Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e57 Episode Script

Episode 57

Episode 57 What do we now? Did you double-check everything? Does everything check out? The documentation isn't complete, so I don't know the exact amount, but she did embezzle company funds.
But you must have a rough estimate.
How much? Around $500,000 to $600,000.
What? That's absurd.
Has Ruby lost her mind? Are you sure? Numbers obviously don't lie So how many times has she done this? I'm sure this wasn't the first time.
Has she been habitually embezzling funds? What are you talking about? Dad.
Embezzlement? Who? Who would dare to Oh no, Dad! Dad.
Mom, mom! Dad.
How is he, doctor? Chairman Bae, don't think about anything and just focus on resting.
His blood pressure momentarily shot up.
I gave him a sedative.
Once he gets some sleep and rest, he should be fine.
Won't he have to go to a hospital? No ma'am.
Otherwise, I'd have taken him myself.
Thank you for coming.
I'm not going to die.
Don't worry.
Tell Gyeongmin and Sera to stop worrying about me and go to work.
But still Didn't you hear the doctor? I'll be fine.
Tell them go to work.
I'm sleepy.
You go and do what you need to do.
Gyeongmin, tell me.
What shocked him into fainting? What's going on? Aren't you going to tell me? I'm sorry, grandma.
Good grief.
What happened? Tell me.
Sera, you tell us.
Mom, the truth is Ruby embezzled company funds.
What? She embezzled company funds? What? Embezzlement? So that's why your father fainted? I'm sorry, grandma.
Gyeongmin, where is your wife? Have Ruby come home right away.
Calm down, grandma.
How dare she? She almost killed her father-in-law.
Ow, ow.
My head.
My heart's beating so fast.
Please calm down, mother.
Geumhui, bring some water.
Yes, grandma.
Call Ruby and tell her come home.
This instant! Is Ms.
Jeong very ill? Will she be here this afternoon? She should be.
Marketing Department.
Yes, Director Bae.
She hasn't come in yet.
She'll probably be here this afternoon.
Director Bae's looking for Ms.
I wonder why.
Did you really embezzle company funds? Say something! Why won't you say anything? Aren't embezzlement cases taken very seriously these days? Are you nuts? Why did you do it? You don't know anything.
How would that be embezzlement? Gyeongmin's company is also my company.
I can't be penalized for using my own money.
Are you serious? The company may be Gyeongmin's, but there's rules and laws in place.
You can't just do whatever you feel like.
Mom, I told you.
I've been set up.
It's a misunderstanding.
I didn't use any money.
What are you talking about? You just said you spent your own money.
I didn't mean I actually did it.
It was all fabricated.
I was set up by a jealous individual.
That's why I told Runa to quit.
- What? / - What? What does Runa have to do with this? I have a feeling Runa was behind it.
What? No way.
So tell Runa to quit JM.
Why is she always hovering around me, stressing me out? I can't do anything when she's around.
Hello? Where are you? You didn't even come to work.
I had a bad headache, so I came to my mom's.
Come home this instant.
Dad fainted.
What? Father? Why? You'll find out when you get here.
Hurry up.
Why, all of a sudden? Why did father pass out? Did Gyeongmin tell him everything? Or did Sera? No.
He wouldn't have said anything.
But still It's me.
Yes, Chairman Bae.
Good heavens.
This is just awful.
How are we going to sort out this mess? There is a way, grandma.
We can put that money back without anyone finding out.
As you know, I keep work and my private life strictly separated.
I know my family's involved, but don't go easy with the investigation.
Do a thorough investigation and get to the bottom of this.
Hon, why aren't you resting? Yeah, Changgeun.
You should get more rest.
Father, I heard you fainted.
Why aren't you in bed? You need to rest.
I was so worried about you.
Father I You don't have to explain.
We will know what happened when the investigation is complete.
Shouldn't you at least listen to what Stay out of this, Gyeongsuk! What is it that you do exactly? I'm sorry.
Oh, my goodness.
I've never been more insulted.
I've been an entrepreneur for a long time, not once have I created a slush fund or evaded taxes.
But embezzlement? How can that be? You have to calm down, Changgeun.
Please, Changgeun.
This is not the time to be getting worked up.
We need to come up with a solution.
I'm sorry, dad.
I'll look into it on my own.
Have faith and wait for me.
Too late.
I called the audit office.
But it's my wife Let me look into it and How can I believe you weren't involved? Dad.
Changgeun, Gyeongmin would never do that.
Let Gyeongmin look into it first.
I've never been so disappointed in you two.
How dare you steal the company's money? I'm sorry, father.
I always knew you were greedy, but I didn't know you also lacked integrity.
The investigation is still underway, so don't go to work.
Stay home for now.
I won't go easy on you, so brace yourself.
I'm sorry, father.
Please forgive me.
Gyeongmin, what do I do? What should I do? Gyeongmin? Let's call it quits.
I I thought we'd live happily ever after.
With love, I thought I could handle anything.
But I think I was wrong.
That's not true.
You still love me.
I'm all you have.
I can't live without you.
I can't divorce you.
Sweetheart Hon.
I'm going to look for a lawyer.
Gyeongmin! See? I was right.
Love doesn't exist.
Whatever difficulties Whatever suffering Love conquers all? Bae Gyeongmin said he loved Jeong Ruby.
He said he'd stay by Jeong Ruby's side until the day he died.
He said he'd understand and forgive anything.
Love doesn't exist.
He proved what I had always known.
Seo was summoned by the audit office.
Do you know why? Not sure.
How would I know? Whatever it is, the audit office sure makes me nervous.
Seo, what did they say? They had all our expense-related documents.
They asked me about every little thing.
It was nerve-racking.
Why? We didn't do anything wrong.
Plus, we got Vice President Bae's authorization for all our expenditures.
I don't know what they're after, but it made me feel awful.
You'll all be called in soon too.
Oh, no.
I'm scared.
You have nothing to be afraid of.
Whatever they ask, just be honest.
That's right, Jeong Runa.
You've taken your first step towards hell.
I will bear witness to your fall from grace.
Jihyeok, why did you make so much rice? Just in case.
What? Uncle Daepung might stop by while we're out.
Come to your senses, kiddo.
We don't care whether he eats or starves.
Remember that.
Oh, right, I should change the passcode.
Dad, don't do that.
It's getting cold out.
Just leave the passcode as is it is for his sake.
You told me a man's got to be loyal.
Aren't you worried about him? We can't worry about him right now.
He's probably spending money like crazy, so don't worry about him.
Uncle Daepung doesn't have any money.
He made off with $30,000 and gave us $20,000.
Where do you think the remainder went? It hurts all over.
They say people can die of hypothermia year round.
I wonder if that's how I'll die.
What do I do? Gyeongmin wants a divorce.
I'm sorry, Gyeongmin.
I know you're probably very busy.
Don't be, mother.
I should've come by to see you.
Um Ruby told me what happened.
She said she made a mistake.
I don't know the details, but it seemed like a big mistake.
Can't you just blame me for being a bad mother and forgive her? I'm begging you.
The kind of person she is You probably know better than I do.
She never troubled me once as she was growing up.
She's never caused anyone any grief.
She's always been kind and upright.
I think she messed up this one time Mother.
It wasn't a one-time mistake.
I can't tell you everything, but I'm sorry.
So So is divorce the only answer? I thought of the old Ruby as well.
But I didn't imagine that marriage could change a person so dramatically.
I don't know if it's my fault or not.
It all happened so fast So wait just a bit longer.
Please forgive her.
Ruby's not like that.
I I'm begging you, Gyeongmin.
Despite all her troubles, and the absence of her father, Ruby never acted unkindly to anyone.
I'm sure she had a good reason.
Either that, or she was framed.
Gyeongmin, I haven't been able to do anything for you as your mother-in-law, but I need you to wait just a little longer.
I'm begging you.
I will I will get on my knees if you ask, Gyeongmin.
Look at this mess.
Hello? Is Dongpal here? Dongpal, it's me, Geumhui.
I'll be back in a few.
Gilja's gone, we need you here.
What if we get customers? Yeah, Dongpal.
Who'll man the kitchen? Then why don't we talk here? Okay.
Good grief.
Geumhui, let's step outside.
You can't go.
I'll be right out here.
Don't worry.
This way.
This is $30,000.
What? Please forgive Daepung.
I know this money won't make up for the anguish that Daepung's betrayal has caused you, but it's really my fault, so let me apologize on his behalf.
Soyeong, can you hear anything? Shh.
Be quiet, Chorim.
In any case, thank you, Dongpal.
Don't thank me.
All I can say is that I'm very sorry.
By the way, are you really marrying that That woman? Mrs.
Yu, welcome back.
I should get going.
Chorim, Chorim.
That lady left.
Really? Did you hear anything? No.
What are you two doing? Dongpal, what did she want? I called her.
I paid her back.
Huh? You gave her $20,000 back? $30,000.
Where did you get the money? Mrs.
Yu lent it to me Interest-free.
What are you all doing? It's almost lunch.
Get to work.
Yes, ma'am.
Thank you, Gilja.
Why are you thanking me? I lent the money to Chef Noh.
It has nothing to do with you.
But still Good grief.
You're going to break everything.
Really? Thank you, Gilja.
Father, give me the homeshopping branch.
I've come to realize that homeshopping could be a new sales outlet for our products.
I'm sure you know, but the power of mass media is unrivaled.
With homeshopping as the starting point, we could acquire more TV channels.
And then, I believe JM Group could become Korea's foremost conglomerate.
Don't be greedy.
Otherwise, your greed will become insatiable.
You know that JM Homeshopping's dramatic rise was all my doing.
It seems like your greed is already insatiable.
No, father.
I'm just ambitious.
I will take JM Group to the very top.
After you take JM Group to the top, will you take it for yourself? Here's your medication.
Why are you up? You should be in bed resting.
I'm fine.
Where's Ruby? She's been in her room all day.
What do I do? What now? The investigation is underway, so don't go to work.
Stay home and think for now.
I won't go easy on you, so brace yourself.
But I'm his daughter-in-law.
He won't do anything to me.
Let's call it quits.
I'm going to look for a lawyer.
A lawyer.
A lawyer.
Maybe he really will divorce me.
And if he does Based on what you told me, if you get divorced now, you'd be the transgressor.
And so getting alimony will be difficult.
If the opposing party pushes for it, you might end up having to pay.
How about division of property? Even if you're at fault, that's something you can ask for, but you haven't been married long, so you won't get much.
Jeong Ruby.
It's been a long time.
How have you been? Sorry.
I'll be right there.
I'm rather busy today.
So why did you want to see me? I have a favor to ask you.
I was wondering if I could go back on air.
Aren't you reorganizing the program lineup? Ms.
Jeong, show biz isn't that easy.
Do you know how much our network suffered with the abrupt cancellation of "The Jeong Ruby Show?" The programming chief, producer I didn't want to say this but When they think of you, they have nightmares.
But the viewer ratings were great.
The viewer ratings? We started airing "Kim Geumsuk Diary," and it's doing well in your time slot.
After a mishap like yours, you'll have to wait for three years.
You must not have known.
The network is one thing, but the viewers do not forgive.
I'm going.
I'm going! I'm sorry.
Well, then He's not here.
Don't lie to me! I just talked to him on the phone.
Like I said, he's not here, so please just go.
Do you know who I am? You think you can do this to me? I'm Jeong Ruby.
Tell him Jeong Ruby is here.
He says he won't meet with you.
Your glory days ended long ago What? What did you just say? Who's your supervisor? How pathetic.
What a loser.
Jeong Ruby as a homeshopping show host? I'm not sure how our viewers would react.
As you know, your public image is pretty bad at the moment.
It's too early.
I don't think a huge pay cut will change that.
It'd be better if you took some time off.
With a diversified event program aimed at enhancing customer satisfaction, we will be able to reach out to customers and maximize exposure for new products.
I'm sorry, but could we have this meeting tomorrow? Of course.
I'm sorry.
Get me the audit office.
Are these findings from the investigation? Yes.
It's a perfect match with the documents that were anonymously sent to you.
Don't brief the Chairman just yet.
But Chairman Bae said Please.
Seo, do you think Ms.
Jeong really embezzled company funds? Who told you that? Ms.
Jeong would never do such a thing.
Do you know anything about this? No, not really.
I heard someone anonymously tipped off Vice President Bae.
I wonder who it was.
What would you do if you knew? I didn't mean I'd do anything Come on.
Let's get back to work.
Are you happy now? Revenge isn't for everyone.
Stop it.
Let's stop this vicious cycle.
It will destroy us psychologically.
Stop, Ruby.
Please let's just stop this.
I see her face every time my leg hurts, how can I forgive her? What are you going to do? I'm divorcing her.
Gyeongmin says he's getting a divorce.
What? If you're going to do it, don't wait.
I can't live without you.
I can't do it.
I won't let you drag me down with you.
See you next time
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