Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e49 Episode Script

Episode 49

I know you're all very excited, but please settle down for a bit.
Vice President Bae Gyeongmin here will deliver a welcome speech.
Woo-hoo! Yay! I know very well that a long speech by an executive on the way to a workshop is boring and counterproductive.
I just hope the workshop will be a time for us to take in a lot of fresh air and grow closer.
Thank you.
It's been so long since our last trip.
Let's go on trips together more often from now on.
Close that mouth of yours before it rips.
It must be the facial last night.
Half of your wrinkles are gone.
Are you kidding me? Of course not.
I think I'm good at giving facials.
It's so tight and firm.
What do you think you're doing? I have to feel it to see how firm it is.
Hurry up and set the table instead of talking nonsense.
Just a moment please.
Mom, you're glowing today.
You must have slept very well.
You see it too? Yes.
You look radiant.
You're up early, mother.
Gyeongsuk, did you give Auto $1,000 without telling me? Oh, no.
She'd run straight over to a plastic surgeon's.
So why is Auto all smiles? For passion, pleasure, and enjoyment, how about a taking a trip this fall? You can really enjoy the fall landscape here as it is Korea's island of mystery It's a perfect destination for autumn with a breathtaking view Everyone's going to nice places, but here we are grilling chicken.
Can't we enjoy autumn too? We have a restaurant to run.
Do you get the autumn blues? Wait.
Autumn blues are more of a guy thing.
Autumn blues are a guy thing? Yup.
It's spring for women, fall for men.
It has something to do with hormones.
I don't know anything about hormones, but when I look up at the sky, I feel restless and just want to go out somewhere.
Now that I think about it, in your past life, you were a horse, not a chicken.
You must've been a wild horse, galloping and neighing.
Shut your flappy beak.
If I was a horse, you were a woodpecker, constantly pecking away.
You little brat.
Here we go again.
Good grief.
Sit down.
Soyeong, mind your manners and be nicer to Chorim from now on.
I haven't said anything because you two are like sisters, but once Chorim gets married, she'll become one of the family elders.
Same goes for Dongpal.
Are you done yet, Chef Noh? All done, Mrs.
Come out and rest when you can.
Show him some love, Chorim.
What? But Gilja, why are you so fickle? You said PDA was a no-no.
Dongpal's probably sore all over, I just wanted him to get some rest.
What were you thinking about? You think Soyeong and I want to watch you give Dongpal a full-body massage? Chef Noh, it's been a long day.
Let me give you a rub.
This is nice.
You're good at this, Soyeong.
Ko Soyeong, go get an energy drink for Dongpal.
- Chorim.
/ - Move it.
I'll do this.
Let me do it.
I should excuse myself before you force me to.
Soyeong was so much better.
Put some back into it.
What happened to your superhuman strength? Okay.
Like this? No.
More to the inside.
- Here? / - Closer to the neck.
Here? Here? Harder.
You pair up with the person who picks the same color ball as you.
Each team will use a map and a compass to find the treasure and return to the resort to complete the mission.
Step it up, sister-in-law.
We don't have all day.
Don't call me that.
But that's what you'll be for the rest of our lives.
Get used to it.
I can take your backpack.
I have something to ask you.
Are you really in love with Jeong Ruby? This is my first treasure hunt.
You? It's my first one since elementary school.
I see.
Something's wrong with the compass.
Really? This seems to be broken.
This isn't good.
The sun's about to set too.
Let's go up a bit farther.
We might run into another team.
What? Are you in love with the real Jeong Ruby, not me? Why? Are you bored now that I've given up revenge? The sun sets quickly in the mountains.
Let's hurry, sister-in-law.
You're lying.
I can see it in your eyes.
You're still in love with me.
You're late.
We must be the last team.
Vice President Bae's team's still out there.
What? They're not here yet? I'm sure they'll be here soon.
The recipient's phone is turned off.
Connecting to voicemail.
One connected, charges will apply The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting What's wrong? They're not answering? What is this? We can't get a hold of them.
What's wrong? I can't get a hold of Gyeongmin.
It'll be dark soon.
What if he gets lost It's not a big mountain.
He's not a three-year-old.
Stop worrying.
Let's stick with our itinerary.
Everyone, to the seminar hall.
Yes ma'am.
Don't worry.
They'll be here soon.
Let's go, Ms.
They're doing the raffle.
The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting This won't do, Runa.
Hold my hand.
Come on, Runa.
Let's take a quick break.
Since we're here, let's gaze at the stars for a bit.
Let's sit here, Runa.
Come here.
Sit here.
Aw man.
You haven't found yours, right? I must have left it on the bus.
I can't find it anywhere.
What's the use of being vice president? I can't even find a way out.
Oh What's this? Insu got them for me.
I brought them along just in case.
Insu's got some foresight.
Maybe it was a squirrel.
Or a roe deer.
It's autumn.
It must be a squirrel gathering nuts.
All right.
Shall we bravely move forward? Okay.
I hope it's not a bear or a wild dog.
The lucky number is Drumroll, please.
Number eight.
It's me.
Why can't either of them be reached? Have they gone off somewhere again? No.
I have to trust Gyeongmin.
But Ruby's been acting strange.
You should still be careful though.
What if someone steals Gyeongmin from you? Next, the goddess of our division, Ms.
Jeong Ruby will pick the winner.
A round of applause.
What are you doing? Go up.
Jeong Ruby, where are you? Let's go that way.
That way.
What are you doing? Send out a search team! As you can see, it's raining heavily.
There could be landslides.
It's just too dangerous out there.
We need to wait until the rain stops before we can resume the search.
I'm sure they're fine, so don't worry too much.
How can I not worry? He's the vice president.
And my sister, Runa If she's in an accident again Just the thought makes me shudder.
We can't wait for the rain to stop.
Call the police for help.
Yes, ma'am.
Have some tea and calm down.
A while back, Ruby and I were hiking in the mountains and it started raining, just like this.
Back then, we found shelter, and we were so happy while we waited.
I remember that too.
How could I ever forget, Gyeongmin? Did the rain stop soon after? No.
It rained for more than two hours.
But it was better than this, because we were able to stay dry.
It's in that shelter that day that Ruby and I That's right.
You and I shared our first kiss.
What did you and Ruby do? Huh? Oh, um When it rains, I still remember that day.
You loved me that much.
How do you not recognize me? How? But Ruby must have forgotten all about it.
She doesn't care about the rain.
Even when I bring it up, there's no response.
Can those romantic memories really be so easily forgotten? What do you think? I'm sorry.
You don't have to answer.
Wake up.
You can't fall asleep.
Let's talk, okay? They'll come find us soon.
I hate you.
I resent you.
Runa, wake up.
They found Vice President Bae.
They did? Where is he? Runa.
Runa, wake up.
Runa, wake up.
- Call an ambulance.
/ - Yes, sir.
Runa, wake up.
Runa you Ruby.
Are you feeling all right? I'm okay.
What happened to Gyeongmin? Don't you remember? You passed out, so he carried you all the way to the resort on his back.
He collapsed from dehydration.
How could you leave your phone on the bus? If you had this with you, Gyeongmin wouldn't be in the state he's in.
Runa, you're awake! Are you feeling all right? I'm sorry I caused you concern.
I'm sorry, Ms.
Don't be sorry.
It's Ms.
Jeong who was worried sick.
This grill has to be cleaned.
Be careful.
That'll be $12.
Here's your change.
Thank you.
Come again.
Gilja, what is it this time? They say children spell trouble, but I only have two girls.
Why do I have to be worried all the time? What now? Who is it this time? Ruby or Runa? Runa went to a workshop in the mountains got lost in the rain and passed out.
What? She passed out in the rain? Maybe Runa's leg isn't fully healed.
It seems that way.
We have to give her some herbal medicine.
How can I get herbal medicine after the fit you threw last time? Come on, Gilja.
I won't be like that again.
No way.
When I see Gilja like that, I'm scared of having kids and being a parent.
Dongpal, autumn blues? What? You've been so quiet all day.
Do you know how nervous it makes me when you're this quiet? Chorim, what's there to be nervous about? I am nervous.
Why? Because we're just acquaintances.
That's what you said, some time ago.
For us to be closer, we need to have our wedding and get our marriage license.
But Chorim, the thing is, I What was that? Why did you stop mid-sentence? Let's talk about it later.
Later when? A little later.
When will that be? Let's have a drink together after work.
Why do you have to tell me over drinks after work? Welcome.
Did something happen between them in the mountains? I told you to stay at the hospital.
You're so stubborn.
Are you sure you'll be okay? Yup.
Did anything happen on the mountains? What do you mean? I was very worried about you.
It got dark, and it was raining.
How was Runa? What do you mean? Was Runa okay? She's tougher than she looks, but still Did Runa say anything important? What are you getting at? I'm just wondering if her memory returned.
She was soaking in rain.
Why are you so obsessed with Runa's memory? I'm not obsessed.
I'm just curious.
As far as I can tell, you're not concerned, you're just obsessed.
So why? You're being weird.
I'm just curious, that's all.
Is this because you're still mad at me? I'm tired.
What happened last night? What did they talk about? How's the business coming along? Has Mr.
Wang gotten in touch with you? I left him a message, so he'll be in touch soon.
Keep your voice down.
Gyeongmin must be hungry.
Hurry up with the porridge.
Yes, ma'am.
Is the porridge ready? Huh? Yup.
Say, Ruby, did something happen at the workshop? Did he fall into a river? I beg you.
Stop meddling in other people's affairs.
Just mind your own.
Yeah? What are you doing? Nothing.
Why is this in your backpack? I was going to return it to Runa at the workshop, but I forgot again.
I told you I can return it to her.
Is it that hard to return this scarf? I just don't get it.
Why do you care so much about a scarf? I'll return this.
So eat your porridge.
I told you, it's fine.
Yu, your skin's very dry these days.
You need to do this every now and again.
What good would it do a wrinkly old woman? Don't say that.
You are Um A diamond in the rough.
What? A diamond in the rough? You become old when you start repeating the phrase, "I'm old.
" Don't say you're old from now on.
You really are pretty.
I want to age as gracefully as you have.
Why are you thinking about aging already? Don't worry about getting old.
Just enjoy your life and work hard.
I want to so bad.
Chorim and Runa have boyfriends, but I'm all alone.
They all have their partners.
You can be my partner.
No way.
I want to fall in love too.
I'm not kidding.
I'm serious.
Believe me.
Soyeong's got the autumn blues.
It's winter.
I won't have anyone to cuddle with.
The thought makes me shiver.
When will I find love? I wonder.
When will you find it? Good grief.
Don't make me laugh.
I can't laugh.
This isn't my face.
It's not.
You're Runa, Jeong Runa.
Yu Gilja's second daughter.
You lust for men, designer goods, and you're a party girl.
What could you possibly achieve? That's not true.
Do you think you can get Bae Gyeongmin back? How? I'll put everything back in place, no matter what.
You can try if you want, but nothing will change.
I can do it.
Who is Bae Gyeongmin? Jeong Ruby, he's your brother-in-law.
Your brother-in-law.
No way! Runa, what's wrong? Mom, what do I do? What do I do? Is something wrong? I remember now.
I remember everything.
Calm down, Runa.
Get her some water, Runa.
Calm down, Runa.
Mom Is it true? Can you really remember everything? Your memory has returned? Good job.
I'm so proud of you.
Good job.
Good job.
I hate everyone.
I'm resentful.
I hate you too, mom.
Why did you let this happen to me? Why didn't anyone help me? Runa.
Come to your senses, Bae Gyeongmin.
You're Jeong Ruby's husband.
The woman you love is Jeong Ruby.
I'm sorry, Gyeongmin, for putting you Don't call me Gyeongmin at work.
We can say Jihyeok is my son, okay? Daepung, stop saying things like that.
Before we get married, I have to tell you something.
Let's spend more quality time together.
Thank you.
Why didn't you tell me you were sick? Why suffer alone? What is this? Why was it hidden here? Was this what Gu Yeonho was looking for? See you next time
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