Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e47 Episode Script

Episode 47

A video of you and your sister's fiancee, and taken at his apartment no less? I bet a lot of people would want this.
He's a leech.
Now that Na Insu has thrown in the towel, you dare to threaten me? You know Runa started working today, right? You look out for her, okay? I heard she used to do TV work.
Help her and give her guidance.
You're back, Gyeongmin? Yup.
I'm tired.
I'm going to bed.
You haven't returned Runa's scarf yet? What's going on here? So Gyeongmin Episode 47 Jihyeok, I got you dumplings.
He's sleeping.
I'm sorry, son.
I haven't told her about you yet.
You must've been out partying.
Your feet stink.
I wasn't partying.
I'm swamped with work.
I'm a busy entrepreneur.
Really? You're not doing anything stinky? Take this instead.
Smell my stinky feet.
But the fact that my feet stink means that Wang Daepung is still alive.
How else would I have gotten you $20,000? You're full of it.
In any case, you need to learn to be more gutsy.
You're always so scared.
I'm starving.
Are these dumplings? Let me have some.
They're Jihyeok's.
Don't touch them.
Jihyeok, Jihyeok If you care so much about Jihyeok, when will you tell him about Bean Pole? Have you told Bean Pole about Jihyeok? I will.
Chorim, can you come and taste this? Runa's right there.
Why do you need me? I think it's a bit bland, but Runa says it's too salty.
You try it.
It's perfect.
I like it, Gilja.
Say, Gilja.
It's a busy weekend, can we really close the restaurant? We make quite a bit on the weekend.
Let's just enjoy our time off and get a good day's rest.
You're right, Gilja.
We've never skipped a weekend since we started the restaurant.
My sore body says it all.
Aunt Chorim, you can go and relax.
I'll set the table.
I've never seen you in the kitchen, working away in an apron.
Are pigs flying? Chorim.
Just kidding.
When will my two dear sons-in-law get here? Mom, Insu and I aren't married yet.
I consider him a son-in-law already.
Should we talk about the wedding with him later? Next month could work.
Some other time.
Not today.
Someone's here.
Hello, Mrs.
You've been cooking up a storm.
Hello, Mr.
Runa, it's not Mr.
Noh anymore.
What did I tell you to call him? Oh, right.
Uncle Dongpal.
It makes me feel funny.
They're here.
We're here, Aunt Chorim.
Welcome, Gyeongmin.
Come on in.
Mother, in preparation for this meal, I skipped breakfast.
Really? You must be hungry then.
Why isn't Insu here yet? Call him.
He's probably on his way.
Such timing.
Speak of the devil.
Come on in.
How are you? Welcome.
We were waiting for you.
Sit down, all of you.
Here? Like that? Oh I'll take that.
I can do it.
Go on and sit.
It's heavy.
I'll do it.
Jihyeok likes glass noodles too.
He loves ribs and meatballs too.
You're an amazing cook, mother.
Everything tastes so good.
For your information, Runa made these.
No wonder.
They were especially tasty.
Insu, you must've gotten quite comfortable with all of us since proposing to Runa.
Have your fill, Gyeongmin although I haven't made much.
The table's about to buckle.
You enjoy the lunch too, mother.
Your cooking isn't too bad.
You think so? I almost fainted twice.
Twice? Yup.
First, because Gilja closed the restaurant on a weekend, and second, because Runa was in an apron cooking.
What's wrong? No appetite? No.
I need to some rest.
I'm going to lie down for a bit.
What's wrong? She barely ate anything.
She was a little carsick on the way over.
Really? Carsick? Wait a minute.
Is Ruby pregnant by any chance? She is, isn't she? Oh, my goodness.
No, Aunt Chorim.
She's not.
Aren't you going to eat? I don't want to see you, so get out.
This is so not like you.
What am I supposed to be like? Tell me.
You settled your sister's debt, paid off her credit card bills, and bailed her out of jail when she got drunk.
You worked and got scholarships to pay your way through college.
When your sister was being punished, you'd beg mom to stop being so harsh.
That's the kind of person you are.
Has your Runa, has your Is this because I haven't apologized? You know I'm not good at making apologies.
I lust for men, designer goods and I'm a huge troublemaker.
Yet, you expect an apology? Don't you think that's a little too much? What's going on with you? Why are you doing this to me? Why do you keep getting in my way? What reason do I need? This is just how Jeong Runa is.
Has Has your memory returned? My memory? What does that matter? I'm just Jeong Runa.
Even if my memory returned, would my life be any different? I think it would be better if I never got my memory back.
Has Has Tell me.
Has your memory really returned? What's the reason? Why are you so obsessed with my memory? Obsessed? I'm just worried about you.
There's something else.
What are they talking about? They're not coming back.
Let them be, Gilja.
Runa knows Ruby's upset.
She's probably in there to humor Ruby.
I'm so sorry to you for all your recent troubles, to your parents too.
You must have been worried too.
It's all over now, so don't worry.
If Gyeongmin hadn't told us, we'd think it was Dongpal, not Gyeongmin, who skipped breakfast.
Slow down or you'll choke.
Slow down, and chew your food properly.
Do you want more soup? Is there something between us that the rest of the family doesn't know about? What do you mean? What are you talking about? There's something fishy about what you said.
You're out of your mind.
Where are you getting these ludicrous ideas? I get the feeling you're hoping I never get my memory back.
It makes me wonder whether you might have done something bad to me.
I'm your sister.
How dare you accuse me of something like that? But weren't you driving that day? You got us into an accident, and my life was taken from me.
So that's what it was.
I lost a year of my life.
Can you say you haven't wronged me? It's not because her memory has returned.
I hate you.
I resent you.
I want to forgive you.
I've tried to accept it, but I just can't get myself to.
Even if I was a mess before the crash Ruby, Runa.
What's going on? Open up.
Stop saying I ruined your career, if you have any good within you at all.
What happened? What is it, Ruby? Runa, did you two fight? What's going on? I've never seen Runa so angry.
No? You didn't know? Runa has a crazy temper.
What's wrong, Ruby? What did you say to Runa? That wicked little I heard you were carsick.
Lie down and calm down.
I'm sorry, mother.
I should apologize to you.
I invited everyone over for this sorry mess.
Please don't say that.
Get up.
Do you have to be like this right now? Gyeongmin, what do I do? Runa says she hates me.
She says she won't forgive me for ruining her life.
You shouldn't have blamed her for what happened with your talk show.
Then she wouldn't have been as angry.
Are you taking Runa's side? Enough.
For your mother's sake, stop.
That'd be best.
I'm sorry.
I ruined the family gathering.
Don't apologize to me.
I'm fine.
I thought I was fine, but I guess I wasn't.
I didn't think I did, but I must have resented Ruby.
But of course.
If you said you weren't, you'd be lying.
She ruined my life but she's living happily with Gyeongmin, I guess that made me jealous.
I don't want to feel this way.
I know I shouldn't be like this, but I can't help myself.
Stop it.
I told you to stop.
Soyeong, you can go in and get some rest.
Stop it.
What's the matter with you? You're such a perv.
Let's dry these.
Dongpal, it's as though we've been living together for a long time.
Don't you think? For a long time? Maybe in our past life? Yeah.
In our past life, I was a princess, and you were the frog prince.
The frog prince? Jeez.
Okay, okay, okay.
I'll take that back.
Then how about King Euija of Baekjae? The one who had a harem of 3,000 ladies? I like that.
That would make sense.
Good grief.
Men are all the same.
Where do you get this self-confidence? Where do you think? This perfect face, of course.
You're too much.
I really didn't want to say this, but you two need to grow up.
In this situation, do you feel like horsing around? What? Grow up? Horse around? Show some respect.
Chorim, Soyeong's right.
Yu's probably very upset.
Thank you for lunch, Mrs.
I'm heading out.
Is she sleeping? Chorim, see you tomorrow.
Bye, Soyeong.
She saw Gyeongmin and Insu out, but Dongpal's not family to her, right? Stop it, Chorim.
I bet she's sleeping.
You'd better watch it too.
You're always poking your nose into other people's business.
I swear Is Ruby still unwell? I think she's just tired.
She keeps feeling dizzy.
Dizzy? What else? And she says she feels nauseated, like she's carsick.
What? Then is she You know? No, no, grandma.
How do you know? She might really be pregnant.
No, she's not.
If she was, we'd know first.
I was worried I might stress you out, so I didn't say anything.
But I'm really counting on you.
You claim to have kept quiet, but that's not how we feel.
All day it's, "baby, baby.
" Every chance you got.
Really? Have I? In any case, the sound of a baby crying makes a family grow closer.
Gilja is doing well, right? Has she said anything Ruby's sister's wedding? No.
Not yet.
She's going to feel lonely once Runa gets married too.
Even Ruby's sister is getting married, but look at our Sera, so carefree even though she has no suitors.
Mom, you're sighing again.
You know I'm not good at making apologies.
I lust for men, designer goods and I'm a huge troublemaker.
Yet, you expect an apology? Don't you think that's a little too much? I get the feeling you're hoping I never get my memory back.
It makes me wonder whether you might have done something bad to me.
Something's up.
I lost a year of my life.
Can you say you haven't wronged me? I hate you.
I resent you.
I want to forgive you.
I've tried to accept it, but I just can't get myself to.
Even if I was a mess before the crash Stop saying I ruined your career, if you have any good within you at all.
I thought I was fine, but I must have resented Ruby.
She ruined my life and yet she's living happily with Gyeongmin, I guess that made me a little jealous.
Has her memory returned? I just wanted to have a nice meal together This is so heartbreaking.
Wait a minute.
Gyeongmin seemed to enjoy the pickled crabs.
Should I send him some? All she cares about is her sons-in-law.
Dongpal likes pickled crabs and ribs too.
Chorim, what are you doing? What? Nothing.
Don't tell me You're taking all that to Dongpal? I, um He really seemed to like it.
Good grief.
I get to decide who gets what.
I woke up early to pickle the crabs.
You're going to bring this all to Dongpal? What? Just the glass noodles? You don't remember? Dongpal ate almost all the pickled crab himself.
Plus, Insu left with Runa so he barely touched the ribs.
Meanwhile, Dongpal stuffed his face.
You're not being fair, Gilja.
We may not be married yet, but Dongpal is still the eldest.
How can you discriminate against him? What are you talking about? I'm not discriminating against anyone.
Just because he's penniless and washes dishes at a chicken restaurant doesn't mean you can look down on him.
I never looked down on him.
What do you take me for? You do look down on him.
Dongpal will be Ruby and Runa's uncle.
But you belittled him in front your sons-in-law, and you didn't even say bye when he left.
I thought you were better than this, but you're petty and superficial.
We all say Ruby has changed, but she's not the only one.
You're the one who's changed even more.
I don't even know what to say.
You're the one who's changed, blinded by your love for that dung beetle.
And excuse me? Petty and superficial? Something's up.
Something's definitely up.
If If her memory has returned What do I do? What can I do? Hello? Jeong Runa.
Don't lie and tell me the truth.
You got your memory back, right? Right? Tell me the truth.
What are you talking about? I was sleeping.
I'm tired.
No? Am I wrong? I wish it were true.
Pray that I get my memory back, Ruby.
I'm going back to sleep.
What is this? What's going on here? Ribs, pickled crabs, glass noodles Jihyeok would've really liked them.
What's wrong? Do you want some? No, no.
You enjoy.
Do you want some rice? No.
Put in some more kimchi.
Dongpal, are you home? Is it that lady? What do we do? Why doesn't she call before she comes? Ta-da! What brings you here at this hour? I brought you glass noodles.
Glass noodles? That's great.
Jihy I sure love glass noodles.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Aren't you going to ask me to stay for a cup of tea at least? I'd like to but It's really late.
If there's any mishap before the wedding, Mrs.
Yu will never let me marry you.
Huh? What a mishap? Oh, that kind of mishap? Stop it.
We're old enough to make our own decisions.
Since I'm here, give me a cup of tea at least.
Okay, Dongpal? Dongpal, I want green tea.
Green tea? Green tea.
Get it? Green tea.
What's the matter with you? Jeez.
You want green tea? Okay.
I'll get it for you.
He's so oblivious.
Do I really have to move into this tiny place? Why is it so cold? They say cold tea is better.
Just finish the tea and leave, will you? Say, Dongpal, when are we going to do it? Huh? Do what? What? We have to get married first.
Oh, my goodness.
You're such a perv.
I know that.
I meant, when should our wedding be? It makes me feel bad to see you having instant noodles and kimchi everyday.
You need a woman in the house so you have proper meals.
You haven't changed your mind, have you? What do you take me for? Hang on.
If you don't want people to gossip, hurry up and get back home.
She just won't leave me alone.
It's not like I'm a teenager.
Was it Mrs.
Yu? She must be worried.
You should go.
You're not going to walk me home? Aren't you worried? No way.
Chorim, this face is a weapon.
Plus, I really have to use the restroom.
- Go on.
/ - Fine.
Enjoy your dinner.
The instant noodles are cold.
Have the glass noodles instead.
I'm not hungry.
Not hungry? Are you and that lady getting married? Oh You see, Jihyeok, I was going to ask you first, but Don't worry about me.
You need to be happy.
I've had a very happy life.
I'm fine, so don't worry, okay? Does it feel awkward for you to see me sitting here? For the duration of this project, I'm not the vice president, I'm the team head.
You're doing a project with Gyeongmin? Are you worried Gyeongmin and I might have an affair together? Have you noticed anything strange? Are you saying she got her memory back? I'm Ruby.
Even if she did something terrible, would you be able to forgive her? What could they be up to? See you next time
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