Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e54 Episode Script

Episode 54

That's right.
Nobody knows.
Nobody knows how I feel.
Jeong Runa.
That's why I'm letting you know.
Even with your stolen face and your crooked life, I'll let you see just how far you can fall.
Just wait.
I'll make you see.
These have to be consistent.
- Okay? / - Got it.
Hello? Excuse me? What? Okay.
I understand.
I have to step out for a bit.
But Ms.
Jeong, the marketing meeting's coming up.
I'm sorry, but let's do it in the afternoon.
But Vice President Bae will be joining us.
I'm begging you.
Did something urgent come up? I wonder what's wrong.
Jeong seems like a completely different person when she gets like that.
Are you out of your mind? But there's still time.
Something urgent came up.
I need the money today.
Don't be ridiculous.
Where can I get that kind of money? You leave me no choice.
Where's the vice president's office? I don't care who I get the money from so long as I get it.
I can't do it right away.
Just give me two days.
Two days is too long.
One day? I'll give you just one day.
At this time tomorrow, I'll be waiting at the cafe by this office.
What's going on? What are you doing here? That was Gu Yeonho, right? Why were you talking to him? Do you two have business or No.
We just happened to run into each other.
Do you still suspect that I did something to Mr.
Na? If you did, you did.
If you didn't, you didn't.
But you two are interesting.
What is? They say that there are no coincidences in life.
You keep running into each other.
I feel like there's something special going on between you two.
Don't be absurd.
Does that make any sense? Right? It doesn't, does it? But life is filled with absurdity.
That wretched little Why does she keep provoking me? If we edit out 30 minutes of the opening Excuse me.
Na Insu speaking.
Yes, Director Bae.
What? Right now? What's this about? Okay.
I wonder what it is.
What's wrong, Mr.
Na? It's Director Bae.
She just asked me out to lunch.
Did she just ask you out on a date? What? A date? Nonsense.
Get back to work.
Why do you always pick on me? Everyone knows the rumors.
What rumors? Director Bae is very interested in you.
With Runa in the mix, it's a love triangle.
You said you were getting married, but you keep pushing the date back.
Yeah, dude.
I can send the money I can send you the money for sure.
You're sure about this, right? I'm taking this risk because I trust you.
If something goes wrong, I'll be completely broke.
Long time no see, Mr.
Gu Yeonho.
I'll call you later.
It'll be there tomorrow.
You're as busy as ever.
Who're you trying to ruin this time? I'm sorry about what happened.
Eh? You tried to frame me as some spineless bribe-accepting scumbag.
But you're sorry? Relax.
You even got a citation thanks to me.
Collateral damage.
I was just following ord Following orders? I mean No Well, take it easy then.
What's wrong with me? Why am I so nervous? Bae Sera, you're just buying lunch for your best producer.
Is there an ulterior motive? No.
Definitely not, right? No ulterior motive? That's great.
Why are you smiling at me like that? Oh, my heart.
Am I crazy? What's happening to me? Since this is your treat, I'll enjoy it without any expectations.
It's not a free lunch.
You have to make up for it in sales.
Let's talk after we eat.
What would you like? This guy Why is he so cute when he grins? I'm going crazy.
This is strictly professional.
I'm providing an incentive for my employee.
Chef Noh's not coming at all? He said he'd be here in the afternoon.
But maybe it didn't work out.
What didn't work out? The $30,000.
I think he's going around asking for loans.
I can't believe his friend would You can't trust anyone these days.
I know.
If he can't get the money, he has to move out.
This sucks.
His friend is the fraud, so why does Dongpal have to be responsible? You already know.
$20,000 of that $30,000 went toward Dongpal's lease.
It'll get cold soon.
Where's he going to go? I'm really worried.
I know.
If I had money, I would've loaned him some.
Forget about it.
You don't have money.
He'd never take money from you.
I know.
But I just feel so bad for Dongpal.
I'm sorry, Dongpal.
I'm so far in debt, I can't even kill myself.
What are you talking about? You want the money back? Then move out already! Wang Daepung, you scoundrel I'm sorry I'm late.
Don't worry, Mrs.
I'll figure something out.
Dongpal, can I see you for a minute? Why? Let's talk.
Where are you going, Chorim? Chorim.
You poor thing.
You lost so much weight.
No, I didn't.
Were you out all day trying to get loans? Oh my goodness.
You should pick your roommates carefully.
What is this? I knew he was bad news the second I saw him.
He looked shady and devious.
I'm sorry, Chorim.
I messed up too.
I shouldn't have told Wang Daepung about the lease deposit.
Once you get to know him, Wang Daepung's not that bad.
- He's a big softie / - No.
He preys on people.
You're going to defend him? He's a con man.
Am I wrong? Am I wrong? He's definitely a con man.
You idiot What's this? This is all I have.
Use it to pay the lady back.
What are you saying? You want me to use your money? No way.
I can't do that.
Then how are you going to pay? Geumhui's not a random person.
She works for Ruby's in-laws.
Then what? You're not going to pay her back? I'll take care of it.
I'll do whatever it takes to get that money back to her.
Dongpal, aren't you and I close? Aren't we close like you said we were? Chorim.
Tell me.
Are we? Yes.
We are close.
Then just use it.
You said you'd marry me.
You said you loved me.
You can pay me back for the rest of your life.
Right? Dongpal.
Chorim Seeing you like this breaks my heart.
My heart feels crushed.
It hurts.
I'll help you with everything I've got.
I'm sorry, Chorim.
I'll just take 1% in monthly interest.
What? 1% interest? Please double-check the marketing department's expenses.
Yes? It's time for the meeting, sir.
How's the promotion event coming along? The venue, performers and crew have all been organized.
But the budget hasn't been transferred yet.
Once I pass the proposal, the funds will be transferred.
But is this all the documentation you have? It's a bit scant When it comes to concerts, there's a lot of last-minute changes and incalculable variables.
We can't document everything.
Please understand.
And please transfer the money immediately.
That might be true, but this is unacceptable.
I can't see which funds will be going where.
I can't sign off on this as it stands.
Get all the proper paperwork and resubmit this.
I know what you're getting at, but without the funds, all our reservations might be canceled.
Then give me the documents pertaining to this concert.
I'll look it over and Vice President Bae, are you saying that I neglect my duties? Or are you saying I'm not trustworthy? I've worked independently thus far.
I thought it was a sign of trust and respect, so I worked even harder.
As a result, we've had numerous successes.
Your nitpicking is really condescending.
I'm not nitpicking.
I'm altering the company's system to be streamlined and transparent for greater efficiency, Ms.
The marketing department's done just fine, and we will continue to do so.
I will interpret your interference as your lack of confidence in me.
I just don't get it.
Why were you so angry? As the vice president, I made a perfectly reasonable request.
In front of the staff we have to uphold a higher standard so that they too will work hard and honestly.
If I let you off the hook, they'll deride me for being lenient to my wife.
Don't you get that? Tell me the reason.
I don't want to.
It doesn't feel good.
We're at work.
This is business.
Do you think that's an acceptable excuse? What happens if you disrespect me in front of the staff? What about me? Isn't my pride important too? You being like this, makes me feel like you're babysitting me.
I don't like it.
It's insulting.
Why are you being like this? You used to let me take care of everything on my own.
For a business to be successful, transparency is absolutely necessary.
- Why must marketing / - Marketing what? Are our accounts questionable? You know that's not what I mean.
I don't plan to make any changes.
I'm going to keep doing things my way.
I have a lot to do.
See you at home, Gyeongmin.
I just don't get it.
Why were you so angry? As the vice president, I made a perfectly reasonable request.
Why's he being like this all of a sudden? Has he caught on? No.
There's no way What if he keeps this up? May I ask you a personal question? How's everything with Runa? You haven't gotten married yet, and I don't see you two together anymore.
Did you two break up? What if we did? What? I'm flattered that you're interested, but this is making me a little uncomfortable.
I should get going.
It's almost show time.
If I If I'm interested in you what do you want to do? What? I might have special feelings for you as a woman to a man.
Don't you see the woman in me? I'm not attractive? Director Bae.
I'm kidding.
I was just kidding.
What're you doing? You have a show to direct.
We have to see Director Bae.
Let go of me.
What do you think you're doing? But you can't.
That's against the rules.
Director Bae, the presidents of our supplier firms want to see you.
Really? Without an appointment? Ms.
Jeong, Homeshopping is in chaos.
Why homeshopping? The presidents of the supplier firms barged in without notice and demanded that you host the shows for their products.
They want Ms.
Jeong Ruby? Yes.
They say she's the only one who can stop the sales decline.
So what happened? I heard Director Bae is negotiating, but it won't be easy.
Really? That's not good.
Let homeshopping figure it out.
Hyeryeon, what happened to the concert budget? They're not giving it to us.
Why not? Vice President Bae hasn't signed off on it.
You leave me no choice.
Where's the vice president's office? I don't care who I get the money from so long as I get it.
I have to figure something out.
How do I persuade Gyeongmin? Gu Yeonho is a loose cannon.
What do I do? I need to calm down and think.
I understand where you're coming from.
If sales continue to fall, you will leave us with choice.
We're doing the best we can.
If Ms.
Ruby could just host again As I've told you many times over, our company cannot let her do as you ask.
We'll take care of the matter, so I ask for your patience.
My goodness Then we'll trust you and wait.
Na, you can go now.
You said you had a show coming up.
Director Bae, hang in there.
Thank you.
The filter's been replaced and now it's ready for use.
Thank you.
See you next time.
Hang on.
Where did you get your nose done? Goodbye.
That's all she ever cares about.
Hey, Auto.
Yes? Do you think every beautiful woman has gotten some kind cosmetic enhancement? Yes.
Yes? Good grief.
Oh dear Thank you.
Come again.
Soyeong, bring out the pears we bought.
Dongpal, come on out.
Have some pears.
My goodness.
Cheer up, Chef Noh.
There is always a way out.
You're still young.
Actually, there's something I have to tell you, Mrs.
What is it? Um I'm going to quit.
Where did that come from? I thought about this all night, but I think I'd only cause you trouble if I stuck around.
Honestly, I'm just really ashamed.
Don't be.
You've done so much for this restaurant.
That's right, Dongpal.
We need you.
Dongpal, is this because I charged you 1% monthly interest? No, it's not.
What is it then? Mrs.
Yu, I'll only stay until you find a new cook.
Please try to understand.
If that's what you want, what can I do? But there's still time.
So think on it a bit longer.
I'm sorry.
Oh, no.
It won't be any fun here without Dongpal.
Chorim, go talk him out of it.
Dongpal! What? What do you want? Why did you say you were going to quit all of the sudden? Is it because of me? Is it because of the interest? It's not that You're right.
That's what it is.
Chorim, did I ever ask you to lend me money? I thought you cared about me, but you were just out to make a killing.
You're scarier than I thought.
Now I get it.
You're a loan shark.
Oh my The marketing department's done just fine, and we will continue to do so, so I will interpret any interference as your lack of confidence in me.
I wonder Who would send such a message? And why was Ruby so defensive? Why? Consulting Overview Yes? Hon, let's have lunch together.
You're still mad at me.
I'm sorry.
I was a little flustered earlier.
But I don't think I was wrong.
Like you said, work and personal life should be separate.
When it comes to work, I don't plan on backing down.
Read it.
It's a report about how the marketing department's budget is ruining our company's transparency ratings.
You said people always come first.
Do you have more faith in this report than me, the department's manager? No, but questions are being asked about the marketing department's budget Okay, okay.
If that's how you feel, then I have no choice.
I'll let you look over everything.
But we need the concert budget now, since there's no time left.
I'm begging you, hon.
You promised.
Thanks, hon.
You even got a citation thanks to me.
Collateral damage.
I was just following ord Following orders? I mean No Well, take it easy then.
What do you want? Could I get one moment of your time? What are you scheming this time, Ms.
Jeong? What are you talking about? Gu Yeonho.
He has no reason to come to our office, so why did he come? Whether he comes by or not, how is that my concern? The burglary.
Wasn't Jeong Runa behind it? You took time out of my busy schedule for this silly nonsense? I'm busy.
Isn't it time you got your act together? Be smart about this.
You won't be forgiven again.
I haven't done anything wrong.
You think I'm in business with Gu Yeonho, but do you have proof? Proof? Yes.
You know exactly what you've been doing.
You can deceive everyone else, but you can't deceive yourself.
For old time's sake, let me give you a piece of advice.
Enough is enough, Jeong Runa.
You've gone too far.
When you get to a certain point, you can't come back, even if you want to.
I don't have anywhere to turn back to.
This is where I belong.
Life must be a walk in the park for you.
It must be easy for you to turn back whenever you feel like it.
You said you were madly in love with me, and now it's Jeong Ruby.
I wonder how long your great love will last this time.
Two years? Three? Five years if you're lucky? You better watch what you say.
You watch what you say.
Won't your ardent love for Ruby disappear if she finds out the truth? Will Ruby be able to forgive you for deceiving her and using her? You know how morally upright she is.
Maybe the worst person in all this is you, Insu.
At least I'm honest about my desires.
You act so innocent and pure, but you've pursued your desires more feverishly than anyone else, all in the name of love.
Don't insult me.
You have no right to defile my love.
No right? A man who deceives a woman with amnesia has no right to lecture me.
Love? Give me a break.
Stop wasting my time, and just keep a close eye on Ruby.
If she gets her memory back, you and I are both done for.
Sera, why are you still up? I had a lot on my mind, so I'm reading.
What is it? Wittgenstein.
Wittgenstein? The Austrian philosopher infamous for his impossibly difficult works? I'm impressed.
I could never figure his stuff out.
That's what draws you in.
No matter how hard you try, you just can't figure it out.
When you have a lot on your mind, a puzzling book like this is the best.
It helps you go to sleep.
Makes sense.
By the way, I heard homeshopping had a bit of a crisis today.
I took care of it for now.
Is there anything I can help you with? Don't worry.
I'll figure something out.
Hey, Gyeongmin.
Yes? Can I help you with something? No.
It's fine.
Wittgenstein said, "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.
" What does it mean? I'll let you know when I figure it out.
But if you insist on helping me, there is something you can do.
What is it? Tell me.
I'll do whatever I can to help.
It's about Runa.
I'd like her to host our homeshopping shows, but she says she's not interested.
Can you try talking to her? My sister-in-law? A homeshopping host? I got a good feeling about her.
Please help me out, Gyeongmin.
She's my only hope right now.
You're still up? How can I go to sleep when you're chattering away outside? I'm sorry.
Sera asked me to do her a favor.
A favor? What is it? She needs a new show host.
A new show host? And she wants me to talk to Runa about it.
Why Runa? Sera has a good feeling about her.
She really wants Runa to host the shows.
She just can't.
You think anyone can be a show host? Runa's not just anyone.
She used to be a TV reporter.
What's in that envelope? Why do you want to know? You're hiding something from me, aren't you? Jeong Runa, tomorrow, your vile mask will be removed.
If you need revenge, then just tell everyone the truth.
Why would Ruby have done such a thing? She has no reason to.
Just answer my questions.
What happened? Who was it? Who did this to me? I'll make sure they get divorced.
That fool Ruby, who had her life stripped away, she's already dead.
See you next time
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