Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e56 Episode Script

Episode 56

I didn't think we'd have to meet again.
What happened? It was you, wasn't it? You said you were over me.
You said you weren't going to seek revenge.
So why are you doing this to me? Why are you driving me crazy? I don't care what you think, but it wasn't me.
So who was it? Who did this to me? What will you do if you find out who it is? Will you get that person involved in a scandal? Or this time around, will you resort to murder? That's not important right now.
Enough, Jeong Runa.
How long are you going to keep this up? Can't you see how miserable you are? I'm not giving up.
This world does not care about what you want.
Life doesn't always go according to plan.
Who was it? Who did this to me? Don't call me for things like this anymore.
Tell me.
Who was it? Ruby? Jeong Ruby? How can a woman with amnesia create such an elaborate plan? Goodbye.
The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting to voicemail.
Yes, Vice President Bae.
Are you sure you got me the right number? I'm sure, sir.
Episode 56 Hello, ma'am.
Where's Vice President Bae? I'm not sure.
He was just here.
He didn't tell me where he was going.
Vice President Bae.
You seem busy.
What brings you here? I came to see someone.
Do you know if Ruby's friend Ms.
Lee Eunji has a show today? Ms.
Lee Eunji? Should I check for you? Oh, there she is.
So we have to meet up no matter what.
I have to run.
I'll call you later.
Vice President Bae! Mr.
Na! It's been so long.
Eunji, can we talk? What? I asked her for a loan? You didn't? No.
Then do you know if your boyfriend needed to borrow money from Ruby? Who? My boyfriend? I don't think so.
Why do you ask? Did Ruby tell you I borrowed money and then didn't pay her back? Let's do this.
All right.
Thank you.
Was Vice President Bae here? He just left.
He didn't come to see me.
He said he needed to talk to Eunji.
Eunji? Where? Where are they? Excuse me.
Have you seen Ms.
Lee Eunji? No, I haven't.
Me? No.
If I had to borrow money, I would've asked Ruby myself.
Why would I ask my boyfriend to do it? This is upsetting.
Also, she would never lend me money anyhow.
She's so coldhearted and merciless.
She's changed so much.
She's changed? I'm not sure if you know, but when we were in school, Ruby was a super kindhearted kid.
She got good grades and was nice to everyone.
All the teachers loved her.
But now she's a she-devil.
It's surprising how much people can change.
I'm such a ditz.
I'm sorry.
Oh, no.
It's okay.
In any case, you're saying you never asked Ruby for money, right? Yes.
Then is Ruby acquainted with your boyfriend? The thing is, my boyfriend Oh, hey.
Here you are.
What are you doing here? I came by the studio about something else, and I was told you and Eunji were having coffee.
I thought I'd join you.
Why are you two here? It's been ages since you've seen Eunji.
You should've taken her someplace nice.
Eunji said she didn't have time.
Eunji, it's been a pleasure.
See you next time.
You too.
Well, then, Ruby.
See you.
What did you tell him? What? Nothing.
I didn't tell him anything.
Tell me the truth.
Are you sure you said nothing? I swear.
What did Gyeongmin say? What did he ask you? Um Hurry up and tell me! You see Um Lee Eunji! He asked me if I've ever asked for a loan.
He also asked me if you knew Yeonho.
And what did you say? I told him the truth, of course.
I said I never asked you to lend me money.
And I was just about to tell him about Yeonho when you showed up.
Why? Is something wrong? Lee Eunji, listen to me carefully.
You asked me for a loan.
No, I didn't.
Just do as I say! You asked me to lend you money, so I had no choice but to say yes.
But you had a show, so your boyfriend came in your stead.
Got it? Say it like that.
But none of that happened.
Just tell him that, you idiot! Have you forgotten who I am? I'm the one who got you a job here and helped you get air time.
If you don't want to lose your job, do as I say.
I'm keeping a low profile for now because of the talk show incident, but the networks will be calling me soon.
You know how important viewer ratings are to them.
Do you think "The Jeong Ruby Show" is over? It's not.
You're my best friend.
Who else is going to help you get air time? Okay, then.
Look out for me, okay? I will, so just do as I say.
Stick to the story I gave you.
Gyeongmin might call you again.
When he does, you know what to say, right? Yup.
I'll tell him.
I was thinking of giving this to you anyway.
You know this is a designer brooch, right? It's so pretty.
Are you really giving it to me? Of course.
I have to go.
Bye, Ruby.
What a loser Thank you.
$12, please.
Thank you.
Come again.
Yes? Go to the market and get some more onions and peppers.
Chorim, you go with her.
What? Why? We have enough onions for today.
And we're getting a delivery tomorrow.
I have a feeling we'll run out.
Really? You can go alone, right? You go with her.
It's too heavy for her to carry alone.
My legs hurt, okay? Fine.
You rest up then.
I'll be back before you know it.
Good girl.
I'll take it easy then.
Just go with her, will you? Can't you be mature for once? Stop making excuses and just go! Why are you yelling at me? Fine.
I'll go.
I'll go, okay? She can't stand to see me idle.
Let's go.
See you soon.
Chef Noh.
Chef Noh.
Yes, Mrs.
Come and sit here.
What is this? It's $20,000.
What? Why are you giving this to me? Chorim told me.
She offered you a loan but at 1% monthly interest, right? I couldn't believe it when I heard.
How can you charge your fiancee interest? No, Mrs.
I feel so bad about everything.
That's why I decided to quit.
I'm not upset at Chorim.
I'm grateful that she offered to lend me money at all.
Be that as it may, she was out of line.
You can't ask for interest from a someone who's already strapped for cash.
This is my money.
Yu And I'm going to charge interest too.
But I'm giving you a raise to make up for that, okay? Mrs.
I know our restaurant's doing well because you're a good cook.
I'm always thankful.
I was thinking of giving you a raise anyway, so this worked out, right? And as for Chorim, don't be upset at her.
You see, she's been ripped off quite a few times.
She says that's why she's vowed to be adamant when it comes to money.
That's why Mrs.
Yu, I'm not upset at her at all.
I totally understand where she's coming from.
That's good.
Thank you for that, Chef Noh.
I was looking forward to seeing the two of you married and happy.
But seeing you like this, it's upsetting.
I'm sorry.
But you're diligent.
If you work hard, you'll pay off the loan in no time.
And don't ever say you're quitting again.
Your connections are valuable.
How could you think of leaving us? Aren't you going to marry Chorim? Once you marry her, I can't call you Chef Noh.
I'll have to call you my brother-in-law.
Thank you very much.
I'll work even harder from now on.
And I promise I'll pay you back no matter what.
Of course you will.
I'm sorry, Dongpal.
I'm a scoundrel.
Huh? It's the con man! Stop! Stop right there! Stop, you con man! He asked me if I ever asked for a loan.
He also asked if you knew Yeonho.
So what did you say? I told him the truth, of course.
I said I never asked you to lend me money.
And I was just about to tell him about Yeonho when you showed up.
Gu Yeonho.
He can't find out about Gu Yeonho.
But the real question is, who tipped off Gyeongmin? Na Insu said he didn't do it, so who could it be? Gu Yeonho? No.
Then he wouldn't get his money.
It can't be him.
Then could it be.
Could it really be? How can a woman with amnesia plan something like this? No.
Of course not.
She has amnesia.
So who could it be? Who did this to me? What's going on with you? Why did you do this, Jeong Ruby? Why? Yes? Honey.
Aren't you working a little too hard? What is it? I'm working.
I came by because I missed you.
Why'd you leave this morning without a word? Was it because of the embezzlement thing? Ruby.
I asked you to trust me.
We're married.
I'm busy.
We'll talk later.
Do I have to repeat myself? We're at work.
Get out.
And don't call me Gyeongmin here.
It's Vice President Bae.
Can you check the time for my meeting with President Jang? Yes, sir.
I will prevail.
Who am I? I'm Jeong Ruby, the wife of the heir to JM Group.
This is nothing.
I can do this.
Jeong Runa.
How long are you going to keep this up? Do you think you can deceive everyone and keep what you have forever? I didn't want to come back.
I'm sorry, Dongpal.
But I was so hungry I had to.
Anyone home? Please take a newspaper.
Dad, I think Uncle Daepung was here.
What? Daepung? Is he serious? He never should've left.
It's cold outside.
I would've kicked him out.
That swindler.
Don't be mad at him.
We're to blame as well.
Did I ask him for the lease money? He said he made the money through a legitimate business venture.
This was after I begged him to turn a new leaf and lead an honest life.
He just got out of jail and he swindles again? Say, dad.
Don't we have to move? We have to pay that lady back.
Yu lent me the money.
I'm thankful, but No.
I'll work hard and pay her back.
Hey, you're all set for the exam, right? How have the practice tests been? Can you get into Seoul National University? Huh? Yeah.
Of course.
Way to go! Like father like son, right? That's not true.
What? I'm Uncle Daepung's son.
This kid Gyeongmin, aren't you coming to bed? You go ahead.
We should go to bed together.
I want you to cuddle me.
Yes, sweetheart? Gyeongmin.
Hon! You're still up? I have some work to finish up.
Don't overdo it.
You look so tired these days.
Yes? Sometimes, I think you're incredible.
Me? Why? Grandma, for one, can be a handful.
And never once did you seem tired or irritable when you were raising Sera and me.
Your grandmother may seem demanding, but she's actually very warm and kind.
When I first got married, she scolded me a lot, but in the end, she always turned out to be right.
And you know how great your father is.
So I've never felt overwhelmed or unhappy.
I've always been thankful and content.
That's because you're such a sweetheart.
You must be tired.
Go to bed.
Mom, could you come here? Come sit with me.
Mom, while you were with dad, have you ever thought of divorce? Were you always this content and happy? You two hardly ever get into arguments.
Why? Are you I just got curious all of the sudden about what marriage and a married couple should be like.
Do you have to forgive and always side with your spouse just because you're married? In the end a happy marriage is In the end What could it be? I don't know what's gotten into me.
You should go to bed.
I'm going to bed too.
Gyeongmin, we need to talk.
Are you just going to keep avoiding me? Hon.
Let's talk.
Tell me everything you want to say.
You remember what I said on our wedding day, right? I asked you forgive me, be understanding, and accept me as I am no matter what, right? And you said you'd do just that.
So can't you do that for me? How can you even say that? Don't you know how serious this is? I know.
That's why I'm asking.
Why are you so broken? I told you.
I went crazy for a while.
I asked you to forgive me.
Please forgive me, sweetheart.
You said you were set up.
You said you had no choice.
What is the truth? You keep changing your story.
When will you stop lying to me? When will you just tell me the truth? I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Forgive me.
Forgive me.
I can't stand hearing that anymore.
Let's call it quits.
We have no other choice.
I can't go on constantly living in anxiety and doubt.
This just isn't right.
I can't get divorced.
Are you out of your mind? We can't get divorced now.
I was on the brink of death.
It was your love alone that sustained me and brought me back to life.
And you're going to leave me now? No way.
Absolutely not.
You can't leave me.
I won't let you divorce me.
Where are you going? I'm sleeping in the study.
Don't, Gyeongmin.
I'm sorry.
I'm begging you.
Please forgive me.
I know I did something terrible.
I won't ever do it again.
Please forgive me just this once.
I can't live without you.
Yu, when Dongpal quits, will we get a new chef? Dongpal's quitting? No.
He decided to stay.
What a relief.
What are you going to do? Have you talked to Chef Noh? About what? About the wedding of course.
After that scene you made, shouldn't you get married right away? What's the hold up? I didn't know it was this bad.
What? I knew he wasn't well off, but I didn't know he was this poor.
This is what it always comes down to.
Chorim, it's just as they.
Yu, isn't there an old proverb that goes something like when the hearth grows cold, so does love? That is, if you don't have money to keep the house warm, love is out of the question.
In short, money comes first.
Money is important, but it's the person that comes first.
Who could it be? Who is it? Ruby.
What are you doing here? We need to talk.
Gyeongmin, has your wife left for work? Yes.
I think so.
You can't help being old-fashioned.
What do you mean? You always go back and forth.
You call her Gyeongmin's wife sometimes, and Ruby at other times.
Stop it, Geumhui.
How can you be joking around under the circumstances? What circumstances? What? It's nothing.
I'm sorry.
Yes, dad.
I don't go into the office much, so I'm not up to date.
You're doing all right, aren't you? Yes, dad.
If anything comes up, discuss the matter with the executives and brief me as well.
I will.
I should get going.
Thank you for breakfast.
What's up? It was you.
You sent the documents to Gyeongmin and Sera, right? What are you talking about? What documents? You didn't? What's wrong? I don't know what you mean.
Are they important? Quit your job.
Write your resignation now! - What the / - Goodness me.
What is this about? Why are you yelling at Runa? Mom, I can't work in the same office as her.
I have to worry about what people think.
I can't do it anymore.
It just won't work out.
Hey, Jeong Ruby.
What did Runa do anyway? Do you know how hard she's been working? Plus, she got that special appointment fair and square with her winning proposal.
Who cares about that? Why did she have to be appointed to the marketing department of all places? Just seeing her stresses me out.
She's driving me insane! Runa, why is Ruby so upset? Did something happen at work? If I stress you out that much, then you quit.
What? I love working at JM.
I have no reason to quit.
I don't know what this is about, but if you're so upset, quit or get me transferred.
You're the vice president's wife and the department manager.
Can't you at least do that? How dare you? Are you mocking me? Do you think this is funny? What's wrong with you, Ruby? She's your sister.
What did Runa do to you? Mom.
What's the matter? Is something wrong? What do I do? Gyeongmin wants a divorce.
What? I have a feeling Runa was behind it.
Why is she always hovering around me, stressing me out? Are you happy now? Revenge isn't for everyone.
Ruby embezzled company funds.
Call Ruby and tell her to come home! This instant! Did Gyeongmin tell him everything? The truth will come to light once the investigation is complete.
But I'm his daughter-in-law.
He won't do anything to me.
Let's call it quits.
I can't divorce you.
See you next time
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