Your mind is wandering off elsewhere.
This is something big.
Have a sip of tea first.
What do you say
about what we discussed last time?
Do me the honor.
After your beloved disciple
joins my Hengyang Sect,
will you regret it?
Qu, thank you for saving Jiumin.
Although he's the devil fetus,
he faintly resembled a god
when he refined the Heart-Guarding Scale.
That is sufficient proof that his mind
is steadfastly on the right path.
In time,
he can take on the responsibility
of protecting the people.
You get so serious
when you talk about him.
You're right.
Well, thank you, Chief Qu.
I'll see you in three days.
Planning a wedding is a lot of work.
But Lady of Spirituality,
do you remember to meditate
at the lake every day?
What about you, Cang Jiumin?
Besides coming to Hengyang Sect every day
to peep at Lady of Spirituality,
do you cultivate diligently?
-Ms. Susu!
-Ms. Susu!
You ask her.
Ms. Susu, have you noticed
that strange people
keep showing up lately?
Cang Jiumin, be patient.
After tomorrow,
we can be together forever.
Our classes are canceled tomorrow.
Chief Qu said he is going
into seclusion for a day.
Why? What's happening?
I heard that Ms. Susu
is also going into seclusion.
And Lord of Evil as well.
Do you think
something big is going
to happen in the sect?
Something big?
The devil fetus has no power.
What can happen?
I think it's likely something joyous,
not something bad.
Yes, but Cang Jiumin
isn't worthy of Lady of Spirituality.
He is the Devil God
who is millions of years old.
I don't know what Chief Qu is thinking.
Keep your voice down.
That evil cultivator, Nian Baiyu,
is staying nearby.
What is going on here?
Lord of Evil, Devil God,
and an evil cultivator
are all at Mount Changze.
All right, that's enough.
Keep silent.
you will lose all your senses later.
But don't be afraid.
You just have to trust us.
Thank you both.
Silly girl,
no need to thank me.
Uncle Zhaoyou will come tomorrow
with betrothal gifts
to propose marriage on Jiumin's behalf.
We'll then be celebrating
two joyous occasions.
Let's get started.
What is on your mind?
You look happy.
Did something good happen?
We've found the Devil Palace's entrance.
We only need one thing from Hengyang Sect
and my lord will be resurrected soon.
This will determine our success.
I've been thinking a lot lately
after waking up.
Whether god, demon, or human,
we all exist only for a short time.
So being good to yourself
is the most important of all.
Go after what you want.
You've dedicated your all
to the Devil God.
But have you thought about what you want?
I want whatever my lord wants.
don't be silly.
You've given so much for the Devil God.
But what has he done for you?
He doesn't need to do anything for me.
I did everything willingly.
I'll be leaving now.
If all goes well,
the next time we meet
will be in the Devil God's presence.
It's midnight and the array has ended.
Why hasn't Susu woken up?
She doesn't look good.
Did something go wrong?
What could go wrong?
Isn't the evil bone coming out?
What's going on?
No, why is this happening?
What's going on?
Isn't the array supposed
to suppress the evil bone?
The Sky-Slashing Sword?
If only you could judge a man's character
as accurately as you judge a weapon.
That's right.
It's the Sky-Slashing Sword,
the third devil weapon.
10,000 years ago,
I stabbed the Devil God with it.
That was why he sealed me in Barren Abyss.
Everyone thought that it was missing
like the other devil weapons.
In reality, it has always been with me.
I've misjudged you.
I can't believe it.
You have been after the evil bone
from the very beginning.
Chief Qu,
I actually admire an upright man like you.
When I first met Chuhuang,
I did want to be
a faithful and good lover.
Unfortunately, the Devil God's power
is too tempting.
In order to obtain that power one day,
I had no choice but to betray Chuhuang
and go over to the Devil God.
Then I met this child.
After I reunited
with Susu,
I was determined to make it up to her
and be a good father.
However, fate makes fools out of us all.
You can only blame this child
for having such a close connection
with the evil bone.
Don't hurt Susu!
She is my daughter.
How could I have the heart to kill her?
After I take out the evil bone,
she only needs to survive the injury
to lead a peaceful life.
As her adoptive father,
you've worked hard for so many years
to raise her.
you can rest in peace.
You've made me wait for 10,000 years!
Finally, it's my time
to take control of the Devil God's power!
You have nearly exhausted
all your spiritual power.
And you've been stabbed
by the Sky-Slashing Sword.
Why bother to struggle needlessly?
You greedy man.
You covet the power of the Devil God.
Yet you spoke to me about karma.
Even if I use up all my cultivation
and lose my bodily form,
I won't let you take the evil bone!
Utter fool!
Whatever your decision may be,
as long as you are safe and content,
I will be happy for you.
If you find yourself on the wrong path,
have no fear.
Just turn around.
I will always
be there for you.
Thank you, Father.
I'm sorry.
I cannot
be there for you.
Yao Wei, something bad happened.
Let's go.
Something bad has happened.
I need to get my lord out of here.
Where am I?
Well, Tantai Jin?
You said you would return to Barren Abyss
when the time is right.
I've found
the Devil Palace's entrance for you.
There's no better time than now.
Why am I here?
What exactly is going on?
My lord, I've bid farewell to the chief.
Before leaving,
I want to catch up with you.
Baiyu, why are you suddenly leaving?
I'm worried about my family.
I've been gone too long.
My lord.
Your situation hasn't improved
even if the two chiefs
defended you fiercely
at the Devil-Subduing Peak.
Have you thought about leaving here
and going back to the Yiyue Tribe with me?
I'm not a saint.
I don't like being subjected to criticism
and having my life dictated by others.
as long as I can be with Susu,
I can tolerate all of it.
My lord.
I heard
that you're going
to marry Lady of Spirituality
and stay here forever.
But do you not care
about Yiyue Tribe anymore?
My maternal tribe.
Speaking of which, I'm ill-fated.
All who are connected to me
meet with disasters.
Perhaps staying away from me
means staying away from trouble.
This is the best way
to protect my maternal tribe.
My lord.
Do you ever miss the days
when you could command multitudes
as a ruler in the mortal world?
When you were the king of Jing,
under your governance,
things were in good order
and people lived in peace.
Don't you want to return to that position
and protect your maternal tribe?
I don't know if I miss it.
It has been 500 years.
Many things
feel like dreamy illusions.
only this bright moon
is eternal and unchanging.
your sidekick has some skills.
He really brought you back
without anyone knowing.
It was Nian Baiyu.
No, now is not the time
to think about these things.
Susu is waiting for me.
I need to find a way to get back quickly.
Cang Jiumin,
you're finally back here.
Doesn't it feel familiar?
I've never been here before.
Why would I find it familiar?
This is the gate to the Devil Realm
and the residence
of the Devil God's true form.
You were born with the evil bone.
How could you not recognize this gate?
What are you hesitating for?
You are afraid.
You're afraid
that everything will be proven true.
Since they were able to bring me here,
they must have a foolproof plan.
Forcing my way out won't work.
I'll comply with them first
and find a chance to escape.
Is this your home?
It's so big.
What is that?
It's like an animal's den.
Monü and I
used to call a cave by the Chi River home.
Then the gods captured us for refining.
We have had no home since then.
This will be your home from now on.
He really is the Devil God.
He's the Devil God
that we've been searching for.
What nonsense are you talking about?
If he weren't the Devil God,
how could he lift the interdict
placed on the Devil Realm's gate?
Forget it.
You won't understand.
In any case,
there is no Cang Jiumin
or Tantai Jin.
He can
only be the Devil God.
Come to see me now.
You will get the answers
to all the riddles.
Who exactly are you?
Who exactly are you?
I'm asking you now.
I'm asking you now.
I'll ask you again.
Who exactly are you?
Or just let me tell you
who you should be
how I was born.
I was born from natural disasters.
Thank you, doctor.
Be careful when you get home.
Do you need treatment?
Come in, please.
My chest hurts.
-Please give me medicine.
-We're not doing charity.
So you don't have any money. Leave!
What are you looking at?
Aren't you broke too?
You don't get to see a doctor.
Get lost!
All right, there you go.
Stop running, you thief!
I'm going to beat you to death!
Are you blind?
What are you doing?
-What are you doing?
-Behave yourself!
Don't you know who I am?
-Welcome back, my lord!
-Welcome back, my lord!
-Welcome back, my lord!
-Welcome back, my lord!
-Welcome back, my lord!
-Welcome back, my lord!
Sins are my responsibility.
Gods are the light of this world.
And I am
the shadow of this world.
That is why I can't leave this world.
I was alone
in the Devil Realm for so long.
Suddenly one day,
I figured something out.
There are sins in this world
because there is
too much pain and happiness,
starvation and satiety,
and chaos and order.
These are all born relative to each other.
It has been so
since the beginning of time.
If that is the case,
pain cannot be eliminated.
Why can't I
go the other way around
and take away the light from this world?
All lives
shall be swallowed in murkiness
and forever wallow in agony.
To create a peaceful world
without happiness or sadness,
I created the All-Grieving Way.
When the dichotomy
between purity and impurity
no longer exists,
there will be no more sins.
When I achieve this goal,
the Three Realms will return to the chaos
from which I was born
and I will be free.
Dream on.
Ms. Susu, you're awake.
Little Moon.
What happened to me?
Cang Jiumin stole your evil bone.
You were injured and unconscious.
Slowly. Are you trying to get up?
Be careful.
What do you mean
by that?
Ms. Susu.
Cang Jiumin killed Chief Qu,
seriously injured Lord of Evil,
and took away the evil bone.
Nobody knows where he went.
You will lose all your senses later.
But don't be afraid.
You just have to trust us.
Thank you both.
Silly girl,
no need to thank me.
Ms. Susu.
How can this be?
Tantai Jin did this.
That can't be.
He wouldn't!
Whatever your decision may be,
as long as you are safe and content,
I will be happy for you.
Ms. Susu.
Cang Jiumin killed Chief Qu,
seriously injured Lord of Evil,
and took away the evil bone.
Nobody knows where he went.
What are you planning
to do to Tantai Jin?
All sects will hunt him down.
If he resists,
they will kill him on the spot.
Don't kill him.
He wouldn't do such a thing.
Li Susu.
Master's body isn't even cold yet.
Yet you're begging for mercy
for the murderer?
Shouldn't he pay with his life
for killing Master?
No, there must be some misunderstanding.
I know Tantai Jin the best.
I beg you to give him a chance
to tell the truth before he is killed.
The facts are clear to see.
You just don't want to believe them.
You were like this on Devil-Subduing Peak.
To protect Tantai Jin,
you hid the evil bone's whereabouts.
If it weren't for this,
Master wouldn't be dead.
Hengyang Sect wouldn't be in disgrace.
I'm ordering you
as chief of Hengyang Sect.
From today on,
you are not to leave your room.
I'm still in the Devil Palace.
My mark is in the shape
of a phoenix feather.
It's very beautiful.
Susu's phoenix feather mark woke me.
My lord, you're awake.
Please eat something.
Baiyu, answer me.
Why are you helping them?
My lord,
I don't understand
why you refuse to be the Devil God.
In the past,
you were so thirsty for power.
I'm no longer the human king Tantai Jin.
I'm the immortal sect disciple
Cang Jiumin.
Then what if it is for Yiyue Tribe?
What does this have to do with the tribe?
500 years ago,
soon after you entered the Nether River,
Siying and Jingmie came to Yiyue Tribe.
They said that Yiyue Tribe made a pact
with the ancient Devil God
to birth and raise the devil fetus.
They said we would violate the pact
if we didn't hand over the devil fetus.
Only by finding you
can we be spared from genocide.
That's why I was forced
to work for them.
I hoped that one day,
I could help my people regain freedom.
There is only one way to save them now.
You have to become
the Devil God.
Please, my lord.
Please save them.
These people include my mother
and the Moonshadow Guards
who once served you!
I'm begging you, my lord!
Please save our people.
Become the Devil God that they want.
Please, my lord!
I know
you want to save them as soon as possible.
But if I do what they ask,
the Devil God will be revived.
What will become of the world's lives?
The Yiyue people do matter,
but countless lives in the world
are just as important.
What a righteous speech.
Cang Jiumin, you're truly something else.
Who would've thought
that the one
who least wants the Devil God revived
is actually his devil fetus?
You promised me
that you won't hurt my lord.
Why are you getting worked up?
Take a look at your lord.
Does he seem worried for his life?
You had better not lose yours
before you can save anyone else.
Get out.
I'm going
to have a chat with our Devil God.
aren't you afraid that I'll kill you first
after I become the Devil God?
As long as my lord can be resurrected,
my life
is worth nothing.
Remove your hand.
Cang Jiumin.
This flesh of yours
is the Devil God's shell.
I wouldn't damage it for no reason.
After 10,000 years,
I can finally see this face again.
I'm in a good mood today.
Let me tell you a story.
Have you seen this yellow-red umbrella?
She's not an artifact spirit,
but my sister.
Her name is Monü.
And my name is Siying.
We were born by the Chi River
and we were all each other had.
We lived our lives without worries.
Wait for me.
Until one day,
the immortal realm's War God Tianhao
took us away.
He put my sister
into the Fire Quadripod for refining.
Later, it was my lord
who killed Tianhao
and saved me.
My sister's spirit was damaged.
My lord sent it to the mortal world
to experience tribulations.
Her body
was fused with this umbrella
and has always been by my side.
From then on,
my lord has been my eternal benefactor.
But 10,000 years have passed.
Even my sister's spirit has returned.
Yet my lord hasn't been resurrected.
I feel guilty for failing my lord.
Is this the reason you do evil for him?
That's not the whole truth.
Although we do bring drought
and eat passing travelers,
that's just our nature.
Everything is for survival.
Just like how beasts hunt,
we are observing the laws of nature.
Why were only the two of us
punished by the gods?
Was what the gods did to me and my sister
the universal truth?
I want the world order to collapse.
Only my lord's All-Grieving Way
can rule the world.
How stupid.
Do you know
that blood ties
and family relationships
are the foundations of the world order?
You adopt this deceptive narrative
to cover up your hatred for this world.
You attempt
to confuse this world's original order.
But your hatred toward this world
originated from your love for your sister.
The world didn't fail you.
If you do this,
how are you any different from Tianhao
who hurt you and your sister?
You keep searching
for a shell that is not your lord
because you can't let go
of your obsession.
What you want
is but an illusion after all.
Your reasoning
is self-contradictory.
After living 10,000 years,
you are still so foolish.
How pathetic.
Shut up!
I would pull your tongue out right now
if you weren't still useful for my lord.
Are you going to kill me?
Why would I kill my lord?
You're the devil fetus
that we've waited 10,000 years for.
Why don't you let me serve you?
Just accept your fate.
I knew you wouldn't give up on returning
to your sect so easily.
How about I show you something good?
While you were sleeping just now,
your subordinates didn't slack off.
Jingmie already sent the good news
that you have returned to the Devil Realm
to the immortal sects.
What's wrong with him?
He doesn't look right.
I present a gift to you
on behalf of
the Devil God's two defenders.
What's going on?
Yes, what happened to him?
Trying to play tricks?
Thank you, Hengyang Sect,
for keeping the devil fetus alive for us.
Now Cang Jiumin has returned
to Barren Abyss.
The Devil Palace has been reopened.
The Devil God
will soon be revived.
Is the Devil God really coming?
So Cang Jiumin did harbor evil designs!
What should we do now?
What should we do?
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