Till The End of The Moon (2023) s01e37 Episode Script

Episode 37

Now that Cang Jiumin
has returned to Barren Abyss
and Devil Palace
has been activated once again,
it won't be long
before the Devil God's return.
None of this would have happened
if both Hengyang and Xiaoyao Sects
hadn't shielded that evil being.
This is something unforgivable.
We are a leaderless group
in the face of a very powerful enemy.
As the chief of Chixiao Sect,
I'm happy to take on the leadership role.
What do you guys think?
You're absolutely right, Chief Cen.
Great Medicine Valley is at your service.
Resources Sect is with you too.
Now, chiefs,
get back
and gather your disciples at once.
I'll lead you all
to Barren Abyss in three days.
We'll take Cang Jiumin out.
See? They hate you to the core.
There's no place for you
other than Devil Palace in this world.
Chief Qu was killed.
This is bad.
Susu is in danger.
What's wrong?
What's on your mind?
Are you wondering
who killed Chief Qu?
Only three people were at the scene.
Chief Qu is dead.
Li Susu is unconscious
with serious injuries.
Only Dimian knows the whole story.
All immortal sects are convinced
that you were hiding Sky-Slashing Sword
and killed the chief.
They thought you stole the evil bone
trapped inside Li Susu
and returned here.
It was all you.
Take a guess.
To pin Chief Qu's murder
on me.
But why did you have to hurt Susu?
That wasn't us.
We would've brought her here too
if we knew that
the evil bone was inside her body.
However, it doesn't matter.
As long as we retrieve the evil bone
and insert it into your body,
my lord will be revived.
The Sky-Slashing Sword…
Dimian killed Chief Qu with the sword
and stole the bone afterward.
You're smart.
Cang Jiumin.
I suggest you let go of the past
and move on.
You wanted to be good,
but what was meant to be
had found its way to you.
The people you care about,
the people you love,
they are all going to die because of you.
Do you still remember what my lord said?
Cang Jiumin.
He'll join the immortal sect.
He'll mistakenly believe
he's capable of overcoming evil with good.
He'll bask in the warmth
of friendships and emotional bonds
only to realize it's all but a dream.
Susu has suffered terribly on my behalf
due to the evil bone.
Maybe Nian Baiyu was right.
Stop right there.
I see it now.
I won't
be pushed around anymore.
You people kept telling me
that morphing into the Devil God
was my calling.
Fine. I'll accept my fate.
I'm glad you came around.
With Qu Xuanzi dead,
Cang Jiumin has gone,
and all immortal sects
focusing their attention
on exterminating the devil fetus,
I'm able to lay low
and take time to heal.
I've got luck on my side.
The evil bone has enormous power.
I can't fuse with it just yet
or it could backfire.
Now that I have the evil bone
and Sky-Slashing Sword,
I'll just have to wait
for the right time
to retrieve Bone-Refining Seal
and God-Slaughtering Crossbow.
Dimian, Susu is awake.
She's heartbroken.
Would you please go check on her?
It would be greatly appreciated.
Right. I almost forgot about Susu.
Hopefully, she hasn't
pieced it all together.
Apologies, Father.
You came to see me.
It should've been the other way around.
Don't worry about it.
You're still grieving
over Chief Qu's death.
It's perfectly understandable
that you're too overwhelmed to visit me.
You already know what happened, don't you?
I did a terrible job
of protecting…
I, too, was stabbed by him.
Only you were there.
Can you tell me what really happened?
We were very close
to completing the formation.
Both Chief Qu and I were drained.
That was when
Cang Jiumin showed up out of nowhere.
I recognized his weapon.
It was the Devil God's Sky-Slashing Sword.
He attacked Chief Qu
and before I was knocked unconscious,
I saw him cast a spell on you
and walk off with something black.
Bone-Refining Seal
isn't the first devil weapon
I came into contact with.
There's also a devil crossbow
that has fused into my body.
Tantai Jin told me about
God-Slaughtering Crossbow himself.
If he had Sky-Slashing Sword,
he would've told me too.
If he did have the sword
and was truly determined to kill,
I don't think anyone
could have survived it.
Are you absolutely sure
that it was Sky-Slashing Sword?
I was once a leader of demons.
I know Sky-Slashing Sword when I see it.
I wish I was strong enough
to protect Chief Qu.
This helplessness reminds me
of my days back in the Devil Realm.
The devil fetus
is the root of the Devil God.
Nothing is going to change that.
I should've known
that he wasn't being sincere.
I was wrong
about him.
You must cut him out of your life
and move on.
Don't repeat my mistake.
It's getting late.
I should probably go.
Rest well, Susu.
This is the only way to get to the truth.
Yaoguang, I need to see you.
This place looks even more lifeless
than it did 10,000 years ago.
How did you know that?
Are you questioning me?
It's unsafe for you to be around Dimian.
I have to do this to keep you safe.
Are you two
all that I have?
What do you mean?
Ten thousand years ago,
Dimian changed sides
and worked against me
in league with the gods.
I want the evil bone returned
and him to welcome me on his knees
in front of Devil Palace
when I'm restored.
our scouts outside Barren Abyss
have reported back.
Jiumin is in Barren Abyss.
How is he?
Siying and Jingmie were bowing to him
as if they were serving him.
Those were their exact words.
Don't tell anybody about this.
Jiumin must have had his reasons.
However, right now,
those short-sighted fools
from Chixiao Sect
are calling the shots around here.
We are the only ones who trust Jiumin.
No, there's one more person.
How is your recovery coming along?
Yaoguang told me that
you usually take care
of your own injuries.
I know a thing or two
about healing wounds.
I could examine yours.
I'm good.
I've been a demon for over 10,000 years.
My blood would contaminate you.
Well, I'm your daughter. I'll be fine.
I've lost one of my fathers.
All the more reasons to be there for you.
Are you sure you want to do this?
All right.
I shall not let your filial piety
go unappreciated.
Come on in.
I'm just worried
that the nasty wound will scare you.
Is there something
you're afraid to show me?
I've been around for 10,000 years,
yet our time spent together
was less than a tenth
of your time spent with Chief Qu.
I feel so guilty.
He was a busy man.
I didn't always get his attention.
However, he was noble and honest
and had a big heart.
Growing up
with such positive influences in my life
is truly the luckiest thing
to ever happen to me.
Yaoguang, did you examine
my father's wound?
Was he really stabbed
by Sky-Slashing Sword?
He said he has been a demon
for over 10,000 years
and heals himself
with his own demonic energy,
so I didn't examine it.
The wound…
It was caused by Father.
Don't be scared.
They will find you
soon enough.
Where do you think you're going?
So it was a ploy by you
and my daughter?
That's right.
Dimian, you aren't
getting out of here today.
Hand the evil bone over.
Have you found the Devil Palace?
Cut the crap.
Hand the evil bone over
and I'll grant you an easy death.
Do you think
you can get the evil bone?
Don't waste time on this old man.
We can't let Dimian get away.
This is bad.
I received another wound before I healed.
This won't do.
They've found the Devil Palace.
I must absorb
the evil bone's power right off the bat
so that those two fools will get nothing.
Uncle Zhaoyou.
Uncle Zhaoyou.
Are you all right?
Come on.
Just now,
Siying and Jingmie appeared.
Did they want to rescue Dimian?
They had the same goal as us,
which was to seize Dimian
and take back the evil bone.
Since we failed,
I'm sure Dimian will absorb
the evil bone at all costs.
I'm afraid that will be irrecoverable.
By the way,
where is Jiwu?
He heard that Chief Cen
and others had set out,
so he summoned the disciples
to catch up with them.
Jiwu has been troubled lately.
He'll be digging his own grave
by rushing to Barren Abyss.
That won't do.
Someone must stop him now.
-Then I'll go to stop Jiwu right now.
-All right.
Let's split up.
I'll go after Dimian.
-Welcome back, Devil God.
-Welcome back, Devil God.
-Welcome back, Devil God.
-Welcome back, Devil God.
-Welcome back, Devil God.
-Welcome back, Devil God.
-Welcome back, Devil God.
-Welcome back, Devil God.
-Welcome back, Devil God.
-Welcome back, Devil God.
My lord, we hardly made it.
Dimian got away.
Shall we send all the demons after him?
Instead, I'll call them all back.
I'll command all the demons and devils
and revive Barren Abyss.
Dimian has left with the evil bone,
which means Susu is free from the turmoil.
She should be safe now.
Master won't let Dimian escape.
But this pair of devils and Barren Abyss…
If they get the evil bone back
and fuse it with my body…
I'll definitely not repeat
the advent of the Devil God.
No. Tantai Jin is up to something.
You two are my trusted aides.
Come with me into the palace.
Demons are gathering.
Something serious might happen.
The cloak
that Chongyu Harp transforms into
can temporarily make me
invisible to common demons
and help me get into Barren Abyss.
I hope I'm not too late.
Demons from all over the world
have gathered in Barren Abyss.
This is the right time.
-My lord.
-What's the matter?
You've been around for centuries.
Have you ever heard of Xiaoyao Sect's
Incarnation-Abandoning Array?
Cang Jiumin.
What are you trying to pull?
Cang Jiumin.
These runes only hurt demons.
It seems like an immortal technique.
My feet are stuck.
Cast away my incarnation
together with the Devil Realm.
If I die,
what else can you count on
to welcome your Devil God back?
Tantai Jin.
What exactly are you afraid of?
You actually tried
to take your own life like an idiot?
I'm not afraid.
You're the one who's afraid.
What a joke.
Do you think a perished incarnation
can prevent my return?
You think too highly of yourself.
Is that so?
Since the Devil God
has everything under control,
why bother advising me to stop?
Tantai Jin.
You chose to sacrifice your life so soon.
What a pity.
Tantai Jin.
Why did you choose to die?
So the Heart-Guarding Scale
still retained a sliver
of your divine consciousness.
That's right.
You've managed to awaken it again
by using the divine soul
to refine the Heart-Guarding Scale.
I see.
The Incarnation-Abandoning Array
is entering its last phase.
It's not too late for you to stop.
My very birth comes from
the Devil God's evil thoughts.
If my destruction
can save the world and its beings,
my existence won't be in vain.
Joys and sorrows of the world are no more
than the appearance
and disappearance of love.
Tantai Jin, you were born
for the Devil God's sake.
If so, what do you die for?
I know
that life is priceless,
but since my death
can prevent more deaths,
I prefer to safeguard this place.
I want to safeguard everything behind me,
just like how you wanted
to safeguard the Mohe River.
Once, you asked me
why I selected you
to enter my Fleeting-Life Prajna.
Do you understand now?
During that war,
the evil bone which was sealed away
fell into the mortal world
as the Pillar of Heaven scattered.
The Devil God will use the evil bone
to select a devil fetus
for his resurrection.
I had used up all of my divine power.
All I could do was to leave
my Fleeting-Life Prajna at the Mohe River.
Jize had seen shadows of both of you
in Sangjiu and me.
I knew
that you were certain to come.
Your death can't end
the Devil God's existence,
while your existence can start his death.
Now, I've done what I could.
Tantai Jin.
It's time for you to make a choice.
Our 10,000-year affinity ends here.
What happened?
Without that protective artifact,
I'm afraid
we would already be dead by now.
You were right.
Cang Jiumin is indeed full of tricks.
We must retrieve the evil bone
and awaken the Devil God.
Nian Baiyu.
Your master has been
deprived of cultivation.
I don't think he can play any more tricks.
Watch him closely.
We'll insert the evil bone into his body
and the Devil God will be resurrected
when we return after a few days.
As for your tribesmen,
they will all be free.
Did you smell that?
I think I smell humans.
Over there.
After her.
The entrance to Barren Abyss
is ahead of us.
Chief Cen, should we keep going?
Barren Abyss is where demons gather.
They know the terrain better than us.
If I send our disciples
into the abyss rashly,
I'm afraid we'll suffer heavy casualties.
However, the evil bone
and the devil fetus are at Devil Palace.
Demons everywhere are gathering here.
If this goes on,
the Devil God
will be resurrected in no time.
If he takes the chance
to activate All-Grieving Way,
everything will be too late.
Lord Liuzhi,
you're getting a little impatient.
How about this?
You can send your disciples into the abyss
and scout it out first.
I thank you on behalf of all sects.
-Back at Devil-Subduing Peak,
Hengyang and Xiaoyao Sects
vouched for the devil fetus.
Now it has escaped,
which has led to a disaster.
I'm willing to lead the two sects
to enter the abyss first.
We'll locate the devil fetus.
Chief Gongye.
I understand how eager you are
to make up for your mistake.
Although Hengyang Sect has made
an irredeemable mistake,
we cultivators always try
to be magnanimous.
I guess I'll have
to give you this chance.
Thank you, Chief Cen.
Notify us if you discover anything.
There are too few of you.
Don't fight them head-on.
Lord of Evil.
Devil God?
It's impossible.
I've already absorbed the evil bone.
It's mine now.
I'm the Devil God now.
Lord of Evil.
You didn't disappoint me after all.
Do you think you can replace me
and steal my powers
after absorbing the evil bone?
All greedy beings in the world
will end up as the vessel
of the evil bone.
You're mine now.
I'm not Siying.
I couldn't care less
about reviving the Devil God.
Now that you've lost all of your powers
and have no way to fight back,
why don't I just
eat you?
My lord, it's all my fault.
If you'd rather die than be the Devil God,
I'd definitely get you out of here.
I wouldn't be here today without Master.
However, besides him,
there was another person
I was greatly indebted to.
That person is you.
Back when I was still a hostage,
my siblings plotted against me.
I was injured and stranded.
You risked your life to find me,
helped me return to the Jing Kingdom
and ascend the throne.
when I lost all hope because of Ye Xiwu,
you risked your life again
-to save me from the fire.
-Your Majesty.
Without you,
there wouldn't be me.
I could never find her again
without your help.
I wouldn't take the credit.
It's the blessing
that you're born with.
I was born as the devil fetus
with the evil bone.
You call that a blessing?
In this vast Mount Changze,
there's no one else but you
who can drink with me now.
Who's sneaking around?
Your blood smells complex.
I haven't tasted this in quite a while.
It does taste special.
Loyalty, naivety,
and a bit of bitter guilt.
So are you here because of your loyalty
or your guilt?
I'm here to save my lord.
He took me as a friend,
but I betrayed him.
I must save him at the expense of my life.
Your blood contains the rich taste I love.
I shall grant you your wish then.
You're cunning indeed.
It's not easy to cultivate
for 1,000 years.
Set him free and I'll set you free.
Set me free?
I'll suck your blood dry.
My lord.
You can only turn into me.
So that was the life of the devil fetus?
I said let him go.
It tastes awful.
Your blood can absorb our demonic power.
Only the Devil God
is capable of this feat.
-You're truly the Devil God.
However, you're a little different
from him.
Your blood contains
a slight sweetness
and a touch of sunshine.
Although it was a tiny bit,
I could taste them.
What was that?
Let's go.
My lord.
They're finally engaging us head-on.
You'd better escape
while Siying and Jingmie aren't around.
But they told you to keep an eye on me.
I shouldn't have believed what they said
and acted on my own initiative.
It's pointless to say this now.
Let's escape from this place first.
You saved me
without telling Siying and Jingmie.
They will find out eventually.
What's your plan?
Worst-case scenario, I'll die here.
What about the people of Yiyue Tribe?
I can't just sit idly by
and let them kill you.
So this is your plan.
You're putting the whole tribe at stake
just to save me?
I'll escort you out first.
Then I'll think of something.
If I can't save them,
I'll die with them.
Let's figure out a solution together.
Thank you, my lord.
These people
are from my tribe as well.
Let's go.
-Be careful. You're hurt.
-I'm fine.
We've almost arrived.
The exit is right ahead.
Devil fetus, you're such a troublemaker.
I can't let them know
Nian Baiyu tried to save me.
-My lord, what are you doing?
-Go to hell.
You tried to kick down the ladder
even when you haven't escaped yet?
Those who betray me
will die.
Besides, he was willing to help me escape
after I intimidated him.
I won't keep cowards like him
by my side.
I was wondering
if that guy had a change of heart
after obeying my command
for so many years.
So it was you.
Now, I have one less obedient lackey.
Sorry about that.
How exactly did you get out?
The entire Devil Realm is my residence.
All demons and devils are my subjects.
Do you think you can trap me here?
Don't you think it's hilarious?
Siying spared your life
for our lord's sake.
But you?
You keep ruining my plan
over and over again.
Siying isn't here right now.
I'll kill you and leave your body intact.
This is more than enough.
You killed plenty of our men.
Now, they will seek their revenge.
Suck him dry!
Cang Jiumin.
We shouldn't have spared you.
You're finally willing to use
the powers of the devil.
That's how the Devil God should behave.
I need to get out of here.
What a pity.
He's just a husk after all.
Why don't we just kill him?
What's with the rush?
We haven't retrieved the evil bone yet.
Come on.
Let's bring that brat back.
Show yourself and beg for mercy.
Don't waste my time.
I'll break all your bones when I find you.
Show yourself.
How can I escape?
Judging from the traces
left behind by the devil energy,
Dimian may have absorbed the evil bone.
If he returns to Devil Palace with it,
it will be too late.
Show yourself.
Give me your power.
My lord?
That was his voice.
Dimian is here?
This is the scent of the evil bone.
Help me.
The devil energy
is surging within his body.
Did he absorb the evil bone?
This isn't enough.
It's the evil bone.
The evil bone is absorbing energy.
Run quickly.
My lord.
I still need more power to be resurrected.
That's the Devil God's voice.
Dimian is under the Devil God's control.
My lord.
Are you not willing
to sacrifice yourself for my sake?
My lord, ever since you brought me back,
I had decided
to live and die
for your sake
for all eternity.
My lord, wait for me.
From now on,
I'm a part of you, my lord.
Dimian has the evil bone.
No one can stop him now.
Is he heading to Devil Palace?
Is he going to activate All-Grieving Way?
This is too dangerous.
No way.
I have to inform
the immortal sects immediately.
What should I do?
I won't make it in time like this.
This warning bell was set up by Master.
If I trigger Stone Inscription Array,
the immortal sects
will notice it immediately.
This is the fastest way.
Hurry up.
Trigger the alarm.
This is great.
It's from the warning bell
by Barren Abyss.
The devil energy has triggered the array.
Tantai Jin.
We finally got you.
The devil fetus has appeared.
The evil bone
shouldn't have fused with him yet.
Everyone, initiate the form
together with me.
The Devil-Subduing Formation.
Chief Gongye,
I'm willing to lead
the disciples of Xiaoyao Sect
to capture Cang Jiumin alive.
-Chief Gongye.
He's Tantai Jin.
He's the devil fetus.
He killed Master and stole the evil bone.
He isn't the Cang Jiumin you know anymore.
Even today,
you still feel pity for the devil fetus.
The immortal sects of Four Continents
wouldn't have been forced
into such a predicament
if it weren't
for your womanly benevolence.
Where are they?
Chief Cen is right.
We can't make the same mistake again.
The immortal sects
mustn't show him any mercy.
Otherwise, other immortal sects
will be jeopardized.
Enough said.
This is the time to kill the devil fetus.
Tantai Jin.
You won't get away this time.
Why is no one coming here?
Stop Dimian
before it's too late.
Chief Cen is launching a lethal attack.
I want him to perish
and suffer a terrible fate.
I'll avenge my son's death.
Go and stop Dimian.
Don't let him activate All-Grieving Way.
Chief Gongye.
You were close to Jiumin.
How can you bear to do this…
Cang Jiumin never existed.
He has been the devil fetus all along.
He joined the immortal sect
just to retrieve the evil bone.
Kill him. Kill the devil fetus.
Tantai Jin.
You will pay with your life.
Why is no one coming?
I can't believe he got away.
He won't be able to get away.
Hengyang Sect, follow my order.
Follow me into Barren Abyss.
If you see Tantai Jin,
kill him on sight.
Let's go.
Get up.
Activate it for me.
Open the door
and activate All-Grieving Way.
My plan will come to fruition
after this step.
Who killed you?
Wait for me.
Ten thousand years passed by in a flash.
The evil bone has finally returned
to where it belonged.
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