Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e50 Episode Script

Episode 50

Why? No, Ruby's right.
Why should I care? So he says nothing happened He's right.
What could've possibly happened? But what if Ruby's memory has returned? And what if she said something to Gyeongmin? No.
If that were the case, Gyeongmin wouldn't be so calm.
Episode 50 It's midnight already.
We'll be here until daybreak at this rate.
Just tell me.
What are you trying to say? You're making me nervous.
Tell me already.
Is he going to break off the engagement? Ms.
Jeong Chorim, what is it that you like so much about me? You wanted to ask me that, and that's why you drank all this? Answer me.
I like you because you're so In any case, we've grown close and I know I'm handsome, so apart from my looks, why do you like me so much that you're desperate to marry me? What? Desperate to marry you? When? Are you kidding me? Then what about you? Why me of all people? You have good looks You said there's a line of women waiting for you.
You said you didn't care for an old spinster.
That's what I'm saying.
I suppose there's only one reason.
Because you like me so much.
What are you trying to say? Stop beating around the bush.
Just cut to the chase and spit it out, will you? Ms.
Jeong Chorim.
What are you doing so suddenly? You need to find a nice man and live happily ever after.
Jeong Chorim.
The truth is I like you very, very much.
When I'm with you, all my worries seem to disappear and I feel like I can do anything.
That's how much you mean to me.
You know? So let's just get married.
But there's something I have to tell you before we do.
Why do you insist on marrying a bachelor? I have a son.
What is it? Are you cheating on me? No, it's not that Then don't worry about it.
I know you're penniless and that you have a freeloading cousin.
The truth is The truth is, I Don't tell her.
Otherwise, you won't be able to marry her.
Dongpal and I are just talking.
I'll head home now.
She's like a nagging mother-in-law.
So what were you saying? Dongpal.
Oh, come on, Dongpal.
Darn it.
My muscles are going to get huge and gross.
I need to take care of myself if I want to look pretty in my wedding dress.
I don't believe this.
Jeong Chorim, my baby, I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry, baby.
What? Baby? You're on my back.
Who's the baby here? Come on.
But I suppose it's okay.
Call me "baby" all you want.
Daddy's sorry.
Dad's going to get way better.
What? Daddy? Good heavens.
I'm your baby, and you're my daddy? Good grief.
I'll be better to you too.
I'll become a mom.
Why is this road so long today? Jihyeok.
- Yes? / - How do I look? Cool, right? It's nice.
Why so much money? What'd I tell you? When I start my business I'll have money.
Use it.
If you run out, I'll give you more.
Thank you.
Also, just because I wore your boxers, doesn't mean you can chew me out.
Uncle, don't just buy suits, get some boxers.
It's underwear.
No one sees it, so who cares? Say, Uncle Daepung, have you met the lady dad's seeing? Yup, of course.
She's a nice person, right? Why? Are you scared she'd leave him and run away? Don't worry about your dad.
You have yourself to worry about.
That lady will never leave him.
That's good enough for me then.
Who is it? Is that you, Dongpal? Hello? - Could you get the door? / - How did you He reeks of alcohol.
Why did he drink so much? Chorim, you're a lot stronger than you look.
What? Dongpal is lighter than he looks.
I should get going.
Have a good night.
Thank you.
You too.
See? You don't have to worry about your dad.
Wait Come to your senses, Bae Gyeongmin.
You're Jeong Ruby's husband.
Jeong Ruby is the woman you love.
Don't you forget that.
Are you heading to the office already? Yes.
I have a meeting.
Did you not sleep well? Why do you look so tired? You do look rather tired.
Um I have to run.
Good morning, grandma.
Hi, mom and dad.
Hey, Sera, did Gyeongmin and Ruby have another fight last night? No.
Why? Gyeongmin looked a bit tired.
The thing is Don't worry about it.
You know how work is.
It gets stressful.
It's important for an entrepreneur to have an attentive wife.
Without any support from Ruby, it's no wonder Gyeongmin's so tired.
We asked Ruby to stay home and be a good wife, but she had to insist on returning to work.
But grandma, married women these days don't stay home and look after the children.
This is the 21st century.
Be quiet.
Whether it's the 21st or 22nd century, there's nothing more rewarding than having babies and raising them well.
Young people these days look down on homemakers and stay-at-home moms.
Grandma's lost her temper again.
So you should think about getting married and having babies.
That's how you can earn your keep.
First, I need to eat something.
Gyeongmin I hate you.
I resent you.
Hello? May I please speak with Dr.
Yu Mingi? Neuropsychiatry.
Is Vice President Bae in? He's on the phone right now.
I see.
So you're saying, even if the patient has dissociative amnesia, she cannot confuse another persons' memories as her own, correct? So, for example, if she calls her boyfriend by a different name.
Or like She thinks her boyfriend is her brother-in-law.
I see.
Oh, okay.
Thanks, Mingi.
So if that's not possible, what could it be? Why did she Okay.
I can no longer be too close to her.
Yes? Hello.
Jeong Runa, I was just about to call.
Why? Something urgent came up.
I can't have our meeting today.
I have to head out now.
Don't worry about it.
I can work on it and then brief you.
Sounds good.
You're going back to your office now, right? Yes.
How do you feel? I'm fine.
I'm sorry, Gyeongmin, for putting you Don't be sorry.
And in the office, address me formally.
Work and personal life should be separate, no? Let's focus on work, Ms.
Jeong Runa.
Even though there are four of us here, we can't come up with a good idea.
It must be even tougher for Runa and Vice President Bae.
Not all minds are the same.
Runa did come up with that ingenious proposal on her own.
I'm sure that team's different.
We should rev up our creative engines and come up with something extraordinary.
Hyeryeon's right.
No matter how hard you try on your own, you can't beat great teamwork.
Jeong is right.
Let's all brainstorm.
Gu Yeonho You're not going to answer? I don't have to.
It's just a diehard fan.
Next up is the budget.
Did we leave anything out? Yes, Vice President Bae.
I'm sorry.
Are you busy? I'm in a meeting.
What is it? Should we have lunch together? Really? Okay.
I'll come to your office after the meeting.
I envy you, Ms.
If you're envious, hurry up and get married.
And at the office, address me more formally.
Work and personal life should be separate, no? Yes, of course.
But why is it so sad? Why? Ms.
Jeong Runa.
What's going with Mr.
Na? What about him? I was told he was sick, but I can't get a hold of him.
He's sick? Once you marry him, you'll have to take better care of him.
His body is frailer than it looks.
But then again, he was in the rain all night.
What? Didn't know he looked for you all night in the mountains? He was being so stubborn.
He seems to have a bad cold.
You should go see him and let me know.
Yes, Director Bae.
The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting It's so nice that we got to have a lovely lunch together.
Yeah? And you're even offering to make me tea.
You're so precious.
You're so very precious.
I'm sorry.
I've been rather distant, right? No.
I'm sorry.
I was the one who worried you.
Let's spend more quality time together.
Thank you.
And I love you, sweetheart.
But why were you like that on the phone? You sounded tense and upset.
Oh This crazy fan kept calling me then.
I don't know how he got my number.
He keeps asking to see me.
You have to be careful around those types.
Don't ever answer his calls again.
If you're worried, you can escort me day and night.
Should I? Insu, are you home? Open up, Insu.
Oh gosh.
You're sweating.
Why didn't you tell me you were sick? Why didn't you ask me to come over? Why suffer alone? I'm making porridge.
Eat up and we'll go to the hospital together.
I'm fine.
I feel much better now.
Stop being so stubborn.
Now that you're here I'm all better.
You're frailer than you look.
I know, right? Is it because I didn't eat right as a kid? I'll go get the porridge.
Insu, where's the tray? It should be in one of the cupboards.
I heard Mr.
Na is working late today.
I'll get every single electronic device, so pay me what you promised.
Isn't this what Gu Yeonho was looking for? You can't find the tray? I found it.
Here you go.
You should eat too.
It's delicious.
Eat up and feel better.
Do you know what Director Bae said? That you need to have all kinds of healthy food because you're too frail.
Insu, I have to get back to the office.
I'll be back after work.
Run along then.
What can this be? Why was it hidden? Was this what Gu Yeonho was looking for? What is this? What can this be? Here you go.
Thank you.
Come again.
Thank you.
Chorim, where's Chef Noh? She probably can't hear you.
She's doing the dishes.
He's won't answer his phone.
What happened? Blame alcohol.
Those two went through seven bottles.
What? Seven bottles? But Chorim seems fine.
That's nothing.
Last night, Chorim carried Dongpal home after he passed out.
What? Chorim is superwoman.
She'll be able to raise ten kids without breaking a sweat.
Gilja, I'm stepping out for a bit.
You can't leave.
It'll get really busy here soon.
I'm taking this soup to Dongpal.
It'll help with the hangover.
Feed him plenty of it and bring him here.
We can't do dinner service without him.
I'll be right back.
She's already making him soup for his hangover.
Good grief.
It's always Jihyeok Dude, worrying about Jihyeok won't help you at all.
But he's my son.
Just do as I say.
We can say Jihyeok is my son, okay? Daepung, stop saying things like that.
Man, this is frustrating.
As nice as Bean Pole may be, the moment you introduce Jihyeok to her as your son, the wedding will be called off.
But if you say he's your nephew, everything will be fine.
How can I pretend that my son is my nephew? You may be able to do it, but I can't, even if it means calling off the wedding.
You won't have to lie to her forever.
Once you get married and have kids, Chorim will have no choice but to stay with you.
This isn't the Joseon period.
That will never work Jihyeok, you must be hungry.
I got you this for your hangover.
Thanks, son.
I should wash up and head to work.
Uncle Daepung, I overheard you and dad.
What? I'll go with your plan.
I'll pretend to be your son.
I think it'd be for the best.
I'm fine, so tell that lady it's okay.
Dongpal, are you awake? Dongpal, open up.
It's Bean Pole's voice.
Talk about timing Stay, Jihyeok.
You don't have to hide anymore.
Come and say hello.
Come on in.
I made you soup for your hangover.
- I'll take that.
/ - Okay.
You're that good-looking guy who ate at our restaurant.
Oh, wow.
What a coincidence.
It's so nice to see you again.
But what are you doing here? Dongpal, who is he? How do you know him? The truth is The truth is, he's I'm the son.
What? Son? Whose son? Mr.
Wang Daepung's son.
My name is Wang Jihyeok.
And this is my uncle.
- Uncle? / - Yes.
So you're Dongpal's nephew? Yes.
You scared me.
Of course.
Dongpal's too young to have a grown son like you.
Daepung, you never told me you had a son.
You raised him well.
He's so handsome.
He's better looking than some of the hottest boy bands.
Of course.
He's my son after all.
I was a pretty boy back in the day.
Jihyeok, right? So you must have come to the restaurant to see your uncle.
You should've told me.
I would've given you lots of free food.
What am I doing? I should set you breakfast.
You should have some too, Daepung.
Hang on.
Look at the sky.
The clouds are so pretty.
It's fall.
Ruby, you remember Yeats, right? Yeats? Is that the pianist we went to see? Gyeongmin, look.
It's a four-leaf clover.
Oh, right.
Let's go.
What could this be? It seems like something important.
I'm sure this is why Gu Yeonho tried to hurt Insu.
Hello? Insu, it's me.
How do you feel? I'm at the office.
I was worried about falling behind.
Why? You should've gotten more rest.
I felt much better after the porridge you made me.
Don't worry.
I won't stay long.
You can't find the tray? I found it.
The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting to voicemail.
Hello, everyone.
We're at the nationally renowned Chuncheon Spicy Buckwheat Noodle Festival.
It's the first day of the festival, but it's already bustling with visitors The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting What do you mean? I came to give you something you want more desperately than money.
I'll do it.
- What is this? / - I'll have your baby.
Why would Insu? I told you, that I love you.
And you love me too.
So I'll have your baby.
And then? Then what are you going to do? I'll raise it to be the best.
It will want for nothing.
You want our baby to be happy, don't you? As JM Group's heir? As Bae Gyeongmin's son? There must be a mistake.
Why would Insu? There's no way Insu could have known.
Why was Aunt Geumhui wearing this scarf? I heard you threw it out.
It's just a stupid scarf.
What are you two doing? Runa's gotten some memory back.
Now you have nothing to worry about.
Maybe we should've listened to mother and called off the wedding.
How can you say that now? Why are you doing this? I'm sorry, mom and dad.
I was right about you two.
After the accident, you changed.
You've become a completely different person.
Who are you? See you next time
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