Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e45 Episode Script

Episode 45

Are these Ruby's? Yes.
I'll carry them.
It'll be awkward if the staff sees.
Let them watch.
It'd be worse if I didn't help you.
Whenever I have this coffee, I keep thinking of you.
Maybe it's because you said you liked the aroma.
Aren't you tired? A bit.
You don't have to be Ruby's assistant.
Seeing you suffer at her side makes me uneasy.
Don't forget, you work for JM group too, right? Have you forgotten I'm the real Jeong Ruby? When are you and Insu getting married? I don't know yet.
I got the feeling Insu is waiting for your answer.
Are you happy being married to Ruby? Have you ever regretted marrying her? Huh? Why do you ask? I'm just wondering what marriage is like.
I can't say I never regretted it.
As they say, when it comes to marriage, you regret it either way.
If If you married someone other than Ruby, do you think things would be different? If I were married to someone other than Ruby? I never even thought about it.
That's the truth.
Even though we may have been apart for long time, you were the only one I ever considered marrying.
Of course.
That's what you said.
You said I was your one and only.
And yet you don't know? I'm Jeong Ruby.
By the way, you're quite remarkable.
Excuse me? I saw the proposal you submitted.
You did? I submitted it in a rush, so it's rather sloppy.
Sloppy? I wanted to wait until tomorrow, but I just can't.
Your proposal was the best.
Really? Shouldn't you be excited? You just caught a big break, but your face looks unimpressed.
It's not that.
I'm happy and thankful.
Who knows? The marketing team just might give you a call.
This is Ruby's sister's proposal? Yes.
The company is leaning in this direction, but I wanted to get your opinion first.
This is very good.
You made the right choice.
We didn't know we had someone so talented.
Gyeongmin, you've got a good eye after all.
Dad, what about me? Homeshopping sales are sluggish, so we'll have to see about you.
Should I follow Ruby's example and get in front of a camera with a mic? Oh please.
And add the Bae Sera Show to the lineup? It doesn't work for everyone.
Ruby's an exceptional case.
Oh, right.
About Jeong Runa, I talked to the marketing division and recommended her for the position.
To the marketing division? That means she'll be in the same office as Ruby.
Ruby's always busy anyways.
Runa's perfect for marketing.
That's true.
This is an unlikely turn of events.
With one car accident, two sisters exchanged their careers.
It's like they planned it.
Runa, who used to be on TV, is great at marketing, and Ruby, who used to be in marketing, has a knack for television.
Right, Gyeongmin? Careers can change in certain cases.
Ruby's doing great on TV.
That's when it's most dangerous.
Ruby's balancing on the edge.
These days, small mistakes can snowball.
If she keeps charging at full speed, she won't be able to slow down.
Thank you, Gyeongmin.
I was so worried because her leg hasn't fully healed.
I couldn't be happier now that she'll be working with Ruby.
I'll take good care of her, so don't worry about Runa.
I have faith in you.
Be sure to come to our place this weekend.
Okay? Alright.
Take it easy.
What did Gyeongmin say? Is he taking us to a nice restaurant again? Chorim, have some dignity.
He can't treat us all the time.
I invited him to our place for a nice, nutritious homemade meal.
He probably has much nicer, more nutritious meals at his mansion.
Gyeongmin's fine.
It's Insu who needs a homemade meal.
Insu will be there for sure.
I wonder what they'd want to eat.
You have Gyeongmin on this side, and Insu on the other, like two angels on your shoulders.
You're going to invite Dongpal too, right? Dongpal? Him? You two aren't even married.
You're not even engaged, why would I? W-w-what? Let's not be like this.
You said I was like a daughter to you.
You like him that much? Oh c'mon.
I don't know.
It's just What's wrong with admitting you like him? If you were honest, you'd be far less trouble.
By the way, tell Dongpal to sew up that hole in his sock.
That hole really bothered me.
It made me feel so bad I couldn't even scold him properly.
I got you.
Say, Chorim, Runa submitted a proposal for JM Group's in-house contest, and got first place.
She got prize money as well as a special appointment.
She'll be in the same office as Ruby.
Wait a minute.
You got their names mixed up.
You mean Ruby, not Runa, right? No, Chorim.
It's Runa, not Ruby.
Pardon? Runa, that bonehead? She did terribly in school.
She drafted a proposal? Runa didn't like school much, but she's always been a smart girl.
That's amazing.
When people suffer head trauma, do they sometimes get smarter? Chorim! Mother must be busy with this and that.
I love this aroma.
I'm sorry.
You must be busy.
If you're sorry, you should have gone to see a doctor.
It would've been better if I knew nothing.
I wish I never woke up.
Why are you so late? I'm sorry.
Something came up.
- How much time do we have? / - 20 minutes.
The producer's very angry we didn't even do a rehearsal.
Jeong Ruby.
I'm sorry.
You should've been here two hours ago.
We can't do a rehearsal now.
You can do this, right? Don't worry.
Let's hurry.
Runa, go get the cue cards.
Please get these to her right away.
What are these? They're last week's cue cards.
You're kidding me.
Can you accept the blame for this? I'm sorry.
Clean it up right away.
Hello, I'm your host, Jeong Ruby Our guest today is actor Lee Yeongjae Please welcome him with a warm round of applause What took you so long? Hello.
I'm your host, Jeong Ruby.
We have a very special guest for you today.
Actor Lee Yeongjae.
What? Lee Yeongjae was on last week.
Jang Seongju.
I got you, didn't I? Why would Mr.
Lee be back when he was just here last week? I'm sorry.
Let's welcome the real guest.
Actor Jang Seongju.
Please come on out.
Brace yourself, Runa.
You'll be the star of today's show.
Nice to have you here, Mr.
Thanks for having me.
Your movie "Narcissus" That was the film Mr.
Lee Jeongjae was in.
I'm doing a TV drama right now.
It's called "Love Doesn't Exist.
" Oh, my.
I don't know what's wrong with me today.
Let's go straight to our Q&A segment.
Jeong Ruby's Q&A.
Because Jang Seongju is our guest for day, we received lots of questions from fans.
First question You recently posted family photos on twitter.
Your family seems very close.
Do you take family trips often? That was from one of our viewers.
It was Lee Yeongjae's family trip O-M-G! Why? What's wrong? That guy, Jang Seongju.
He got divorced last month.
It was a big deal.
Seriously? So that means Ruby just asked a divorcee about his family situation? O-M-G.
What do we do? Jeong Ruby Show incident.
Jeong Ruby's slipup.
Jang Seongju's divorce.
The internet's on fire.
Let me see that.
Oh, no.
What're we going to do? What is Ruby going to do, Soyeong? I love your tie.
Are you crazy? Hand the mic to a foreigner in the audience.
- A foreigner? / - Ms.
Jeong speaks French.
We'll do 1:1 audience questions to make up for the slipup and highlight Ms.
Jeong's elite image.
Take questions from the audience.
We'll now take questions from the audience.
Does anyone have a question? Yes.
Please go ahead.
She wants to know about my love story, but what does she want advice on? I can't figure out the rest.
What do I do? What do I do? My French isn't very good.
I think the question was for Ms.
You got that, right? I'm not sure.
My French isn't that great either.
Jeong's a bit flustered because she got a question that wasn't in the script.
I'm a bit off today.
Could you please repeat the question? What do I do? What do I do? Will any brave soul answer the question on my behalf? She didn't understand the question? - Go to commercial.
/ - Ms.
Oh, my goodness.
Poor Ruby.
She just passed out, right? I'm not sure.
It's a commercial break.
What? The show just started.
What do we do? Call.
Who do I call? Duh.
Call Ruby.
Ruby can't answer her phone right now.
Oh, right.
This is awful.
Then how about Gyeongmin? Call Gyeongmin.
What's with you two? Is something wrong? I showered quickly to watch Ruby's show.
Why are you turning it off? Gilja, let's just call it a night.
The show's boring today.
You can go to bed if you want to.
I want to see my daughter on TV.
Is it over already? Was it moved to a different time slot? What are you going to do about this? I'm sorry, sir.
You said Ms.
Jeong spoke French.
Why no answer? Yes.
That's what I thought.
She said so herself.
Oh my Where is Ms.
Jeong Ruby right now? At the hospital? She's resting in the lounge.
What? Resting? After ruining a show? Resting? This is the worst disaster in our network's history.
Not only is our online bulletin board on fire but also our sponsors are very upset.
Do you know what this is costing us? And how did you think you could pull off a live show without a rehearsal? Good heavens.
Hey! Who recruited Jeong Ruby in the first place? Did I volunteer to produce this show? You made me do it, darn it.
Okay, fine.
I'll tender my resignation.
I'll resign, okay? I'm a victim too, okay? Darn it.
You're not the only victim, okay? You think your resignation is enough? Many people could get fired for this! Darn it.
Are you okay, Ruby? What are you doing? What am I doing? You don't know? You did it on purpose, didn't you? You did it to get me in trouble, didn't you? Answer me.
Answer me.
Should I embarrass you some more? What? I'm sorry I gave you the wrong cue cards.
I was in a hurry, so I made a mistake.
You're sorry? Do you think sorry will cut it? What are you going to do? How are you going to make up for this? You said you wanted to be successful.
You said you wanted to be perfect.
Then you should've at least been prepared enough to do the show without the cue cards.
Who's the one who came to the show late? Who's the one who boasted she could pull off a live show without a rehearsal? This is a live talk show with your name in the title.
You should've worked harder and been more committed to it.
You didn't have any contingency plans? Are you done? I'm giving you advice as your one and only sister.
As my sister? How can you call yourself my sister when you've just completely destroyed me? You stole my life when I'm your one and only sister.
Be honest.
I know you're jealous of me.
You are green with envy of my red hot career, great husband, and media popularity.
All you ever got were a few small stints at a cable network in Chuncheon, so when I got my own talk show, I bet you were seething with jealousy.
- That's why / - Think what you will.
You're just to trying to blame me for what happened today.
But you'll come to realize that it was you who overshot while unprepared.
Jeong Ruby.
Were you under the weather today? How did you make such a huge mistake? We thought you spoke French.
Why didn't you respond? Please comment.
What happened, Ms.
Jeong? I won't regret this.
I'm going to hate you.
I'm going to despise you.
I'm going to enjoy your misery.
"Jeong Ruby Show": Worst TV disaster ever Jeong faints during live show Strong viewer backlash Jeong Ruby in legal trouble after causing worst TV disaster ever Jeong Ruby's French in question Was she really valedictorian? JM shares plummet after Jeong Ruby's TV fiasco JM scrambles to make it through the worst crisis in the company's history This isn't even close to over.
I'm just getting started, Jeong Runa.
What in the world have you done? We're sorry to cause you concern.
Stop apologizing and tell me what happened.
I'm sorry, father.
I didn't think things get so out of hand.
You said you could handle everything, but you've turned JM upside down.
Did you have an ulterior motive? Of course not, father.
I told you many times that excessive greed leads to disaster? I told you many times to take on only what you can handle.
How could you tarnish our company's fine reputation in one day? Changgeun, please calm down.
You'll damage your health.
I'll keep this short.
I gave you plenty of chances.
Forget TV appearances and having a job, help around the house, and just be ready to raise some kids.
Since you're part of this family now, the company will handle the legal issues.
But I've had enough.
You can go now.
I told you to go.
Why don't you go up to your room? I'm sorry, father.
Please forgive me.
But But what? But father I'm done here.
I vowed I'd never let you down again, but I did, so I apologize, father.
I'll quit all my TV engagements.
But please allow me to keep my job at JM.
We're done here.
You're excused.
I was arrogant, father.
Like you said, my greed was excessive.
I've learned a lot from this experience, father.
I'll be modest and humble from now on.
Empty promises won't get you off the hook.
They're not empty promises, father.
I forgot I was part of the JM family for a while, but I've come to my senses.
I'll do everything I can to repair the damage I've done to this company's reputation.
JM was built on your sweat and tears.
If I back down now, I won't be able to bear it, father.
Don't cry.
Everyone makes mistakes.
I'm sorry, Gyeongmin.
Let's move on, okay? Gilja, we all make mistakes.
Don't let this worry you, Chorim.
It's only natural that Ruby's in-laws are upset.
But it was still a mistake, wasn't it? But if you mistakenly kill someone, you still get punished, right? Does this seem like the same thing to you? You little I'm back.
- Runa.
/ - Runa.
So what happened? Did you get to see Ruby? She canceled all her engagements.
I haven't seen her since.
Yeah okay.
I bet the press has it so she can't go anywhere.
I don't know if Insu and Gyeongmin will come by after this.
Gilja, you have to invite them over especially at a time like this.
It'll give Ruby an excuse to get away from her in-laws, and we can also apologize to Gyeongmin in person.
I don't want to.
I don't have the energy to deal with you, so get going.
I'm sorry, grandmother.
Please forgive me.
I'm an old woman, but I've been trying my best not to be stuffy and old-fashioned.
But I have to tell you this.
This isn't the Joseon period.
I'm not saying you shouldn't work.
But all you care about is your work.
But all you care about is your work.
You have no consideration for your husband, parents-in-law, or mother.
I'm sorry, grandmother.
Now get going.
I don't even want to look at you.
I'm not leaving this room until you forgive me.
What do we do, Changgeun? Mother hasn't had lunch.
I'll go get her.
She is the matriarch of this household.
She is the matriarch of this household.
She has to forgive Ruby for Ruby to get some relief.
And it's up to Ruby to get her forgiveness.
Dad, are you going to let Ruby return to work? It won't be easy for her at the office.
This is her doing, so she has to brace herself for the tough times ahead.
And despite it all, her skills and talents shouldn't go to waste.
Thank you for forgiving Ruby.
I've forgiven her as her father-in-law, not as the CEO of JM.
Keep a close eye on her.
I'm very worried about her.
That Ruby She should just come out.
She won't cave.
I knew right from the start, but she's stubborn as a mule.
We'll see who wins.
Hold on, Jeong Runa.
This is nothing.
Let's go to bed.
How can you sleep? Are you worried about Ruby? Doesn't she make you angry? Of course she does.
But she's suffered enough.
And when I think about her mother Don't worry too much.
Everything will be fine by tomorrow.
How do you know? Has mother said something to you? No, but I know my mom.
Ruby's very shrewd and wily.
Huh? Ruby.
Good heavens.
This is terrible.
Wake up, dear.
This is awful.
Wake up, Ruby.
Gyeongmin, go and get me a wet towel.
Yes, grandma.
This is terrible.
Let's see.
What's wrong? Mother.
She's fine.
- Here.
/ - Thanks.
Should I take to to the hospital? Don't.
There are probably reporters outside.
Who knows what they'll say.
She'll be fine once she has some porridge and some sleep.
Don't worry too much.
Are you okay? This isn't too tough? Don't worry, grandma.
Why has it been one thing after another since you two got married? I'm sorry, grandma.
Don't worry.
This probably is for the better.
She can quit her job and focus on having a baby.
This is a good thing, Gyeongmin.
What now, Jeong Runa? What's your next move? Do you know how hard she's made things for me? Call Runa and congratulate her.
Her prosposal won the grand prize.
Where can it be? Congratulations on becoming part of JM Group's Marketing Division.
I'm just Jeong Runa to you.
A video of you and your sister's fiancee, at Mr.
Na's apartment no less.
Jealousy? But why would she be jealous of Runa? See you next time
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