Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e42 Episode Script

Episode 42

Ruby's Ring Fermented juice? Jeong Ruby has amnesia, and yet she came up with this? Jeong Runa was an awful student, but even though Ruby has no memory, she dared to come up with this? And she's hiding this from me? Runa, are you hiding something from me? You seem to have changed.
And you seem to be avoiding me.
Why would I avoid you? It's just that I'm a bit stressed preparing for the proposal contest.
Did you get around to reading my email? Yes.
It's good.
With minor tweaking, your proposal will nab the grand prize.
You're flattering me.
I mean it.
So you and I, we're fine, right? Although we postponed the wedding, nothing's changed between us, right? When things get tough, you can tell me so that you don't suffer alone.
No answer? I will.
And one more thing.
That look doesn't suit you.
Can't you dress like you used to? Yes, sir.
The sales figures from yesterday? It should be on my desk.
Why? Isn't this how the Jeong Runa you loved used to dress? Shouldn't you find me more lovable? Mr.
Na Insu, do you or do you not know? Thank you.
See you.
I know it's you.
You took it, Jeong Runa.
Don't push it.
All the things I want to ask and say, I'm barely holding myself back.
You're still working? I'm heading out now.
Take care then.
Yes? Can you buy me dinner? Oh, right.
How's the proposal going? Proposal? Runa didn't tell you? I felt shy about telling her.
Her idea is really original.
She has a good chance of winning.
How fun.
You know things about Runa that I don't.
It's a strange feeling.
I found out by accident when I left my phone at the office, on my way back Whatever.
I'm not accusing you.
But I don't think I can enter the contest.
I lost my laptop.
What? When? Ruby, did you see my laptop in the dressing room? I stepped outside for a bit, and when I returned, it was gone.
How should I know? It was you.
It was definitely you.
Hon, try this.
It's delicious.
Enjoy the dinner, Runa.
You too, Gyeongmin.
Do all men care more about their sisters-in-laws than their wives? You enjoy too.
Now I feel like I'm forcing you.
By the way, Sera stopped by my office.
She said you couldn't take on more work.
I'm busy with other TV obligations.
Plus, J Entertainment called me.
They want me to sign with them.
JM Homeshopping is a bit, you know The network isn't even mine.
But you can ask for a raise.
Sera just told you right away, didn't she? Pathetic.
Okay, fine.
I'm just going to enjoy the food.
After all, it has been a while.
A loud voice is nothing to brag about.
That's right.
You should be careful.
You're so loud that you startle me from time to time.
Changgeun, is my voice unpleasant for you as well? Well, I, um I do always hear you loud and clear.
Tell me, Changgeun.
Is my voice too loud to bear? Why are you picking on him? Something's up with her.
She keeps getting calls, and she sneaks away to take them.
Something's going on, right, mother? I think she's seeing someone.
That's a good thing then, mom.
She should settle down with a nice man.
That's what worries me.
What kind of nice man would waste himself on a ditz like that? But mom, Geumhui's got her charms.
Men will like her.
Goodness me.
So you like women who can use their charms? Oh, no.
I only love Ms.
Park Gyeongsuk.
I just asked for your opinion.
But you're spinning things in a strange way.
Spinning? I honestly only love you.
How is that spinning? Don't spin things and tell me straight.
Do you like charmers like Geumhui? Is that so important to you? Enough, you two.
Do you feel like showing your mother what a lovers' quarrel is? Tomorrow? I can always make time.
I'll see you there.
Who's the guy? What? Come to my room.
It's a guy, isn't it? Yes, but he's not a man.
Then is he a woman? That's not what I mean.
I'm not attracted to him.
Be careful around men.
Did a man break your heart too? Did a man break your heart too? I did notice that there was profound sadness in your eyes.
What are you talking about? Ma'am, they say men are like buses.
When one leaves, another one comes.
What about the last bus of the day? What comes after that? Do buses run all night? I never thought about it like that.
What I'm trying to tell you is that you have to be wary of men.
I understand you need someone to soothe the pain of your divorce, but if you're not careful, you'll get hurt again.
So don't let your guard down.
Yes, ma'am.
Focus on your career instead of men.
How long are you going to stay at our house? Thank you for your hard work, Chef Noh.
Get a good night's rest.
See you tomorrow, Dongpal.
Good night.
Aren't you going to wish him good night? I don't care if he has a good night.
Have a good night.
You have a good night too.
I'm glad I didn't miss you.
I've come to give you a ride to your place.
I've come to give you a ride home.
Wow, Chorim.
Let's go.
You don't have to.
We live close by.
But you still have to walk.
You worked hard all day.
Let me drive you home.
Please hop in.
Let's take the car.
Hurry up, Chorim.
See you, Chorim.
Come join us? Do I look like a bum? I don't ride with strangers.
What do you think, Chorim? I'd make a good husband, right? I'll treat you like a queen once we marry.
You're so lucky, Chorim.
Your car's Yes.
It cost quite a bit.
Have you had dinner? How kind of you to ask! Thank you.
I did have dinner.
Have you picked your teeth? Pardon? You said you had to do it often because you have bad teeth.
Go ahead and pick your teeth.
You're here? Why the long face? Is it because of the lease? It's not due until the end of the month.
I told you I'd take care of it.
Oh man.
What is life really? Don't worry.
Worrying will only age you.
If you keep this up, people won't see your youthful vitality.
Who'd recognize your youthful vitality if you look like an old man? Is it because of that beanpole woman? Daepung, after I was betrayed by that girl, I began to think of all women as mere trees.
Of course.
But as hard I try, it doesn't always work.
The heart goes for what it wants.
Once your heart falls for that tree, the tree becomes a part of you.
It's beautiful.
What do I do? You've lost your marbles, man.
I'm absolutely sure that I've found my destiny.
This ring has waited 15 years to meet you, Ms.
Jeong Chorim.
I'll get married.
What is life really? I'll just marry the man who loves me.
I'm getting married.
It's nice driving home in my car.
But I don't think I can enter the contest.
I lost my laptop.
What? When? Ruby, did you see my laptop in the dressing room? I stepped outside for a bit, and when I returned, it was gone.
What's that laptop over there? I've never seen it before.
I needed one so I bought one.
You bought it used? Yeah.
I saw you with another laptop a while ago.
I saw you with another laptop a while ago.
Vice President Bae, I'm a celebrity.
I can have a dozen laptops if I want to.
Everything I prepared for Runa, I guess Chorim can take instead.
Chorim, what's wrong? You crying? No.
What do you mean you're not crying? Why're you crying? Tell me? Gilja.
With the marriage coming up, everything's gotten so complicated.
What's so complicated? You should be dancing in the streets.
You said you liked him.
He'll make a great husband.
He has his own place, a car, as well as home appliances.
as well as home appliances.
All he needs is a bride.
Plus, he's got a government job.
He said he knew you were the one the moment he laid eyes on you.
You're lucky to have met someone like him.
So why are you crying? I know, I know.
So I'm going to marry him.
But But But what? Is it because of Chef Noh? Are you out of your mind? I was over him ages ago.
So what's the problem then? I suddenly miss my parents.
I'm lying, Gilja.
It's Dongpal.
You must still be your parents' little girl.
You never said you missed them before.
So you're sure about this? It hasn't been long at all.
Are you okay with that? Yes, I am.
He seems like the best guy I've ever dated.
At my age, it's not like I can find anyone else.
As long as he can provide for me, it's fine.
Well if you're happy, then I'm happy.
So why are you crying like a child? Dongpal.
Dongpal, you jerk.
Stop whining and tell chicken warrior the truth like a real man.
Shut up.
I'm not telling anyone anything.
Tell her you love her and want to marry her but you have a son.
Keep it down.
And no.
She said she'd never date a man with kids.
Who cares about that these days? Love is all that matters.
Go to sleep, Daepung.
You're so pathetic.
Good morning.
It's not a very good morning for me.
What? I'm really upset at you.
What are you talking about? You told Gyeongmin what we discussed.
I'm done helping you.
I've been helping you at JM Homeshopping with the best of intentions.
I found the work fun, but I also wanted to help you put the network on more solid footing.
I asked you for management rights to do even better, but you took it the wrong way, so I have no reason to work there anymore.
I have to go to work.
I only have responsibilities but no rights.
Higher sales don't mean much to me, Sera, because you reap all the rewards.
Eventually, JM Homeshopping will be yours.
So you won't help me because JM Homeshopping isn't yours? Ms.
Yun, starting today, I need you to take Ruby's shows and pull them from our lineup.
But why would we take Ms.
Jeong's shows off of our lineup? Her shows are the most profitable.
Let's do without her for the time being.
But the losses will be huge.
It's too risky to rely on one star host.
It's too risky to rely on one star host.
Offer a better selection of products and customer service.
It will be more beneficial in the long-term for us to gain customer confidence.
I know that, but given the nature of homeshopping, the host plays We'll devise a long-term strategy and take it one step at a time.
This is driving me mad.
Jeong Ruby Ms.
Jang, let's have noodles in anchovy broth.
Mother, do you feel like having noodles? Yes.
With the weather being so nippy, a warm bowl of noodles sounds perfect.
Geumhui's not home.
What? Where is she? It's not even grocery day.
She said something urgent came up.
Something urgent? What? I don't know either.
I just advised her to be careful.
Something's up.
I know.
So as an experienced entrepreneur, you think this is the perfect location? Yes.
What do you think? Jangderella Bakery.
Oh, wow.
But it's a bit small.
What are you talking about? Don't be too greedy on your first venture.
Plus, you don't have premium.
Let's just go then.
I worked so hard to help you realize your dream of opening our own bakery.
I got you a great premium-free deal with only $30,000 down and $500 rent a month.
It's not that I don't like it.
As for the Runaway Family Project, we've selected the fams, and our sponsorship will begin next month.
Jiyeon's runaway fam has been chosen, right? Yes.
They are a model fam, so we had no reason to reject them.
Jiyeon's going to be happy.
I didn't know Ms.
Jeong had a chameleon-like allure.
What? At times, you're very cold and remote, but you can also be very warm.
You are a woman of many charms.
Is that so? Seokho, you do know her husband is the vice president of this company, right? Of course.
But what about it? Isn't that a pick-up line? Ms.
Seo, you know I never use pickup lines.
I hope you don't think I'm hitting on you.
Our sales have gone down.
The quality of the products is important, but to make the products more appealing Director Bae? Why is she here again? Because our sales keep dropping.
But I don't understand why she won't take the easy way out.
The easy way out? Ms.
Jeong Ruby.
She's a fail-safe.
Our clients are also demanding to know why Ms.
Jeong's not hosting anymore.
Na, let's show them a sell-out, okay? I'll do my best.
You seem really stressed.
You're the only one who seems to care about how I'm doing.
Good luck on today's show.
Jeong, are you really not doing any of our shows? I don't see why I should.
How long are you going to rely on me? How can you say that? Who made you famous? Talk about being ungrateful.
People are saying JM Homeshopping's only making money thanks to me.
I stepped down with your best interests in mind.
I'm sorry you took it the wrong way.
What did you just say? I know you're upset, but think about where I'm coming from.
Do you want everyone to say our network is number one just because of me? Even if you quit, there's a professional protocol you should follow.
I don't see why I should take this from you.
Did I do something wrong? Enough.
You saw, didn't you, Gyeongmin? You're no longer a JM Group member.
She's in the marketing department, so you make the final decision, not as her husband but as the vice president.
Gyeongmin, I We'll talk about this at home.
Hi, Jinhui.
Shouldn't you be on your homeshopping show? I'm no longer a homeshopping host.
Why not? Such a waste of talent.
If it is, then they should do something about it.
That's a vague response.
Say, has Runa submitted her proposal? She's been working so hard on it.
She seems interested in marketing.
Marketing? Yeah.
I hope it goes well so she can work here with us.
The winner will get a special appointment to the marketing division.
See you.
Who'd let you into marketing? Runa, give me those.
You must be tired.
I'm fine.
How's the proposal going? Isn't it due today? I can't enter the contest.
What? Why not? I lost my laptop in the dressing room.
Maybe next time.
All the research data was in my laptop as well.
But didn't you email me a draft? Oh, right.
I wanted your advice.
Do you think it's still there? I think so.
Let's go and see.
It's here.
Look it over before you submit it.
Let me take that.
Isn't he sweet? How can he call himself a man? It's pathetic.
What are you talking about? These days sweet guys are all the rage.
Look at him working tirelessly for the woman he loves.
Love? Give me a break.
They only just met.
What does that matter, Dongpal? Haven't you heard of love at first sight? He's working so hard.
Chorim really hit the jackpot.
Online submission Thank you for your submission We got it in just in time.
Good job.
It's all thanks to you.
Let's go out for dinner.
It's my treat.
I'm craving something expensive.
You'd better brace yourself.
Anything you want.
If it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't have been able to enter the contest.
But who knows if anything will come of it? What are you talking about? You'll win.
You're a very capable woman.
Plus, marketing was your specialization In any case, I'm sure you'll win.
Does he know? Or was it just mindless chitchat? In any case, good job.
It's nice to see you happy.
Yes? I'm sorry.
Stop it.
You've apologized enough already.
You don't have to be sorry anymore.
But I'm still sorry.
Then I'm sorry too.
What for? Runa, I'm going to wait.
I don't know why you wanted to postpone the wedding, but I'll wait for you until you're ready to marry me.
Do you know what you should say? Okay, Na Insu.
You better wait.
I'm sorry.
I said no more apologies.
What do I do? What kind of person are you really? Do you know or do you not know? If you don't, I'm sorry, Insu.
I'm truly sorry.
Have you been well? Who knew that the women I loved would end up torturing me like this? Is something bothering you? No, mom.
My mother's coming to Seoul to meet you tomorrow.
Jeong Chorim, I strongly object to this wedding.
Call me Insu from now on.
You and I are soulmates, so why are we seated across from each other? Jeong Ruby.
I'm right here, darling.
Not you.
See you next time
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