Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (2009) s01e50 Episode Script

Upheaval in Central

Shoot everyone except for Colonel Mustang! By that, are you implying that the Madam may be shot as well? Those are words I wanted to hear, but I No, was my husband abandoned by his country? Or perhaps, did he abandon me? I can't say for sure.
But you can rest assured that we'll insure your safety.
In order to prove after everything is over that what we are currently doing is not in the wrong.
Reinforcements! Hurry! Looks like you were saved.
Had we been soldiers from Briggs, you would have been dead.
What?! Long time no see, Colonel.
Good work.
What's Lieutenant General Grumman up to? He's dealing with the aftermath of the train explosion.
Have you not mentioned to the Madam that her husband is currently missing? I haven't.
It would be hard to move around if she were to pass out from the shock.
They're gathering like ants.
You're too popular, Colonel.
You're telling me You still haven't taken care of them?! What are they doing?! There are only five enemies! They've increased in numbers! Apparently, they're currently at least the size of a platoon! Our casualties? None? Damn them Are you alright?! Just barely The Flame Alchemist is the one who was devastating in Ishbal, right? Am I the only one who feels like he's not as powerful as the rumors say? Agreed.
All I've been seeing from him are tiny explosion flames Jess! Parkie! Dammit! He got my eardrum! What are the casualties?! We're lucky that none were killed.
Both the hero of Ishbal and the "Hawk's Eye" are against us.
It's strange that none of our men have died.
It couldn't be! They really are! They're! Going easy on us?! Yes.
There are quite a few casualties, but none have been killed so far.
Even the ones who were sniped were not hit in critical spots.
Mocking us like that! Have the Demetri Squad and Kim Squad deployed as well! Hurry up and make a stack of the corpses of Mustang's men right here! They still haven't captured Mustang? What in the world is Brigadier General Clemin doing?! Apparently, they're only chipping at our forces without killing any of them.
There's no way they can keep up something that crafty for so long.
Colonel Mustang sure is soft.
What the hell is he thinking? And the Central Army who can't even defeat him are even more inexperienced.
It's almost like child's play.
What did you say? I've heard that headquarters was almost completely frozen by a single traitor.
Central has never been attacked by a large force since the country was established.
This inexperience is its greatest weakness.
Good on the offensive, but absolutely terrible on the defensive.
What do you think? How about you put me in charge of the Central Army for a bit? Don't get too cocky, Armstrong! Do you think you're here right now because of your own ability? You're only here so that we can control you.
We're aware that you and the soldiers at Briggs have a strong bond.
The fact that you're here is a powerful shackle on their wrists to prevent them from opposing us.
You guys don't know anything about us! I've told them beforehand to abandon me in the event of an emergency.
The law of Briggs is "Survival of the Fittest".
Even if I were to die here, they'd only shrug it off and say it happened because I was too weak.
They're a group that will move on without flinching.
That's what it means to be a soldier at Briggs.
Don't you dare speak of the soldiers I raised without actually knowing them! They're currently exchanging fire with Colonel Mustang and the crew in the industrial area in the west district.
A lot of soldiers were sent to that area.
Let's do this.
Time to say goodbye to this cellar.
Give those cowards at Central a good bite in the windpipe! See? Here they come.
Veterans who can put up a fight against the giant bears at Briggs.
I wonder who'd win; them or those proud dolls of yours? Dammit! New forces?! That's ridiculous! Where did they come from?! They just suddenly appeared from within the city! They're not magicians, dammit! You men go too! Enemy numbers? Unconfirmed, sir! But from their equipment, we can assume that they're from the north! Briggs? From the Armstrong's mansion? Yeah.
We snuck soldiers and weapons into the basement while the mansion was being repaired.
How big is the place, exactly? Charlie! Give me some ammo! Sorry, we're out too.
This is bad What's taking the supply squad so long? Don't tell me they were captured If things get really bad, desert me and run.
Roger that! Isn't this where you're supposed to say, "I'll follow you to the depths of hell"? Last thing I want to do is to commit double suicide with a guy.
I've got a wife waiting for me at home, too.
Oh really? Th-They've started using less bullets on us.
I'm assuming they're just about out of ammo.
Okay, let's wrap this up! Gather everyone that's left! Hey, Riza! You're late, Rebecca! My bad, my bad! So for those of you who waited so patiently I've got a few gifts to hand out! Amazing Not just ammo, but all this too?! Nice, Rebecca! I love you! Shut up! Men without money have no right to hit on me! Here.
It's been a while, Colonel Mustang.
Second Lieutenant Maria Ross, returning without permission, sir! Why aren't they rushing in? They can't approach carelessly because we have the Flame Alchemist on our side! But the Colonel can't go all out because we're in the middle of the city.
Oh my.
I came to Central to find hot guys, but it seems like they're all nothing but cowards! Shit! Tear-gas grenades from Xing, packed with red peppers! You got all of these from Xing?! I hadn't heard that you were a part of the mission.
You procured all these weapons by yourself? Or was it on someone else's orders Would you like to speak with him? We're good to go! Here.
Some important person from Xing, perhaps? This is Roy Mustang, a colonel in the state military.
I'm terribly grateful for- What are you acting all polite for? Come on, Colonel.
Just chat like we always used to.
Eighty years at your service.
Anything from underwear elastics to armored vehicles.
Just one call, and we'll have it delivered to you.
Anytime, anywhere.
Your friendly neighborhood Havoc General Store! Havoc! So, where's the money? I'll pay up after I'm successful.
Keep it on my tab.
There's smoke rising from the city.
I can faintly hear the sound of an alarm, also.
Looks like the Colonel and the men from Briggs have begun to make their move.
Central must be in a state of pandemonium right now.
Guess it's time to go.
We've prepared the counter for the Nationwide Transmutation Circle, but it wouldn't hurt to stop it before it's activated.
He's basically just like how he was in the flask, but bigger.
If you destroy his container, he should perish.
We'll also be able to free the souls of the ones that are bound inside him.
But how do we get to him? We're going to use the underground path I took with May in the past.
There are tons of deadly chimera, but we should be able to get through with our current party.
You stay here, Heinkel.
Sorry about this.
Not your fault.
Doctor Marcoh, make sure the military doesn't find you.
Yoki! You wait here too.
Yeah, Brother? I'm going to go out for a sec to beat the hell out of a certain bearded nuisance.
Be careful.
You got it.
It seems like there's something going on I'd hurry if I were you.
Father should be revealing the secret to immortality soon.
I know that! We're going to form a cordon here! Don't let Mustang's group or the Briggs soldiers past the line! Have your soldiers retreat immediately! You all are the ones who took away my right to command Briggs.
You! Do you think you're getting away with this?! Let me redirect that question right back to you.
You've heard from that 'Father' guy, haven't you? What you're going to sacrifice and what you're going to gain.
Yes, of course.
We the chosen ones will climb to a new height, and Amestris will change the world! Change must be accompanied by pain.
Is it really that hard to understand?! You pigs are beyond all hope.
What? You cowards who hide in the rear lines and glance over the battlefield like to pass off 'pain' as if it were something noble, and proceed to make use of it.
Are you planning to turn traitor?! I don't know about that.
I may have become a heroine instead, after everything's over.
However! I'm not as soft as the hero of Ishbal.
W-Wait! What?! Sir! Major Armstrong! Sergeant Brosh.
Don't you have the day off today? I rushed here after seeing smoke from my window.
What happened? Colonel Mustang and his former men are holding the Führer President's wife hostage, and are currently on the run in the city.
What? That coward! First, he kills the innocent Second Lieutenant Ross, and now he kidnaps the Madam? He's a devil in the shape of a human! Major! In the meeting room at headquarters, Major General Armstrong killed Lieutenant General Gardner by Shot to death?! Okay.
Seems like things are moving faster than I'd imagined.
I need to find the young master soon.
However, I can't sense him because the giant flow of energy underground is interfering Huh? It feels like the energy underground has spread more so than yesterday This won't do.
The soldiers are gathered right in front of it, and we can't approach.
It'll be a bit tough to force our way through.
There's another entrance! Research Laboratory 3! Al and the Colonel have infiltrated there before and ended up fighting against the Homunculi! Three guards, huh? Okay, let's do this.
No no, this is the time for me to use my position.
Soldiers! I'm Edward Elric, a State Alchemist! Huh? A State Alchemist, sir?! Please, help me! I'm being chased by Scar! He's a wanted man! Freeze! You're terrible.
Shut up, let's go.
Yeah yeah, coming through.
I think it was around here Here it is! Should we split up? Yeah.
I'll go this way.
Edward and Scar go the other way.
What?! Why do I have to go with him?! If you try to distribute strength alchemy-wise, this would be best.
Besides, when the enemy sealed alchemy, Scar was able to use it but you couldn't do anything, right? Okay, then these two should go together.
What about the rest of us? I'm not your average Joe, so I'll be fine on my own.
But, well I guess I'll take this lady from Xing as my bodyguard.
Okay, so if you see him, give it your all to destroy him.
Roger! Will you guys really be all right with just the two of you? Of course.
Besides, old men prefer being alone with young women.
What a pervert.
Let's go already.
You need to find the Prince of Xing, right? Go.
Er, but Don't worry about us.
He means a lot to you, doesn't he? Thank you.
Seriously, what pathetic fools! They can't even fight properly against those monkeys from Briggs?! Please, wait! We haven't finished experimenting with the soul attachment process yet! Shut it! When would be a better time to use them than now?! We've created so many philosopher's stones for situations like this! Now, move! Devour those traitors! Souls that once dwelled inside humans now dwell inside puppets and are lurching forth.
Although their appearances are deformed, their souls are indeed human.
Next time, Fullmetal Alchemist: Episode 51, An Immortal Army.
Should they be defeated, or should they be spared?
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