Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e55 Episode Script

Episode 55

Why Runa? Sera has a good feeling about her.
She really wants Runa to host the shows.
She just can't.
You think anyone can be a show host? Runa's not just anyone.
She used to be a TV reporter.
I thought it would be better for you to ask.
Sera seems desperate.
I don't know.
I'm tired.
Episode 55 Can I call you when I need a drinking buddy? Sure.
I can be your drinking buddy.
I wonder what he's doing.
Should I text him? Ms.
Bae Sera, come to your senses.
He has a girlfriend.
What in the world are you doing? If I have nothing better to do, I should just go to bed.
Whenever I look into the mirror, I see Runa's despicable face, and I want to cut it with a razor! Do you know what that feels like? I want to shatter and destroy everything.
Do you know what that feels like? Maybe the worst person in all this is you, Insu.
At least I'm honest about my desires.
You act so innocent and pure, but you've pursued your desires more feverishly than anyone else.
She's right.
Maybe I am the worst person in all this.
I don't care who I get the money from so long as I get it.
There's a lot of last minute changes and incalculable variables with concerts.
We can't document everything.
They're not giving it to us.
So you're going to use the concert budget to pay off Gu Yeonho? Jeong Runa, tomorrow, your vile mask will be removed.
Just wait.
Runa, Runa.
Come have breakfast.
Runa's not in her room? No.
She must have left for work.
I'm so impressed with Runa.
She got done late last night, and yet she's already left for work.
Maybe her new job is demanding.
Runa surprises me on a daily basis.
She's exactly like Ruby.
You remember how Ruby used to go to school at the crack of dawn and come back home super late? They're twins after all.
They may not look alike, but I'm sure their similar in other respects.
No, wait.
Those two are very different.
Of course they're different.
They're fraternal twins.
Yeah By the way, did something happen between you and Chef Noh? What? It seems like you had something to do with Chef Noh wanting to resign.
I offered to lend him money.
Money? Yes.
I mean, I know he's more or less broke.
But he has to pay that woman back.
So I offered him a loan at 1% monthly interest, and he threw a fit.
He called me a loan shark.
I couldn't believe it.
Are you out of your mind? That's insane.
How could you say that to Chef Noh? Not offering him a loan would've been better.
What did I do? Dongpal and I may be engaged, but we're not married yet.
We're not husband and wife.
Am I right? I've been ripped off so many times by people I trusted.
When it comes to money, I trust no one.
No way.
Not even me? Will you charge me interest as well? Of course.
You should be thankful if I offer you a loan at all.
Who lends people money these days? Enough, okay? Be that as it may, how can you charge him 1% interest? Don't be so cold.
It makes people lose faith.
You know his financial situation.
Engaged to him, even.
Nevertheless, I can't trust anyone.
Sit, son.
Chicken for breakfast? Your exam's in two days.
I wish I could've given you more support.
I put in a lot of rice and braised it.
Eat this and get strong.
I will.
Say, dad.
Have you heard from Uncle Daepung? He's not your uncle.
We're not related at all.
Don't mention his name ever again.
Look at this.
He fancies himself a movie star.
How pathetic is this? He has nice handwriting.
He shouldn't have scammed that lady, but he did it for our lease deposit.
Do you think he's back in jail? Uncle Daepung would've enjoyed this chicken.
What are you doing? I have a few things to organize.
You're early.
What's in that envelope? It's personal.
What personal thing is it? Why do you want to know? Mind your own business.
You've been acting suspicious lately.
You're hiding something from me, aren't you? What's going on with you these days? What about you? What? Is there anything you're hiding from me? Are you keeping any secrets from me? What are you talking about? What would I be hiding from you? What's going on? What do you know? What do I know? What is it? What is it? Jeong Ruby, have you Good morning.
What are you two up to? A duel between sisters? Of course not.
We're the closest sisters you'll ever see.
Right, Runa? It's about Runa.
I'd like her to host our shows, but she says she's not interested.
Can you try talking to her? Can you see if Mr.
Na's doing a show now? Yes, sir.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Na, the vice president wants to see you.
The vice president? Vice President Bae Gyeongmin? Come in.
The coffee smells great.
It does? Please sit.
Here's your coffee.
What can I do for you? I thought we could have coffee together.
Is this Do you know what it is? Yirgacheffe? So you do know.
You and Runa have the same taste in coffee.
It's just coffee Since you mentioned Runa, I'd like to talk to you about something.
It's why I asked to see you.
What is it? Sera wants Runa to be a show host, but Runa keeps saying no.
I was wondering if you might be able to talk Runa into it.
I think being a show host might help Runa get her memory back given that she used to do TV work.
But if she doesn't want to do it, I don't think anyone can make her.
I suppose you're right.
Oh right.
Last time we met, you wanted to tell me something.
May I ask what that was? Oh, that If you feel any remorse for what you've done to me act oblivious, no matter what I do.
Don't let anyone know that my memory has returned.
Just watch.
Whatever I end up doing, I will be the one who decides.
Yes? What are you thinking about? So about what you wanted to tell me Oh, that? I think I'll have to keep it to myself.
What? It's just a bunch of whining and complaints.
I just felt like we were close.
In any case, I'm sorry.
Come in.
This came for you.
Urgent Proof of Jeong Ruby's Embezzlement of Company Funds Come to the cafe right now You have the money, right? Promise me one thing.
What is it? Promise me you'll never look for me again.
I don't know.
You never know what life might throw at you.
What's gotten into you all of a sudden? So you wouldn't mind if I paid Vice President Bae a visit? Would you be okay with that? I'm leaving.
Go then.
What? But there's no telling what might happen to you if you do.
I got it.
Give me the money and I'll leave you alone just like you want me to.
Now we're talking.
Don't forget.
I'm letting it pass this time, but I won't give you a second chance.
Huh? Gyeongmin.
Why are you here? I got a text message.
I was told to come here immediately.
And I got this too.
Ruby, embezzlement? What's going on? What? What do you mean? What's going on? What do you mean? Is it true you embezzled company funds? Embezzlement? Who would I got the documents too.
Proof of misappropriation.
It's very thorough.
How can that be? No.
Runa, do you hear that? The sound of everything being taken away? That's right.
So you pretended to faint again.
That's what you always do.
Will it work this time though? Everything will return to the way it was.
You must return from whence you came.
To hell.
It was busy.
Sorry I'm late.
Here you go.
Did you hear, Runa? Director Jeong fainted.
What? Why? I don't know, but I heard she fainted at the company cafe.
Vice Present Bae was there to help her.
Shouldn't you go and see her, Runa? Yes, Runa.
Which hospital? She wasn't taken to a hospital.
She went to the vice president's office.
Are you sure it's not just a rumor? No.
I saw it with my own eyes.
I wonder what happened.
I know.
I'm worried about her.
Until I find out more, let's keep this a secret between us.
Why would Ruby do this? She has no reason to.
Why did she need all that money? Hello? Really? Okay.
I have to run.
We'll talk later.
I'm sorry, Sera.
We're family.
Ask her what happened when she wakes up.
Go easy on her.
She might have had no other choice.
Don't worry and get going.
Get up.
I know you're awake.
Do I have to make you, Jeong Ruby? Gyeongmin, listen to me.
Be quiet.
Just answer my questions.
Stop it.
You're scaring me.
Is this all true? Gyeongmin, this is Is it true? What do I do? What do I do? What now, Jeong Runa? So it's true.
Gyeongmin, please forgive me.
I must have lost my mind.
I wanted to treat mom to fancy dinners, and make sure Runa had a nice wedding.
But I had no money and I was too ashamed to ask you.
I only did it a few times.
I swear.
I won't ever do it again, okay? I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Gyeongmin.
Jeong Ruby.
Is this the real you? Was the Jeong Ruby I used to know just a lie? I'm looking right at you, and I have no idea who you are.
Who else would I be? It's me.
Jeong Ruby.
The woman you love more than anything else in the world.
Why did you give that man this money? What're you two doing? Who is he? He's He's He's Eunji's boyfriend.
Eunji's boyfriend? Eunji said she needed money.
That's why I was at that cafe.
She's my friend after all.
But I have nothing to do with that guy.
I met him for the first time today.
I don't know what to think.
I don't know where the lies end and the truth begins.
I don't know anything about you anymore.
Just trust me.
That's what marriage is.
Spouses are supposed to trust one another.
Right? The recipient is unavailable.
Why isn't she picking up? Did she really go through with it? I'll make sure they get divorced.
What? I feel bad for mom and Aunt Chorim, but I have no choice.
Don't do it.
I told you to act oblivious, didn't I? I'm going to take everything from Runa, one by one.
I wouldn't be taking anything from her.
Those things were mine to begin with.
If you need revenge, then just tell everyone the truth.
This isn't you.
Where's the sweet, warm, and considerate Jeong Ruby? The sweet Jeong Ruby? That fool Ruby, who had her life stripped away, she's already dead.
She was murdered.
I'll do it.
I'll tell everyone the truth.
Our time together may have been a lie to you, but to me, it was love.
I'll bear the punishment I deserve.
But you can't.
I can't sit and watch as you destroy yourself like this.
I'm going to Vice President Bae.
No, Insu.
You said you loved me.
What is love? Letting someone live as they want, isn't that what love is? Even if I fall into the depths of hell, I'm going to do it.
I want to do it.
So please, Insu.
Please don't stop me.
Just trust me.
That's what marriage is.
Spouses are supposed to trust one another.
Come on, Ruby.
I'll do it, so move, will you? No, Aunt Geumhui.
I rarely ever do this anyway.
Why's she stealing my job? I'm already on thin ice.
Have some fruit, grandmother.
Oh, wow.
What's gotten into you? You never do anything around the house.
I've been so busy lately, but when I have time, I'm going to learn housework.
Gyeongsuk didn't know anything about housework when she first got married.
It was a lot of trouble for me.
And then you came along, and made me feel doubly unlucky.
The sun might rise from the East.
I'm sorry, grandmother.
I'll try a lot harder from now on.
When it comes to money, I trust no one.
No way.
I can see where she's coming from.
She's been ripped off one too many times.
I thought about this all night, but I think I'd only cause you trouble if I stuck around.
Honestly, I'm really ashamed.
He's right too.
I can see where he's coming from.
But how am I going to fix this? Why did Ruby's in-laws have to be involved? Jeong Runa, hang on a little longer.
You've done well thus far.
No matter how hard it is, you can overcome.
You can do it, Jeong Runa, I mean, Jeong Ruby.
Welcome home, hon.
Why are you so late? I was waiting.
You had dinner, right? I made an amazing pasta for dinner.
Want to try it? Grandmother, mother, and father all said it was delicious.
I can do this.
I have to.
Is this why you got married? Is this why you spent five years looking for Ruby? Is this what love is? Gyeongmin, I caused you a lot of stress today, didn't I? None of it is true.
It's all a lie.
I'm sure someone set me up because they're jealous of me.
Let me relieve all your stress, okay? Stop it.
What's wrong? We've both been so busy.
Haven't we? I'm tired.
Go to bed.
Gyeongmin, I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Gyeongmin.
Who is it? You're still up? Yup.
What did Ruby say? Pour me a glass of wine too.
Have you talked to her? She's impossible to talk to.
She keeps changing her story.
She says it was all a lie.
She says she didn't do anything wrong so I should just trust her.
Then she says she needed the money and that she had no choice.
Look carefully.
Maybe Ruby is telling the truth.
All signs point to the same conclusion made by the papers I received.
This is most definitely embezzlement of company funds.
What do I do? Tell me, Sera.
I don't know either.
If dad finds out, it'll be a disaster.
What should we do? I don't know who I married.
I know marriage changes things, but this is just too much change.
It's so difficult.
Hon? Ruby The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting to voicemail.
Call the business management office.
I want the marketing department's expense reports from the last six months.
Yes, sir.
And wait.
Tell them to keep it quiet.
At homeshopping, there's a model named Lee Eunji.
Get her number.
Yes, sir.
Proof of Jeong Ruby's Embezzlement of Company Funds Why isn't Ms.
Jeong here yet? Runa, have you heard anything? No, I don't really know either.
She fainted yesterday.
Maybe she's not feeling well.
Hyeryeon, give her a call.
The recipient is unavailable.
She's not picking up, Ms.
We can't ask Vice President Bae What do we do? I'm sure she'll be here soon.
Let's just wait.
I didn't think we'd have to meet again.
What happened? It was you, wasn't it? You said you were over me.
You said you weren't going to seek revenge.
So why are you doing this to me? Why are you driving me crazy? I don't care what you think, but it wasn't me.
Lee Eunji? Should I check for you? Did Ruby tell you I borrowed money and I won't pay her back? Where? Where are they? Do I have to repeat myself? We're at work.
Get out.
How did Gyeongmin find out about it? But you must have a rough estimate.
Around $500,000 to $600,000.
Who was it? Dad! You sent the documents to Gyeongmin and Sera, right? Quit your job.
Write your resignation now! See you next time
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