Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e44 Episode Script

Episode 44

You should have a baby.
What? I think you and Gyeongmin could really use a baby right now.
Don't tell me Gyeongmin won't sleep with you.
You I'm just kidding.
Why would Gyeongmin refuse a woman like you? It's just that you're so busy these days.
You should still be careful though.
What if someone steals Gyeongmin from you? You never know, right? Episode 44 Let me see.
Argh! I'm sorry.
Sorry? Sorry? Do you think sorry will cut it? You ruined my marriage prospects when you have nothing to offer me.
You've left me high and dry.
That's not true.
What do you take me for? What do I take you for? A dirty, womanizing dung beetle and a scoundrel.
Chorim, I know you're upset, but that's a bit much Good-for-nothing swindler.
You bastard, you jerk I'm sorry.
I'll be good to you from now on, so please cut me some slack.
Forget it.
Jeong Chorim, stop crying.
You'll keep your word, right? Of course.
If I don't, I'm a son of a dog.
Promise? Seal the deal.
You promised, okay? Mrs.
Yu, is your stomach still upset? Would you like me to get you medicine? Don't worry about it.
Where have Chorim and Dongpal run off to? They're not even picking up their phones.
Runa must be home.
Did Aunt Chorim make a good impression? Is mom sleeping? Runa.
Yu's not feeling well.
She's been in bed all day.
What? What happened? What? They ran off? That's why Mrs.
Yu got sick with indigestion and is lying down right now.
Oh, no.
And Chorim hasn't called? She's gone AWOL.
I can't get a hold of her.
Runa, don't you think what Dongpal did was kind of cool? He did it for love.
We can say Chorim and Gongnam's wedding's off, right? I don't know.
Love is strange.
Love, love It's me.
Did you get in okay? I was worried about your upset stomach.
You didn't seem to be doing well.
I felt better after walking.
I'm sorry I ruined lunch.
You didn't.
I was just worried about you.
I was wondering, Runa Did you remember something? Let's talk tomorrow, Insu.
I'm having a chat with my mom right now.
Oh It's $30,000.
Isn't your realtor friend coming? We have to sign the lease contract.
Oh, my friend? He went to Busan.
The real estate market there is on fire.
Don't worry about the contract.
He drafted it and told me to bring it to you.
All you have to do is stamp your seal of approval here.
You brought your national ID card and your stamp, right? Yes.
Why is she so nervous? It's making me feel bad.
I must be growing soft with age.
Here you go.
You didn't have to pay the finder's fee, and all this went very smoothly, so I'm sure the bakery will be a huge success.
I trust you, Mr.
You went to law school, so I'm sure I'm in safe hands.
Yes, you are.
Goodness me.
What do we do now, Dongpal? We can't sit out here all night.
You stupid dung beetle, what have you done? You still haven't told her you have a son, you jerk.
You're a fraud.
Chorim, listen carefully.
Go ahead.
I don't have any money.
I know.
I'm not well-connected either.
I know.
I didn't do well in school.
I'm not well-read.
I know.
I know.
I know.
Can you still love me? Yup.
Even if something happens to me, will you try and understand me? Yup.
Even if Even if I have a son? Even if I'm not really a bachelor? Even if I kept my past from you? Your past? What do you mean? Do you have a secret past? Oh man.
It's not that What if What if Oh thank goodness.
If we're doing what-ifs, do something good.
A secret past is too serious.
What if we won the lottery? What if we found a gold ingot? Let's do fun hypotheticals like that.
A secret past? Come on.
Let's not ask each other about our pasts.
What matters is the present.
Yes, but the truth is I have to tell her.
I'm going to tell her.
- The truth is, I / - Oh? I got a message.
Chorim, Mrs.
Yu wants you home ASAP.
She wants to talk to you.
Looks like she might forgive Dongpal.
Soyeong just texted me.
Gilja's going to forgive us.
We should go right away.
What? Come on.
Hang on.
I need a drink.
What are you doing? I feel so bad about what I did.
C'mon man.
What was your reason? Reason? Why were you so desperate to have me to marry Insu? Why were you so insistent that I move overseas? You should still be careful though.
What if someone steals Gyeongmin from you? What are you thinking about? Oh.
I was just thinking about Runa.
I sometimes lose sleep over Runa too.
Why Runa? I'm her brother-in-law, but I haven't been able to take care of her.
It's always Runa, Runa.
Stop worrying about her.
Runa's not your wife.
I am.
Why are you so irritable? Runa has Mr.
Stop worrying about her.
Just focus on your wife, me, Jeong Ruby.
Honestly, seeing Mr.
Na with Runa makes me a little envious.
It reminds me of when you used to dote on me like that.
Should I call it quits and just have a baby? Gyeongmin.
I just can't figure you out.
What do you mean? What are you trying to say? That I'm not the Jeong Ruby I used to be? Don't avoid me.
Just lay it all out.
Let's not go there.
Why not? You said you loved me.
But not anymore? Tell me.
Tell me.
Ow I'm sorry, hon.
It's just that you weren't being yourself.
What am I supposed to be? Your vice president trophy husband? I sometimes wonder.
If the accident never happened, could all of this have been prevented? Did the accident take away your love for me as well? How can you say that? I haven't changed.
I love you so much.
I'm sure.
Not as Bae Gyeongmin, the poor student, but as the vice president of JM Group.
Where's Gilja? She's hasn't left her room all day.
But you said she seemed ready to forgive us.
So what if she isn't? This is something you have to do.
Do it sooner rather than later.
Is Runa in her room? No.
She stepped outside for a bit.
Dongpal, you were so cool.
You whisked your love away.
Wait a minute.
Have you been drinking? Go get him some water.
Oh c'mon.
What is this? C'mon what is that? Huh? Really? Gilja.
G-Gilja I can't say much other than I'm sorry.
Gilja, I feel so bad about what happened today.
We also did a terrible thing to Gongnam.
Dongpal got an earful from me.
I scolded Dongpal like crazy.
I chewed him out of your behalf too.
I gave him a good beating.
Look at the bruise on his cheekbone.
I'm sorry, Mrs.
I deserve to be beaten to a pulp.
Oh, my goodness.
Are you okay? Really great job guys.
You stumble in here, wasted.
We're sorry, Gilja.
I don't know what else to say.
So why did you do it? And Chef Noh, you should've known better.
When I talked to you earlier, what did you say to me? You said you didn't want to get married.
You said you wished Chorim the best.
So what is this? I'm sorry, Mrs.
I'll do whatever you tell me to.
I'll be your loyal chef for life.
But I can't afford to lose Chorim.
When will you grow up? How old are you anyway? How are you two so similar? You're both giant babies.
Right, Gilja? We're a match made in heaven, right? Shut your trap.
You've got nothing to say for yourself.
From what I've heard, you live in a tiny studio with that older friend of yours.
Yes, Mrs.
But it's a temporary arrangement So you'll have Chorim live there with you? Chorim may be my sister-in-law, but she's like a daughter to me.
She's had a tough life without her folks.
Doesn't she deserve a good husband? Yes, Mrs.
I won't make empty promises.
Hard times make for tougher kids.
Do you still think you're a kid? You'll be old before you know it.
So why opt for hardship when there's an easier way out? You've never dated before.
You never got to go to college.
You've been marinating chicken all your life.
Then you finally met a nice man.
I was so happy for you.
So why throw that away? It was hard enough raising two girls, so how could you disappoint me like this? I'm sorry, Gilja.
I guess my good luck streak ends here.
I don't know how to handle my feelings.
Get up already.
How is it that you're just two peas in a pod? I said get up! Dongpal, Gilja says you can get up now.
Dongpal? You're still up? I was going to read a bit.
What are you doing here anyway? What happened to your face? Um You haven't gone to bed yet, father? I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, dad.
Why don't we have a drink? I only gave you a little, since you're on meds.
It's been ages since we last drank together.
I know.
The English have a saying, a calm sea cannot make a great mariner.
Unless you hold your oars tight and fight the waves, your boat will sink as soon as it hits a storm.
When grandma opposed the marriage you were so confident.
What happened? I'm sorry, dad.
I know what you're going through.
A husband is in charge of his wife, but a wife is also in charge of her husband.
Yes, father.
When I first tried to marry your mom, it wasn't just grandma, everyone around me opposed the idea.
There was the age gap, among other things.
But I was sure she was the one, and to this day, I'm sure I'm right.
It's your mom who raised you and Sera into such fine young people.
I know.
The booze is hitting me hard.
I'm giving my son long lectures.
Gyeongsuk, come look at this.
What is it, mother? Oh, my goodness.
What is this? Did you two get into an argument? Of course not.
Changgeun, wake up.
Gyeongmin, wake up.
Come on.
Gyeongmin, what happened to your face? Oh, um It's just What? You come with me.
Why did you drink so much? I only drank a little, so please go easy on me.
Maybe it's because it's been so long but, the drinks just kept coming.
Excuse me? Grandma.
Sit here.
What happened to your face? You two fought, didn't you? No, grandma.
Don't lie to me.
Ruby did that to you, didn't she? I scratched myself while reaching for a book.
Grandma, your imagination is too wild.
We got a big man here.
Lying to his grandma's face.
Who're you trying to fool? That definitely looks like a fingernail mark.
Grandma, it's not.
I'm telling you the truth.
Are you sure? Of course.
Why won't you believe me? I have two perfectly nice boys who left their wives to sleep in the study.
What am I supposed to think? But your son and grandson were curled up next to each other.
Wasn't that cute? No.
It was pretty disappointing.
I have to get to work.
Don't ever sleep anywhere else but in your own bed with your wife.
I'm desperate for a great-grandson.
I have to run.
I'm almost positive Ruby did that to him.
Has Ruby left early again? Yup.
Do you at least know what for? I suppose she has a lot on her plate.
Stop staring.
What's the matter with you? Gyeongmin, that's a nail mark, right? What in the world were you and Ruby up to? You don't need cosmetic surgery to fix that.
I should get to work.
It's nice to be young though.
Right, ma'am? Where is your tact? Stop being so nosy.
Could you get me more soup, Geumhui? You could open a soup restaurant.
This is delicious.
Of course, Changgeun.
Go easy on the compliments.
It's hard enough having bread all the time.
What if she makes nothing but soup? What? $20,000? Really? That's right.
Count it.
It's all there, right? Where did you get this money? Don't worry about it.
Don't ask or pry.
Just use it for the lease deposit.
But you were penniness.
Where did you get this? You used to borrow $2 from me everyday.
Oh, come on.
The rest is interest.
Are you sure this money's legit? I'm sure.
What if it's not? Stop that.
I'm eating right now.
Oh, hello.
I was just about to call you about the lease deposit.
- Ms.
/ - Yes, ma'am.
So how did it go? I signed.
Even with my reading glasses, I can barely make out the words.
Don't worry.
I'm indebted to you for life.
I love you so much.
Enough with that lovey-dovey nonsense.
You didn't tell Gyeongsuk, right? You told me not to tell her, so I didn't.
The weather's nice, isn't it? What are you thinking about? Nothing much.
Like you said, the weather really is nice.
Remember? When we were in college we loved this song.
The person holding my hand needs to be Gyeongmin.
The person I need to listen to this with is Gyeongmin.
Bae Gyeongmin.
You think a person can only have one face? Ten, a hundred, even a thousand.
Your face must change with the situation.
Maybe you and I have countless faces beneath the surface.
You're on.
I'll show you a thousand faces.
Enjoy it nice and slow, Jeong Runa.
A photo shoot? That's her excuse? Is this a joke? She's the head of the marketing division.
How can she go on a photo shoot and miss an important meeting like this without telling us in advance? I don't know what to say.
I'm sorry, Director Bae.
I should have reminded her again yesterday.
Have you tried calling her? We've called three times, but This in-house proposal contest needs to be taken seriously.
Even the president's here.
My apologies.
No excuses, sir.
We have no choice.
Let's get through this without her.
There are five finalists, right? Yes.
They're all very good entries.
It was close.
Jeong Ruby's sister, Ms.
Jeong Runa, is one of the five finalists.
Oh, really? The evaluation was impartial, correct? Of course, Director Bae.
I didn't know it was today.
I reminded you everyday for the past several days.
It's not like I ditched work to go play.
It was a schedule overlap.
What's the big deal? It's just a silly contest.
Silly? The contest was to get ideas for new projects to start.
In any case, I said I was sorry.
But Ms.
Seo, even if you were my senior in college, shouldn't you show your boss some manners? Jeong Ruby are you being serious? Bye.
See you tomorrow.
Return the clothes and then you can go home.
Everyone's on my case today.
Are you happy being married to Ruby? Have you ever regretted marrying her? Brace yourself, Runa.
You'll be the star of today's show.
What are you going to do? What do you have to say for yourself? Should I embarrass you some more? What? This isn't even close to being over.
I'm just getting started, Jeong Runa.
Forget TV appearances and having a job.
Just get ready to raise some kids.
I'm sorry, father.
Please forgive me.
See you next time
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