Till The End of The Moon (2023) s01e38 Episode Script

Episode 38

Are you here to avenge your sister?
You're a demon
while I am now the Devil God.
How dare you challenge me
with your pathetic cultivation level?
Why don't you submit to me,
just as your sister did?
The two of you
can reunite in my body.
I'll be with you soon.
Miss, run!
Another one to be sacrificed.
All of you, come and submit to me
and the All-Grieving Way.
You should feel honored!
I can't believe he is devouring
all the demonic power in the Barren Abyss.
The All-Grieving Way.
What is that?
It's the All-Grieving Way.
Tantai Jin has activated
the All-Grieving Way.
It's the All-Grieving Way.
How can that be?
-Quick! Look!
Look at the sky!
-What is that?
-I have no idea.
What is that?
-I don't know.
What is that?
-This is bad!
The All-Grieving Way is activated!
The All-Grieving Way? What do we do?
Since the All-Grieving Way is activated,
Chixiao Sect disciples,
stop searching
and return to the sect with me now
to build a protective barrier.
Conserve your strength!
Let's go!
We need to hurry back
and cast the Sect Protection Formation.
-It's the All-Grieving Way.
No place in the world is safe.
Yes, even if you have a place to hide,
what about everyone else?
Dimian, stop!
Who has a death wish now?
Dimian is completely controlled
by the Devil God.
He will stop at nothing
to hasten the All-Grieving Way.
I must first try to wake Dimian.
Hurry! Run!
the Devil God has now been resurrected
and the All-Grieving Way is activated.
The Four Continents are doomed.
Whether we fight or not, we'll die.
Will anyone enter Barren Abyss with me
and fight the Devil God to the end?
I will go with you.
I will.
-I will too.
-We will.
I will fight the Devil God to the death.
I will also go with you.
Tantai Jin is cunning.
Now that he has become the Devil God,
he is even more dangerous.
Once you find any trace of Tantai Jin,
immediately send a request for support.
We must work together to kill him.
Do not act rashly
or be bewitched by him.
Devil God,
you failed to ruin my disciple.
Now, you're controlling Dimian
to initiate the All-Grieving Way by force.
I'll destroy your devil's den
before you get any stronger!
Dimian, stop him!
Do you want to destroy
the All-Grieving Way?
I shall have the two of you
perish together with it!
What happened?
The Devil God was controlling you.
The Devil God is gone now.
The devil energy backfired on me.
The All-Grieving Way
has actually been activated.
How lucky I am.
It has been 10,000 years.
It's my turn at last.
I will become the new Devil God.
How come the All-Grieving Way is so weak?
The one activated
by the Devil God 10,000 years ago
wasn't like this!
Is there not enough resentment?
I need to collect more grief,
pain, resentment, and hatred.
Sure enough,
without the Devil God connected to it,
the All-Grieving Way
cannot reach its maximum power.
I understand now.
So this is what fate had in store
for us all along.
you can't possibly escape.
The All-Grieving Way has been activated.
No one can stop it.
Once I collect enough resentment
and continue to fuel the All-Grieving Way,
I shall rule
the Four Continents and Three Realms!
What are you doing here?
The Devil God has come back to life.
It's dangerous here.
Leave now.
I've finally found it.
This should be the core
of the All-Grieving Way.
I was meant to stop the Devil God
from being resurrected.
Since the All-Grieving Way is activated,
no matter who the Devil God is,
I must fight him to the death.
Bless and protect me.
I'm so happy
that you are here.
Thanks to you,
I did not lose my life.
Whether you believe me or not,
whether you hate me or not,
I had my reasons.
Apart from sealing the evil bone,
I have never deceived you
or intended to harm your life.
I'll have to thank you then.
This is great.
The All-Grieving Way is activated
and I possess the Devil God's power now.
As long as enough grief, pain,
resentment, and hatred are offered,
I can become the world's one and only god.
I'm the master of the world,
and you are
my most beloved daughter.
I couldn't ask for more!
You have acted foolishly.
I have done something even worse,
which is trusting you.
Because of that, Father died!
I'm your real father!
I gave you life!
Then I will give you my life back!
You and I
shall perish together today!
For an outsider,
you would attack your real father--
Shut up!
Father searched the Four Continents
to find me.
He protected me so I could be born,
raised me to adulthood,
taught me right from wrong,
and taught me to love all people.
His whole heart was devoted to me.
He risked his life to protect mine!
In this life,
he is the only father I have!
And you
are the enemy who killed my father!
You truly take after your mother.
Straightforward and stubborn.
Then I'm sure
she regretted not killing you back then.
For the past 10,000 years,
I have endured
endless humiliation and suffering
to finally succeed today.
Not only do you not congratulate me,
but you are also being rebellious.
I'm so heartbroken
and disappointed.
you are so pathetic.
In that case,
I have no choice
but to put you out of your misery.
Your sorrow, grief, resentment, and hatred
will be offered to the All-Grieving Way.
This way, you will have repaid me
for giving you the gift of life.
Tantai Jin.
You're still alive.
I'm so glad.
Tantai Jin,
as the devil fetus,
you actually gave away the evil bone.
I will be the one and only Devil God
after killing you.
Tantai Jin!
How is that possible?
Tantai Jin.
How are you worthy
of using the Sky-Slashing Sword?
My Sky-Slashing Sword!
I cannot die here.
I haven't taken over the Three Realms.
You should have died long ago.
you can rest in peace now.
Jiumin has avenged you.
Tantai Jin!
What are you doing?
Dimian is dead.
Everything is over!
I'm sorry.
Susu, leave now!
Tantai Jin has become a devil!
He killed Chief Zhaoyou!
Tantai Jin,
you didn't do that,
did you?
You're wrong.
I did do it.
I have always been the Devil God.
Li Susu, you are too silly.
If it weren't for you,
I would have become a devil long ago.
If it weren't for Zhaoyou,
I would have returned
to the Devil Realm long ago.
I don't understand what you are saying.
Are you Tantai Jin
or the Devil God?
All right then.
I might as well explain everything to you.
All the attachments between us
are like these objects.
everything you have done
has been for nothing.
Are you happy?
Channeling the mystical arts
of Heaven and Earth, retreat!
a leopard can't change its spots.
Tantai Jin devoured Dimian.
You saw it for yourself.
Before this,
he killed Chief Zhaoyou
in front of everyone.
He is full of evil.
You must not hold out any hope for him.
Cang Jiumin!
You animal!
What have you done?
Cang Jiumin, you ungrateful scum!
Don't you remember?
If Master hadn't
brought you back to Xiaoyao Sect,
you would've been long dead
and reduced to dust!
How could you?
Tantai Jin, why did you do this?
What has Chief Zhaoyou ever done to you?
No reason.
This is my nature.
I killed you once 500 years ago.
I can kill you again right now.
You can't trust him.
Tantai Jin,
what is going on?
Farewell, Li Susu.
Now, there is no one else left
in this Devil Palace.
All of you want me dead.
Jiumin, go!
You saved me again.
Silly boy.
Don't forget.
I'm your master.
why have we returned to Xiaoyao Sect?
I used Xiaoyao Sword Intent
to set up an enchantment here.
As long as I'm still alive,
this enchantment
can protect you.
Do they still think
that I stole the evil bone?
Master, are you still willing to trust me?
Of course I do.
Whoever covets the evil bone,
it would never be you.
It was Dimian.
He has the evil bone.
Jiumin, promise me
that you will live on.
Don't go.
Don't go there alone.
Remember my words.
Live well.
I don't have much time left.
Dimian has become the Devil God.
The All-Grieving Way has been activated.
When impure energy fills Heaven and Earth,
the Three Realms
will be destroyed.
How can that be?
Every formation has a weakness.
There must be a way to stop it.
The All-Grieving Way can be stopped.
only the Devil God can do it.
The Devil God?
When the Devil God exists,
the All-Grieving Way will exist.
When the Devil God perishes,
the All-Grieving Way will perish.
do you know why I gave you this name?
I see now.
Nothing shines brighter
than the highest of the heavens.
That is the meaning of Jiumin.
even back then,
you already knew
that I was the biggest threat
to the world.
But Jiumin,
you should know
that no one is supposed
to live in the dark forever.
Even though you knew
that I was the devil fetus,
you were still willing to give me
a chance to choose my own path.
help me up.
I want to take another look
at Xiaoyao Sect.
I have been tainted
by the All-Grieving Way's energy.
Once infected by the All-Grieving Way,
any living creature whose willpower
weakens in the slightest
will degenerate into a devil.
Jiumin, do one more thing for me.
Kill me.
Don't let me turn into a devil.
Master, don't speak anymore.
I'll bring you back for treatment.
Let's go now.
kill me now!
I'll turn into a devil soon!
-Jiumin, a weapon can kill.
-Kill me!
-It can also save people.
-There is no time!
It all depends on the intention
of the one who wields it.
I can't do it, Master.
Jiumin, hurry up and kill me!
I can't do it!
If you don't, it will be too late!
please don't force me!
Kill me to save everyone else!
Tantai Jin,
do it!
Kill me!
Kill me!
it's not your fault
for being the devil fetus.
Everyone deserves the right to choose.
the All-Grieving Way has been activated.
No one in the Three Realms
can stop it
except for the Devil God.
Immortal sect disciple Cang Jiumin
is powerless to save all living beings.
But Devil God Tantai Jin can do it.
The All-Grieving Way is bound to you
and the Devil God.
All three of you live and die together.
I know this is unfair to you.
But this is the only chance
to stop the Devil God
from destroying the world.
Master, I understand.
Since this is
the only path,
then I shall take it.
No matter what I will turn into,
I will always be both Tantai Jin
and Cang Jiumin.
Cang Jiumin!
You animal!
That's right.
I killed him myself.
it's a battle between us.
I will
take everything away.
what are you talking about?
I don't understand.
I'm a demon.
Naturally, I can travel the world freely.
What is so strange about me being here?
No, this can't be.
How can it be?
-How could you be--
-Immortal Gongye.
Let me tell you a story.
A drought demon was sent
to the mortal realm 500 years ago
to undergo tribulations
to restore her spirit.
She became the eldest daughter
of a kingdom's grand general.
Her name was Ye Bingchang.
she got married
to Prince Xuancheng,
also known as Xiao Lin.
Xiao Lin?
But good times don't last long.
Ye Bingchang
betrayed Xiao Lin
and caused his death.
Even so,
Xiao Lin still loved her,
tolerated her,
and protected her
until his very last breath.
Ye Bingchang was remorseful
until she died.
This remorse
is also deeply engraved
in the drought demon's heart.
What happened after that?
After that, the drought demon woke up.
She missed life in the mortal world.
So she returned to the mortal world
and set up an embroidery workshop.
fate makes fools out of us.
And then
she met a fool
who looked exactly like Xiao Lin.
So she decided to toy with him for fun.
Is that right?
I thought
I could make it up to Xiao Lin
by treating you nicely.
However, Gongye Jiwu,
I have to thank you
for letting me understand
that Xiao Lin will never come back.
I have always hated
being lied to.
But for a moment just now,
I would rather have you deceive me.
You could have deceived me forever.
Why didn't you continue to lie to me?
Gongye Jiwu,
you resemble Xiao Lin so much.
So much.
Just like him,
you are a good person.
It's a shame
that you are not him after all.
I've tried every way.
I still can't stop the All-Grieving Way.
It is spreading day by day.
I don't have much time left.
Tantai Jin,
you need to figure out a solution soon.
In Fleeting-Life Prajna,
the Devil God used the three devil weapons
to bolster the All-Grieving Way
before the evil bone could be extracted.
If I gather all three devil weapons,
I'll be able to imitate what he did
and extract the evil bone.
If all goes well,
I can be killed,
just like the Devil God back then.
Since the All-Grieving Way
lives and dies with me,
it will end
upon my death.
Thank you, Devil God,
for avenging Siying.
Ye Bingchang?
I see.
Even after 500 years,
sure enough,
no one can escape their fate.
I thought that I had lost my life
after losing Xiao Lin.
Yet I gained a close sister
who truly loved me.
I thought Heaven had taken pity on me.
But Heaven gave all this to me
just to make me experience loss again.
Why are you here?
10,000 years ago,
the Devil God once saved my life.
Besides, Siying's greatest wish
was to follow the Devil God
and witness his resurrection.
She can no longer realize this wish.
As her sister,
I'll see this through to the end for her.
Tell me.
How can we make you
the ruler of the Three Realms,
just like 10,000 years ago?
As far as I know,
the three devil weapons
haven't been retrieved yet.
The God-Slaughtering Crossbow
and the Bone-Refining Seal
are in the immortal sects' possession.
However, this is my own business.
There is no grudge between us now.
you can live your own life
even without Xiao Lin and Siying.
Tantai Jin,
you seem different from the Devil God
that I know.
The world is vast.
I'm sure you will find a place you like.
Qu Xuanzi is dead.
Zhaoyou is dead too.
How wonderful!
Now, only my seal
is on the God-Slaughtering Crossbow.
If it is Heaven's plan
to take my son's life
and place the God-Slaughtering Crossbow
in my hands,
how can I give this treasure
to those clowns in Hengyang Sect?
I must put your power to good use.
From now on,
I am
the ruler of all immortal sects!
The eye of the Devil God
is returned to you.
Chief Cen was murdered.
The God-Slaughtering Crossbow was stolen.
The chiefs
of the three major sects are dead.
The Bone-Refining Seal
is the only devil weapon left
in Hengyang Sect.
Who knows how long we can safeguard it?
Tantai Jin has gone too far.
Who exactly killed Chief Cen?
According to Chixiao Sect's disciples,
it was done by a female demon in red.
She resembled the drought demon Siying.
You changed me through and through.
You gave me
a second chance in life.
I will never taint myself
with the Devil God's power again.
For you,
I will keep my promise.
Tantai Jin!
What are you doing?
Tantai Jin has become a devil!
He killed Chief Zhaoyou!
everything you have done
has been for nothing.
Whatever my destiny is,
I have a choice
to be righteous or evil.
I will
never become the Devil God!
Only by getting rid of the Devil God
can they feel at ease
and only then,
I can live with you in peace.
come back with me.
Ever since
the All-Grieving Way was activated,
it's no longer safe outside the sect.
Leave me be, Jiwu.
Since I've left the sect grounds,
I'll be responsible for my own life.
What are you going to do?
Will you look for Tantai Jin?
What is the point of it now?
He killed his own master,
killed someone in Chixiao Sect,
and stole the Crossbow.
He may have been colluding with Dimian.
He's a monster with blood on his hands.
Do you still refuse to believe it?
Li Susu, calm down.
You'll get yourself killed if you go.
Jiwu, let go of me.
What if he had his reasons?
No matter what, I have to go.
I must get an explanation from him.
If I have to live in the dark like this,
I would rather die.
I must at least know
whom I should hate.
Since you're so determined,
I'll let you go.
Thank you, Jiwu.
But from now on,
you are no longer a disciple
of Hengyang Sect.
And you will no longer be my concern.
I'm sorry, Jiwu.
The God-Slaughtering Crossbow?
Monü still meddled in this.
Never mind.
I'll play my part as the Devil God.
This way,
Susu will give up on me completely
and the immortal sects
will hunt me down without mercy.
Over there. After her!
-Welcome back, my lord!
-Welcome back, my lord!
-Welcome back, my lord!
-Welcome back, my lord!
-Welcome back, my lord!
-Welcome back, my lord!
I've kept you all waiting.
From today onward,
I am your master.
I want the world engulfed in gloom
and eternal grief.
-The world engulfed in gloom
-The world engulfed in gloom
-and eternal grief!
-and eternal grief!
-The world engulfed in gloom
-The world engulfed in gloom
-and eternal grief!
-and eternal grief!
I've obtained the Sky-Slashing Sword
and the God-Slaughtering Crossbow.
The Bone-Refining Seal
is still in the hands of Hengyang Sect.
-And eternal grief!
-And eternal grief!
As long as I gather
the three devil weapons,
the All-Grieving Way
will be able to reach its maximum power.
I heard
that they have cast many spells
around the Bone-Refining Seal.
They wish to injure me
with the power of Heaven and Earth.
How delusional.
-Kill them!
-Kill them!
-Take back the Bone-Refining Seal!
-Take back the Bone-Refining Seal!
-Kill them!
-Kill them!
-Take back the Bone-Refining Seal!
-Take back the Bone-Refining Seal!
I'm in a great mood today.
There's no need to kill anyone.
Let's perform a magic trick.
Bone-Refining Seal.
Cang Jiumin activated
the array to summon the devil weapon.
Chief Gongye, what should we do?
He already has two devil weapons.
We can't let him take the last one.
Everyone, stand back!
Mere ants,
stop wasting your energy.
What is that sound?
It's the Devil God.
Tantai Jin!
You must be mad to think
you can snatch the Seal from afar!
Gongye Jiwu,
do you still intend to resist me?
Take my advice.
Surrender to me.
Surrender to absolute power.
In your dreams!
-The world engulfed in gloom
-The world engulfed in gloom
-and eternal grief!
-and eternal grief!
-The world engulfed in gloom
-The world engulfed in gloom
-and eternal grief!
-and eternal grief!
So this is the All-Grieving Way.
It is beyond the limits of perception.
-The world engulfed in gloom
-The world engulfed in gloom
-and eternal grief!
-and eternal grief!
-The world engulfed in gloom
-The world engulfed in gloom
-and eternal grief!
-and eternal grief!
This is the power of the All-Grieving Way.
It's evil.
-The world engulfed in gloom
-The world engulfed in gloom
-and eternal grief!
-and eternal grief!
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