Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e43 Episode Script

Episode 43

Episode 43 Why are you in my way? Did I do that? I'm sorry.
Wait a minute.
Gongnam wasn't blocking the way.
You rammed into him.
No, I didn't.
When did you two become so chummy? I'm sure I told you.
It was love at first Whatever.
Did you feel the same way too? I'm not sure whether I can say Only tramps fall for just any guy, Chorim.
What? Any guy? Wait.
Did you just call me a tramp? What'd you say? Say that again.
Chorim, please calm down.
I'll deal with this.
Dongpal, apologize to her right now.
Apologize? Who do you think you are, coming between us? Come between you? Then Mr.
Dongpal, what gives you the right to insult my dear Chorim? My dear Chorim? It's okay, Gongnam.
I don't need an apology.
I need the apology though.
I won't let anyone talk to you like that.
Apologize, Dongpal.
Oh man.
What happened? Where'd they go? Dongpal, this will cool you down.
I just don't get it.
You like Chorim, and Chorim likes you, which means you two like each other.
So the answer is simple.
You two should get married and live happily ever after.
So why won't you marry her? Do you have something against marriage? I'm not interested in Chorim.
It's like you're not even trying to lie to me.
Even a five-year-old can see how jealous you are.
There's fire coming from your eyes.
Don't let her slip through your fingers.
Go get her before it's too late.
I'm only giving you this tip because you and I go way back.
Shut up.
What do you know anyways? You little punk.
I may be little, but I know things.
Aren't you going to wash up? Chorim, you'll ruin your pores.
I'm just not cut out to wallow in misery.
What did you and Dongpal talk about? What do you mean? You said earlier you didn't want to know.
That was In any case, just tell me.
I told him to get you back before it's too late.
Oh, come on.
Why did you tell him that? So what did he say? He didn't say anything.
I knew it.
You said he was jealous because he had feelings for me.
You were so off the mark.
I got over him ages ago though.
There are plenty of men out there.
Also, Ko Soyeong, Why're you going around talking nonsense? What if he thinks I made you tell him that? Chorim, can I talk to you? Coming.
I don't get it.
Why is she taking it out on me? What did I do? Why are you in such a bad mood? I'm not in a bad mood.
Get over Chef Noh.
Good grief, Gilja.
Do you think this is about him? Don't worry.
I got over him ages ago.
- That's not what it looks like.
/ - I swear, Gilja.
I like Gongnam.
He's hard-working, sincere, and most importantly, he's completely taken with you.
He grosses me out when he picks his teeth.
Bad habits can be fixed.
Let's set the date, Chorim.
What? Gongnam seems set on marriage.
Stop stalling for time.
But still I don't think I'm ready yet You never seem to be ready.
You could be 60 and still not ready.
That's true but Plus, our wedding date has been set anyway.
December 25, Christmas Day.
I meant, when should the families meet? Shouldn't we meet his parents at least? We're old enough to skip that - and just / - Chorim.
You've been working so hard on the proposal.
Get a good night's rest.
Thank you for everything.
Drive safe.
I will.
I'll call you.
Why are you staring at me like that? But then again, I am quite irresistible once you get to know me.
So you agree, right? Yes.
You are irresistible.
You made me very happy.
Good night.
Drive safe.
Hello? It's me.
Vice President Bae.
Vice President Bae.
Drink much? Yes, I have.
Why haven't you called me? How can I call the vice president? What are you talking about? We're family.
You should consider me your brother.
Okay then.
I'll call from now on.
Sounds good.
Why are you drinking alone? You should've called a friend or even Ruby.
Drinking alone allows you to think about this and that, right? Here.
Have a glass.
Have you been well? No, I have not.
I don't know why life is so complicated.
I consider running away a dozen times a day.
And do you know why? Women.
Do you have a lot of women in your life? Who knew that the women I loved would end up torturing me like this? My wife, sister, grandma, mom, and sister-in-law I'm surrounded by women who love me.
Love is often painful and agonizing.
But why Runa? I can't imagine Runa torturing anyone.
She didn't do anything.
It's my wife.
She gets very jealous.
She seems to think I have feelings for Runa.
I probably shouldn't have brought that up.
I heard you postponed the wedding.
What happened? My father's ill.
Don't get married.
Don't ever get married.
Just don't do it.
Vice President Bae.
Vice President Bae.
This is so nice.
You really are a culinary genius.
Thank you, ma'am.
Where were you this afternoon? Just around.
Around where? Just here and there.
What happened to your loquaciousness? Why're you giving me partial answers? What is it? Tell me.
Ma'am, do you remember what you said to me yesterday? Sure.
What you said moved me to tears.
When I first met you, I wanted to call you mother, but you told me not to, so I call you "ma'am.
" But I think of you as my mother, my grandmother Stop.
Your loquaciousness has returned.
Just cut to the chase.
I want to open Jangderella Bakery.
Jangderella Bakery? Yes, ma'am.
But I'm $10,000 short on the lease deposit.
If you help me out, I'll be indebted to you for life.
No way.
I don't want to be a housekeeper the rest of my life.
I want to become independent.
Please help me, ma'am.
Vice President Bae, you're home.
Wake up, Gyeongmin.
Hello, Ruby.
Good heavens.
He's had a bit too much to drink, mother.
- Gyeongmin.
/ - He's fine.
Where should I take him? - This way.
/ - Okay.
Oh, my goodness.
Thank you, Mr.
You're welcome.
Na, what are you doing here? It's a long story.
I finally get to see the house.
Where's your room? How about a tour? You'd faint if you saw my room.
It doesn't seem like a girl's room at all.
Seriously, why are you here? This way.
Welcome, Mr.
I heard you brought Gyeongmin home.
Hello, ma'am.
Hello, sir.
Thank you for your help.
I'll get going then.
No, no.
You're not going anywhere.
When will we ever get to see you here again? Sit, sit.
Have something to drink at least.
That's okay, ma'am.
It's way too late.
So long then.
- What a shame.
/ - Have a good night.
Thank you so much for your help.
What a handsome young man.
He would've been perfect for Sera.
Sera, come here for a second.
Please find yourself someone like him.
All you care about is me getting married and Gyeongmin having a baby.
I don't get why you're so obsessed with carrying on the family name.
You're an extraordinary philanthropist, but at home, you're just a regular ol' grandma.
Philanthropy is one thing.
Family is something else entirely, right? Of course.
Who wouldn't a great-grandchild or a grandson-in-law? Ruby.
Jeong Ruby.
I'm right here, darling.
Not you.
No, no, no.
Dad, is something on your mind? Nope.
Nothing except that I hope my son gets into a good college.
That's for me to make happen.
Why should you worry about it? You just worry about your own life.
What's wrong with my life? Are you going to live alone forever? I'm not alone.
I have you.
I won't stay by your side forever.
What? It's only natural.
I can't live with my dad forever.
I have to get married eventually.
What kind of woman these days would want to live with her father-in-law? Look at you, you little traitor.
So you're saying you're going to betray me? What I'm saying is, you should settle down with someone before you get any older because I'll be moving on eventually.
I refuse.
I'm going to live you and my grandchildren for the rest of my life.
My life's over.
Uncle Daepung, have you had dinner? Yup.
What is this? Jihyeok, order some steamed pork.
We're running low on money this month.
It's my treat.
Forget about it.
I told you not to disrespect me, didn't I? Call in the order.
And get some fried chicken too.
It won't be long.
The goal is in sight.
I should wash up.
Here's your credit card and receipt.
Thank you.
Come again.
Oh, hello, Gongnam.
Gongnam's here.
Come in.
Please sit down.
That's okay.
I should help with the dishes.
Oh, no.
We're not busy today.
Please sit.
Have you had dinner? Yes.
Chorim, could you sit down here for a moment? What? Okay.
Chorim, the date has been set.
My mother's coming to Seoul to meet you tomorrow.
What? So soon? What? So soon? The wedding's right around the corner.
December 25 will be here in no time.
Yes, but Chorim Congrats, Chorim.
It's finally happening.
I'm sorry about what happened the other day.
I ask you for your understanding, and please take very good care of Chorim.
please take very good care of Chorim.
Gongnam, what time and where tomorrow? Are you up? Yes, mom.
Drink this.
Why did you drink so much? You passed out.
I didn't mean to.
I'm sorry.
Where's Ruby? She left for work early.
Do you remember what happened last night? What? What do you mean? Mr.
Na carried you on his back all the way to your bed.
Really? Aw man Is something bothering you? Eh? No, mom.
You never left my side when you were little, but now you're keeping secrets from me.
Momma's sad.
But you have dad.
Now that I think about it, I think it's because of what dad said when I was in high school.
Your dad? What did he say? Remember how, much to your chagrin, I hit puberty really late? I didn't come home one night, so you got very upset and cried.
Do you know what dad said to me? What did he say? How dare you make my woman cry? What? No way.
I swear.
He said, "How dare you make your mother cry.
" But the way his face and tone were, I really believed he said, "my woman.
" So that's when you started distancing yourself from me? Just maybe.
Gyeongmin, are you up? Here's another woman who loves me.
Why are you laughing? Is it at me? Are you up, Gyeongmin? Yes, dad.
Gyeongmin, here's your rival.
How much longer, Chorim? We have a taxi waiting downstairs.
We'll end up hitting bad traffic.
It's an important day.
Don't rush her.
And now, the woman you've been waiting for.
The bride-to-be, Ms.
Jeong Chorim.
Jeong Chorim.
Jeong Chorim.
It's like you're a different person.
Fine feathers do make fine birds.
You're a beautiful bride-to-be.
Don't look weird, Gilja? Don't you worry, okay? When you first meet your in-laws, you've got to seem conservative and calm that's the concept.
You're not even married.
How do you know so well? Back in the days, a woman my age would have had a child in middle school.
Enough chitchat.
Let's get going.
I'm so nervous, Runa.
What if I pass out? You'll be fine.
Let's get going then.
See you.
Good luck.
Chorim's finally getting married.
Are you sad to see her go? Honestly, I don't really feel it yet.
I'm worried about a certain someone, so none of this seems real.
I don't think it'll end with just this.
Chorim, the date has been set.
My mother's coming to Seoul to meet you tomorrow.
What? So soon? The wedding's right around the corner.
December 25 will be here in no time.
Let's go.
Yes, ma'am.
What's up with him? Hey, mister, get out of the way, What's he doing? He wanted to end things with me.
Why's he getting in the way now? What do we do, Gilja? You stay right here.
I'm sorry, sir.
We can go now.
What a jerk.
He should've tried sooner.
This ship, no wait, this taxi has sailed.
Get over him, Chorim.
You said you didn't want to marry Chorim.
If she says no to Gongnam, will you marry her? If not, then move aside.
Don't do this her.
No, no.
The food's delicious.
Enjoy the lunch, ma'am.
How rude.
In front of your own mother? But mom, Chorim's just so pretty.
We'll go with the wedding hall you mentioned.
As for the date, he wants Christmas.
So let's go with December 25.
Jeong Chorim, I strongly object to this wedding.
Chef Noh, where are your manners? I'm sorry, Mrs.
What do you think you're doing? Your clothes Mind your own business.
This is my style.
You said so yourself in an interview that fashion is about self-confidence and individuality.
There are limits though.
Do you think that style suits you? Yes? I heard you were here.
Are you hungry? The four of us should have lunch together.
The four of us? Yes.
Na's coming too.
I don't know.
I'm rather busy.
I figured as much, so I made reservations at the Japanese place right across the street.
I enjoyed your show last week, Ruby.
You weren't nervous at all.
So professional.
Na, are you flattering my wife because I'm treating you to lunch today? Not at all.
It's an honest assessment from a TV producer.
Outside the office, call me Insu from now on.
I'll consider you family too.
Are you going to keep your word this time? You said that many times before.
I know.
But I'll really try this time.
So I don't have to apologize for the trouble I put you through earlier, right? I felt so bad about what happened that I wanted to treat you to lunch today.
I'm honored that you consider me family.
Let's eat.
What is this, Gyeongmin? How have things come to this? You and I are soulmates, so why are we seated across from each other? Why? Because of whom? Why are you so quiet today, Runa? What's the matter? Runa, do you have an upset stomach? Runa.
Don't call me Runa.
I'm not Runa.
You're Runa.
Runa, are you okay? I'm fine.
I'm just washing my hands.
Jeong Runa, how can you laugh and smile like nothing's wrong? It's my turn now.
You just watch how your charade ends.
Are you pregnant? What if I am? Are you really pregnant? Sorry, but no.
Sorry to disappoint you.
What do you mean? You were so intent on getting me to marry Insu.
Had I not fallen down the stairs, we'd be back from our honeymoon by now.
That's because of the accident? You said the wedding was postponed because Mr.
Na's father was ill.
You didn't suffer any injuries from the fall.
What was your reason? Reason? Why were you so desperate to have me to marry Insu? Why were you so insistent that I move overseas? You two are madly in love.
Like you and Gyeongmin? But I still don't get why you wanted me to leave Korea.
I told you to move overseas with Insu and get married.
At first, you told me to study overseas.
What is this about? Why are you interrogating me? All I did was watch out for your best interest as your sister.
Was that so wrong? You should have a baby.
What? I think you and Gyeongmin could really use a baby right now.
Don't tell me Gyeongmin won't sleep with you.
You I'm just kidding.
Why would Gyeongmin refuse a woman like you? It's just that you're so busy these days.
You should still be careful though.
What if someone steals Gyeongmin from you? You never know, right? I'll show you.
Enjoy, Jeong Runa.
The bakery will be a huge success.
I trust you, Mr.
I'm sorry, Mrs.
I deserve to be beaten to a pulp.
You two are exactly the same.
I can't afford to lose Chorim.
It should be Gyeongmin holding my hand.
Should I just call it quits and have a baby? I just can't figure you out.
If the accident had never happened, could all of this have been prevented? See you next time
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