Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e48 Episode Script

Episode 48

Second quiz.
What do you call a dead almond? Is it die-almond? Bingo.
My turn.
Why did the bee get married? What could it be? Because he was bee-trothed.
I got it.
Because he found his honey.
Good morning, Ms.
Welcome back, Ms.
You all seem to be getting along very well.
Jeong, Runa's so much fun.
They're getting along so well that I'm afraid they'll keep asking for office lunches and dinners.
Oh, right.
Since Ms.
Jeong is back, we should all go out for dinner tonight.
We had an office dinner two nights ago.
Let's just focus on work, okay? Ms.
Jeong, don't forget about the marketing meeting at 11.
Why? Does it feel awkward for you to see me sitting here? Not at all.
You fit right in.
How's the work? Is it fun? Don't get her started.
She's been working so hard.
Her proposal was a major hit.
Stop flattering me.
I'm embarrassed.
That's right.
Flattery makes people arrogant.
So you're going to be involved in Ms.
Jeong Runa's project? Gyeongmin I mean, Vice President Bae, the marketing division can handle it.
Why would you To manage, I have to walk the walk.
By occasionally being involved in projects, executives can keep up with what's happening on the front lines.
Gone are the days when executives could just sit at their desks and sign.
I'm personally interested in Ms.
Jeong Runa's idea too, so this will be a great opportunity.
So that's that.
Jeong Ruby and Ms.
Seo can focus on the other two projects.
can focus on the other two projects.
So in other words, Ms.
Jeong Runa will be dispatched to the vice president's office For the duration of this project, I'm not the vice president, I'm the team head.
Oh, right.
Is the homeshopping team's workshop well underway? Yes.
It's scheduled for next week.
It's been a while since the last one.
I hope the weather's nice.
She's got some nerve, returning to work after that fiasco.
It's impressive.
She's got tons of money, but she still came back to work, her career ambitions are no joke.
Seo lost a promotion because of her.
I heard her sister was a TV reporter for some tiny local cable network.
She got into the marketing division.
We had to do grueling applications.
They don't even know anything, yet they're chattering away.
You're doing a project with Gyeongmin? I have no choice.
Why? Does it bother you? You think I don't know your old habits? What are you implying? Are you worried Gyeongmin and I might have an affair together? This isn't a drama.
You're being absurd, Ruby.
But then again, seducing men is one thing I'm good at.
Nevertheless, as selfish as I may be, I'm not that loose of a sister.
Your husband of all people? How absurd But Jeong Runa, that's precisely what you did.
Cut me some slack, Ruby.
Everyone thinks I got here unfairly.
Help me out a little.
I'll work really hard.
Did I say I wouldn't? A lot of people are watching, so behave yourself.
You just wait, Jeong Runa.
You'll feel how I felt.
Are you nervous your husband and sister might be having a ball together? What? It was a joke.
Where did that come from? Was that a joke? You seem rather testy.
I was just kidding.
I heard something unpleasant in the ladies' room.
I'm sorry.
Ignore them.
You're not the only one who overhears.
I overhear all kinds of things in the restroom.
But what can you do? It does make me mad though.
What brings you here? I was just passing by.
Where's Runa? She's in a meeting with Vice President Bae.
Just the two of them? Vice President Bae's really taken with Runa's proposal.
I'll get going then.
Good times.
I thought everything was settled between us.
What is it that you want to talk about? When are you and Runa getting married? In due time.
About Runa Have you noticed anything strange? What do you mean by strange? She's different.
Maybe Are you saying she got her memory back? I'm not sure, although something's off about her.
If her memory returns, it wouldn't be good for you either.
So keep a close eye on her.
I thought there was a meeting.
Where did they go? Where's Vice President Bae? I don't know.
I didn't think you'd feel comfortable in my office, Runa.
Oh, I forgot.
I should call you Ms.
I'm fine working in your office.
But it's autumn.
We can be more productive here than in my stuffy office.
"The trees are in their autumn beauty, The woodland paths are dry, Under the October twilight the water, Mirrors a still sky What comes after that? Upon the brimming water among the stones Are nine-and-fifty swans.
Since I made my first count.
The nineteenth autumn has come upon me.
How do you know this poem? It's a favorite of Ruby's.
I recited it to her when we took a walk around a lake.
What was the name of the poet? Yeats.
William Butler Yeats.
I didn't know you and Ruby shared so many similarities.
We may look similar, but I can't become Jeong Ruby.
I'm worried about you and Ruby.
You two were the perfect couple.
But it seems like there's trouble in paradise.
Don't hate Ruby.
Hate? Why would I hate her? Love comes with an expiration date.
The love you and Ruby share will one day expire, and only hatred will remain.
Is that why you're hesitant about taking the plunge with Insu? Because Ruby and I don't seem happy? Were you 100% sure when you married Ruby? Did you have no doubt whatsoever that she was the one? It's a little embarrassing to admit, but yes, I was very sure.
Even if she did something terrible, would you be able to forgive her? What makes you say that? Because no one knows what the future holds.
I just don't get it.
I thought it was just Ruby, but you're the same way.
You two seem so alike sometimes, but very different at other times.
I know.
You and Insu haven't changed, so why have Ruby and I changed so much? Ruby Where were we? He won't answer my call? Yes, Ms.
Runa left her phone in the office.
What could they be up to? It's ready.
Soyeong, has Gilja gone somewhere? She said she had to go home for a bit.
Why? What for? Good grief.
You can sit here.
Thank you.
Did you come alone? Yes.
We have a two-portion minimum, but we'll make an exception for you.
Thank you.
The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting Man, oh, man.
Where can he be? Why won't he pick up? What a good-looking dude.
Refrigerate them as soon as you get home.
It's ribs and pickled crabs.
Thank you so much, Mrs.
I heard your cousin's staying with you.
It's just two men, so I bet you don't cook much.
Thank you, Mrs.
We'll be sure to enjoy these.
And I'm sorry if I've been hard on you lately.
But Gyeongmin and Insu are my sons-in-law, and you're I don't deserve the kindness you've shown me.
I know where I stand.
I've known you longer than Gyeongmin and Insu combined.
Of course you're not like them to me.
As they say, son-in-laws are always like guests.
Don't worry about what I think.
Just make solid plans for your life with Chorim.
But Mrs.
Yu Yes? What is it? I I have The truth is, I Is this about your housing situation? What? Yes.
I know.
Apartment leases are so expensive these days.
And a monthly rental won't do either.
I've been thinking about that too.
Once Runa gets married, you and Chorim can move in here.
I'm sure you'd rather live alone with Chorim, but it would be better here than your studio.
You can save up and get your own place later.
I'm so ashamed.
Don't say that.
Just make Chorim happy.
I really mean it.
Yes, ma'am.
Chorim, Chorim.
Dodge it, dodge it.
Okay, okay.
I got this.
I shoot at this, right? This one.
You suck.
I'll do it.
I'll do it.
Give it to me.
- C'mon.
/ - Oh yes! Why does he carry a phone he never picks up? The recipient is unavailable.
Is he roaming the streets for other girls again? A fly? Come here, fly.
Oh man.
What's a fly doing here? I want my dung beetle.
Oh, no.
Are you okay? I'm fine.
Your nickname's not dung beetle, is it? Oh, my goodness.
Stop bothering him, Chorim.
What? The thing is, we have a dung beetle at our place too.
No way.
Really? He's good-looking but I didn't think he'd be funny as well.
Soyeong, bring him a bottle of soda.
I'm fine.
It's on the house.
You made me laugh.
I was in a bad mood up until now.
Chorim, your dung beetle, I mean, Dongpal is here.
Is your cell phone broken? Why didn't you answer my calls? You called? Thank you for the food.
Sure thing.
Later, good-looking guy.
Come again! Bye.
What were you two talking about? Huh? With that young thing? He's so funny.
He said his house has a dung beetle too.
Ow, my stomach.
I'll be right back.
Where are you going? To the doctor's.
The pharmacy.
I think I have diarrhea.
When did you get here? You should've called.
Did anything happen? Like what? Like I'd tell her you're my dad? That's not what I meant.
I was wondering what you were talking about.
Don't worry.
I didn't tell her I was your son.
I came by out of curiosity.
To see what she's like, and if she takes care of my childish dad.
She doesn't know about me, right? The thing is Don't tell her.
That way you can still marry her.
I'm an adult now, dad.
I can take care of myself, so don't ever tell her.
I'll see you later.
Did you go to the pharmacy? The fresh air's made me feel better.
You're an idiot.
Chorim, the truth is Where were you earlier? Were you with another woman? Another woman? I suppose I was.
What? Noh Dongpal, you Yes.
I was with Mrs.
Yu Gilja.
What? Gilja? Why? She asked me to come to your place.
She gave me ribs and pickled crabs.
Gilja did? You should be good to her, Chorim.
Don't drag me into this.
You're the one who got the food.
Because a couple is of one body and mind.
You didn't know? Of one body? Is that you, Jihyeok? I must have dozed off.
What's the matter? Young men shouldn't sigh like that.
Do you have a woman, Uncle Daepung? Woman? What a random question.
If you are, you should settle down soon too.
What are you talking about? Do you know about your father's girlfriend? Am I an idiot? No.
You're not an idiot.
Are you against your dad getting married? It's not that.
What if that lady finds out about me later, and leaves dad? From what I've gathered, he's been telling her he's a bachelor.
Do you know the tale about the lumberjack? What about it? If they just get married and have a baby, even if she finds out, it won't affect the marriage.
Beanpole, I mean, your father's girlfriend, isn't coldhearted enough to leave her baby behind.
So she's different from my mom, right? Oh I suppose you're right.
Hey, I'm kind of hungry.
Let's order some fried chicken.
Okay? I'm not hungry.
What is wrong you? You're always causing trouble.
Where were you? Why didn't you answer my calls? You said you were in a meeting.
What were you two up to? What's wrong with you? That's what I'd like to ask you.
A meeting? You ran off with Runa.
We had the meeting outside, okay? Are you upset because we didn't have the meeting with the doors open and with the rest of the staff present? Is that why you barged in here yelling at me with no consideration for what the staff might think? You have no right to raise your voice at me.
Are you hiding something from me? What? Tell me.
Why didn't you answer my calls? Are you accusing me of infidelity? And with your own sister of all people? Tell me! Why didn't you answer my calls? Because I was in a meeting! Because I knew what you'd say if I picked up.
How can you be like this? How can you be like this to me? Ruby.
What did I do? What are you so worried about? I told you.
I don't like it when you're alone with Runa.
Runa's my sister-in-law.
Not some other girl, she's your sister.
I, Bae Gyeongmin, loved and married you.
But now.
Why? I can't do this at the office again.
I'm begging you.
Show some decency.
The way you acted just now There's no way you're Jeong Ruby.
I'm not Jeong Ruby Me? I'm on my way.
See you at the parking lot.
Are you punching out now? You're working late.
You must have a lot to do.
We're auditioning new show hosts, but no one's as good as Ms.
Jeong Ruby.
Don't worry.
There's always a new star somewhere.
Oh, right.
I noticed a while ago that the camera loves Ms.
Jeong Runa.
She used to be a TV reporter, right? Ms.
Jeong Runa is off limits.
As her fiancee and husband-to-be, I'm opposed to her going on TV.
Okay, fine.
I was just putting it out there because I'm desperate.
Well that's that.
From now on, you won't be getting into anymore trouble, correct? What? We haven't known each for long, but you seem to lead a life that is altogether too dynamic.
Don't worry.
See you around.
I'm worried about you and Ruby.
You two were the perfect couple.
But it seems like there's trouble in paradise.
Don't hate Ruby.
Hate? Why would I hate her? Love comes with an expiration date.
The love you and Ruby share will one day expire, and only hatred will remain.
Were you 100% sure when you married Ruby? Did you have no doubt whatsoever that she was the one? I feel shy talking about it, but yes, I was very sure.
Even if she did something terrible, would you be able to forgive her? The trees are in their autumn beauty Since I first made my count The nineteenth autumn has come upon me.
It's me, Gyeongmin.
I'm Ruby.
So Chorim, you're ready to get married right away? Given the turn of events, it might be good to rush it I mean, I'm not desperate to get married or anything.
But he doesn't really cook for himself, and I felt sorry for him when I saw the hole in his sock.
I know.
I felt the same way.
You two should talk about it first.
Dongpal seems worried about his tiny house.
I told him the two of you could stay with me if you wanted to.
What? Here? No.
I don't want to.
We should have our own place even if it's a hole in the wall.
As you wish.
Does he have any savings? Apartment leases are expensive these days.
Hi, Gyeongmin.
You haven't gone to bed yet? No.
I wanted to see my grandson before I went to bed.
Now that you got to see me, you should go to bed.
I will.
Good night, sweet prince.
Good night, mom.
- You too.
/ - Good night.
You must be tired.
Go get some rest.
Okay, dad.
Mom, I'm going to bed.
Okay, Gyeongmin.
It's been quite tough as of late, right? It's nothing I can't handle.
Chin up.
Oh, wow.
My darling Vice President Bae is home.
We have the workshop tomorrow.
You shouldn't be drinking.
Don't worry, Vice President Bae.
I won't miss the workshop just because I had a few glasses of wine.
If I did, you'd give me an earful.
Oh, right.
But I'm Jeong Ruby, right? I'm sweet, diligent, and competent.
I never drink either.
I'm so in love with Bae Gyeongmin that I'd never do anything to make him lose face.
I'm Jeong Ruby, the perfect wife.
What do I have to do? What can I do to become the Jeong Ruby you love so much? Please tell me.
I'll go to the workshop alone.
You can rest at home.
I'm coming too.
I'll make some excuse for you.
You don't have to come.
I'm coming.
Oh, right.
But I'm Jeong Ruby, right? I'm sweet, diligent, and competent.
I'm so in love with Bae Gyeongmin that I'd never do anything to make him lose face.
I'm Jeong Ruby, the perfect wife.
What do I have to do? What can I do to become the Jeong Ruby you love so much? Please tell me.
You must be tired.
I'll drive, okay? No.
I can take the bus.
Hon, I think I was a bit cranky last night, getting jealous and suspicious over nothing.
I must love you too much.
But you should've been more careful too.
If you're out and about with Runa what would other people think? People will make up stories and spread vicious rumors.
Shouldn't there be trust between two people who love each other? You said so yourself, that no matter what, you want me to be on your side.
I'm asking you to do the same.
That's why I'm apologizing.
So stop being mad at me, okay? You'll be seeing your staff soon.
Are you going to bring your anger? What happened to us? Why? Why? Are you really in love with Jeong Ruby? Are you bored now that I've given up revenge? This isn't good.
The sun's about to set too.
I can't get a hold of Gyeongmin.
What are you doing? Send out a search team! I hate you, Gyeongmin.
If you had this with you, Gyeongmin wouldn't be in the state he's in.
Did Runa say anything important? Why are you so obsessed with Runa's memory? This isn't my face.
It's not! See you next time
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