Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e59 Episode Script

Episode 59

When is that knucklehead going to ask me to marry him? Ruby's pregnancy news is really putting me on the spot.
I'm turning 40 next year.
What are you doing? You should finish that up.
I'm going to take a break.
Dongpal, after we close up do you want to go out for beers? I'm busy tonight.
Chef Noh, don't be like that.
You two should go on a date.
It's been quite some time.
You think so? Soyeong, do you want to join us? Sure.
I'm always up for beer.
Get a clue.
We're going on date.
Do you want to be the third wheel? I have to come, or else you'll fight like kids.
That'd be great.
We haven't been out together in ages, right? Yeah.
You were upset at me when I demanded 1% interest, weren't you? No, no.
I'm a man.
I'm better than that.
Thank you for being so understanding.
It's nippy.
You're cold? Then wear mine.
Stop it.
It's embarrassing.
What's there to be embarrassed about? You're wearing it because it's cold out.
There we go.
Aw man.
You know Ruby's pregnant, right? Yeah.
How will that baby address me? Great-Aunt Chorim? Sure.
I'm going to be a great-aunt.
Does that make you feel anything? That's disgusting.
Shut up.
I can't sleep.
My niece is about to have a baby, but I'm not even married yet.
I'm going to be called "great-aunt" before I get to be called "mommy.
" When are we getting married? When are you going to propose? When I was about to get married, you threw fit and went on a rampage.
Are you going to have me wait until I die? Chorim Don't tell me to wait anymore.
I'm already at my breaking point.
I I I want a baby too.
I might just spend the night at your Ow! Daepung! Dongpal! I haven't forgiven Ruby either.
Nor has your mother or grandmother.
But for the sake of our growing bloodline, we're putting aside our resentment.
Yes? Is your pregnancy making you lazier? Come down and have breakfast.
Okay, Sera.
Good morning, grandmother, father, mother.
Sit down.
It's not anyone's birthday, is it? Isn't this a bit too much for breakfast? Don't get me started.
Your grandma made me cook all night.
Ruby only just got pregnant.
How much could the baby eat? You're such a lucky girl, Ruby.
Stop your gibberish and just have some breakfast.
Yes, grandmother.
You're carrying our family's new heir.
Your body isn't yours alone anymore.
If you wear your pointed heels and go into work in front of a computer it won't do you any good.
So tell the office that you're taking a maternity leave.
It's busy at the office these days.
I'll just work with my health in mind.
Listen to grandmother.
Although we're trying to keep a low profile, word will still get around.
It's not good for you or the baby.
Consider it probation and stay at home.
Yes, father.
I'll do that.
Are you feeling a little better? You had some severe morning sickness.
I'm fine.
Better not to have morning sickness.
Oh, right.
I called Dr.
Let's go see him later.
No, grandmother.
No? I saw a doctor by myself not too long ago.
I know, but still And my mom says she wants to take me.
Oh? Your mother? I see, but I think it'd be better for you to go to Dr.
Kim's hospital.
Rather than going with her in-laws, she should go with her mother.
Okay, Ruby.
Get all checked up with your mother.
Ruby, remember those baby clothes you put in the trash? You threw out baby clothes? Oh They were wedding presents.
Aunt Geumhui, I'm sorry, but could you get me more rice? It's hard for me to get up.
Oh sure.
Hon, you're still mad at me, aren't you? Let it go, sweetheart.
I want to be happy.
I'm not upset.
I'm just baffled.
You kept your pregnancy a secret, you went to the doctor's alone, I just don't get it.
What am I to you? Am I not your husband? Am I not your child's father? I told you.
I didn't know I was pregnant at first.
We were shaky, so I couldn't find the right time.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Gyeongmin.
Where's the fetal ultrasound? Fetal ultrasound? Yes.
Don't you remember that picture Insu sent me a while back? Didn't you get one of those done? I wonder where I put it.
Did I leave it at the office? I'm sorry.
I've been so distracted.
Make sure you find it and give it to me.
I want to carry it around in my wallet.
As for what Aunt Geumhui said, tossing those baby clothes was a mistake.
You can't throw those gifts away.
I know I messed up.
But was because Mr.
Na gave them to me.
Insu? Why? Why would he give you baby clothes as a gift? You find it odd and unpleasant too, right? I told you.
That guy's weird.
That's why That's why you threw them out? Those baby clothes you got as a gift? I threw them away impulsively.
When you're not even pregnant and you get a gift like that it's really insulting for girls.
Jeong is so lucky.
Why? She's been pampered like a princess, and now that she's pregnant, she'll be pampered like a queen.
Hyeryeon, if you're jealous get married and have a honeymoon baby.
Or skip that and get pregnant.
Regular folks like us can't compete.
They're on another echelon.
Echelon? Ms.
Jeong's baby will be royalty, just like Prince William's son.
Don't get so dejected.
It's not that bad, is it? Plus, I'm sure there are many people out there who are envious of all that you have.
Insu Connecting to voicemail.
it's three minutes to airtime.
Standby, everyone.
I'm your host, Jo Yunyeong.
The product I have for you today is a refrigerator with a water dispenser.
I threw them away impulsively.
When you're not even pregnant and you get a gift like that it's really insulting for girls.
Why did Insu get Ruby a gift like that? Why? It looks like a fetal ultrasound.
Why would he do that? Hon, let's go.
He must've sent it to you by mistake.
Wait Is Runa pregnant? He must've sent it to give me the good news.
I don't know.
That might be it.
But why send me this picture? This guy What are you doing? I'm deleting it.
It could upset Runa if she found out.
Women are very sensitive about these things.
I just don't get it.
I just don't That's it for today.
We'll see you next time.
Thank you, everyone.
Thank you.
Na Insu speaking.
This is Bae Gyeongmin.
Vice President Bae.
Could we meet somewhere? Are you busy? I'm sorry to bother you.
That's okay.
What's on your mind? You texted me an ultrasound before, right? Yes.
When I got it, I assumed you sent it to me by mistake and then forgot about it.
But it made me curious.
The baby in that ultrasound, do you know whose it was? Just tell him, Na Insu.
That's the best you can do for Jeong Ruby.
Is it something you'd rather not talk about? I'm sorry for asking.
No, don't be That ultrasound is I'm sorry.
Yes, mother.
It's okay.
I should congratulate you.
You'll be a grandma soon.
I'll stop by this weekend.
I don't know if Runa told you, but Ruby's pregnant.
I heard.
Thank you.
I'll be a dad next year.
So you were saying The truth is it was Runa's.
Before the accident When she has flashbacks of the accident, I show her the photo to calm her down.
Oh, I see.
If it hadn't been for the accident, that baby would be out in the world, learning how to walk.
I'm so sorry.
I'm still reminded of it when I look at Runa sometimes.
I was drunk that day.
I meant to send it to Runa, but I sent it to you by mistake.
I'm sorry.
Don't be.
I understand.
Take good care of Ruby so you don't have to go through the same pain.
I'll take that to heart.
Then those baby clothes and shoes you got for Ruby, did you buy them before the car accident? Yes.
Ruby got married first, so I figured she'd have a baby before Runa.
I feel like Ruby's pregnancy is all thanks to your gift.
He conned someone took off with $10,000.
He shouldn't be out on the streets.
He looked like a bum.
Ruby, what a surprise.
Ruby! Congratulations.
Congratulations, Ruby.
Hello, Dongpal.
I heard you're pregnant.
Thank you.
What brings you here? I was just passing by.
Passing by? You have to take care of yourself.
I was on my way home from the hospital.
Alone? With my mother-in-law.
Your in-laws are thrilled, aren't they? So what did the doctor say? The baby's well? Yes.
Ruby, did you bring the picture? The fetal ultrasound.
Who does the baby take after? Aunt Chorim, it's way too early to make out the baby's face.
It's in my car.
I'll show it to you next time.
You know how worried your mom was about you? Thank goodness.
Until the baby comes, stay in bed and don't move.
Make sure nothing goes wrong.
Chorim, don't even say that.
Why would anything go wrong? Oh I'm sorry.
I'll zip this up.
They're so pretty.
What's going on, Dongpal? You've never even bought me a single rose.
What's going on, Dongpal? Don't pick on me.
When Ruby has her baby, I'll become a great-uncle.
This is a gift from a great-uncle to his great-nephew.
They're beautiful.
This is my favorite shade of pink.
You must be so happy, Ruby.
You're still here? It's late.
What about you? I was on my way out.
Gyeongmin, do want to grab a drink with me? Why don't you slow down? If I do, you'll get home late.
Would Ruby forgive you? It's not Jeong Runa's style to beat around the bush, so I'll ask you bluntly.
Why are you avoiding me these days? What are you talking about? I've had a lot to deal with lately.
I'm sorry if I made you feel that way.
If you're sorry, how about a shot? I heard you're about to become a father.
Thanks, Runa.
Are you happy? Happy enough to forgive Jeong Runa? I don't know.
It hasn't really sunk in yet.
It will soon enough.
Because once the baby's born, there will be no turning back.
No turning back? What do you mean? Some couples only stay together for the kids.
You might set aside conflicts early on, but without a child, how many marriages would last a lifetime? There's a story about a lumberjack who tried to hide his fairy wife's robe until they had their third child.
But she found the robe first and left him.
I didn't know you were so concerned about about Ruby and me.
I know.
I find it strange too.
Like everyone says, I guess I have changed a lot.
But what are you so worried about? That I'd betray your sister? Or that Ruby will leave me? When are you and Insu getting married? Should I really go through with the marriage? Do you think it's the right thing to do? But you two love each other.
Don't you love him? Love? I'm not sure.
What does it matter anyway, right? Hi, Ruby.
Where are you? At the office? Hello? Gyeongmin? Sorry.
Are you drinking? Yeah.
Who are you with? Who are you drinking with? Don't worry.
I won't be long.
Why can't you tell me? I'll be home soon.
You can't even drink a single shot.
What did you hope to accomplish? Seduction? Why not? Don't make me laugh.
You? Seduce your brother-in-law? Let's be honest here.
You just can't let it go.
You flutter about aimlessly, but Bae Gyeongmin is long gone.
But I'm Jeong Ruby.
I'm right here, but he has no idea.
He has no doubt in his mind that it's Jeong Ruby carrying his child.
Idiot! Insu.
Should I really go through with the marriage? Do you think it's the right thing to do? Why? Why did she ask me that? Yes, Insu.
I'm sorry, Vice President Bae.
Runa's rather drunk, so I'm taking her home.
What? Oh But how did you know She called me.
I wanted to say hello, but I have to go.
I'm sorry.
Oh, no.
I'm the one who's sorry.
Get home safe.
All right.
Why's she calling so late? Hi, Ruby.
Did I wake you? No.
Runa's not home yet, so I'm waiting.
She's not home yet? No.
Why are you up so late anyway? Do you have insomnia? Hang on.
Insu, what's wrong with her? She's a bit tipsy.
I'm sorry, ma'am.
I thought she quit drinking.
Has she gone back to her old ways? How did she get so drunk? I'll tuck her in.
Hello? What was that? Did Runa come home drunk? Yeah.
She's soaked in booze.
Insu carried her up.
She was drinking with Mr.
Na? He brought her home so I guess so.
Why did you call anyways? Can't sleep? No reason.
Good night.
Did the three of them drink together? Insu.
Are you trying to apologize? It's fine.
Just go to sleep.
What do I do? I'm afraid.
I'm scared.
I want him.
I want to make him mine again.
I want to look him straight in the eyes, and tell him that I'm Jeong Ruby.
All right.
Then do that.
But But Runa's pregnant with his child.
Bae Gyeongmin, the man I loved, and Jeong Runa, the woman you loved, are now having a child together.
I don't love Runa anymore.
You're lying.
You think I don't know why you're with me? Because I have Jeong Runa's face.
That's not true.
I love you.
I'm in love with your heart, not your face.
My heart? What is my heart like? Be honest with yourself! Think carefully! Why can't you leave me? Is it because of me or Runa? Go away! Just leave me! Runa, what did you just say? Did you just tell Insu to leave you? Are you breaking up with him? No, ma'am.
She's just drunk.
Go to sleep, okay? Enough drunken babbling, okay? Let's leave her be.
Don't scold Runa.
She has a lot on her plate these days.
With Ruby on maternity leave, Runa's doing all of Ruby's work.
But still I thought she quit drinking.
What's the matter with her? Why is she telling you to leave her? She's drunk.
I guess she doesn't like me right now.
It'll be fine once she sobers up.
Don't worry.
Thank you for being so understanding.
Is your father doing any better? Yes, a bit He should get better so you can get married.
I thought she quit drinking.
Has she gone back to her old ways? Why did she get so drunk? Did the three of them really drink together? What if she said something weird while she was drunk? Gyeongmin.
My beloved Jeong Ruby.
Jeong Ruby, you do love me, right? You're sure you love me, right? You're drunk.
Go to sleep.
Don't let me slip away.
Don't let me slip away, Ruby.
Don't let me slip away.
It's all over.
She has Gyeongmin's baby.
There's nothing I can do.
When can I stop this charade? How long am I going to be imprisoned for? Did you drink last night with Gyeongmin? Gyeongmin's finally going to be a daddy.
I wonder who he was drinking with.
It was my dream to become a father, why don't I feel any joy? I have to take you to a doctor myself, otherwise I just won't feel safe.
What'll I do if they find out? See you next time
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