Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e52 Episode Script

Episode 52

That's right.
I lost everything.
I have nothing left to lose.
I still love you.
I'm waiting desperately for you to come back to your old self.
Why don't you get that? Who are you? Why are you turning into a stranger? I think that's when I fell in love with him.
Before then, he was just a means to fulfill my ambitions.
I didn't love him.
I merely pitied him.
But in that moment When I saw his tears, it occurred to me that love might actually exist.
But I was on a set path, and I was busy.
My opportunities and my desire for success I couldn't give them all up.
You knew all along.
You knew I was Jeong Ruby, not Jeong Runa.
I'll pay her back in full.
What she did was so cruel and horrible, I will look straight into her eyes and make her see the error of her ways.
What are you planning to do, Jeong Ruby? Episode 52 What? She got her memory back? I know.
Your mom and I were so relieved when we found out.
She never said anything, but your mother must have stayed up countless nights worrying about Runa.
So when you see Runa, reach out to her and comfort her.
What are sisters for, right? Okay, Aunt Chorim.
I'm hanging up.
Are you okay, Ms.
Jeong? Do you know where Runa is? She went out to get coffee.
Shouldn't you see a doctor I wonder if something's wrong.
She told me she hated me, repeatedly.
She said she hated me so much.
She said I was unforgivable.
Is it true? Have you gotten your memory back? Where are you hiding? Where are you, Jeong Ruby? Show yourself right now.
What are you doing here? Has her memory really returned? This is taking forever.
Don't you know I'm impatient? Hurry up and tell me what's on your mind.
I heard you got your memory back.
Is it true? Aunt Chorim You can't tell her anything.
It's just something I said.
What? Mom, Aunt Chorim, Insu, and even you are so interested in my memory.
I just said it so that everyone would stop worrying about it.
So you don't have your memory back? Are you sure? See? You're making a big fuss.
It's so exhausting.
What's up with all of you? Are you serious? What's the matter with you? I don't get it.
Why are you so worked up? Whether my memory comes back or not, what does it matter to you anyhow? Is it Is it that you're worried I might embarrass you or Gyeongmin at the office? What? Are you worried I'd go to every single floor and seduce every single man I see and destroy the family? Don't you worry.
Old habits die hard, but I don't want anyone saying I'm back to being the old Runa.
So don't worry about me.
Just focus on being a good manager.
You probably don't know this, but I hear all kinds of horrible things said about you and me in the bathrooms.
Jeong Runa! You startled me.
I should go.
Because I'm a birdbrain, I'll have to work twice as hard in order to catch up to you.
Oh, right.
Do you know who my role model is? The person I want to be like? It's you, Jeong Ruby.
So it wasn't true? Her memory hasn't returned? The number you have dialed is no longer in service.
Please check Daepung! Daepung! Daepung! Darn it.
I need to find a new place.
This won't do.
That's right.
That's good.
You have a heart of gold, but you're all thumbs.
I know.
But then again, it doesn't matter if you're smart or good with your hands if you're not kindhearted.
So about my thumbs, I have nothing to be sorry about, right? What? Good heavens.
So have things quieted down between Gyeongmin and Ruby? This morning they acted like there was nothing going on.
I think they made up.
They said they'd apologize to you.
They came to my room before they left for work.
What did they say? They said it was never going happen again and that they were sorry.
So I had no choice but to apologize as well.
You apologized? Yes, I did.
I told them I said things I shouldn't have and that they should try to get along.
I was so angry that I said some awful things, but I'm their grandmother after all.
I felt bad about it all night, but now I feel better.
You're back.
I'm back.
Huh? Where's Auto coming from? Why does she look so down? What am I going to do about my money? What do I do? Geumhui.
What is it? Did something happen? Gyeongsuk.
Yes, tell me.
Gyeongsuk, I Be honest with me.
What's wrong? If you don't tell me, I'm never going to talk to you again.
I think I've been conned.
What? Conned? You've been conned? Is dinner ready? Yes, mother.
Why is Auto so down today? Have you asked her? Oh Yes Um She ran into a friend on her way back home, and it turns out, her friend has cancer.
She's really upset.
Cancer? What kind of cancer? Oh Um Breast cancer.
Did you enjoy your lunch? Yeah.
I suppose.
Why so cold all of the sudden? If I can see Gyeongmin like this If I can at least be this close I'm happy.
Please don't be like this.
Don't do this to me.
I'll get her a new one.
Why did Ruby do such a thing? Why does she get so worked up over Runa? It's my fault.
Come to your senses, Bae Gyeongmin.
Jeong Ruby is your one true love.
Hi, hon.
I'm sorry, Vice President Bae.
Really? Okay.
I thought honeymoons lasted 1 month.
I'm really jealous, Ms.
Isn't 1 month too much? Mr.
Bae says ours will last 10 years.
Where are you going? He wants to see me.
He says he suddenly misses me like crazy.
I can't let my husband go crazy now, can I? Sorry.
Long time no see, Mrs.
What do you think you're doing? How dare you show up here? I came by because I missed you.
My husband's coming.
It'd be nice to meet your husband.
We have a lot of catching up to do.
I'll call you later.
If you don't call, I'll be back, Mrs.
Who was that? I don't know.
I have fans that show up sometimes.
He asked me for my autograph, but I didn't have a pen and paper on me.
My wife is still very famous.
Should we grab coffee? I'm sorry about everything.
I didn't try hard enough to understand you.
Even though I'm the one that's changed, it seems like I kept blaming you.
I did a lot of thinking.
Gyeongmin Someone once said everything in life requires studying.
Even relationships, love, and marriage require constant studying and hard work.
That's where I went wrong.
I wasn't putting in any effort.
I merely wanted you to be the wife that I expected you to be.
The Jeong Ruby before we got married and Jeong Ruby, my wife, are obviously two different people, but I didn't know that and so I kept trying to find the Jeong Ruby of the past.
I'm sorry, Jeong Ruby.
I'll stop pursuing those kinds of illusions.
My loving wife, Jeong Ruby, I'll accept you the way you are.
Thank you, Gyeongmin.
I think I've been too irritable lately.
The thing about Runa is, I was jealous because I love you so much.
She may be my sister, but she is a woman.
Women get jealous of their own daughters.
Is that so? Of course.
Even grandma makes me jealous sometimes.
What? The love you show me, I want it to be all mine.
I'll do that.
And one more thing.
It's hard in front of your family, but I want you to always take my side.
Yes, ma'am.
Come on in.
Our sales keep dropping.
We're in a state of emergency.
I didn't know Ms.
Jeong Ruby's absence would deal such a heavy blow.
Perhaps you should get Ms.
Jeong Ruby to I told you that was out of the question.
After the talk show incident, Ms.
Jeong has lost the public's confidence.
Having someone like that return won't do us any good.
And Chairman Bae is against it too.
But as a business, this is something we should reconsider impartially.
I am looking for a host who can be the new face of our company.
Please hang in there just a bit longer.
But Director Bae Don't worry, and focus on picking the best products.
For now, we need to have quality products and establish a loyal customer base.
I understand.
Jeong Runa would be perfect.
She has a fresh look, and she has that certain something that draws people's attention.
Runa, shouldn't you go see a doctor? What for? You got your memory back.
I heard you can remember everything now.
You should go see a doctor.
You need to get tests done.
I thought my memory returned but it turns out I was wrong.
Really? I'm sorry, mom.
I do wish I could remember.
You would've been so relieved.
Thank you for dinner.
What difference would it make if Runa got her memory back? Plus, she's nicer and more diligent now.
She used to be a real scumbag.
Mind your language, Chorim.
How can you call her a scumbag? But that's what she used to be.
You should know you were no better.
What did I do? Should I go through the list? Gambling, private loans Wow.
Here you go.
I'm all set.
Listen, Gilja.
Forget my scumbag past.
From now on, you have amnesia concerning my past misdeeds, Okay? Amnesia.
Got it? Look at this picture.
Oh, you.
- Stop it.
/ - Here.
Gyeongmin, I want some fish too.
Gyeongmin, I want some fish too.
Huh? You get it yourself.
What? Or you can ask your husband once you get married.
Dad, Gyeongmin's being mean.
Well done.
Keep it up so that Sera will start thinking about finding herself a nice man.
Wait a minute.
Where's Auto? She's not feeling well.
Really? She should see a doctor.
I'm taking her to the hospital.
Nothing's worse than being sick under someone else's roof.
Take good care of her.
Yes, mother.
This can't be happening.
This can't be happening.
Gyeongsuk, what do I do? With that money, I could've gotten 10 nose jobs or even a head-to-toe makeover.
Have breakfast first.
My hands and heart are trembling so hard I can't even eat, Gyeongsuk.
When I'm in front of the sink, all I can think about is drowning myself and ending my misery.
You still haven't gotten a hold of him? No one's home? No.
Why were you so rash? And you got mother involved too.
You're such a troublemaker.
Hello? Is anyone there? Mr.
Wang Daepung! Mr.
Wang Daepung! Hello? Hello? It's finally time for me to disappear with the autumn wind.
How did you meet him anyway? How could you trust him to just hand him $30,000? You don't even know his national ID number.
His address is all you have.
He's not a bad person, Gyeongsuk.
You're such a ditz.
A real ditz.
You warm up to anyone and tell them you love them, it's no wonder why you got conned.
Don't you know anyone who might know his whereabouts? Perhaps a friend? I do, but Dongpal.
We went to baking school together.
He knows Mr.
They're friends.
Do you have Dongpal's phone number? Do you have Dongpal's phone number? No.
I do know the girl he likes.
The girl he likes? Ditz Why is she calling me? Come on.
Why aren't you answering? It's that woman who's chasing after Dongpal.
All the more reason for you to talk to her.
Tell her to stop making a fool of herself because you and Dongpal are engaged.
Oh, right.
I should do that.
Hello? How do you do? I have something to ask you.
Don't even think about it.
Dongpal and I are engaged, so don't ever call again.
You'll be very sorry if you dare call me again.
Understood? Okay! Good for you.
I'll be Dongpal's wife soon after all.
Is she out of her mind? Listen, lady.
Didn't I make myself clear? Hello? Please help me.
Dongpal couldn't leave the kitchen, so I'm here in his place.
I'm busy, so let's get on with this.
Are you saying you can't give me Dongpal's number? Of course not.
How can I trust you? What if you try to seduce him again? I'm scared.
I'm scared, Dongpal.
Come on.
Then do you know where his friend is? His friend? The friend who lives with Dongpal.
from Dongpal to Daepung? In any case, please help me.
I beg you.
Could it really be true? Say, Dongpal, is Daepung at your place? Yup.
Why do you ask? Um It's nothing.
Say "Ah.
" Huh? Come on.
Say "Ah.
" Stop fooling around.
Give it here.
Give it here.
I want to be healthy too.
Come on.
Give it here.
Good grief.
They are a match made in heaven.
How can two people be so happy together? Can you think of a flashy promotional event? How about a launching party, discount event, tasting event, or a giveaway? Not something cliche.
Something new and eye-catching.
You'd be the best.
After the talk show incident, the press has been Mr.
Kang Seokho.
I'm sorry.
I wasn't thinking.
That's okay.
It just goes to show you what an influential person I am.
I'm okay with it.
Jeong, you're so cool.
You're the best, Ms.
You guys didn't know Ms.
Jeong was cool? Your confidence is admirable.
Can anyone think of any bright ideas? Ms.
Jeong Runa? Let's see How about an autumn-themed concert? A fall concert.
Oh, right, Ms.
When we were in Chuncheon, the Hoban Concert was very successful.
Hoban Concert? The concert by the lake.
It was so beautiful.
Oh, right.
I remember it too.
It was a very memorable concert.
You remember it? Were you there? I don't recall seeing you there.
That's strange.
It's rather hazy.
But I remember being at a concert by the lake.
You remember me going there, right? I was there.
You organized the concert.
There's no way I would've missed it.
Right, Ruby? I'm not sure.
It was a long time ago.
I can't remember every little thing.
Really? You and I are different.
You're much smarter.
I thought you'd remember.
What are you talking about? And Ms.
Jeong Runa, I'm the manager of this office.
Address me formally.
It's just our department here.
No need to be so strict.
We're like family, right? Excuse me, Ms.
Seo? JM Marketing.
Director Bae.
Jeong Runa from marketing is here.
Show her in and bring in some tea, please.
Yes, ma'am.
- Ms.
Jeong Runa.
/ - Hello.
Long time no see.
I trust you've been well.
You seem to have lost weight though.
Thank you.
I don't like to beat around the bush, so I'll get right to it.
Would you be interested in becoming a JM Homeshopping show host? What? I had been wanting to ask you since you first started working at JM, but I've only now managed to bring it up.
Oh, really? See? That smile.
That subtle smile draws people in.
And it also inspires confidence.
I'm sorry, Director Bae.
You're sorry? So you don't feel like it? You don't want to do it? I'm sorry.
Don't say no right away.
Think about it at least.
I don't think it's something I can do.
Plus, I'm not interested either.
I don't get it.
You used to be a TV reporter.
Where did your confidence and interest go? You don't seem to know yourself very well.
I might just stalk you until you give in and say yes.
Director Bae.
I'm just kidding.
It was a joke.
I like how honest your face looks.
In any case, please think about it.
I'd be grateful to have you on this.
I'm sorry to take up your time.
I'll get going then.
By the way, when are you going to wear the wedding dress I gave you? But then again, it's a bit outdated.
If you don't like it, wear something else.
I won't mind.
I'll get going.
What are you doing here? You don't have to come to this side anymore.
Director Bae wanted to see me.
Director Bae? Did she ask you about being a host? Yes.
I told her I'd think about it.
Don't do it.
Why not? This will This will only provoke Runa.
So I can't provoke her? Why not? Why do you think I shouldn't? Look at the lovebirds.
Jeong, I'll be working with Ms.
Seo on the new product line.
Why is he so cold to me all of the sudden? I think we should develop a new line of all-natural beauty products.
I'll take everything from you.
Jeong Runa.
I think I've been conned.
Oh, no.
So only the marketing department manages its budget independently? So you're saying Runa's embezzling company funds? I'll put everything back to the way it was.
See you next time
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